Book Read Free

Target This

Page 19

by Lily White

  “How many ‘ladies’ does Lucas have, exactly?”

  I could see her smile wickedly through the reflection in the mirror. “Just you. He only likes one pet at a time. I, personally, think that’s silly. The more the merrier, you know? But anyway, I wouldn’t worry about Lucas’ sexual exploits; you’ll only drive yourself nuts thinking about it. Just let go and enjoy him. I’ve heard it’s like awakening to your inner self when you’re with him, a real life-changing experience. His formers have all been very thankful when they left, not one of them ever feeling negative towards him once he’d moved on.”

  I didn’t want to discuss the subject any longer so I shut up, crossing my arms over my chest and sitting back to look out the window. It was going to be a long silent drive because I was afraid to learn anything else about Lucas Bates.

  When we’d driven another hour or so, she glanced up and said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, Autumn, but you can’t allow yourself to believe that Lucas is a virginal flower. You had to have known he’d been with lots of other women before you.”

  My voice was quiet when I responded, “If you don’t mind, I’ll just talk to Lucas about this when we get back.”

  She shrugged again. “Have it your way, just be sure to not disturb him if he’s working. I wasn’t kidding about what I told you earlier. He can be quite scary when he’s interrupted.”


  There was no light left inside the nightmare into which I’d accidentally stumbled. Seven days had passed as the captive to a man who had never bothered to even show me his face. Like being tossed in a box and cast aside, I’d lived the last week of my life in a dark room, only able to keep time by the meals I was fed - morning, noon and night. It was always the same, some type of bread with apple butter spread on top. I’d refused the first three days, completely terrified by my surroundings, but on the fourth day, the sight of the food was enough to make my stomach churn with painful hunger.

  Looking back, I wished I hadn’t accepted it, I wish I hadn’t been weak enough to give in to the offerings of a madman. Like Persephone, I’d eaten the pomegranate seed, forever dooming myself to the confines of Hell. He’d opened the door almost immediately after I’d finished the bread and he walked towards me, a hooded cloak covering his body with the frayed bottom of his jeans peeking out as he walked. I could tell that his broad chest was bare and I noticed the necklace he wore in the simple shape of a silver circle.

  “Stand up, pet. I’d like to introduce you to your new life.”

  I backed away, pushing myself along the floor with my hands and feet, shaking my head in refusal of whatever it was he had planned. I couldn’t see him, couldn’t tell if there was evil in his eyes, but his very presence was terrifying because of the way he seemed to dominate the room around him.

  “Fighting against me will only delay the inevitable, love.” He was on his knees with lightning speed, straddling me and holding me with my back to the floor with the weight of his body – his hand painfully gripping around my chin as he forced me to look up at him.

  “I’ve been planning this for far too long to fail now. I’ve watched you, beautiful. I’ve seen everything there is to know about you – where you work, where you live, the happy little family you leave behind. That’s how I knew to wait for you on your favorite jogging trail. I’ve known you for so long, in fact, that I knew when you’d grow tired, when it would be so easy to reach out and grab you, dragging you away so that I could bring you home.”

  His thumb latched over my bottom lip and he pulled down, forcing my mouth open just as he bent down to kiss me. I tried to bite him, but once again, he was too fast – and he made sure that I regretted the attempt. Pushing up on his knees, he flipped me over. I was unable to fight against him because my strength was no match for his. Every inch of his body was defined by muscle - the peaks and valleys of his chest, shoulders and abdomen defined by shaded areas over his tan skin. My chin hit the ground as he pushed my face towards the floor and my arms were brought up around my back and secured tightly together. I felt his hand run up along my thigh, his thumb encroaching on the apex between my legs as he palmed my ass.

  “God, you are as fucking sexy as I knew you would be. Jogging really does do the body good.” He chuckled above – a sound so wicked and dark – and he pulled on the binds, lifting me from the floor and steadying me on my feet. I could feel the heat of his chest against my back and my knees buckled when his large hand reached beneath my shirt to trace over my abdomen and cup my breast. He pinched at the nipple over my sports bra and tears streamed down my face.

  A heavy sigh escaped his lungs. “It’s a shame I can’t just fuck you up against a wall right here and right now, beautiful. Unfortunately, I have far better plans.”

  Turning me around, he pushed me towards the door leading out of the room. He reached around me, grabbing the knob and pushing it out and open into a dark hall. I couldn’t see anything as he led me down the hall. My heart pounded so loud, I swore he could hear it from where he stood behind me, and sweat broke out like a sheen over my skin. After several turns, he reached for another door, leading me into a room covered in flickering candlelight. I began to sob, struggling against my binds so violently that they cut into my skin.

  My tear blurred eyes looked over the alter placed in the center of the room. It was a pedestal of some sort, just large enough for a body to lay on its surface.

  “Do you like it, pet? I built it just for you.”

  “No… please…” I begged with the loudest voice I could project. My words were broken and choked by my tears, but I begged anyway, desperate to not be placed on top of whatever the hell he’d created for me.

  His mouth was to my ear, his hot breath running along my neck when he said, “I’d like you a lot better if you appreciated the gifts I give you. Do you have any idea how much time I’ve spent on everything I’ve done for you? Day in and day out I’ve thought of nothing but you – what you would look like, what you would feel like, what you would taste like when I ran my tongue all over your beautiful body.”

  More tears and I was lightheaded by the lack of oxygen I was dragging into my lungs and the speed of my heart as it beat heavily in my chest.

  After closing and locking the door behind him, he cut my binds, turning me around to look at him. His body leaned against the wall, his cloak falling open to reveal the absolute perfection of his physique. His face was still shadowed by the hood and I narrowed my eyes, desperate to make out anything but the profile of his jaw.

  “Your clothes … remove them.”

  My entire body froze and I finally caught a glimpse of light reflecting off his cold eyes. My head shook in refusal.

  “Do not try me, pet. I’ve given you an instruction that I expect for you to follow. There is nothing you can do to stop this. It will be so much easier if you don’t fight back.” He stepped forward until he was within an arm’s length of me. Reaching out, he ran his hand along my trembling frame, his attention focused on my body.

  “You’ll hate it if I have to remove them for you.”

  I tried to step away, but he grabbed me, his palm like a vice around my bicep and he pulled me to him. His other hand slid up my leg until it was pressed up over my core…

  The door swung open, hitting the wall and my focus was ripped away from the scene I was writing. I’d been in the middle of a difficult scene, in a place where I had to allow myself to sink down to the ultimate depth of a sadist, and I felt somehow disoriented having been pulled from it. It was as if I no longer operated within the same reality.

  My eyes closed in annoyance at the intrusion and without looking up, I gave my warning on a low growl, “Now is not the fucking time, Sarah. If I were you, I’d turn around and walk your tight little ass out of my office before I fucking throw it out.”


  My eyes opened and shot up from the screen to find Autumn standing in the doorway. She was dressed immaculately in a white button up
shirt that hung seductively from her frame and a grey pencil skirt that did nothing to hide the supple curves of her body. Reaching up, I removed my glasses from my face slowly, my heart beating a little faster in my chest and my cock swelling with the memory of what her body had looked like in the swing the night before.

  “Shut the door, Autumn.”

  Stepping inside, she eyed me before reaching over to latch the door closed.

  “Lock it.”

  Her head shook ‘no’ and my anger tore through me, ripping me apart inside. I pushed up from my chair, my hands gripping the edge of the desk, and when I looked her dead in the eyes, I noticed the quick flicker of fear behind her gorgeous blues. It was enough to force the blood through my veins, to awaken the demons that lurked inside me and to force my cock to grow to an almost painful length.

  “Refuse my command again, beautiful. I dare you.” My voice sounded foreign, deep and raw, it carried the lethal edge of the warning I’d intended with my words.

  She hesitated in her response, stepping back as if she would run when I came around the desk.

  “Now, do as I said and lock the fucking door.”

  Her head shook ‘no’ again, except this time it was more unsure. She looked between me and the room, not positive what angle I would come from or the approach I would take.

  Straightening up into a standing posture, I removed my tie, wrapping it around my hand before moving around the desk. She backed away and for each step I took forward she moved to place more distance between us. Fear flashed across her face, a beautiful expression when laced with the desire that was now evident in her eyes.

  “Are you seeking punishment, Autumn? Is that why you refuse to do as I’ve said? Every time I give you a simple rule, every single fucking time I try to tell you what can happen if you disobey, it’s like you intentionally test my patience by rebelling against me.”

  I liked that she appeared frightened, like prey cornered in a room where she’d been warned not to go. When she was backed against a wall, I approached faster, slamming my palms against the wall on either side of her, effectively caging her in place. Rubbing my mouth against her jaw, I asked, “Didn’t I tell you not to interrupt me when I work? I could have sworn I’d mentioned it.” My hand slipped up her skirt and she gasped, her body jumping back slightly from the sensation.

  She worked to catch her breath and swallowed hard as my palm continued to climb up her thigh, finally stopping when I found that she wore no panties under her skirt. I grinned knowing full well that Sarah had ensured my instructions were followed exactly.

  I smiled in a way where I knew the dimples on my cheeks appeared. “My, my, has someone finally learned how to dress when she’s in my presence? You look good enough to eat.” I nipped at her lower lip before pulling her mouth open with my thumb to force my tongue inside. She slid down the wall and I caught her with my other arm, picking her up to sit her on the side table beneath the mirror. My hands slid under her skirt and up her thighs as I spread her legs. Once I was positioned between, I ripped her shirt open with buttons flying that clacked against the wall and floor.

  She pulled away from the kiss. “Lucas, we need to talk…”

  Covering her mouth with my hand, I silenced whatever it was she had to say. “I don’t want to talk to you right now, pet. The only thing I want is to feel you come apart over my cock. If I allow you to make a sound while I fuck you, it’ll be moans and my name on your lips only. You’ve invaded my space and I plan to put you to use.”

  Her eyes widened and I pulled my hand away to lick slowly down my finger, only to reach down and provide a little more lubrication for where I planned to go. Making quick work of my pants, I allowed the material to puddle at my feet when My cock was finally free. I moved to kiss her again before spearing myself inside and she dodged away.

  “Lucas…I’m not in the mood…”

  Removing the tie from my hand, I grabbed her face with one hand while using the other to wrap the tie around and cover her mouth. Her eyes narrowed in anger and I smiled.

  “I thought I told you not to fucking talk.”

  Still holding the tie in place at the back of her head, I pulled her back so that her chest arched forward and forced myself inside her. She cried out, but her body was instantly responsive. Moving, in and out, I kept my gaze trained on where our bodies connected, somehow growing even harder at the sight of her skin slipping over me. This wasn’t about her. It was about me, about domination. I didn’t want to hear her silly little thoughts, I didn’t give a fuck if she wanted me inside her or not. She’d crossed the line I’d warned her to leave alone and she was finding out the consequences of her decisions.

  My hand gripped greedily around her hip while my other kept the makeshift gag in place on her head. Only moans could escape between the silk of my tie and I powered into her, reveling in how the table would shake and her back would slam against the wall with each thrust. My skin was on fire with the sensation of her nails raking across my back and hips as she tried to force me away. There was no escape in this, she was trapped, she was mine and there wasn’t a fucking thing she could do to peel me off her.

  The muscles of her core gripped at me hungrily and I felt my balls constrict, my own release so very close. All I wanted was a violent fuck powered by my anger and hers. But what the little bitch didn’t know is that I wasn’t seeking her release. This was just another form of punishment, pushing her just to the point of her orgasm and leaving her dangling helplessly from the edge.

  I filled her as a feral growl escaped my lungs and she cried out again when I slammed myself deep inside and placed my mouth at the junction between her neck and her shoulder to bite down. She was completely and thoroughly possessed at that moment, a woman I’d made mine. Her body stilled when I came inside her and without moving, I allowed my body to calm down, allowed the silence between us to quiet the violent thoughts that were screaming in my head. After a few minutes, I released the tie, letting it unwind from around her head as I pulled out. Backing away to glance at her beautiful body, I admired her legs that were still spread wide where I’d just been and the red lines that crossed her face from where I’d wrapped the tie.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  A tear rolled lazily along her cheek as her eyes narrowed in rage. I laughed to see the expression, glad that I’d shown my rabbit what happens when she breaks my rules.

  “Sorry you didn’t have the chance to finish. When will you ever learn to listen to me when I warn you?”

  “How fucking dare you?!” She screamed and I laughed again, her rage only one of the things that made her so damn desirable. Storming to the door, she threw it open with such force that it slammed against the wall, causing the mirror to shake.

  My head fell back and I breathed in the relief of having taken my frustration out on such a perfect victim. Every emotion I could pull from her was inspiration, thoughts and ideas plowed through my thoughts, new scenes, new games – she wasn’t the first woman I’d used as a muse, but my inability to tame her quickly would make her my favorite.

  “Well, that sounded like it went well. Can I get you a tissue to clean up?”

  My head shot forward and I found Sarah standing in the doorway with her hip cocked out and a wicked grin spread across her glossed lips. Her eyes slipped down to look at my now flaccid cock and I shook my head while bending over to pull up my pants.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  She stepped in just as was fastening my belt and leaned against the wall. “My, my – aren’t we a grumpy man this afternoon? Did things not go well with your muse?”

  “Cut the crap, Sarah. What do you want?” I started to turn to go back behind my desk, but her next words stopped me in my tracks.

  “Hmmmm, maybe she’s upset with the little conversation we had during our ‘girl time’.”

  She was against a wall with my hand around her throat before I realized I’d even crossed the room. “What. The. Fuck. Do
you mean. By that?”

  Fingernails gripped my cheeks, pressing in so tight that any more pressure would split the skin. Hazel eyes flashed at mine when she answered, “Just that your precious fucking Autumn didn’t like to hear that you had a sexual past. Maybe you should clear some things up with the little bitch before I accidentally say the wrong thing. Now let me the fuck go before I turn your handsome face into strips of bloody flesh.”

  I released her neck and pulled my face from her grasp. She smiled and reached up to rub at the skin where I’d gripped her. “You better not have left a mark.” Pulling her hand away, she pushed up from the wall. “Regardless of your hostility, I have a mission tonight that I thought you’d find very intriguing. That’s why I’m here.”

  “I don’t give a shit about your sexual exploits at the moment, Sarah. Get the fuck out of my office.” I spit out angry words before returning to my seat and clicking a key on my laptop to bring it back to life. “I’m writing. You know better than to fucking disturb me.”

  “Well, excuse me, Master, but I figured that you’d have a minute to spare after getting your dick wet.

  A soft chuckle broke free and I couldn’t help my amusement at her choice of words. “Call me by the name again and I’ll show you what it means.”

  She laughed, a deep, throaty sound that echoed off the walls of the room. “That’s a good one. I’ll have to remember it sometime. Tell you what, I’ll fight you for the whip.”

  Blowing out a deep breath, I settled back in my chair to look at my loyal assistant. “Fine. What do you want to tell me? Make it fucking quick; I have a chapter to finish.”

  She opened her mouth to respond, but her words were drowned out by the sound of the doorbell ringing loudly throughout the house. Her eyebrow cocked and she looked behind her as if she could see who stood at the door from her position. “Who the fuck is that?”

  “I don’t know, just go answer it. And when you’re done chasing off whoever has stopped by, go find Autumn and make sure she’s not trying to escape out a fucking window. I may have overdone things last night. Remind me to talk to you about it later.”


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