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The Amour series (Book 2): The Ashes of Amour

Page 13

by Coushatta LaRue

  screaming as Abby collected herself. She grabbed a broken piece of the chair and used it to stab the Husk in the throat. It did not scream anymore.

  Jessie was screaming inside and Abby stumbled through the

  the desk. It was confused on how to go around though. Abby noticed its right arm was broken. Pooch raced to it and attacked its leg. The Husk kicked and Abby cursed. Pooch whelped and raced to Abby trying to climb up her leg. Jessie saw Abby and stared at her helplessly.

  “Hey!” Abby screamed at the Husk.

  with short black blue hair. It had boxers on and a button up t-shirt that was bloodied. Its skin was gray and bruised from top to bottom. It looked worse than the others. It started towards her and that was when she realized she did not have a weapon.

  “Shit,” Abby looked around frantically.

  She hit the wall and looked at the cabinets next to her. There

  Abby smashed the Husk and it fell backwards. The Husk was tiny and it covered its eyes. Abby hit it again but this time it jumped at her and grabbed her arms. It screeched at her and Abby froze. Her heart pounded in her throat.

  The Husk snarled at her and they slammed into the wall behind them. Abby twisted around and tossed him into the wall. It leaped forward after it hit the wall. Abby grabbed at its hair and a chunk came out easily. She could smell rot and pus. It whimpered then came at her clawing at her face. Abby screamed then her knee gave out and they fell onto the ground. Pooch attacked the Husk and it slapped her.

  Pooch ran away whimpering. Abby put a hand around the Husk’s throat. Abby felt terror grow inside her. Tears were blinding her and she could not breathe. The Husk was crushing her chest but it was the fear of being ripped apart that kept her from breathing. Suddenly blood splashed across Abby’s face and she screamed. The Husk landed on top of her and did not move. standing above her with an ill expression on her face. Abby leaned forward and stared at the Husk. It had a knife in its head. Abby leaned over and pulled it out. Then looked up at Jessie. Pooch jumped in Abby’s lap and began licking her. Abby stopped her.

  “Jessie?” Abby whispered.

  Jessie was breathing hard and she did not have her jacket anymore. Abby looked at her bite mark on her arm and she was shivering. Abby wiped blood from her hands and reached up to touch Jessie tiny face.

  “What happened?” Abby asked

  Jessie looked at her slowly and opened her mouth. Nothing came out. Her clothes were bloody and ragged.

  “Where is Evan and your father?” Abby asked.

  Jessie swallowed hard and wrapped her arms around her body. She looked down at her shoes and began to cry again. Abby looked over at the Husk then back at Jessie and squeezed her arm. Abby touched under Jessie’s chin and raised her head.

  Jessie looked behind her with tears in her eyes then at the broken door behind them. For a moment she just stared at the darkness coming from the hall then she breathed slowly. Jessie looked at her and wiped some tears away.

  “No,” She said quietly.

  Abby shook her head.

  “I know it’s hard Jessie.”

  “No,” Jessie said suddenly, “It’s easy. But, I don’t like doing it.” Abby stared at her and her large innocent eyes. Abby knew

  it all too well. She did not like killing either. Yet it seemed ever since she had been bitten it was easier. Abby looked away then breathed. She stood. Head spinning wounds aching. Her throat was burning. She knew she would have more bruises there. Abby walked to the door and looked out.

  “What happened? Where are they?” Abby asked.

  Jessie stood behind her with her arms wrapped around her little body again.

  “I don’t know. We got out of the room and ran. We were attacked by Husk. My dad went after them and told Evan to help me. But, the Undead came.” Jessie looked down guiltily then continued, “They didn’t care about me. Evan lost his grip and he had to run. I don’t blame him.”

  “He would have never left you alone.” Abby said.

  “I know. But, he had to.” Jessie said as she looked at the door, “I told him I was safe with the Undead. I would be ok. He wouldn’t.

  But, they found me.”

  Jessie looked back at the Husk she had killed and Abby eyed

  the body of the one she killed outside the door.

  “We need to go Jessie. We have no idea how many of those

  things are in here.” Abby told her swallowing hard.

  whimper, “Evan is out there too.”

  Abby lowered her eyes and wrinkled her nose. will try to.”

  -Chapter sixteen

  Abby took Jessie’s hand. Pooch stood by their feet in silence. With a deep breath they walked into the hallway. They could hear screams somewhere in the distance and Abby could smell smoke. Jessie squeezed her hand. They slowly walked down the dark hallway and into another waiting room. It was covered in Undead bodies and Husk.

  All of them looked as if they had been shot.

  “Maybe they came through here.” Abby said unsure. Abby stopped when she heard rustling coming from behind

  them. Then she pulled Jessie close. Jessie was crying again and shaking bad. She could feel her breathing very deeply. “Something else is here.” Jessie whispered.

  Abby could sense it too. There were other people here. She did not know where or how many. Yet Abby could feel it in her bones. The way they ached and burned. Her blood was racing and she was being drained of energy. She was not sure how much longer she could go on.

  Abby dragged Jessie with her down another hallway towards an open door. They stopped at the edge of the door and Abby

  bodies on the ground. Abby slowly walked through the door and Jessie followed close.

  They walked around the building close to the wall when the

  she looked around. She saw nothing but could feel something

  They quickened their pace and turned a corner.

  Jessie screamed and Pooch started to bark.

  “Hush,” Abby snarled.

  Abby covered Jessie’s mouth and then nudged Pooch with her

  foot. It was only a crowd of the Undead. They looked at them mindlessly and turned back around. They did not seem to be doing anything but standing around. Jessie tugged at her clothes and Abby saw she was pointing at something. Abby looked then noticed a rope around the Undead. They had been tied together.

  Had it been the Husk? Abby shivered as she felt snow fall onto her cheek. She thought of Jessie and leaned down to look at her.

  “Are you okay?” She asked.

  Jessie just looked at her.

  “Get down!” Someone shouted from behind them.

  Abby had no time to think as she heard the click of a trigger being pulled. She grabbed Jessie and pulled her onto the snowy ground. Then reached for Pooch and pulled her close as the bullets

  jerked Abby up and pointed a gun at her.

  “No please!” She begged.

  Jessie screamed and held onto Abby’s legs as Pooch growled

  and snarled.

  The person was in full body armor and wore a gas mask. His

  “Are you bitten?” He asked.

  Abby did not know what to say. “No please. We just have the Scarlet.” Jessie cried. The man holding Abby looked down at Jessie. Jessie was

  pointing at her old bitten scar. Then she pointed at Abby’s leg where she had been bitten. It was bloody and ached even now. She felt the skin throbbing as it burned.

  “Hers ripped open. Please don’t hurt us.” Jessie begged them.

  “I’m sorry. Had to be sure.” He told her reaching his hand out, “How long ago were you bitten?”

  Abby shook nervously.

  “Uh a year,” Abby tried to think but was not sure, “Few months?”

  The man was young. He had ashy brown hair, blue eyes, and a tan face. His eyes were small and his nose seemed too big for his face. The man stepped back and someone from behind the men marched through. Clearly their leader. Jessie held onto Abby tight
ly. Abby’s heart was racing. She had no idea what was happening.

  She feared who they were, feared what they wanted, and feared more what they’d do. She thought of the church she and Evan had been in. The way she had snapped when she had enough. The way Evan’s face bled when the Priest had hit him in the face.

  Something exploded inside the building and it made Abby jump. She was shaking badly and tearing up. Pooch was clawing at her to be picked up. Abby was scared to do anything. Fire was all around them and she could taste ash on her tongue. The person came into view and held a blanket. She held it out to Jessie. Jessie did not hesitate. She took it and wrapped herself with it. Then held onto Abby again.

  Abby looked at Jessie then back up at the woman. She was tall, full of muscle, and had caramel colored skin. Her dark curly hair was tied in a ponytail. Her ears were small and her face was a handgun on her side. She looked dangerous.

  “My name is Ava Bennington. You are safe with us,” the woman

  She sounded much older than she looked. Abby mumbled something but was not sure what to say. She did not trust these people. She did not know them.

  “It’s okay Abby,” Jessie said tugging at her shirt, “They’re with Haven.”

  Abby looked down at Jessie. Her little eyes told the truth.

  Abby looked at Ava and swallowed hard. She was starting to get dizzy again.

  “Uh,” Abby started as she tried to slow her breathing, “Us and my friend Evan and her father Kevin.”

  Ava looked down at Jessie then nodded.

  “Find them now.” She shouted.

  Three of the men hurried away.

  Ava looked back at them and seemed to be examining Abby.

  Ava stepped forward and nodded her head. Looking behind them at the tied Undead Ava sneered.

  “Come on. It’s too cold. We have shelter and food. Have you both been vaccinated?” Ava asked as she turned away.

  She began walking away yet the two armed men stayed. Jessie tugged at Abby and they slowly started to walk. The two men

  bit calmer.

  “I have but haven’t had any vitamins shots since we left Summer

  Haven. Abby has never had any shots. She found us after Summer

  was lost.” Jessie said as if it was routine, “She needs help.” Abby looked at her strangely.

  They came to the front of the building and that was when Abby

  parking lot. Another one was in the clinic and another behind it. There were armored trucks around them and dozens of armed men and women.

  They all nodded their heads and saluted Ava. Ava walked through them with stride. Her hips swayed and the men around her quickly moved out of her way. They walked towards a large black van with its back door opened. It seemed to be a small medical van. Abby looked around as she tensed up.

  front of the clinic. Almost all the men and women wore gas masks. A few did not and they searched through bags and boxes of things being pulled from the building. Abby felt herself shaking. Felt herself losing stamina. She was sweating badly and needed to sit down.

  They stopped in front of the van and Ava turned back to them.

  strip down. They will not hurt you.” She told them in a way that sounded like an order, “You are safe.”

  Abby hesitated when Jessie walked forward. Her eyes staring into Ava’s. Something about the woman gave her the chills. Ava glared at her with coldness in her lovely eyes.

  “It is okay Abby I swear,” Jessie told her.

  Abby looked at her and opened her lips and realized they felt very dry.

  A man helped Jessie into the back of the van. Abby looked in. It was bigger than she expected. There were beds in the back. Large locked boxes, lockers, a medical table, and many supplies. The most shocking thing was the desk with the computers on it. Abby froze when she saw them.

  “Abby,” Jessie said reaching a hand to her.

  Abby looked up at Jessie and grabbed her hand again.

  “It is okay now.” Ava told her with a monotone voice then

  alive though.”

  Abby looked at her as Ava started to walk away. An older man again and started to cry as they shut the van doors. There was a bright light above them as a nurse helped her to a bed in the back.

  It was only them and two nurses and a man who looked like a

  sat Pooch onto the bed. Her head was starting to hurt. Abby sat down and watched Jessie undress to her underwear. She did not look worried at all. Abby was happy it was warm in the van.

  “We don’t have our Vet on us right now but we can get your dog help too.” The nurse with black hair said. She had a thick Asian accent, “It is okay. My name is Ashley.”

  Ashley wore a large white coat and smiled. Abby could see the outline of a handgun under her coat. They all had one. The other nurse was short and round and had thin blond hair. She had a pug like nose yet a kind smile.

  “I am Peggy,” She said with a squeaky voice, “It is okay.”

  Peggy began checking Jessie’s vitals. The doctor stayed at his desk looking at something on the computer. It was pictures of Husk. They were alive and chained in a room.

  “It’s okay Abby. They will help us.” Jessie promised.

  Peggy began to help Jessie clean the blood from her body. She then checked her old scars and took something from a cabinet and opened it. It was a case of needles and small vials. The liquid was white.

  shaking and wondering where Evan was. Ashley helped her with her coat and took her clothes. The Nurse kept staring at the bruises on her neck and cuts on her face.

  “Oh, goodness her wound is open,” Ashley said with concern, “I need the kit.”

  Abby covered her breasts with her hands and looked down at her body. She was dirty and covered in bruises and cuts. Peggy

  old and wrinkled and hunched. His eyes were kind and his smile was croocked.

  “What happened to your neck?” he asked in a Russian accent.

  “I promise you we are the good guys.” He smiled.

  Abby nodded and watched Ashely put on gloves. She began cleaning the old and new blood from her wound and the pus.

  The doctor nodded.

  “You must have been bitten about nine months or so ago.”

  Ashely said as she cleaned the wound.

  Peggy was giving Jessie water. Abby noticed Jessie looked tired

  and her eyes dazed.

  “Yeah,” Abby answered.

  Jessie was rocking back and forth and almost fell forward.

  Peggy helped her lay down as she checked her body for wounds. “What did you do to her?” Abby asked breathing deep. “It is okay,” The doctor said as he took a syringe from the silver

  box Peggy had and showed it to Abby, “It is like a detox. A vaccine

  to help. Those infected can get infections faster. It is a strange

  This will help with that. However, it also puts you to sleep.” Abby watched Jessie as she waved at her and closed her eyes.

  Abby felt a tear roll down her cheek. She did not know if she could

  truly trust them. She wanted Evan with her badly. The doctor

  leaned over and touched her face.

  “You’re cold,” He said, “That is not good.”

  Peggy walked over and started using a warm wet rag to wash

  with her leg and put medicine on it.

  “The bruises take longer to go away than anything.” The doctor

  told her, “All your cuts will be healed overnight. Your bite marks

  may take time. Once they heal they will be healed. The pains will

  last for a long time.”

  “Jessie said that.” Abby mumbled.

  The doctor nodded his head.

  “I am going to poke you now okay?” Ashely said kindly. She took Abby’s arm and Abby pulled away scared. Pooch


  Abby petted Pooch and looked at them.

  “If we wanted to kill you we would have already.” The doctor

ured her.

  Abby looked at his computer at the Husk locked in a room.

  Then sighed. She was a mouse locked in a cage already and there

  was nothing she could do.

  Abby put her arm out and they gave her the shot. It was cold

  sleepiness hit her quickly and she felt herself fading in and out. Peggy helped her lay down as the doctor put gloves on and sat next to her.

  “You will have very vivid strange dreams.” The doctor told her

  wake you’ll feel like a whole new person.”

  With those last words Abby faded into the darkness of sleep.

  -Chapter seventeen

  Abby stumbled over the corpse as she entered the long narrow hallway. She felt her foot go through the belly of it, and she slipped. She reached for a narrow space in the wall where a

  world around her stopped spinning. She opened her bright eyes and let out a sigh of relief. She stood up straight; adjusting her paper mask over her face making sure it was tight.

  Even though she had not been sick since before she and Evan found Haven, she was not going to risk it again. She glared down at the corpse she stood halfway in and sneered at the disrupted expression that was pulled tight across his face. She slowly pulled her foot out, frowning at the black gunk that covered her brown boots. She sighed sadly, wishing she had not worn the boots today. She remembered how happy Jessie looked when Abby had opened her birthday gift. Abby shook the thought away and stared down the narrow hallway.

  Darkness lingered in front of her as piles of bodies lay across the

  as she stared at the Undead that chewed slowly on the corpses. She chewed on her bottom lip and wished she had not chosen this job. She could have been anything in Haven; but because of the ability to get past the Undead unseen, she had chosen the worst job. It made her feel good that she was able to get into places

  she joined the Haven search group.

  The thought went away as she remembered that there was no one else who could do this but her. The Undead did not see her. She could go anywhere and do anything. Even though she did not fear turning or dying, the Undead still sent shivers up her spine. She tried to compose herself as she started walking forward. The darkness in the hallway made her feel as if something was


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