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What Skylar Needs

Page 16

by Lanee Lane

  "Skylar," her voice was low.

  "You are so beautiful, Melanie."

  He grabbed her hand and led it to the bulge in his pants. They had fooled around some during their late night movie sessions, but nothing ever went much past kissing and the ol’ high school feel-up. Tonight, Skylar knew that those things wouldn't be enough. He needed her; all of her.

  "This is what you do to me. You make me crazy. Do you know how many times I've got myself off thinking about you? How many cold showers I had to take while you waited for me on the couch to start a movie? A whole hell of a lot."

  Mel's breaths were labored. She felt the telltale sign of wetness between her legs. She squeezed her legs together trying to ease the throbbing.

  "Skylar, we can't do this here. There are people everywhere."

  He huffed and slowly sat back in his seat. He adjusted his pants, which had become increasingly uncomfortable.

  "You're right. I think maybe we should end this date early."

  Forty-seven minutes; that's how long it took before they pulled into their parking lot. Skylar knew because he'd been counting them. They made their way into the building and into the elevator without a word. Skylar didn't bother pushing the button to his floor. They went straight to hers. He didn't want to take her to the place where he and Candace had been together. The thought reminded him that he needed to burn that bed.

  When they got to her floor, Skylar took Melanie's keys from her hands. He opened the door and gestured for her to step in. He clicked the locks into place and turned to her. Her back was to him and she'd just taken off her shoes and was setting her purse on the entryway table.

  Moving up behind her, he slid his hands under the hem of her dress. Melanie's breath caught as his hands slid over her ass. He gently rubbed and squeezed, loving that she had more than a handful. He couldn't wait to bend her over and see it in all of its glory.

  His right hand reached around her and dipped below her panty line. Melanie started to rub her backside against his erection. It felt so good that he thought he might get off just from that feeling alone. He held her tight to him to slow down the torment of her gyrating hips.

  His finger ran over her slit and the sexiest moan fell from her lips.

  "You're so wet," he said as he flicked his finger over her nub. Skylar got the reaction he'd hoped for. "All this just for me? It must be my lucky day," he teased as his lips skimmed her neck and he licked and nipped at her ear.

  "Skylar, please."

  "Please what? Tell me what you want, baby." He continued to run his finger over her clit.

  "I need you. I want you inside of me. Now."

  Skylar turned her to face him. "Oh, we'll get there, but there's no way I'm doing anything before I get to taste you."

  He didn't wait for her reply. He bent down, placed his arm around her thighs and carried her over his shoulder to her bedroom.

  "Put me down, you oaf!"

  "Hey, that's no way to talk to the man that's going to make you scream his name. I'm going to put you down as soon as we get to your room."

  No sooner had he finished his sentence, than they entered her room. He flipped her off his shoulder, and she bounced on the bed. He stood at the end of the bed with his eyes on her. Slowly, he removed his tie and then unbuttoned his shirt. Mel watched him in a daze.

  She was pulled out of her daze when Skylar grabbed onto her ankles and gently pulled her to the end of the bed. He kneeled down in front of her and lifted the skirt of her dress.

  "My second dessert," he mumbled as he hooked his fingers on either side of her panties and pulled them down her legs.

  Skylar ran his hands up and down her thighs before kissing his way from the inside of her knee to her inner thigh. He kissed his way up until he reached his prize. He kissed her seam and jutted his tongue out to lick her nub. Melanie's hips bucked off of the bed and rose toward him..

  Loving the reaction he got, Skylar licked and sucked slowly before picking up the pace as her body squirmed on the bed. Her breaths were getting heavier and her moans louder with each pass of his tongue. Skylar reached down and began to stroke his shaft.

  "Skylar, ahhhhhh." Melanie had a large intake of breath before she shattered completely. "Yeeeeeeesss!" Her hips continued to buck with every stroke of his tongue riding out the best orgasm she'd had; ever.

  Skylar grabbed his wallet and pulled out the condom he'd placed in there before leaving the house earlier. He'd hoped that the night would end in lovemaking. It truly was his lucky day. He made quick work of undoing his pants and kicking them off. Pulling Melanie to a sitting position, he gently pulled her dress over her head and threw it on top of his pants. Her bra was next. He eased her back down on the bed and propped himself up above her on his arms. He captured her nipple in his mouth. He went back and forth rubbing and licking each hard peak.

  When her moans became too much for him to bear, he positioned himself between Melanie's thighs. He rolled the condom from his wallet onto his length and then gripped her hips while gazing into her eyes. Leaning down, he placed a kiss on her already kiss-swollen lips. Skylar slowly pushed inside of her. Once he was all the way in, he closed his eyes and savored the feel.

  "So perfect," he murmured.

  He pulled back out and, slowly, slid himself back in. He kept up at a slow, agonizing pace until Melanie spoke up.

  "I need you Skylar. Please. I feel like I'm going to die if you don't go faster."

  Before she knew what was happening, Skylar flipped her over onto her stomach. He pulled her back toward him and lifted her backside until her soft, round behind was level with his hips . He positioned himself at her opening and pushed in without hesitation. He pulled out and thrust back in rapid succession.

  "Skylar, that feels so good."

  Skylar ran one hand through her hair and pulled her head back to him. He kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear while one of his hands reached around to play with her clit.

  "I'm coming! Ooooh, Skylar!"

  Melanie called out his name as she moaned, her cries lasting almost as long as the orgasm that shot through her body like electricity causing her to tremble with its force.

  Skylar kept his pace. He felt himself coming close to the edge just as Melanie screamed his name. That's all it took for him to release, and then the two of them collapsed on the bed. They lay there for several minutes holding onto one another and trying to catch their breath.

  "Best sex ever," Mel said with a sexy smile.

  "Ditto," Skylar replied. "There will be lots more where that came from."

  "I sure hope so because if I wasn't addicted to you before, I definitely am now."

  "I'm glad because now that you've confessed your undying love for me, you're mine for keeps."

  "You are so full of it, Skylar, but I do love you; ego and all.


  "Babe, can you please shut up? I love you, but you can't hit the same notes as Whitney."

  Melanie gave Skylar the stink eye and crossed her arms over her chest.

  "I'm telling your mom on you as soon as we get there. Sam and I are her favorites."

  Skylar removed one hand from the steering wheel and placed it on the back of her neck. He gently began to massage.

  "I know. You make sure to remind me whenever you get the chance, love."

  "You'd do good not to forget it, sweetums," she said in a dry tone.

  No matter how long they were together, they still went back and forth. They gave as good as they got. Skylar pulled into his parent's long driveway. They were staying there for the weekend for a big birthday bash Skylar's mom was throwing for his dad. As Skylar was opening the car door for Melanie, his mom came out of the front door and made her way toward them.

  "Hey, Mom," Skylar said preparing to envelop her into a hug.

  "Hi, sweetie. Mel, darling you look lovely," his mom wrapped Melanie into a hug ignoring his outstretched arms.

  "Thank you; it's so good to see you."

>   The two women pulled apart and his mother took Melanie's arm leading her into the house. They were babbling about some new clothing line or something that Melanie had blogged about. Skylar watched the two women disappear into the house and shook his head. You'd think they hadn't just seen each other last week. Skylar's dad, who'd followed his wife outside, came up and gave his son a pat on the back.

  "Mom just ignored me and stole my girl."

  "This is your future, son. Just be happy they get along."

  Skylar grumbled something under his breath as he got their bags from the trunk.

  "You ready for this, son?"

  "As ready as I can be. I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I honestly didn’t think I'd ever see this day."

  "I always knew you would. It just took the right woman to bring you to your knees."

  Skylar laughed thinking about how Mel kept him on his toes and never let his cocky ways faze her. She didn't chase after him like most women he'd dated. If you could even call what he'd done in the past dating. She definitely brought him to his knees, and he loved the sounds she made when she did.

  "She brought me to my knees alright. When I least expected it, too."

  The two men walked into the house to find their ladies.

  The family was set to have a quiet family dinner that night. Arabella was making a feast that seemed way too much for them, but with all her kids and their significant others there, Mel figured she wanted leftovers.

  "Hey, Mel, want to run into town with me to pick up some last minute stuff we need for Dad's party? We'll be back before dinner," Sam asked Melanie who was sitting at the kitchen island talking to Arabella.

  "Sure, I'm down to ride. At least with you I can listen to good music without complaint. Your brother is a total baby."

  "I heard that," Skylar yelled from the family room. The men were in the family room having a few beers while they waited for dinner.

  Melanie and Sam made their way to town. They started at a large party store to get balloons, a sign, napkins, and other odds and ends. The second stop was a local superstore to get fruit and veggie trays for people to munch on. They got distracted by the beauty aisles looking at makeup and nail polish. The two both walked out with way more makeup than they needed, but they were secretly addicts.

  "I hope your mom doesn't kill us for taking so long. We've been gone for three hours, Sam."

  "Eh, she knew what she was doing when she sent the two of us to do her shopping," Sam said giggling.

  "You make a good point," Melanie laughed.

  Thirty minutes later, they arrived back at the Stillmans’ residence. Both women loaded their arms with bags and carried them into the kitchen. The house was oddly quiet. Melanie assumed they were all either outside or in their rooms getting ready for dinner. They made quick work of putting their purchases away.

  "I better put this makeup in my room and see if I can find Sky."

  Sam walked over to her and grabbed the bag from her sitting it on the island. "Let's grab a drink and go out back. You can take that upstairs later."

  Melanie agreed and Sam poured them both a glass of wine and led the way to the patio. As they got closer to the patio door, Melanie immediately thought something was wrong. It was pitch black, but there were small flickers of light reflecting on the door.

  "Is there a fire out there?" she asked.

  "No, silly," Sam laughed as they reached the door. She turned and grabbed Melanie's glass before opening it.

  "Hey," Melanie started and then her voice caught in her throat.

  There was Skylar right in front of her; on one knee. The fire she saw were small candles lit and placed around the patio. Behind Skylar was a group of people. Her eyes scanned the group: Claudia, Jade, Brendon...


  He gave her a small wave and was smiling from ear to ear. "Hey, baby girl."

  Melanie's eyes dropped back to Skylar who was smiling, but she could tell it was a little strained. He was nervous.

  "Melanie, come here, sweetheart."

  Thankfully, her feet moved on their own because she wasn't able to think.

  Skylar reached up for her hand. He turned her palm over and placed a kiss on it, and then placed the same hand to his heart. Melanie felt that familiar burn that came before tears. Her throat felt like it was clogged. She tried to swallow past it and hold back the flood gates.

  "To say we got off to a rocky start would be putting it nicely. You accused me of having no manners. You didn't want to accept my help when I offered it. I was sure you were going to be a constant thorn in my side." There was laughter and love in his eyes as he continued his speech. "While you still try to damage my hearing every time we get into the car, and sometimes in the shower, I wouldn't trade my time with you for anything. At the chance of sounding cliché, you made me want to be a better person. I am a better person because I know you; because I get to love and be loved by you. If I have to do life with anyone, I want it to be with you. Melanie, will you marry me?"

  Tears were streaming down her face. She started to nod her head ‘yes’.

  "I need you to say it, Mel."

  "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you."

  Skylar slid the ring onto her proper finger. Standing up, he wrapped her in a hug and lifted her off of the ground. Melanie buried her face in his neck.

  "I can't believe you got my dad here," she whispered.

  He squeezed her a little tighter. "I knew how important it would be to you for him to be here."

  "I love you, Skylar Stillman."

  "I love you too, future Mrs. Stillman."

  "I like the sound of that."

  When he put her down, she grabbed his face and pulled him down for a kiss. When they pulled away, they both had goofy grins on their faces.

  "One question; Can I sing at our wedding?"

  "Not a chance."

  About the Author

  Lanee Lane is a midwest girl. She loves reading and writing about BBW women and the men that love them. When she isn't writing, she's spending time with her husband and dog Bernie. To keep up with new releases, you can sign up for her e-mail list at

  Read more at Lanee Lane’s site.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page





























  About the Author




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