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Shadow Sun Rebellion

Page 43

by Dave Willmarth

  “Or they could be mimics!” a helpful Bjurstrom called out from the doorway.

  Allistor grinned despite himself. “So, you think these things might blow up, or be carnivorous monsters, and you want me to be the one to open them. Is that about right?”

  Everybody in the room nodded vigorously.

  Shaking his head, with a grin still on his face, Allistor cast Barrier in front of himself. Bending down, he examined the lid of the first chest. Not seeing a latch, he simply flipped it open, rolling backward as he did so, just in case.

  When nothing happened, there was nervous laughter in spots around the room. Allistor gave them dirty looks, unaware that the whole scenario was staged to get his mind off their losses. They had, in fact, needed to hold Bjurstrom back from diving into the chests.

  Getting back to his feet and trying to restore some of his dignity, Allistor crouched in front of the second chest. This one had a latch, but no lock. He was just lifting the latch, when “RAWR!” a feminine-sounding roar echoed through the room, causing Allistor to fall backward again. A second later he realized the sound had come from behind him, and turned to find Helen holding both hands over her mouth, her eyes watering as she tried to suppress a laugh.

  “Ha… ha… ha!” He stuck his tongue out at her, causing nearly everyone in the room to release the laughs they’d been suppressing. “You wanna come over here and do this?”

  “Oh, hell no.” Helen shook her head, still laughing. “At least one of those is sure to be a mimic. I’ll be over here, ready to heal. And laugh.” She blew him a little kiss and motioned for him to get to it.

  With an exasperated sigh, mumbling about how an Emperor should receive more respect, he simply stepped back up to the second chest and flipped it open. Without hesitation, he moved to the third, finding it locked. It occurred to him that if anyone had a key, it would be the goblin chief he’d just looted, so he quickly checked his inventory.

  And there it was. A basic iron key. Pulling it from his ring, he inserted it into the lock, and twisted. There was a sharp click, loud enough to make everyone in the room gasp. But no darts or poison gas erupted. Allistor opened the chest, and began to scream. The people around him panicked, several of them casting heals. Allistor shouted, “Gotcha!” and smirked as the others all groaned. He then turned to McCoy. “Think you can handle it from here?”

  The man nodded, looking slightly ashamed, and saluted with a fist to his chest. “We’ll take care of it, Sire.”

  By the time Allistor left the building, the body bags had all been removed, and the looting was nearly complete. The battle droids had lent a hand, then formed back up into guard positions. Some of the orcanin had come down and were happily harvesting the more intact, higher level goblin corpses. When it was all finished, Allistor led them all back up through one of the tunnels and out of the mine. The looting was completed topside as well, and many of the corpses were already fading.

  Three bedraggled raiders came walking around the lip of the mine, their clothes both wet and burnt. The one in front, the only female tank Allistor had noted among the raid parties so far, approached and spoke for the others. “Sorry, we missed it, boss. Got ourselves knocked right out of the ship. Had to swim all the way to the other side and walk back. Swimming in armor sucks.”

  “I’m just glad the three of you are okay. When we hit the next settlement, maybe tie yourselves to something?” He winked at her, letting her know he wasn’t angry.

  Allistor took a moment to open the Stronghold interface for the mine while the others were boarding their assigned ships. He added a wall around the outer edge of the pit, and sensors so that Nigel could notify him if anyone attempted to take the settlement.

  A thought occurred to him. He walked up to Harmon, who was speaking to a few of his ‘specialists’ that cooked goblin meat. “Hey, uhm, Harmon? Got a sec?”

  “Of course, Prince Allistor.” Harmon was aware they were being observed.

  “Talk to me about teleports. Can I set a pad here and teleport back to Invictus?”

  Harmon shook his head. “Only a hub would have sufficient range for that right now. This planet and yours are on opposite sides of your suns right now, billions of miles apart. Eventually, as one planet catches up to the other in their orbits, the simpler pads might reach. But for now, you’d have to purchase another hub. And even then you’d only be able to reach your Citadel in Cheyenne, and the hub in Invictus.”

  “Well, that’s fine. From either of those spots my people can get to everywhere else.”

  Gralen, having overheard, added, “I recommend waiting until the planet is secure, Sire. The hubs are expensive, and you do not want to be in the position of having to defend one with just the forces you have available.”

  Allistor nodded. It was good advice. “Thanks, fellas. See you at the next one.”


  The other two large settlements fell more quickly, not having the elite leadership of the main settlement. They used the same game plan, seeing no evidence that news of their methods had been passed along from one settlement to the other. There was one change. Instead of just Allistor and his people luring the goblins out, Sam and his gun crew joined them in a slightly used M1A2 Abrams tank. Allistor had purchased it for his friend from one of the Texas leaders, and Gene had flown the Bellerophon to pick it up.

  The tank rolled in ahead of the raiders, giving them some extra cover as the goblins responded in a frantic rage, trying to destroy their hated enemy. And just like before, the ships cut loose. Kira brought the Phoenix down for each battle, then returned to overwatch while the tunnels were cleared, in case any ships attempted escape.

  By the end of the day, the exhausted raiders had cleared the three main colonies on the planet. Scouts went out to verify the locations of smaller pockets of goblins as Allistor built up the third Stronghold to make it habitable. They were going to be spending the night, at least. So he put up the walls, gate, sensors, utilities, and purchased shield generators, plasma cannons, and anti-aircraft batteries.

  As the raiders and crews from the Bellerophon and Opportunity began to file in through the gate, Allistor got a call from Kira.

  “Allistor! We detected a small ship taking off from the other side of the planet! We are in pursuit.”

  “Shit! Don’t let them get away.” Allistor practically shouted back. Several heads turned his direction, and he said, “Goblins trying to get off-planet.”

  A moment later, Kira’s voice came back. “We have them in sight. It looks a lot like the one that tried to shoot us down near Chicago.” There was a slight pause, then she added, “Uhm, our weapons officer asked me to confirm he has permission to fire. Something about elves?”

  “Fire!” Allistor did shout this time. He scanned the sky for a good ten seconds before he remembered Kira said it was on the other side of the world. Ten seconds later, Kira reported.

  “Ship destroyed, Allistor. We’re retracing its trajectory, cuz apparently we can do that, to see if there are more ships. Might want to get the Opportunity up here as well, just in case? We can sleep in rotations up here.”

  Allistor looked around for Gralen, and found him already on the way to his ship. “Roger that, Gralen is on his way up. I assume you guys will orbit on opposite sides of the planet or something? Never mind, I don’t need to know. I’m sure you’ll work it out. Thank you, Kira.”

  “Roger that, Sire.” He could hear the amusement in her voice.

  Allistor retired to one of the five hundred sleeping quarters he’d just created within the Stronghold. It was no different than any of the others. He hadn’t bothered with a keep or towers or fancy rooms. He was tired, and feeling down, he just wanted sleep.

  In all, they’d lost thirty-one humans and sixteen battle droids in the day’s fighting. They had loaded all the bodies onto one of the captured colony ships, and Gralen sent a skeleton crew of three beastkin mercenaries to fly them home. Allistor expected to arrive himself, whether via telep
ort or the Phoenix, by the time the slow ship reached Earth. He’d hold the funeral service there.

  Reaching his bed, he found Amanda already asleep, with Fuzzy curled up in a corner, both of them snoring.


  The morning brought a cool breeze as the twin suns crested the horizon. It had been nearly dark by the time they’d reached this third colony and begun their battle. Allistor looked around now, taking in the ancient trees, many of which now grew tilted in the same direction. This particular mine had been dug into the base of a small mountain. The tunnels had not been very extensive, and it had taken the least amount of time, and casualties, to clear.

  Allistor asked Nigel to call the raid team leaders together, as well as Harmon. Gralen was apparently still in orbit.

  They spent an hour going over their maps of the planet, locations and estimated populations of the remaining goblin settlements, and confirming their plans to deal with them.

  The Phoenix and Opportunity descended to pick up their troop complements, and set off.

  The passing of the day was one long blur of skirmish after skirmish, dropped bombs and cleared tunnels. The twin suns were setting again when Allistor finally got the notification he’d been waiting for.

  Quest Complete: Kill or Be Killed!

  You have successfully eliminated the entire Borzgl goblin clan, ended

  the blood feud, and claimed the planet now designated as Orion.

  Reward: 20,000,000 experience. Your reputation with all Orcanin clans has

  increased to Friendly. Your reputation with the entire Goblin race is now Hated.

  Level Up! You are now Level 49! You have earned two Attribute points!

  Since the defense satellites were due to arrive the following day, Allistor elected to stay on Orion another night. He and his people returned to the primary settlement, the first one they’d conquered, and he upgraded it to a Citadel. Expanding the walls, he created a keep with tall towers, sufficient housing for a thousand families, along with shops, communal kitchens and dining, livestock areas, a greenhouse, and the usual amenities. By this time it was almost automatic.

  Once he pressed the button and the light show ended, he purchased another teleport hub for the Citadel, and six pads to spread out around Orion. Just as he was finishing up the installation of the hub, Harmon and Gralen approached.

  “Sire, might we have a word?” Gralen bowed deeply, setting Allistor slightly on edge. Normally the mercenary captain saluted him. This extra deference suggested either a problem, or an upcoming favor request.

  “Of course, gentlemen. Shall we retire someplace more comfortable?” When both the wolverinekin and orcanin nodded, he led them inside the keep and up into the tower where his private quarters were located. They took seats, and Allistor offered them some water.

  Declining, Gralen said, “Thank you, Sire. I was wondering if I might make a proposal on behalf of my crew and myself?”

  “Certainly. Propose away!” Allistor blinked, regretting the way that sounded. His pending proposal to Amanda had been on his mind nearly constantly.

  Clearing his throat, Gralen leaned forward. “We spoke before about the possibility of our families joining us?” He waited for Allistor to nod, then continued. “To be completely honest, I was hesitant to do so, because I was not sure how your people and mine would get along. I know there is much resentment toward non-humans among your people right now, and understandably so!” He held up his hands in a peace gesture as Allistor opened his mouth to respond.

  Realizing that the beastkin expected him to lash out, Allistor shook his head. “If you have experienced this from any of my people, I apologize. I expected some resentment due to your role in the deaths of some humans during your attack. But if there is further, generalized, anti-alien sentiment being focused on you and your crew, I am at fault. I have sworn revenge on the aliens that stole our planet and unleashed the apocalypse on us. And I’ve encouraged my people to share my hatred of them. It didn’t occur to me that this might translate to hard feelings against you, or Harmon. I will make a point of explaining the difference to my people immediately.”

  Gralen bowed his head in thanks. “What I wish to propose, Sire, is that until relations are more… relaxed between our species, our families could take up residence here on Orion. We could defend the place, and help to make it stronger, in your name.”

  Allistor ran a hand through his hair. On the one hand, this was a great solution to his concerns over protecting the planet. On the other hand, he didn’t like the idea of encouraging segregation between humans and friendly alien species.

  “Your crew isn’t that large, and even if every single one of them had a large family, that is not a large population.” Allistor observed.

  “Yes, well, there are many more on our homeworld who would gladly join us. Take the oath and serve as your subjects. The opportunities you offer are… considerably more attractive than our current situation.”

  “How many are we talking about?”

  Gralen lowered his eyes, focusing on his hands as he answered. “Perhaps… twenty thousand?”

  Allistor’s eyes bugged out. That would more than double his current number of citizens. Still, something didn’t feel right. He looked at Harmon. “Before I make a decision, you wanted to ask me something as well? Would it have any bearing on this?”

  Harmon scratched his chin. “Possibly. I was going to inquire about the trade station in orbit. I’d like the opportunity to make you an offer before anyone else arrives.”

  “If you don’t mind speaking in front of Gralen here, what kind of offer?”

  Harmon grinned. “Ah, so we’re negotiating! My favorite pastime!” He thumped his hand on the table in front of them, lightly, so as not to break it. “Normally I would just name a price in klax. But we both know you have no need of those. So… how about an exchange? I get the trade station, and you get the defense satellites for free?”

  Allistor laughed. He’d expected something like that as soon as Harmon had perked up upon sighting the station on their approach to the planet. But he needed to mess with his friend a bit.

  “Tell me, how many people would live and work on a station like that?”

  Harmon closed his eyes for a moment, then pulled up something on a holo display projected from his bracelet. “Maybe ten thousand? There would be jobs for about three thousand, and unless it has been modified, it should support housing for them, their families, and still have room for a large number of short term guests.”

  Allistor looked at the two aliens. After a moment, he nodded once.

  “Alright. Gralen, I approve you bringing your families and friends to become citizens of Invictus. But I can’t condone a complete separation. I’ll work on my people, as promised. And the other human survivors of the world. In return, I want at least a quarter of your people to live on Earth with us.”

  He left Gralen to think about that. Turning to Harmon, he smiled.

  “Harmon, I agree to your trade proposal, with one condition. I don’t have room for twenty thousand citizens here on Orion. Or any way to feed them. At least, not yet. Not even fifteen thousand, assuming a quarter of them go to Earth. I could upgrade the other two major settlements to Citadels, but that won’t do it. So I’d like you to offer a big chunk of those jobs and housing units on the station to Gralen’s people.”

  Harmon looked to Gralen, who was shaking his head. Allistor initially thought the beastkin was turning them down, until a slow rumble in his chest turned to laughter. “You never just do one thing, do you, Sire? Always an angle, always a second and third purpose to your actions.”

  “Well, not always. But in this case, it would seem to be beneficial to everyone, no?” He paused, then added a thought he’d just had. “And if more than five thousand of your people would like to come to Earth, they would be most welcome. We have plenty of room in our occupied Strongholds still, and brand new Strongholds across the continent. I won’t make any of my properties
exclusively human, or non-human. We need to learn to get along.”

  Harmon grunted. “For my part, we have an agreement. The station for the satellites, and I will employ and house as many of Gralen’s people as possible. Best estimate, maybe half of the available positions, depending on their skills.”

  Gralen let out a long, slow breath. “I believe my people will agree. Eventually, we would like the right to purchase land, both on Orion and Earth, if you will allow it, Sire.”

  “Why eventually? I don’t know how that would work on Earth? I could sell you sections of some of my parks, I guess? Or is there some entity or authority that aliens are currently purchasing sections of Earth from?”

  Harmon nodded. “There is. Although, at this early stage, applicants are simply purchasing the rights to parcels of a certain size. Say one square mile. Then they can choose the location of that parcel anywhere on the planet, barring certain locations that have been reserved, or claimed by humans.”

  Allistor looked at Gralen. “I’m assuming that those rights are expensive. And based on your reference to the opportunities available to your people, few of you could afford to apply?”

  Gralen simply nodded.

  “Right! So here’s what we’ll do. You and your people will come live as citizens of Invictus both on Earth and here on Orion. You’ll be given housing within my properties, or Harmon’s station, as any of my other citizens would be. You’ll have access to crafting spaces, farming or grazing, et cetera. No taxes levied for the first year.” He watched Gralen’s face as he spoke, waiting for a smile.

  “Over that year, you can work with Helen, and figure out some space within the National Parks that I own. I’ll sell you parcels for very reasonable rates after the year is up.” Gralen’s lips twitched slightly, and Allistor kept going.

  “As for here on Orion… I suppose today was apocalypse day here. And now we’re into Stabilization? Or, I guess not, since none of the native inhabitants remain. So, that means the whole planet is mine to do with as I see fit?”


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