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His Chosen Mate

Page 8

by Maya Carnage

  "I'm sorry, my mate. I dislike seeing you upset though I know that Piper will be fine. The trackers will find her, I know it."

  I lean my head on his shoulder. "You're probably right." I hope he is, and I hope she is found soon.

  "Have you checked on our faux children? Are they doing any better or should we give up on the idea of parenting right now?" I said.

  Laughing, "They are doing great. I watered them before you arrived. I think my father might actually be a decent gardener if he ever wanted to give it a go." After getting to his feet, Lorth extends a hand down to me, pulling me up beside him. We walk around to the back of the house.

  In the spot where the dying plant once lived, now sits two vibrant fallases. That was quick.

  "I believe we have completed the first trial, Tracy." Lorth smiles down at me. "Now it is onto the next!"

  Chuckling, "Is it easier than this one?" I hitch my thumb in the direction of the plants.

  "It is one of the easiest of the trials. All we have to do is spend a couple nights together in the woods."

  "That's all? We just have to go camping?" I said, raising my brows. I've spent plenty of time in the woods growing up in the mountains. I could do this with my eyes closed and hands tied behind my back. Even if that made pitching the tent harder than it needs to be. I'm kind of relieved that the next trial is so easy. I need to rest after dealing with the ornery fallas.

  "That's all, we spend some quality time together getting to know each other better than we already do," said Lorth.

  "I can do that." Taking his hand, I walk with him into the house.

  The place looks a lot better since we spruced it up. Lorth and I plop down onto the couch. My back rests on his front. It's still early afternoon, but I'm so tired that I could fall asleep right now and sleep all the way through until morning. .

  Stifling a yawn, I take Lorth's blue hand in mine. I trace the rough callouses across his palm. "What did your dad think of me?"

  "He doesn't usually say much, but he couldn't quit talking about you this morning. He was very fond of you, my mate," said Lorth.

  "I liked him, too. Your whole family was great, really." Thinking of how close they were, it made me remember my own family. I miss them.

  Tears spring to my eyes.

  "What's wrong?" Lorth asked noticing my sadness.

  I shake my head, not wanting to talk about them just yet. "Nothing, I'm tired."

  Lorth looks as if he wants to say more but decides against it. Instead, he holds me firmly in his arms, and we end up falling asleep like that. A while later Karen comes banging into the house, throwing her training supplies down on the floor, making a raucous.

  "Damn, sorry. I didn't know you two were asleep," said Karen as she grabs a fruit from the counter. "I saw the plants out back, you guys must be fucking thrilled," she says around a mouthful of fruit.

  "Yes, we are. We will be starting the next trial in a couple days," said Lorth.

  Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I look around the room. The light has gone down considerably. It must be late afternoon to early evening by now. "Is it almost dinner?"

  Karen nods. "The hunters got done early. I was hoping Helencia was cooking tonight. I don't feel like making something myself."

  "Neither do I," I said.

  Karen grabs another piece of fruit and goes into the bedroom. Leaving Lorth and me alone. "I'm sorry," I said, remembering. "I forgot that you wanted to do something today, just the two us."

  He strokes my back. "It's understandable. Now, we will be spending a couple days alone, so it's fine." Like I said he's such an amazing guy.

  It has been easier adjusting to living here because of him. Everything seems all right, as long as he is close by.

  Leaning into him, I press my mouth to his. I meant for it to be an innocent kiss, but I can't help myself. When our lips touch, a spark ignites inside of me. I reach up and grasp his face between my hands, holding him close to me.

  Everything disappears. It's only the two of us. I can feel the thundering of my heart in my chest, and I know that Lorth's hearts beat the same.

  His tongue snakes out, clashing with mine. He groans my name under his breath. Low enough that only I can hear.

  I know it's strange to feel so connected to a person you barely know, but with him, it's like we have always been together. It's terrifying, but thrilling at the same time. It feels right.

  Lorth deepens the kiss, pushes me back until I am lying flat on the couch. He hovers above me. Our mouths still pressed together. His body rests heavily on top of mine, causing me to sink into the cushioned couch. Lorth settles between my thighs. The hard bulge between his legs presses into me. It rubs against my clit with every tiny shift of his body. Lorth begins to rock gently between my legs.

  I link my arms behind his neck. Pulling away from his mouth, I tuck my face in between his shoulder and neck, breathing heavily. I nibble at the sensitive spot where his neck meets his shoulder. He grunts and begins to pick up the pace. The couch releases a groaning sound at his enthusiasm. His cock grinds against my clit eliciting moans from me with every touch.

  My core tightens. I grip Lorth more firmly when my skin begins to feel like lightning is coursing through my blood. Throwing my head back, I come.

  Lorth thrusts against me roughly. I squeeze him tight with my raised thighs. He grunts and his thrusts become sporadic. Shuddering, he falls into my arms, panting.

  I begin to laugh hysterically. Lorth raises his head, looks at me like I've gone mad. With a perplexed expression, "What's so funny?" he asked.

  "We weren't all that quiet," I whispered.

  Lorth looks puzzled for a second before his face begins to turn a dark blue. "Karen," he says with horror.

  Chuckling, I sit up, pushing Lorth back. "Yeah, I think we forgot that we had an audience. Hell, maybe she didn't hear anything."

  "No, I fucking heard. I was going to go out the window, but I didn't think my fat ass would fit through the damned thing," said Karen causing Lorth to look even more uncomfortable than I thought possible. "Is it safe to come out now? I'm ready to get something to eat."

  "I'm going home," whispered Lorth. Quietly, he leaves the couch. Trying not to make a sound, as if that will lessen the humiliation. The front door shuts behind him. "It's fine, you can come on out," I said.

  Karen comes out of the room. She's changed into a light blue tunic, sans leggings. Her legs have gotten more toned since we first arrived. I could never be a hunter. It's not something I would find enjoyable, not like I do gardening. I can tell Karen likes what she does. I'm glad she is settling in so well. Karen's been tough to get along with, and I was worried that she might find it hard living here.

  "You ready?" Karen looks down at me, still sitting on the couch, and lifts an eyebrow.

  "Yeah, let me change into some fresh clothes." Karen lets me know that she will be waiting outside. I head in the back. I change into a clean pair of tunic and leggings and tie my hair back in a french braid. I wish I could do some of those elaborate braids I've seen the villagers where. Even Lorth knows how to do them, though he never does anything fancy with his hair. It would probably look gorgeous if he did. I might have to have him show me how to do some of the simpler ones.

  I meet up with Karen outside, and the two of us walk to the other women's house.

  The others are all still there when we arrive. Helencia stands at the fire, steering some kind of soup in a large pot. Lucia, Jessa, and Kate all sit together on the couch, talking about the hunters. When Lucia sees us, she asks Karen about one of the males she trains with. "Do you know if Ranan is single? I saw him the other day. I think he might have been flirting with me, but I'm not for sure. He's attractive and seems kind. But I want to make sure he's available. I don't want to be stepping on another woman's turf."

  "I don't really know. I don't talk that much to most of the hunters. Gher gets jealous." Karen sits down in a chair.

  "Since when did you care ab
out his feelings?" Kate lifts her brow sardonically.

  "I don't. He makes sure to let the hunters know that I'm off limits. That none of them are allowed to take an interest in me. It's fucking annoying because most of them won't even say a word to me," said Karen.

  I didn't take Gher for the possessive type. It doesn't seem to fit his personality, but with some men, you never really know. Maybe he thought that Karen would like one of the other guys better, so he wanted to make sure she didn't get the chance to know any of them.

  "Are any of the hunters single? They have to be sexy, though." Jessa props her feet up on the table, earning a tsk from Helencia. Ignoring her, Jessa reclines in her seat, getting more comfortable.

  "Most of the hunters are. A lot of the females in this tribe tries to mate with a male that is around more often, the hunters are always leaving," said Karen.

  "So you're saying that pretty much all of those fine fellas are available?" said Jessa.

  "Yeah, though I don't think any of them are looking to settle down."

  "Neither am I."

  From in the kitchen, I see Helencia ladle soup into several bowls. "Dinner's done!" She shouts, placing the bowls and utensils on a tray. Coming into the living area, Helencia walks slowly. When the tray is safely placed on the table, after she swats at Jessa to move her feet, we all take a bowl and dig in as if we are starving. Helencia sits down on a stool next to the couch. "I thought that we could make a care package for Piper. When she gets back, we can have the hunters take it to the Desert tribe."

  "What will we put in it?" Asked Kate.

  "Blankets, curtains, soaps, lotions, you know stuff that will make her feel more at home here."

  "I think that's a great idea, Hel. There isn't much we can do, but we can make her feel more at ease when she does return," I said.

  We spend the rest of the meal chatting about Piper and the recent gossip going around in the tribe. When the meal is done, I help Helencia clean up. When we finally make it back home, it is just getting dark out, the three of us fall into bed. We're out cold within minutes.

  Chapter Eight


  I spent the last couple days, preparing for the trip my mate and I will be leaving for tonight. I'm happy to be moving on to the next trial with Tracy, but since she heard the sad news about her friend, things have been strained between the two of us. We've shared a kiss here and there and even gone further. I feel that Tracy is shutting me out. I don't like it, not at all. We are going to be mates, that means that we need to be there for each other. I want that with her. I know that Piper being taken is causing Tracy to feel very stressed and pressured, but I don't want it to set us back. I know that she needs me to be patient and considerate of everything, I understand that I just would like it if Tracy opened up about how she was feeling.

  I'm hoping that these next few days will bring us closer together, that they will help ease some of my mate's stress.

  I've packed everything we will need, plus extra supplies just in case. We will be leaving tonight after the tribe's dinner. We were going to leave this morning, but Tracy wanted to stay because the woman Helencia is cooking a meal tonight. She said that she is nervous and that it would make her feel better if all of the women were there to support her.

  To make sure I have everything we will need, I set the sacks down by the door, and go over everything once more. When I am done, Ferle comes running into the house. "Why are you in such a hurry? And shouldn't you be in training?" I frown down at my unruly nephew. It isn't strange to see him skipping out of training. He reminds me of a young Havrick. Havrick couldn't stand the teachers. He thought that they all disliked him, and made him the object of unnecessary attention. Most days my little brother didn't go to training, he would instead go and help out our father at the shop.

  "I heard that you were going out in the woods. Is it true, Uncle Lorth?" The small child looks up at me his face pinched in insult.

  Nodding my head, "I'm going with Tracy, Ferle. It's for the mating trials," I say.

  The boy's face drops, sighing. "But when are you going to take me? You promised that you would do it here soon." I sink into a crouch, cupping the child's shoulders in my hands. "I promise that when Tracy and I are done with all of the trials, I'll take you camping. We'll even go down to the big lake and fish. What do you say? Does that sound like a good idea?"

  "I guess, but that isn't going to be too much longer is it?"

  I shake my head. "No, not that much longer."

  He gives a firm nod of his head. "All right, that will be fine. Will you walk back to training with me?" He slips his small hand into mine.

  Ferle chats about his mates and how Hexxil isn't complaining as much as she used to, though she still isn't that big of a fan of gardening. Maybe gardening isn't for her, but at least she is coming out of her shell. I know that Exxil must be happy that his daughter is behaving more socially.

  After dropping off Ferle, I find Tracy in the garden, talking with Lucia. Waving to them, I make my way to the shed and grab a small rake and bucket. I take up a place next to Tracy. I say hello to Lucia, who then moves over to the next row of vegetables.

  "Are you all ready for the next trial, Tracy?" I asked.

  "I already have my bag packed and ready to go." She lays down her rake, wipes off the sweat across her forehead and sits back on her haunches. "Lucia said that while we are gone, she'll keep an eye on Hexxil. She said that even though they didn't spend that much time together the other day, she thinks that they hit it off. It would probably do Hexxil some good to spend some time with Lucia. Hell, maybe she can go over and hang out with the others, too. Do you think that Exxil would mind if she did that?"

  I shake my head, pulling out some clumps of weeds from around a root plant. "Exxil wants Hex to start having more fun, so if he thinks she will enjoy herself with them, he won't mind." Exxil is at times overprotective of his children, but I know that when it comes to their happiness, if he has to take a step back, then he will.

  "I'll let Lucia know," said Tracy.

  We spend the rest of the morning, and most of the afternoon, working on the garden. With the three of us working on it most of the weeds are gone, and all of the watering is done for the day. I can't believe that just a season ago, I was practically the only person working in the garden. Now there are three of us who work daily in making sure the plants are thriving. Hopefully, more tribesmen will start finding an interest in the garden, and then we can increase the size of the garden. If Hexxil doesn't enjoy the work, maybe one of her mates will. I will have to ask her about it the next time I see her.

  When Tracy and Lucia are done with their work, they pick up their tools and start heading toward the shed. "Wait! I'll take those." I grab the tools from their hands, waving off their grasping hands when they try to take them back. "No, it's all right. You two should go ahead and find the others. Helencia might need your help making sure everything is ready for this evening." I turn from them, moving to place the tools back on the shelves in the shed.

  Tracy stays behind when Lucia begins walking back to the village center. "Hey, can we talk for a second?"

  I nod, setting the tools down on the ground, I face Tracy.

  "So I know that I've been distant lately, and I just wanted to let you know that it has nothing to do with you. I've just been worried about Piper. The hunters left yesterday, so I'm hoping that by the time we return they'll have some good news."

  "It's okay, Tracy. I know that you've been dealing with a lot, and you don't have to apologize to me for being upset. I understand I do," I said, reassuring her.

  She smiles tightly before turning around, heading toward the village. I pick up the tools I dropped on the ground and place them on the shelves.

  The evening meal is here soon, and Tracy and I will be leaving soon after. I probably won't get a chance to talk to Pops afterward because I will be too busy gathering our bags so I guess it would be best if I went ahead and spoke with him now
, before the meal.

  With that decided, I make my way to the shop, where I find Havrick and Exxil hard at work. What causes me to come to a halting stop, is the fact that my father is nowhere around, which is very odd. Since as long as I can remember, he has always been at the shop from opening to closing. Even when he doesn't feel good, you will find him at his blacksmith shop.

  "Where's Pops?" I asked, making my way to stand next to Exxil.

  Exxil beats at an ax. Sweat runs down his back, and smoot streaks his blue skin. He places the ax down on the table, grabbing a cloth to mop his brow. "I don't know. He asked if I would stay behind and work with Havrick. He didn't say why. I was going to ask but by the time I turned around he was already out the door," said Exxil, shrugging.

  That's strange. It isn't like Pops to abandon the shop. Especially on such short notice. Shaking my head in confusion, I ask Exxil to let Pops know I was looking for him if he comes back to the shop before I can find him.

  "I will. It's been slow here today. Havrick's been handling most of the work. I've been working on repairs, though I will admit that I've been distracted since Pops left. He didn't even say where he was going, don't you find that odd? It just isn't like him, and now I'm thinking the worst. What if he went to see a mage?" Exxil draws in a deep breath. "You don't think he's sick, do you?"

  Chuckling lightly, "No, Exxil. He probably wanted some privacy it isn't strange wanting to have a few moments to yourself once in a while."

  "It is when it comes to Pops."

  "Yeah! I don't even remember the last time he just went off without explaining to us why he was leaving." Havrick comes over to stand next to us. In his hand is a gleaming blade for a spear. "Do you know where the wood is for this?" He asks, holding up the spearhead.

  "It's over there, in the back corner." Exxil points to the right of the shop.


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