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Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2)

Page 24

by Hayley Faiman

  “You can’t fuckin’ trust me, then we can’t do this,” he roars.

  I open my mouth as he grabs his pants and pulls them up. I can see the defeated look in his eyes. If he leaves now, there’s no hope. I want hope. I want him. He’s right. I need to let some of my shit go. He’s been constant and consistent, but this place, this limbo, it isn’t going to work for much longer.

  “Wait, please don’t leave me,” I beg. He stops, his eyes wide.

  “Brent,” he sighs.

  “Fuck this. Fuck the past. Fuck it all, Bates. I love you and I want you. The rest of the shit, I’m going to have to let it go. Because losing you, it would be my biggest regret,” I confess.

  A second later, I am wrapped in his arms and he’s lifting me, his lips crashing against mine and my back slamming against the closed door. I don’t register his fumbling hands beneath me as I wrap my legs around his waist, my lips attacking his with the same ferocity his attack mine. I cry out when he rips my panties completely off and then fills me again. This time, he doesn’t fuck me slow. No, he pounds into me, his strength causing my back to bang against the door. I’ll be bruised up in the morning, but it will be worth it—worth every second. I wrench my lips from him as I cry out in pleasure.

  “Say you’re mine,” he grunts against my neck as he sucks at my skin.

  “I’m yours,” I murmur.

  “I want that whole fucking club to hear it,” he orders as one of his hands smacks the outside of my thigh.

  “I’m fucking yours!” I shout as I feel myself on the verge of climaxing.

  “Shit, yeah, you are,” he groans as he slides his hand between us and pinches my clit, sending me over the edge.

  I cry out as I come around him, my pussy pulsing, my entire body going still. Bates doesn’t stop, though. He fucks me like the savage beast that he is. His fingertips dig into the sides of my thighs as he holds me up, and his cock pistons inside of my core.

  I cry out with each and every thrust until he stills inside of me. His cock fills me with his release as he lets out a guttural cry into my neck. He doesn’t move as he empties inside of me, then he begins to slowly slide in and out of me, his face nuzzling my neck.

  “Bates,” I whisper breathlessly.

  “Never leaving. Not ever again,” he states. I sigh. I hope he’s telling the truth. I hope that he means his words. I’m so tired of fighting it, fighting him.

  “Are you coming home?” I ask.

  “I’m already home, baby,” he grins, thrusting his hips slightly. It makes me laugh. I immediately stop when his hand cups my cheek and his thumb slides across my bottom lip.

  “I love you so much,” I admit. His eyes darken before he kisses my lips softly, brushing them twice before he rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes.

  “I love you more than life itself, Brentlee. I’m so sorry I hurt you. So fuckin’ sorry. I’ll try not to do it again, ever,” he murmurs. I tighten my legs around his waist and he lifts his head up, looking at me with confusion.

  “You better not ever do it again, Bates. Not like that,” I warn.

  “Never.” He nods once before his lips touch the tip of my nose and he slides out of me. I straighten my skirt and start looking for a tissue or something to clean up with when one of his hands cups my cheek.

  “You’re mine. Always,” he whispers as his thumb slides along my cheekbone.

  “Always,” I whisper.

  I gasp when his other hand slides between my legs and his fingers enter me.

  “My cum stays here tonight,” he murmurs.

  “Bates,” I breathe in surprise.

  “Need you marked. Head-to-pussy,” he grins. My heart stops for a second at how gorgeous he is.

  “You know you’re a disgusting Neanderthal?” I ask.

  “I branded your body with my name permanently, babe. You can’t seriously just be figuring this shit out now.” I giggle at his words, unable to control myself.

  “Now that’s the sound I love—close second to the little sounds you make when you’re about to come on my cock—your laughter,” he says softly before he pulls his hand from between my legs.

  “Let’s go home,” I suggest. He nods.

  Together, we walk out of the dressing room, my arm around his waist, his hand planted on the spot on my hip where his name is etched into my skin.

  “Thank fuck,” Fury barks as soon we walk into the bar area. I notice that he’s bellied up to the bar, talking to a pretty bartender.

  “Candy, get my woman here somethin’ to drink, yeah?” Bates shouts over the loud music.

  “What’ll you have, honey?” she asks.

  I ask for a bottled beer. I don’t need anything special, and I really just want to go home, cuddle next to Bates, and sleep—god, I want to sleep so damn bad.

  I sit on the barstool next to Bates, who is leaned down murmuring to Fury about only god knows what.

  “You the reason he’s been absent?” Candy asks. I shrug as my response, unsure of what to say.

  “He looks happy, honey. Keep him that way, yeah? Makes my life a hell of a lot easier.” She winks and I smile back at her. “You’re Kent’s sister?” she asks, changing the subject.

  We spend the next thirty minutes talking about my sister, about her time working in the club serving drinks, and how close she and Candy became during those years. By the end of the conversation, I have an even higher opinion of my sister, a higher respect. My sister kicks ass and has to be the strongest woman I have ever known.

  “Ready?” Bates asks as his hand wraps around my waist. I look around and notice that the party is pretty much dead. I missed it all.

  “Yeah,” I yawn. I’m exhausted. Completely shattered.

  Bates and I head over to his bike. As I climb on behind him, I can’t help but feel excited at being wrapped around him on the back of his bike again.

  I close my eyes as we travel down the dark country roads. I think about how Fury claimed they needed my help tonight at the bar. The asshole was playing matchmaker. As I curl closer to Bates, inhaling the leather of his cut, I can’t help but be grateful that he did. No telling how long we would have danced around each other and avoided each other. Possibly until it was too late. That would have been truly tragic.


  The knocking on the door is forceful. I look over at Bates, who is completely comatose. I grab his t-shirt from the night before and throw it on over my naked body. Once we came home, we alternated between fucking and making love until the sun came up.

  I glance at the clock and groan when I realize Stella will be waking any second, then the pounding on the front door begins again. I rush over to it, opening it without thought.

  Standing in front of me are two uniformed police officers. I squeak at the sight of them. Honestly, I expected it to be Kentlee with coffee and a knowing smile, here for all the dirty details of Bates and my reunion. I did not, however, expect two uniformed officers of the law.

  “Ma’am,” one says with a grin as his eyes slowly travel the length of my body.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, running my fingers through my ratted, matted hair. Hair I know Bates spent most of the morning tangling with his strong fingers.

  “We’re here about your husband, ma’am,” the other officer says. My eyes widen before I nod and step aside, letting them into the house.

  “The fuck is goin’ on here?” Bates growls as he walks from the hall into the living area.

  He’s shirtless, wearing his jeans, zipped but unbuttoned at the top, and I know he’s not wearing boxers underneath. I lick my lips at the sight of him.

  “We’re here to talk to Mrs. Corbin about her husband,” one of the officers says, his eyes narrowing on Bates.

  “What about that douchebag?” Bates grunts.

  “Uh… we’re sorry to inform you that Mr. Corbin’s body was found yesterday afternoon. We’ve just identified him,” the younger of the two officers says. I gasp in feigned sh
ock and hold my hand over my lips. Afraid the truth will shine on my face.

  “Where was he?” Bates grunts.

  “A popular area known for…”

  “Billy,” the other officer interrupts.

  “We’ll need you to come down to the station when you can and give an interview. We understand you two were estranged, but it’s just a formality,” the older officer advises.

  “Okay, I’ll come down this afternoon,” I murmur.

  The police officers leave and I turn to Bates who is smiling.

  “What did you guys do?” I ask.

  “We put him where all the pros and druggies deal, in a hotel room filled with so much jizz and fingerprints they’d never figure a fuckin’ thing out,” he chuckles.

  “You can’t be serious.” I wrinkle my nose and he wraps his hands around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

  “They found him anywhere else, baby, and you’d be a prime suspect. I couldn’t have that,” he murmurs as his nose slides alongside mine. I sigh and melt against him.

  “Wha happen?” Stella asks, rubbing her little eyes.

  “Nothing, sweet girl,” I say before I pick her up and hold her in my arms.

  “My girls,” Bates murmurs before he plants a kiss on my forehead and then Stella’s.

  Bates calls Kentlee over to watch Stella while he takes me to the police station to answer their questions. Luckily I’m not a suspect at all, thanks to Bates and the club. Then, we spend the day together, something we haven’t done in what feels like months, and its lovely. Bates and I cuddle in the grass and watch Stella play in the dirt, something she would have never been allowed to do with Scotty. I lean my head against Bates’ shoulder and sigh.

  “You happy, babe?” he asks as his hand plays with the end of my hair.

  “Yeah, I am,” I sigh.

  “But?” he prods.

  “Our road has been so damn rough. I’m afraid at what’s going to be thrown at us next,” I admit.

  “Look at me, tigritsa,” he commands. I tip my head back to look into his eyes. “Nothing will be thrown at us that we can’t handle. Our road has been bumpy as hell, but honest to fuck, baby, I’ve never been happier than I am with you right now. If I would’a kept you when I was eighteen, I wouldn’t appreciate you for the woman you are. I would have taken you for granted, and, baby, you would hate me. I was not an easy man to love all these years.”

  “I was a spoiled brat princess before Scotty,” I admit. He chuckles and places a soft kiss on my nose.

  “Yeah, we’ll get you back there again,” he grins. I shake my head.

  “I don’t ever want to be that way again. I cut my sister from being Maid of Honor because Missy talked me into it, told me Kent was too fat to be next to me, that she’d ruin my pictures. Then, when my parents were so awful to her, I didn’t defend her. She’s never done a damn thing wrong and she was treated so horribly, and I’m one of the people who was horrible to her,” I admit, that weight finally being lifted from my shoulders.

  “Missy is a cunt. I never liked that bitch. She was so jealous of your relationship with Kent, she always tried to put a wedge between you. I’m sure Scotty was doing his own manipulating on that whole wedding shit, too. I can’t answer for you standing up to your parents; I think you were young and scared. You were getting married and didn’t want to rock the boat. You still lived at home, for fuck’s sake.”

  I’m grateful that he’s giving me an out for feeling so guilty, but it doesn’t erase my shame, and it doesn’t erase my actions. I turn away from him and stare at the grass on my left as I pick at it with my fingers.

  “You feel badly, baby, then apologize. LeeLee is one of the sweetest women I know; she’ll forgive you verbally, even if her actions prove that she’s already forgiven you in her heart.”

  “I wouldn’t forgive me,” I admit, letting out a breath.

  “Wouldn’t you?” he asks, wrapping his fingers around my thigh and gently squeezing. I look up and he’s smirking down at me. “You forgave me, and I was a fucking prick more than once.”

  “But I love you,” I say. Then, suddenly, it all clicks together.

  “And LeeLee loves you, babe.”

  I grin up at him, finally feeling freer and lighter than I have in years. My sister loves me, she’ll forgive me, and like Bates said, she probably already has. I still need to truly apologize for my behavior in the past.

  I can’t change the way I acted, the way I tried to exclude my sister from my wedding. I can’t change the way I just let our parents say such horrible things to her without standing up to them. But I can apologize and ask for forgiveness.

  Kentlee already has moved on. She’s healed from the hurts of our past; she’s dealt with our parent’s dismissal and betrayal. She’s so much stronger than I ever could be, and her life is that much more beautiful for it.


  The last thing I want to do tonight is go into work. The next to last thing I want to do tonight is leave both Brent and Stella home alone. But I gotta make sure the brothers didn’t trash the place too badly last night, and I have to get everything set up for tonight. A regular night at the club is just as chaotic and hectic as a night where the whole fuckin’ MC comes over.

  Brentlee is in the kitchen making dinner, some meat thing she stuffs into bell peppers. I do not fuckin’ understand that shit, but she likes it, so I’ll try it. I walk into the room and see her mixing the raw meat with her bare hands. I take it as my opportunity to fuck with her a bit.

  I slide up behind her and wrap my hands around her stomach, thrusting my hips into her gorgeous ass.

  “Bates,” she hisses.

  I ignore her as I gently caress her neck with my cheek, letting my beard rub against her skin. She shudders beneath me.

  I let one of my hands drift between her legs while the other one slides up and under her shirt, cupping her tit. I pinch her nipple over her bra at the same time I apply pressure where her clit is beneath her jean shorts.

  “Stella,” she moans.

  “Napping. Come to the bedroom and fuck me,” I murmur into her ear. She shivers, which only makes me grin.

  “Dinner,” she protests. It’s weak as fuck.

  “Come on, tigritsa, I want you to ride me. I have a taste for watching those pretty tits bounce,” I grunt, pinching her nipple even harder through the thin fabric.

  “Okay,” she whispers. I let her go so that she can wash the raw meat from her hands.

  I watch her ass sway as she goes to the sink. Every single curve on the woman makes my dick hard. I used to love her lithe body, but nothing could have prepared me for the curves she now sports. Though still slight compared to some, she’s got more than she did when she was a girl, and to be honest, I’d like to see some more added. She’s so fuckin’ gorgeous.

  “C’mon, baby,” I growl, holding my hand out. I tug her into the bedroom and waste no time locking the door behind us. “Strip,” I order as I begin to take my own clothes off, tossing them around the room.

  Brentlee quickly sheds her clothing, and she’s only seconds behind me on the bed, crawling up my thighs faster than I’ve ever seen her move in my life. I moan when I feel her hot mouth close around my cock, and she sucks me in deep. I wrap her ponytail around my hand, twice, and hold her movements still before I start to thrust my hips, fucking her mouth from below her.

  When her hand travels between her legs, I almost come down her throat. Instead, I pull her head up and order her to crawl up my body. I need in her hot pussy. I need to feel her wrap around me, squeeze me—own me.

  I line my cock up against her wet core and groan as she slowly slides down on me, enveloping my whole dick with her wet heat. She shakes slightly, but she doesn’t move. I don’t want her to, either. Not yet. I slide my hands up her sides and gently cup her breasts. Feeling their weight in my big hands, loving how soft she feels against my rough, calluses.

  “Bates,” she murmurs. It’s breathy and soft—so f
uckin’ sweet, too.

  “Ride me, Brentlee baby. Show me how good I make you feel,” I rasp.

  Her moan fills the air as she slowly begins to ride my cock. I never urge her faster, I don’t even move my hips. I place one thumb on her clit and pinch her tits with my other hand, but she’s in control of this. She’s the one who controls my orgasm today.

  I grind my teeth together, clenching my jaw as my whole body tightens. Fuck, she’s a sight to see above me. Her head thrown back in pleasure, her hands resting on my thighs, and her tits bouncing with each fall down on my cock. I can feel her pussy swelling, contracting around me, and I know she’s close. She lifts her head slightly and her furrowed brows catch my eye.

  “You okay, baby?” I ask trying to keep my shit together, knowing I could blow at any second.

  “I’m so close, Bates, so damn close,” she whimpers. It kills me. I want her to combust around me.

  I take my hand off of her tit and bring my fingers to my mouth, wetting them before I slide them between the cheeks of her ass and gently massage her back entrance. She gasps, but not in anger—in pleasure. She whimpers as I work my fingers into her tight ass.

  I begin to slowly fuck her ass with my fingers while her pussy fucks my cock. In seconds, she starts to buck harder, her heavy breathing filling the room. Then she cries out as her pussy clamps down around my cock, holding me in.

  I take the opportunity to fuck her from underneath. My fingers firmly planted in her gorgeous ass. It only takes me a few pumps into her tight swollen pussy before I fill her with my release. She collapses on my chest seconds later, and I remove my fingers from her, but keep my dick in its home—in her cunt.

  “I’m sorry I won’t be home until the morning,” I mutter into her sweat soaked neck.

  “You leave me this satisfied and breathless every time, I won’t mind you going to work,” she chuckles above me. Unfortunately, I lose her heat at the motion.

  “Does it bother you? Me managing the club?” I ask, unsure why I’m suddenly worried about her thoughts and feelings on the matter. She lifts her head and rests her chin on my chest.


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