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What Skylar Needs

Page 9

by Lanee Lane

  "Geez, Mom, please." Despite the exasperation in his voice, he scooped her up into a hug.

  "What? I’m just stating facts, Son."

  When Skylar released his mother, she turned her attention back to Melanie.

  "Come on, dear. I'll take you to where the girls are. We have mimosas."

  Arabella headed down the hall toward the stairs, and Melanie fell in step behind her. At the bottom of the stairs, she looked over her shoulder and waggled her fingers at Skylar. He was on his own for now, but hopefully Candace wouldn't be there anytime soon.

  Skylar headed to the back patio to search for his dad and Brendon. They were standing on the lawn watching a crew set up tables under a tent.

  "Hey, Sky," his dad greeted him.

  "Hey, Pops."

  He slung an arm around Brendon's neck and gave it a brotherly squeeze. Brendon gave him a light punch on the arm.

  "So, I heard you were bringing your foxy neighbor," Brendon said.

  Skylar popped the bottle tab on the beer his father had handed him. He took a big swig of the fizzy drink and relished in the cold liquid sliding down his throat. He would need all the booze he could get if he had to fight off Candace all day and night. Skylar wasn't an idiot, and he knew having a date wouldn't stop her. Candace was used to getting what she wanted, and she'd set her eyes on him.

  "I brought Melanie. Mom dragged her off to be with the other women."

  "Your mom seems to like her," Skylar's father piped in.

  "Yeah, so does Sam. That's why I begged her to come for the last few weeks. That and I needed a buffer for Candace."

  "Son, Melanie's a beautiful lady. I'd bet she doesn't stay glued to your side all night."

  "As long as she is with me during the important parts, I think I can handle the rest."

  His dad looked at him with a little smile on his face. The older Stillman was a man of few words, but when he said something there was meaning in it. Skylar didn't know what that smile was about. He chalked it up to the old man giving away his only daughter later.

  A few minutes before four o'clock, Skylar met up with Melanie for the first time since they got there. He wasn't sure why they'd even had to be there so early since he wasn't in the wedding, but his mother insisted. So he, his brother, and his dad had hung out eating, watching T.V. and smack talking about sports. At one point, they even went into the room with the groom and groomsmen. His mother told them it was important for them to bond so that the photographer could get photos of them all. All Skylar knew was that he couldn't wait for the reception. He could drink and everyone else would be too toasted to bother him.

  Candace hadn't appeared yet, and for that he was thankful. She had to be there by now. The wedding was about to start, and he'd seen her parents mingling with other guests. When she struck, he'd have his buffer.

  Skylar led Melanie to the front row reserved for their family.

  "Wow, I feel so VIP getting to sit in the front row at your sister's wedding." Melanie's voice seemed a little different. It had a lighter tone to it. He wasn't sure why. Maybe it was the wedding? Women always went all gaga over that kind of stuff. Skylar wasn't a fan of weddings. He figured he may settle down one day, but he honestly couldn't see it. He had dated and slept with a lot of beautiful women, but he couldn't imagine dating any of them long term let alone marrying any of them.

  "You'll be surprised. She looks so beautiful," Melanie tried to whisper but failed. She then let out a giggle. He didn't think he'd ever heard her giggle. Then it hit him.

  "Mel, have you been drinking?"

  She looked up at him with her brown eyes. They stood out today. Her eyes were beautiful, he noticed. It had to be the makeup she was wearing.

  "You could say that. We did a little pre-gaming before the nuptials."

  "Mel, are you drunk?"

  Her mouth dropped open and her eyes rounded.

  "Skylar, this is a wedding. I would not get toasted before a wedding. I'm just a little tipsy. I'll save the real drinking for the reception."

  Oh, goodness. Skylar hoped she wasn't one of those girls who got sloppy drunk leaving him to take care of her. He wanted to enjoy the evening not babysit. Only time would tell. He realized that she was his responsibility either way. He coaxed her into coming, so he would weather the storm.

  Just as the music for the wedding party's walk started, Skylar spotted Candace. She was looking in their direction with a pouty lip and her arms crossed over her chest. She didn't look like a guest that was excited to be attending a wedding.

  When she made eye contact with Skylar, she smiled and waved. Oh, brother, he thought, and so it begins. He made a curt nod back in her direction. Her unique brand of crazy needed no encouragement.

  The backyard looked like something out of a fairytale. Up front, there was an arch draped in sheer white fabric and white flowers covered the top. A few yards from the ceremony, there was a tent that the reception would be held in. Servers from the catering company were shuffling around getting things set up for the cocktail hour.

  Soft music played and two by two the wedding party made their way down the aisle to line up on either side of the arch when they reached the front. The first song faded out and switched to Musiq Soulchild's ‘So Beautiful’, and everyone stood up. Sam and their father came into view. This was the first time Skylar had seen his sister all day. She looked stunning. Her dress was both elegant and simple. It hugged her curves up top and flared out by her feet. Pearls lined the sweetheart neckline. Her hair framed her face in soft beach waves.

  When they reached the arch, their father handed her over to Landon. Skylar could see how much Landon loved his little sister. He wondered if he would, or could, feel that way about anyone. He looked down at Melanie and saw she was crying. She looked up at him with a weak smile.

  "It's so beautiful. I love love."

  It surprised Skylar to see her crying. She didn't seem the type to get emotional. Apparently, even she had a soft spot for weddings. He slung his arm around her shoulder and gave it a squeeze.


  When the ceremony was over, Skylar and the rest of his family took pictures with the bride and groom. That left Melanie alone to mingle. She wasn't pleased with being left alone, but she'd manage. A group of women she'd met earlier stood sipping wine and chatting. Melanie joined them while they waited.

  She scanned the area looking for Candace. She didn't see her at first, but spotted her flirting with a couple of men. She brushed her breasts against one man's arm. The other ogled them like he wanted it to be him. Melanie wasn't sure that Candace was as stuck on Skylar as he thought. The way she acted, it didn't seem like she was concerned with his whereabouts.

  Another glass of wine later, and several conversations about single life and the latest celebrity gossip, Skylar headed her way. Finally, she thought. The women in the group were nice, but she'd been bored out of her mind. Skylar was a few feet from her when Candace came out of nowhere tugging on his arm.

  When he realized it was Candace, Melanie saw him stiffen. He gave Melanie a pleading look. She downed the rest of her drink and excused herself from the group. By the time she reached Skylar, Candace had latched onto him for dear life. Skylar reached for her to pull her to his side.

  "Hey Mel, I came to find you so we could get seated for dinner."

  Candace looked at Mel like she wanted her to disappear. Before Melanie had a chance to respond, Candace raised her hand and turned Skylar's face to her.

  Oh no-the-hell she didn't.

  No, she wasn't there as a love interest of Skylar's, but still. That was rude. She was his date and, for all Candace knew, they were getting it on every night.

  "Sky," Candace said with her lips in a pout, "I was thinking we could sit together."

  Oh, puh-lease. Did this pouty face and whiney voice actually work on people? God help the idiot who fell for her tactics. It took everything in Melanie to keep from rolling her eyes.

  "Sorry, Candac
e. Melanie is my date. I'm going to be sitting with her and the rest of my family."

  Melanie saw the innocent, pouty look drop from Candace's face for a split second before she plastered on a fake smile.

  "Well, save me a dance then, handsome."

  Skylar just grunted in response while Candace made her way toward the tent.

  The dinner went by rather quickly. The wedding party and some of the family made a toast to the happy couple. They cut the cake, did the first dance, and then the rest of the guests started to let loose on the dance floor. There was an open bar, and Melanie partook in the spirits.

  Melanie felt pretty good and decided she needed to hit the dance floor. She tugged on Skylar's arm trying to hoist him up.

  "Come on, Sky, let's go shake a tail feather."

  Skylar groaned, "Do I have to?"

  "Yes, you have to. You brought me here. The least you can do is dance with me."

  Reluctantly, he stood up and followed her out to the dance floor. A fast song played. She grabbed his hands and began to dance around. Skylar wasn't much of a dancer, but he couldn't help but smile as Melanie jumped around and shook her body to the beat. She was having a blast.

  A slow song came on, and Melanie wrapped her arms around Skylar's neck. He instinctively dropped his hands to her waist and held her to his body. Her curves felt soft against him. She laid her head against his chest and he could smell vanilla and orange. He wasn't sure how he had never noticed before. He pulled her body a bit closer to his, enjoying the feel of her in his arms.

  She looked up at him and smiled. It was a beautiful smile, he noticed. Her eyelashes were thick and long framing her big brown eyes. He stared at her full lips that were painted in a deep pink color. She was a beautiful woman, but she was his neighbor. This was pretend, he reminded himself.

  A light tap on his arm had him looking over his shoulder. He immediately turned his head back toward Melanie and rolled his eyes. She gave him a small smile and released her arms from around his neck. Candace stepped beside Skylar and laid her hand on his arm.

  "Come on, Sky, dance with an old friend."

  "I'm in the middle of dancing with my date, Candace."

  Candace looked over at Melanie and quickly dismissed her.

  "I'm sure she won't mind if I steal you for one dance."

  "It's ok, Skylar. I can sit this one out," Melanie said.

  He looked down at her urging her to stay. She just shrugged her shoulders. She knew that Candace would never leave him alone if he didn't dance with her at least once. Melanie was headed to the bar when Brendon came up and swept her into his arms.

  "Hey there, beautiful! How about we show these people how it's done?"

  He took her right hand and twirled her out and swung her back in. Then he dipped her. Melanie started laughing at Brendon's antics. The pair continued their moves through several songs. Skylar had his eyes on his brother and Melanie the whole time. To think she didn't want to come, and now she was like the life of the party. Candace kept going on and on about how she couldn't wait for her own wedding day and how romance was in the air.

  "I knew that you weren't actually on a date with her, but now I'm sure if it," Candace said.

  "What do you mean? Of course she's my date."

  "Yeah, but it isn't a real date. She isn't your type."

  "Excuse me? What would you know about my type?"

  "Well, for one, you like your women a little more in shape."

  Skylar just stared down at the woman for a moment. The face he once saw as beautiful looked shrewd.

  "Her shape looks fine to me."

  Candace let out a laugh. "Don't play dumb, Sky. You know she's fat."

  Skylar stopped moving. Heat rose through his body. He dropped his hands from around Candace.

  "Why did you stop?"

  "I used to think you were gorgeous." Candace smiled up at him. "Then I realized that your outward appearance can't make up for your distasteful personality. Melanie is ten times the woman you are. She's beautiful, funny, and cares about other people. Unlike you, who only worries about what you can gain from people and situations."

  Candace's mouth dropped open. Skylar surprised himself with his admissions about Melanie. He hadn't realized he thought those things about her, but they were true. Melanie was different from any other women he had ever dated or slept with. He enjoyed that she didn't seem obsessed with what he or any other person thought of her. She was just her.

  "How dare you say those things to me, Skylar Stillman? That cow is not better than me. You will regret choosing her over me. When you come running back, I won't be there."

  Skylar had all he could take of Candace's crap.

  In a low and steady voice, he gritted out, "If I ever hear you insulting Melanie again, you won't be happy about the outcome. Remember, I know things about you that I'm sure you wouldn't want Mommy and Daddy knowing. I won't be running back, so don't hold your breath. Been there, done that."

  Candace let out a screech and stomped off. Skylar hoped she left the reception entirely. As soon as Candace was out of sight, he scanned the room for Melanie. She was dancing with some guy he recognized from Landon's family. Her head tipped back in laughter as he spun her around the dance floor.

  Skylar felt a pang in his stomach. It seemed irrational, but he didn't like seeing her dancing with the guy. He especially didn't like that she laughed so easily with him. If anyone made her laugh, it should be him; her date. He headed toward her and the guy. Melanie spotted him before he reached them.

  "Skyyylaar!" she said in a very loud voice while still dancing. He knew she'd had a few more drinks since the reception started.

  "Hey, Mel. Having fun?"

  "Heck yeah, Jared and I are tearing up the dance floor, aren't we?" She looked up at the Jared guy and smiled.

  He smiled back at her and nodded his head yes, not even acknowledging Skylar's presence. That annoyed Skylar even further. Who did this guy think he was anyway?

  "Hey man, do you mind if I have my date back?"

  This made the guy look up at Skylar. He then looked back at Melanie and asked, "This your date?"

  "Yep, he's my date. Well, my fake date. He's actually my neighbor. I'm doing him a favor."

  Why did she have to tell the guy he was her fake date? It was none of his business. The Jared guy chuckled at Melanie's confession.

  "You aren't my fake date, Mel, and I would appreciate a dance with my date."

  "Okay, okay don't get your panties in a bundle." She turned to Jared and gave him a quick hug. "Thanks for the dance."

  "No problem, I'll be sure to text you."

  She gave this joker her number?

  A second later, a slow song came on. Melanie laced her arms around Skylar's neck like before. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her body close to his. A calm came over him that hadn't been there five minutes ago. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of her body in his arms. He was exactly where he needed to be.


  "So, who's this Jared guy?" He looked down at her to gauge her reaction.

  "He's one of Landon's cousins or something. He gave me his number. We're going to meet up and have dinner or coffee maybe."

  The look on her face didn't give anything away about how she felt about the Jared guy. Her voice was pretty neutral as well.

  "Did you like him?"

  "What's with the third degree, Skylar?"

  "Nothing, I'm just asking. We're friends. Friends talk about relationship stuff."

  She eyed him skeptically.

  "I don't know if I like him. We just met. He seems like a nice guy and he showed interest in getting to know me better, so I figured why not?"

  Skylar could think of a few reasons why not, but she'd had a few too many drinks for him to even go there with her tonight. He didn't understand his objections himself, but he knew they were there.

  Skylar looked down at Melanie whose eyes were closed. It looked like she'd fallen a
sleep while dancing. He rubbed his hand up and down her back and whispered her name. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him. She was about two seconds from sleep.

  "Do you want to go to bed?"

  "I want to keep dancing, but I'm so tired," she mumbled.

  A yawn escaped her mouth, and she buried her head into his chest. Skylar had to admit that he liked seeing this side of her. She wasn't as prickly. Sober and awake, Melanie wouldn't be so cuddly with him.

  "Come on, Mel, let's get you to bed. We are having brunch with my family tomorrow so you can see some of these people again in the morning."

  "Ok," she relented.

  Skylar hadn't planned on staying the night at his parents, but it was late. He didn't feel like driving home. He had a few to drink himself and thought it better to be safe than sorry. Melanie followed him to his childhood room. It was how he had left it before college. Posters of his favorite sports teams and swimsuit models plastered the walls. He wished he'd taken down the half-naked women, but it was too late.

  "Hey, I don't have any PJs to wear. You didn't tell me we were staying here overnight."

  "It wasn't in the original plan, but you are asleep on your feet. I don't much feel like driving. I'd have to come back in the morning, anyway."

  Skylar rummaged around in his dresser looking for an old t-shirt and shorts for them both to wear.

  "Here," he handed Melanie a t-shirt with his high school’s name printed on the front and a pair of basketball shorts, "bathroom's right through that door."

  Melanie went into the bathroom. He heard the toilet flush and water running. A few minutes later, she came back out wearing the clothes he'd given her. She deposited her clothes on the desk chair. Skylar could see that she'd taken off her bra. He wanted to avert his gaze, but he couldn't seem to tear his eyes away. Lucky for him, she was tired and oblivious.

  "You can go ahead and get in the bed. I'm going to go change too."

  Melanie just nodded and walked over to the bed. Skylar used the bathroom and quickly changed into his shorts. He usually slept in just his boxer briefs, so he compromised. He wore the shorts but forwent a shirt.


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