Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2)

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Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2) Page 17

by Hayley Faiman

  I cry out when his hips thrust harder, slamming his cock inside of me, filling my pussy. I scream when I come and my whole body goes stiff before it starts to shake. Then the most beautiful guttural sound of my man’s release fills the air and he comes inside of me, filling me with his climax.

  After a quick shower down the hall, we hurry back to his room and lock ourselves inside. I can hear the bass from the music at the party, but it seems far away. Curled up and in the arms of my lover, my man, my Old Man, we’re in our own cocoon.

  “Thank you for that, Brentlee,” he whispers into the dark.

  “No, Bates, thank you. I wish I could give it all to you,” I say.

  “You will; one day you’ll be ready. I knew you weren’t,” he murmurs before he places a kiss to the top of my head.

  “Well, anyway, thank you,” I sigh.

  “Sleep, my tigritsa,” he grunts. Without further prompting, I close my eyes and I fall into a blissful sleep.


  I see the explosion and it is as if it is in slow motion. All around me, there is fire and mayhem. Men are screaming and crying out, and I’m frozen in my tracks. This shouldn’t be happening. We’ve done this a dozen times, and this shouldn’t be happening. I grab my gun and shake myself out of the daze. I need to save my friends, my brothers.

  I look down and fall to my knees when I see a kid, Morgan, screaming and holding his stomach. I take a closer look at his stomach and notice that his insides are completely missing; there’s nothing but a big hole there.

  “Daddy,” he calls out in his southern accent.

  “Morgan,” I grunt.

  “Are you proud of me now, daddy?” he asks. I wrap my hand around the back of his neck. I meet his eyes with mine and I smile.

  “So fuckin’ proud, son,” I say. He smiles before his whole body goes limp. He dies, right there in my arms, he fuckin’ dies.

  “Bates” a woman screams. I stand up, running across the bloody sand. It’s Brentlee. She’s kneeling and there’s a man in front of her. He turns around and it’s Scotty.

  “Say goodbye to your whore, Bates Lukin,” he hisses before he pulls the trigger.

  I sit straight up, sweat dripping off of my face and my chest. The dark room is too much, I search for Brentlee and sigh when I find her warm body curled next to mine. I need her. I need her to chase my dreams away. I don’t bother waking her up. I roll her onto her stomach and wet my dick before I push myself inside of her pussy. She’s not as wet as she usually is, but I don’t care. I just need to feel.

  I know the moment she wakes because her body stiffens before she lets out a moan and then relaxes again. I kiss her neck as I continue to fuck her. I yank her hips back a little higher and slowly slide in and out of her heat. She’s getting wetter and wetter with each slide of my cock, and I can’t help the groan that escapes my lips.

  “Harder,” she grunts. I don’t hesitate.

  I slide to my knees and roughly grab her hips before I pull her onto my cock, hard. I hold her still and I fuck her with all of my strength. I can’t say anything, except grunt and moan at the way she feels around my cock. The room is filled with the sound of slapping skin, grunts, and Brentlee’s cries.

  “Make yourself come,” I order. I’m pleased when her hand dives between her thighs.

  I’m so fucking close. I’m two seconds from tipping over the edge, and when I feel her pussy squeeze my cock as she screams my name, I finally let loose. I come so hard, shooting my release deep inside of her.

  “Baby,” she whispers when I pull out of her.

  She tries to roll away, to clean herself up, but I can’t let her leave my side. I never want her to leave me. Ever. I wrap my arms around her and pull her back into my front, spooning her.

  “Just let me clean up,” she murmurs. I grunt before I dive my hand between her legs and shove two fingers into her wet cunt.

  “No, I want my cum inside of you when I sleep,” I say.

  “Did you have a nightmare,” she whispers when I finger her. I almost sigh at how wet and warm she is, our mixed release helping guide my fingers in and out of her pussy.

  “Yeah,” I murmur, kissing her shoulder. She begins to move her hips with the rhythm of my hand.

  “Tell me about it?” she asks, her voice breathy and her hips thrusting harder, searching for more.

  “No, I just want to fuck you into exhaustion. That sound good?”

  “Yeah, baby, that sounds good,” she sighs.

  I don’t fuck her from behind this time. Instead I instruct her to climb on top of me. I let her ride me. I tell her to take her time, torture me with a slow as fuck pace. I want her to get herself off, but in no hurry.

  I want her to build herself to a point where she explodes. I want to watch every little detail, every little expression on her face. I want to make sure she’s real, she’s here, and she’s mine.

  When she comes, she screams. I know she must be heard throughout the entire club, but I don’t give a fuck. It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed in my entire fucking life. Her whole body is shaking, her pussy squeezing the life out of my cock. I thrust up inside of her a few times before I tip over the edge and fall, more of my cum filling her body.

  I’m finally exhausted.

  I leave her in a pile of bones and flesh in my bed as I go over to the bathrooms and get a cloth to clean her up. She’s asleep by the time I make it back, but I don’t care. I clean the remnants of our evening from her pussy and I crawl in behind her. I wrap her in my arms and I finally drift off to sleep.


  My beautiful woman in my arms.

  My tigritsa.


  My head is pounding, and so is my pussy. Jesus, it feels like we screwed all night long—mainly because we did. I groan and roll over, but Bates’ strong arm tightens around my stomach and pulls me closer to his chest. I feel him bury his face in my hair, and then he inhales. I’m sure I smell like sex, sweat, and tequila, a combination that cannot be in the least bit sexy.

  “Stop, I’m gross,” I grumble. He doesn’t stop. Instead, he kisses my shoulder.

  “You okay, baby?” he murmurs his voice deep and husky, gruff and sexy.

  “Sore, but yeah, I’m okay,” I admit.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you. Knew I would soon enough,” he grunts before he releases me and rolls onto his back. I turn to face him and throw my arm over his stomach, resting my chin on his chest.

  “You didn’t hurt me. We just had a lot of sex last night and I’m a little sore. I never told you to stop, I liked all of it,” I admit.

  “You remember it all?” he asks as his hand comes up and tucks a few strands of hair behind my ear.

  “What, you mean when you fucked my ass with your fingers? Or when you started fucking me from behind when I was asleep? Or how about when you commanded me to ride you for what felt like hours?” I ask, arching a brow.

  “Yeah, you remember,” he grunts, his voice lower, gravellier—sexier.

  “I loved it all, baby. Every time you touch me, I love it, Bates. Don’t ever think I don’t,” I admit. His eyes darken, and they look so black.

  “Now I’m hard again and your pussy needs to recoup,” he murmurs, making me laugh.

  “I could ride you slow again,” I whisper, placing a soft kiss on his nipple before gentle nipping it.

  “Not gonna turn my woman down when she offers to take my dick. But I don’t want you hurting,” he groans as I wrap my hand around his already hard cock.

  “Then you better make me nice and wet Bates, so you slide right in.” I feel him shudder and then his hands wrap around my waist and he pulls me up to my knees.

  “Ride my face before you ride my cock, baby. I wanna taste that pussy. My pussy,” he hums.

  “I haven’t showered,” I warn. He chuckles as I spread my thighs over his face.

  “Think I know that, baby. Now get that pussy up here and ride my face,” he commands.

  I gently lower myself onto his lips and cringe at how gross I must taste to him. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Though, I would do just about anything for this man. When his tongue slides between my swollen lips, I moan. When his teeth graze my aching, sensitive clit before he sucks on it, I throw back my head and cry out his name.

  All thoughts of how I taste go completely out the window as his hands grab onto my thighs and he pulls me down hard against his face. His beard tickles and scratches and feels so damn good, I can’t breathe.

  I’m close, so fucking close.

  Then, he stops.

  I growl, but he only laughs as he pushes me down his body. I want more of his mouth, but when I reach his dick, I shiver.

  Never mind. I want that instead.

  He aligns himself with my entrance and I slowly sink down on his hard cock. We both groan when I am fully seated.

  “Don’t move yet,” he orders. It’s so hard not to just ride the hell out of him, I’m so turned on, so close.

  I close my eyes and just feel him inside of me, stretching me. He’s warm and hard. I gasp when his thumb starts to rub against my clit.

  “Bates,” I warn. His eyes are completely focused on his hand between my legs. “Bates, baby, I’m going to need to move,” I warn.

  “Not yet,” he says, sounding completely distracted. I grind my teeth together, forcing my body to stay still. I want to move so badly, it aches. I feel like I’m going to crawl out of my skin, I want it too damn bad.

  “Please,” I whimper. I’m not above begging; I don’t know if I ever will be when it comes to him.

  “No,” he barks roughly.

  It should piss me off, but it doesn’t. It makes me shiver, the way his harsh command washes over me.

  The way he so obviously owns my body.

  “Baby, I feel like I’m going to die,” I whine as I ball my hands into fists and dig my nails into my palms.

  “Just wait,” he says harshly.

  I growl in annoyance. He doesn’t react to my obvious irritation. He doesn’t say a word, his focus only on my clit and the way his thumb is working it. I feel my thighs shake against his waist as I bite down on my bottom lip, tears welling in my eyes. I can’t stop them, no matter how hard I try. Tears fall from my eyes, down my cheeks and onto Bates’ stomach. I need to come, it physically hurts.

  His other hand slides up my side and wraps around my throat. He massages my throat, his thumb making the exact same pattern on the side of my throat as the other one is making on my clit. The tears continue to flow, and then suddenly his eyes meet mine and he grins.

  “Lean forward on my hand, baby, and make yourself come,” he murmurs. I don’t hesitate. If he wanted me to cluck like a fucking chicken at this point—I would.

  I lean forward and feel my airway being slightly restricted as his hand moves out from between my legs and wraps around one of the cheeks of my ass. I raise my hips and let them fall, grinding down on his gorgeous cock. Then, as if something inside of me snaps, I ride him. I ride him like I am a woman possessed, like I need a priest to come in here and perform an exorcism on me.

  Bates’ hand on my neck tightens and I feel as though I’m floating. My body is not my own, and I’m thinking of nothing but seeking my own pleasure. When I come, it’s an explosion of epic proportions, and if I had my voice to scream, everybody within a ten-mile radius would hear me.

  Bates doesn’t allow me to relax after my climax; instead, he flips me to my back and he fucks me with all of his raw strength. His hand is still on my throat, squeezing and releasing as his cock slams inside of me. When he finally comes, I feel him explode and twitch inside of me before he collapses on top of my body. His weight is heavy, pushing me into the mattress, but it feels divine.

  “You all right, tigritsa?” he asks once his breathing has evened out. I wince when he pulls out of me and rolls onto his back.

  “Yeah, I’m okay,” I sigh, turning my head to look at him.

  “I gotta go on a run in a couple days. I’m gonna be gone a week, maybe two,” he announces out of the blue.

  “Where to?”

  “Can’t really tell you. Buck will stand watch, so will a couple of prospects, and Fury’s gonna be takin’ you to and from work,” he says.

  “You’re really leaving? Just like that?” I ask as my breathing starts to increase and panic starts to fill my body.

  “It’s club business. Not much I can do about it. Scotty ain’t gonna bother you. Honestly, I’d pull the brothers off of you, but I just want to be extra careful until the divorce and custody papers are finalized.” He shrugs as he stands and gathers his clothes.

  “I don’t understand why you can’t tell me what you’re doing, and I really don’t understand why you aren’t concerned about Scotty anymore,” I say, sliding off of the bed and gathering my own clothes.

  “It’s been weeks, babe. He’d have tried something by now, that’s all,” he says, avoiding my gaze. He’s lying, or omitting something, I just don’t know what.

  “Maybe,” I murmur as I finish getting dressed.

  I’m ready to go home and take a shower. Our fuck fest has me feeling gross, and this conversation is doing nothing but irritating me.

  “It’s club shit. Women aren’t told anything,” he says, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck and dipping his head down to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

  “My sister doesn’t know anything?” I ask, arching a brow.

  “Your sister knows what her man tells her. I can guarantee it ain’t much, if anything. There’s a reason we don’t tell the women; we don’t tell anybody, Brentlee. What we say when we go into that room for church, it stays there. The less people that know our shit, the less liabilities we have. You’re going to have to deal with that,” he says before he turns and sits on the bed to put on his boots.

  “I don’t know if I can deal with a bunch of secrets,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest to try and protect myself.

  “My business with the club can’t be shared with anybody,” he states.

  “What else will you keep secret?” I ask, biting on my bottom lip.

  “What’s the real question here, babe?” he asks, standing and sliding his cut on over his arms and shoulders.

  “Are you going to screw around and everybody just keeps it a big secret?” I blurt.

  God I am so damn insecure; it’s pissing me off. I don’t know how Bates doesn’t slap the shit out of me for it. Maybe I’m pushing him on purpose. Maybe I’m trying to goad him, to push his buttons and test him. Maybe I want him to lose his shit, so I can prove that he’s just like Scotty, that he’ll beat the shit out of me and expect me to take it.

  I am so fucked up.

  “This is the last time we’re having this conversation, Brentlee,” he announces before he grabs my hips and roughly pulls me close to his body. One of his hands slides up my spine and fists in my hair, yanking my head back. I let out a surprised cry, but stay quiet otherwise.

  “For the last fuckin’ time—your name is branded on my fuckin’ throat. I’m yours and you’re mine. My dick only gets wet inside your sweet cunt, ass, or mouth. Nobody else, no matter where I am or what I’m doin’. I’m yours, baby. Every piece of me is yours. Shit goes down in the club and you can’t know anything. It’s for your protection as much as it’s for the club’s. I go to jail or some shit and you can’t testify against me because you don’t know anything. My main focus is the club—keeping my brothers safe and all that shit—but it’s also you, keeping you and Stella safe. You’ll always be taken care of because my names on your body,” he growls.

  “What?” I breathe.

  “Anything happens to me, this club will take care of you, baby. They’ll have your back, they’ll help you and Stella, no questions asked, because my name is right here on your hip.” He squeezes the Sniper tattoo for emphasis.

  “Don’t you leave me,” I whimper.

  “Never gonna leave my tigritsa willingly,�
�� he murmurs before his lips slam down on mine and he takes me in a hard, swift kiss.

  “Now, tell me you get what I’m sayin’, babe. Tell me you understand. I’m yours, my cock’s yours, and my heart, it’s always been yours,” he whispers before his teeth nip my earlobe.

  “Yeah, baby, I understand,” I sigh. And I do.

  I understand.

  I finally understand.

  He’s in this about as deeply as I am.

  I only hope that he stays this way.

  I don’t know if I’ll ever be one hundred percent comfortable with this relationship. I think because of my marriage to Scotty, I’ll always be sitting around waiting for the other shoe to drop. But for now, I’m going to try and push those thoughts out of my head and be happy. I have a man who loves me, who loves my daughter, who is willing to take care of us, no matter what. How can I possibly bitch about that?


  After relieving Tammy from kid duty, I leave my girls. Brent is exhausted and Stella is bursting with energy, ready to tell her all about her evening with Tammy and her cousins. I haven’t seen Stella this excited since our little Target shopping spree for Elsa sheets. A grin tugs on my lips as I make my way back to the clubhouse. As much as I’d like to curl up with my girls on the couch, I can’t. I have shit to prep for.

  It’s my turn in rotation to make a run from here to Salt Lake City and then up to the Canadian border to do a hand off. It’s a hard run, but the payout is fuckin’ phenomenal. Working with the Cartel hasn’t been nearly as fucked up as working with the Aryan’s was. Those assholes were fuckin’ terrifying. I shiver just thinking about them.

  “You ready for this run?” Fury asks as soon as I walk into his office. He looks about as exhausted as I do, and I wonder if LeeLee kept him up all night, too. I chuckle at the thought.

  “What’s funny?” he grunts.

  “I’m fuckin’ beat to shit, brother,” I admit. He sighs before he leans back in his chair.


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