Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2)

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Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2) Page 16

by Hayley Faiman

  I watch as Drifter lifts his boot and kicks open the door. A woman screams. I walk in and see that she’s sitting on Scotty’s cock. Reverse cowgirl style. I look at her face and cringe. Fuck, she’s young, real young.

  “Get the fuck out of my house,” Scotty screams. His face turns red and he throws the young bitch off his lap.

  “Don’t think I will,” I state as I point my gun at his head. Drifter has his out and pointed at the naked bitch’s head on the floor.

  “What do you want?” Scotty asks, narrowing his eyes on me.

  “Give my woman an easy divorce, sign over your parental rights, and pretend like your marriage never existed. Pretend she never existed,” I say.

  “You’re fucking crazy. You want the bitch? You can have her. Worst lay I ever had,” he grunts. “But my daughter is a different story. I’ll be taking her and raising her properly. No way would I let trash like you and the likes of her whore mother raise her.”

  “You really shouldn’t talk about my woman like that,” I tsk.

  “I really don’t give a fuck what you want. I’m Scotty Corbin, I’ll do what I want,” he huffs. I chuckle.

  “Scotty, little dick, Corbin. Thinks he’s somebody, Drifter. What do you think?” I ask Drift without taking my eyes off of Scotty and his little dick. Fuck me, it’s small, too.

  “I think nobody would miss his scrawny ass. I think he’s a wife beater, a rapist, and the scum of the earth,” he snaps. Scotty’s eyes go wide, traveling from Drifter to me in panic.

  “She’s a selfish bitch and a liar,” Scotty cries. I shake my head, unable to respond immediately as I clinch my jaw tight.

  “Brentlee doesn’t lie. She doesn’t have to. I have the medical records and photographs to prove exactly what and who you are. Do what your daddy advised and grant the divorce, sign the agreement to give up all custodial rights, and pretend you never met Brentlee Johnson,” I grind out, taking another step closer to the piece of shit.

  “You don’t have shit,” he boasts. I chuckle.

  “Man, I got it all. Every bloodied picture of my gorgeous girl; every documented piece of evidence you could think of. I fuckin’ got it. Your money can cover up a lot of shit, but there are still some good people in this world, and they keep shit like that for a rainy day—just in-fuckin’-case. Lucky for me, I got originals of it all, you dumbfuck,” I laugh.

  “They can’t be used in court,” he says, puffing out his chest a bit.

  “They can’t. You’re right. But when the cops come sniffing around because they find your cold dead body, I can show them just what kind of man you are. They’ll drop the search for your killer because, believe it or not, most cops—they ain’t gonna give two fucks about some piece of shit that beats and rapes his wife for years. They’ll figure he had it comin’ to him. Pissed off the wrong person,” I say, talking completely out of my ass.

  “Do you know who my father is?” he shouts. I full on belly laugh at his rich-boy tantrum.

  “Yeah, met the pencil dick the other day. Killed some of his lackey’s in front of him, too; so I’m thinkin’ he won’t be a fuckin’ problem. I’ll tell you who my daddy is, though. He’s a wife beater, a rapist, and a full on piece of shit. So forgive me if I don’t give a fuck about you or your daddy. I give a shit about the women men like you hurt. Women like Brentlee who couldn’t deserve that shit if they fuckin’ tried.”

  Luckily, Scotty doesn’t say another derogatory word about Brent. Maybe he can tell I’m holding on by only a thin thread. I want to put a bullet in this fucker’s head so badly I can taste it. His eyes drift down to the barely legal girl naked and shaking on the floor before they come back up to me.

  “I’ll sign over rights,” he mutters.

  “Good. I’ll have my lawyer send them right over,” I say with a smile.

  “You better watch your fucking back, biker,” he grinds out. I laugh wholeheartedly. What a dick.

  “I don’t have to watch shit, Corbin. I find out you even breathe the same air as my Brent, I’ll cut your dick off and feed it to you—that’s after I saw your balls off and shove them down your throat. You’re nothing, you little punk, asshole. You even attempt to retaliate, and I’ll have my whole fuckin’ club here. We’ll make a party out of disemboweling you. It’ll be great fun,” I grin and the little girl starts to sob.

  “You’re such a big talker with a gun in your hand,” he yells.

  “Want me to get my knife instead?” I ask arching a brow. He doesn’t respond and I can’t help but smile. I lift my chin to Drifter, whose eyes are fixed on the girl curled into a ball on the floor.

  “You need a ride, babe?” I ask. She looks up at me with terror.

  “Come on, honey, you need to get away from this crazy man,” Drifter mentions with a grin.

  “I—I’m scared,” she whispers, her eyes darting between the three of us men.

  “How old are you?” he asks. He’s completely focused on her, but my gun is still aimed right at Scotty’s stupid head.

  “Nineteen,” she murmurs.

  “Grab your clothes, honey,” Drifter murmurs. She nods once before she gathers her things and quickly dresses.

  “Stay away from my woman and her kid,” I reiterate to Scotty. He doesn’t say anything. He just watches as Drifter throws his arm over the nineteen-year-old girl’s shoulders.

  “Just fucking leave,” Scotty shouts. It makes me laugh.

  Together, the three of us leave Scotty Corbin alone and naked in his bed. Dude’s gonna have blue balls. I hope he takes my advice and stays away from Brentlee. It’s doubtful, though. That asshole doesn’t know when to stop. He’ll fight until the death, and that’s exactly where fighting me will land him—fucking dead.

  I watch as Drifter and the young girl take off on his bike before I go toward the club. I do have a few hours of work before it’s time to pick up Brent and head home for the evening. My back is sore and achy, my throat the same. I’m ready to wrap my arms around my woman and just sleep. I need some serious fuckin’ shut eye.


  It’s been a week since Bates and I marked our bodies with each other’s name. I still surprise myself every time I look in the mirror. I’m not used to the ink on my skin. I love it, though; and Bates’ neck piece, fuck, I can’t wait until it’s fully healed. I still ache to trace it with my tongue as I ride his delicious cock. I don’t know that I’ll ever get tired of having him inside of my body—anywhere inside of me.

  “Babe, you ready?” he calls out from the living room.

  Tonight, I’m not working; tonight is a party, the first party I get to attend as an Old Lady. Kentlee is beside herself with glee that we’re going to be there together. Tammy is watching all of the kids over here for the night, Kentlee’s two and my Stella. Bates and I are going to spend the whole night at the clubhouse. I’m a little nervous, to say the least. Not only have I never left Stella overnight, anywhere, but now I’m going to be on Bates’ arm as his woman—officially his woman.

  “I am,” I call out, taking one last look in the mirror.

  My long dark hair is straight and sleek. I’m wearing a tight, black mini-skirt with a blue cropped top that’s loose but shows off my entire stomach, ending just below my breasts. My Sniper tattoo is on complete display. On my feet are a pair of black high heels, so high that I know my feet are going to ache after the first hour, but they are so cute I don’t care. I’ll drink the pain away. I apply one last layer of bright red lipstick to my lips and leave the room.

  “You can’t go,” Bates growls as soon as I step into the living room.

  Fury, Kentlee, Tammy and the kids are all looking at me with wide eyes.

  “Why?” I ask, feigning innocence.

  “Too much skin,” he barks.

  I do a slow spin in my outfit, making sure to stop when my back is turned so he can see how short the skirt really is. It barely covers my ass.

  “I think it’s cute,” Kentlee pipes up.

bsp; “You stay out of it, sugar,” Fury murmurs.

  I look over and see that my sister is wearing a dress. It shows off her ample cleavage and is tight on her spectacular curves. It’s also not much longer than mine.

  “I think it’s cute, too,” Tammy chimes in. Bates just growls.

  “Then that settles it, three out of four,” I grin walking over to him and placing a gentle kiss on the B of my name along his neck.

  “That don’t settle shit. You get drunk tonight, baby, and I’ll settle this with some fantastic drunk fucking,” he murmurs against my ear.

  “Sounds like a plan. Let’s get outta here,” I practically yell, making both him and Fury chuckle.

  We say goodbye to our babies and give them kisses before we load onto the bikes and head to the clubhouse. I wrap myself around Bates’ body, though not too tightly, knowing his ink is still tender to the touch on his back. I feel one of his hands slide up my thigh and give it a squeeze.

  Once we arrive at the clubhouse I try to gracefully slide off of his bike, which isn’t easy in the short skirt, high heel combo I have going on. Bates gets off but wraps his hand around my waist, stopping me from walking inside immediately.

  “I love you, baby,” he murmurs before his lips brush against mine.

  “You okay?” I ask, furrowing my brows.

  “These parties can get crazy. It’s a free for all and I just, I love you,” he shrugs.

  This isn’t my first Notorious Devil’s party, but apparently it’s going to get crazier than a normal party would be. There are a few other charters here visiting, passing through town on runs with men I’ve never met before.

  “You’ll stay with me the whole time?” I ask.

  “I’ll be fuckin’ glued to you, baby,” he grunts as his hands travel to my ass and squeeze.

  “Then I’ll be fine,” I say brightly. He just shakes his head as he disengages his hands from my ass and wraps one around my waist to walk me into the clubhouse.

  “Let’s party, babe,” he grunts.

  We walk inside of the clubhouse and the smoke is heavier, the music louder, the smell of sex and booze stronger than I have ever witnessed before. There are at least twice as many people here as I’ve ever seen, and suddenly I understand exactly why Bates has been a little worried. It’s complete chaos.

  We wind and shove our way to the bar. I need a few shots before I can shake the unease of the atmosphere away. It’s a complete crush of people, and it has my anxiety on high.

  A prospect slides two shot glasses toward us along with a bottle of tequila. Bates doesn’t hesitate to pour two shots, and I don’t hesitate to down my first one. Together we shoot at least four shots a piece and then ask for beers.

  “Who in the fuck is this bitch?” a guy yells. I turn in Bates’ arms to see a very tall, handsome, longhaired man standing right behind me.

  “Snake. This is my Old Lady, Brentlee,” Bates chuckles. The man looks me up and down, then his eyes stop on my hip and narrow before he breaks out into a big smile.

  “Fuck me sideways, you got an Old Lady. Inked and everything,” he chuckles before he pats Bates on the back. “Well, gorgeous, you got stuck with this ugly fucker for life. Sucks to be you,” he laughs. Bates joins him.

  “Snake and I go way back,” Bates chuckles. I can’t help but smile.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I say holding out my hand. Snake grasps my palm and pulls me in for a quick hug.

  “Any woman who can tame this cranky ass motherfucker deserves a fuckin’ medal,” he says. Bates gives him the finger.

  We spend another hour talking to Snake. Well, Bates talks to him and I snuggle into his side, happy to just be held by my big mountain of a man.

  As the night drags on, I notice that more and more people are losing their clothes. Most of the clubwhores are completely naked, and even a few of the Old Ladies have lost articles of clothing. I’m sitting on Bates’ lap, my beer on the table in front of me, and he’s talking to somebody. I’m so drunk, I can’t remember his name. I can’t even focus on him. I have my face turned to the side buried in Bates’ neck, my lips gently grazing my tattoo. I purr when I feel his hand slide between my legs.

  “Bates,” I whisper.

  “Quiet, feel me tigritsa,” he growls. I spread my legs a little as his finger slide my panties to the side before it enters me.

  I’m wet. So fucking wet. I wrap my hand around the back of his neck and grind slightly against his hand. I need more, so much more from him. I can feel his chest vibrating behind me and I know that he’s still talking to whoever is next to him. I can’t seem to give a shit. All I feel is him touching me, filling me—owning me.

  I gasp when a second finger fills me and he slowly begins fucking me. It’s so damn slow, I think I might actually explode, or scratch his eyes out, or cry.

  “Please,” I whimper. He ignores me.

  Bates continues to slowly torture me. He makes even strokes with his fingers, filling me, making that come hither motion I love. When his thumb presses against my clit, I groan. I can’t stop my hips from meeting his thrusts. I grind my ass against his jean covered cock.

  “You don’t stop, and I’m going to take it out and fill you with it right here in front of the whole damn bar,” he grunts.

  “Do it,” I dare.

  “Fuck,” he hisses. Before I realize what’s happened, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

  I hear whoops and hollers, but I can’t take my eyes off of his gorgeous ass as he walks. I can feel his arm around the hem of my skirt, keeping my body from the view of the people surrounding us. He walks us inside of his room and I cry out when my body bounces on the bed.

  “Want all of you tonight, baby,” he murmurs as he strips his clothes. I nod as my mouth waters. He can have me, all of me. I’m so turned on, he can do what he pleases. As long as I come, I don’t give a shit.

  “I want your ass, Brentlee. I want to slide my cock in your gorgeous, tight ass. Will you give that to me?” he asks. I take a gulp of air before I look up to him. His hand slides into my hair and his eyes are focused on me, solely focused on me. Suddenly, I don’t feel drunk.

  “Erase all the bad memories I have, Bates. Replace them with you,” I murmur.

  He bends down, his lips crashing against mine, his tongue forcing its way inside of my mouth. I’m filled with his tongue and his moans. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck and thread my fingers through his hair, slightly tugging.

  “Gonna make you feel good, baby. Never gonna hurt you,” he mumbles as one of his hands slides up my side and cups my breast.

  “Make it good, Bates,” I whisper against his lips. He nods once before he steps away from me.

  “On your stomach, baby,” he commands. I shiver before I roll to my stomach.

  Bates grabs my skirt and yanks it down my body before I hear it hit the floor somewhere behind me. He orders me to remove my shirt, and then he unclasps my bra before he yanks my panties down my legs. I’m completely bare for him, with the exception of my black high heeled shoes. I hear a thump behind me before Bates’ mouth sucks my clit between his teeth. I moan when his tongue flicks me, and push myself closer to him. I’m on my hands and knees, and his glorious mouth is between my thighs.

  “I’m gonna bring you close to the edge, baby,” he warns before his tongue slices through my core and enters my pussy. I moan shamelessly loud as I grind on his face.

  Fuck, this man and his beard are going to be the end of me. Thank god he’s branded me and is keeping me, because I have a feeling no other man could ever make me feel this way again.

  I feel myself climbing toward my release when he pulls away from me. I whimper and slide my hand between my legs, but he slaps me on my pussy. I cry out, but the bastard just laughs. Luckily, he only lightly slapped me so it doesn’t hurt—but it’s throbbing and aching and I need to come.

  “Sshhh, tigritsa,” he murmurs.

  I hear him fumble around and then a coo
l liquid slides through the crack of my ass. I gasp when I feel his finger enter me. It doesn’t hurt; I feel as though it should, but it doesn’t. When Scotty took my ass, he just shoved himself inside of me and did as he pleased. Bates isn’t doing that, he’s taking his time and he’s being gentle.

  “Bates,” I moan, meeting his thrusting finger, enjoying the feeling of him in that forbidden part of me.

  I groan when a second finger fills me. Bates wraps his other hand around my hip and begins to play with my clit. He’s all around me, inside of me, filling me and it’s so much, yet not enough.

  “You feel so good, baby,” he murmurs as two fingers slide inside of my dripping pussy.

  “I need more,” I demand. I’m drunk and I need him, I want him, I want all of him.

  “Yeah, baby, you got it,” he says, keeping his fingers in my ass.

  Then I feel the head of his cock position against my pussy and he slowly pushes inside of me. I whimper before his lips touch my lower back and his fingers continue to play with my clit.

  “Relax, my tigritsa, don’t be scared, baby. Take me inside of you, push back now and accept me,” he coos.

  I should be fucking terrified, but I’m not. I’m glad it’s only his fingers, I don’t know if I would survive his cock. I close my eyes and will my body to relax. I focus on his fingers strumming my clit, the smell of him surrounding me.

  “Just feel me filling you. Feel my fingers on that gorgeous pussy, my dick deep in that tight cunt. My gorgeous girl, my tigritsa,” he murmurs against the back of my neck as he places sweet kisses. I sigh and begin to slowly rock against him.

  “I want more, Bates,” I whisper.

  He returns my whisper with a groan and starts to slowly fuck my ass with his fingers. I never thought I could enjoy this act, even just this little part of it. Scotty used it to defile me, demean me at one time, but now—it feels beautiful. I sigh as I meet his fingers’ thrust with my ass—offering myself willingly to him.


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