His Best Friend's Baby

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His Best Friend's Baby Page 12

by Susan Carlisle

  Her hands went to the nape of his neck in an eager movement, pulling his lips more firmly to hers. She opened her mouth, and his tongue didn’t hesitate to gain entrance. Hers met his to tease and tantalize. It was a duel of pleasure that he didn’t want to win.

  His body hummed with a need that only Phoebe could ease.

  She pulled her mouth away.

  “Aw. What’s wrong?”

  “The baby kicked.”

  Damn. He’d forgotten all about the baby. How could he? Because he was so focused on his hunger for Phoebe. He stepped back far enough that he was no longer touching her.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “Silly, you weren’t hurting me.” She took a predatory step toward him. “Babies kick.”

  “I shouldn’t, we shouldn’t …”

  “Come on, Ryan. We’re adults. I’m certainly aware of the facts of life, and I’m sure you are, too. So we both know that what we were doing wouldn’t hurt the baby. I want this. I want you. From what I could tell, you wanted me.”

  That would be an understatement.

  “I’m going to my bedroom. I hope you join me. If not, please lock up on your way out.”

  She went up on the tips of her toes, kissed him and left the kitchen. Ryan stood there with his manhood aching and the choice of a lifetime to make.

  How like Phoebe to be so direct. If he joined her, could he remain emotionally detached? He already cared more than he should and certainly more than he was comfortable with. But if he didn’t, he would never know the heaven of being with Phoebe. There was no decision. A beautiful, desirable woman that he wanted was offering him the world. There was no question of whether or not to accept.


  PHOEBE SAT ON the edge of the bed in her room. A lone lamp burned on her bedside table. She’d never been so brazen in her life. But how else was she going to get through to Ryan? She wanted him desperately. Needed his calm caring, his reliability and assurance in her life. It was so quiet in the house that she feared he’d slipped out and gone home. Seconds later her heart thumped against her ribs at the sound of footfalls in the hallway.

  He’d stayed.

  Ryan hesitated at the door. Their gazes met, held. He removed his tie and jacket and dropped them over the chair, then he stalked across the floor and pulled her to her feet and into his arms.

  This was where she belonged.

  His mouth met hers. She opened for him. Their tongues mated in a frenzied battle of touch and retreat. Heat flowed through her, strong and sure, pooling low in her. Ryan’s lips left hers and he buried his face in her neck. He nipped at her skin. The desire that flickered in her blazed.

  He gathered her dress along one leg, sliding a hand under the fabric. She hissed as his fingers touched her skin. His hand glided around her leg until it found the inside of her thigh and squeezed lightly. She shivered.

  Ryan removed his hand. He met her gaze. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he turned her around.

  “What …?”

  “Shush,” he all but growled. He gathered her hair, running his fingers through it. “Beautiful,” he murmured, before placing it over a shoulder.

  There was a tug at the top of her dress. He opened the zipper. The tug ended and his lips found the skin between her shoulder blades. A shudder traveled down her spine. His mouth skimmed over each vertebra to her waist. There he spent some time kissing and touching with the tip of his tongue the curve of her back.

  She began to move but he said, “Not yet.”

  Ryan’s fingertip followed the same path upward, then his palms until he brushed her dress off her shoulders. She crossed her arms, preventing the dress from falling away from her breasts.

  He kissed the length of the ridge between her neck and arm. “So silky.”

  Phoebe sighed. This was too wonderful. “Let me turn off the lamp.”

  He guided her to face him. “Phoebe, look at me.”

  Her eyes rose to meet his gaze.

  “You’re beautiful.” He placed his hands on either side of the baby. “That’s a new life you’re carrying. There’s nothing more amazing or natural than that. Please don’t hide it from me.”

  If she could have melted she would have. “You’re sure?”

  “Honey, I’m more than sure.” Ryan moved closer to bring his taught length against her belly, leaving her in no doubt of his desire.

  It was an empowering thought to know that was all for her.

  Stepping back, he took both her hands and opened her arms. The dress fell away, leaving her breasts visible, cupped in a lacy pink bra. Her dress gathered on her belly. Ryan gave it a gentle tug at the seams and the dress pooled around her feet on the floor.

  His gaze fixed on her breasts. He sucked in a breath and she crossed her arms again.

  “Please, don’t. You’re amazing. I want to admire you.”

  “They’re so large.” She couldn’t look at him.

  Ryan lifted her chin with a finger until her gaze met his. “I don’t know a man in the world who doesn’t love large breasts. Especially if they are his to admire.”

  The heat building in her grew. Ryan knew how to make her feel beautiful.

  He removed her arms. Using a finger, he followed the cleft of her cleavage. Her nipples pushed against her bra as they swelled. A tingle zipped through her breasts. His finger traced the line of her bra first over one mound and then the other. She swayed and Ryan slipped an arm around her.

  With a deft movement of his fingers he unclipped her bra. He slipped it off one arm. His tongue followed the same path as his finger. On the return trip, he veered off. At the same time his free hand lifted her right breast, his mouth captured her nipple.

  Her womb contracted. “Ryan …” she muttered. She wasn’t sure if she was begging for him to stop or to continue.

  Ryan supported her as she leaned back, offering herself completely to him. Her hands went to his shoulders in the hope she could steady her body and her emotions. His mouth slid to the other nipple. Her fingertips bit into his shoulders.

  Ryan’s hand traced the line of her undies until he reached her center. It brushed her mound and retreated. Her center throbbed with the need for him to return. Using the arm around her waist, he pulled her toward him until she was no longer leaning back. His hand swept the other strap of her bra off and down her arm, letting the undergarment drop to the floor.

  She looked at him. Ryan’s gaze was fixed on her breasts. His hand reached up and stopped millimeters from her nipple. It had the slightest tremor to it. She would have missed it if she hadn’t been watching. They both understood the facts of life well and still these moments of passion were overwhelming. He touched the tip of her nipple with the end of his finger.

  Something similar to lightning shot through her.

  “So responsive,” Ryan murmured in a note of satisfaction as he ran a finger gently over her skin. It was as if a breeze had come through. He did the same to the other breast.

  Phoebe quaked all over. There was something erotic about watching Ryan touch her. Her nerve endings tingled. She had to touch him. See his reaction.

  He moved back and lifted both her breasts, kissing each one in turn. Taking a nipple in his mouth, he traced it with his tongue and tugged. She bucked against him.

  “Clothes.” The word came out as a strangled sound. “I want to see you.”

  A noise came low in his throat. Leaving a kiss on the curve of her breast, he stepped back. Undoing his tie, he jerked it from his collar and began unbuttoning his shirt.

  While he did that she released his belt. She ran the back of her hand down the bulge of his manhood. His body’s reaction to hers was stimulating. It gave her a boldness she’d never had before. She backed away until her legs found the side of the bed and she sat. Looking up at Ryan, she caught his gaze. “Come here. It’s my turn.”

  His shirt fluttered to the floor. He stepped close enough for her to touch him. Finding his zip
per, she slowly lowered it. Her hand moved to touch him but he stopped her by capturing her hand and bringing it to his lips. “Don’t.” The word sounded harsh with tension. “I don’t think I can control myself if you do.”

  Phoebe pulled her hand from his. Sliding her hands between the waist of his pants and his hips, she pushed. His trousers fell to the floor. He wore red plaid boxers that didn’t disguise his size. Ryan was no small man anywhere.

  He kicked off his shoes, then finished removing his slacks. Leaning over, he jerked off his socks.

  Phoebe reached out and ran her hand through his hair. Her fingers itched to gather the mass and pull him to her. Had she ever been this turned on? She wanted Ryan beside her, on her and in her like she’d never wanted before. Her hands slowly slipped from his hair and Ryan looked at her. He nudged her back on the bed and came down beside her.

  “I want to touch you like you did me.” Phoebe rolled to her side.

  He faced her.

  Her heart leaped at his unspoken agreement. The lovemaking between Joshua and her had always been fast and desperate, never slow and passionate, as she was experiencing now.

  Ryan wasn’t sure he could stand much more of Phoebe’s administering. As it was, he gritted his teeth to control his need to dive into her.

  Her index finger traced the line of his lips. He captured the end and drew it into his mouth and sucked. Her eyes darkened. She slowly removed her finger. His manhood flinched. Did she have any idea how erotic she was?

  Phoebe’s small hand ran down the side of his neck in a gentle motion. It glided over his shoulder. She placed a kiss there. Her hair hid her face as it flowed over his skin like silk. He couldn’t resist touching it, watching it move through his fingers. Pushing it away from her face, he cupped her cheek and brought her lips to his. She eagerly accepted. Her hands fluttered across his chest, moving up to the nape of his neck.

  When he leaned over to take the kiss deeper, Phoebe pushed against his shoulders, breaking the connection. One hand at his neck dropped lower to run across his chest. She took an infinite amount of time tracing each of his ribs. As if she was trying to commit each curve, dip and rise of him to memory. His muscles quivered from the attention.

  Her hand went lower, a finger dipping into his belly button. At his sharp inhalation she giggled. He loved the sound. Her hand moved to his side and rubbed up and down it to return to his stomach. She smoothed her fingers over his hip. The tips slipped under the elastic band of his boxers and retreated just as quickly.

  Phoebe rose enough to accommodate the baby and kissed the center of his chest. At the same time her fingers went deeper under his boxers than before, touching the tip of his manhood.

  Only with a force of control he hadn’t known he possessed did he manage not to lose it.

  Pulling her back, he gathered her to him and kissed her with a depth of need he was afraid to examine. She clung to him as if she never wanted to let him go.

  “Phoebe, I need you now.”

  “I’m here.”

  Ryan scooted off the bed and removed his boxers. Phoebe’s intake of breath made his manhood rise. He held out his hand and she took it, standing. His hands found the waistband of her undies and slipped them down her legs. She stepped out of them. He flipped the covers back to the end of the bed. Phoebe climbed in and seconds later he had her in his arms again.

  “I don’t want to hurt you. Or the baby.”

  She met his direct look with one of her own. “You would never do that.”

  The confidence she had in him shook him to the core. This wouldn’t just be a physical joining but an emotional one, as well. He’d never intended to care but he did.

  Ryan shifted to the center of the bed, then brought her over him until she straddled his waist. On her knees above him, her beautiful full breasts hung down like juicy melons, tempting him to feast. He wasted no time in doing so. As he savored all that was offered, Phoebe shifted so that her entrance teased his length. It ached in anticipation of finding home.

  Phoebe kissed him as he lifted her hips and positioned her on him. He slid into her and they became one. He held his breath. It wasn’t he but she who moved first. He joined her. Using his hands, he helped control their movements. At her frustrated sound he eased his grip and she settled farther down on him.

  His hands remained lightly on her as he guided her up and down again and again. She was a beauty with her golden hair hanging down, her eyes closed and her head thrown back. With a shudder and a hiss of pleasure, she looked at him and gave him a dreamy smile.

  Yes, he was the king of the world.

  He kissed her deeply and flexed his hips against hers. After two powerful thrusts he found his own bliss.

  Phoebe rolled off Ryan. Her head came to rest on his arm, a hand on his chest, her baby between them. She wished it would always be this way. She loved Ryan. He cared for her. She had no doubt of that. His lovemaking proved it. But would he ever admit it to himself or her that he might want something lasting? It didn’t matter, it wouldn’t change how she felt.

  She yawned. “I’m tired.”

  Ryan grinned. “Me, too. For a pregnant lady you sure can be rough on a man.”

  “So what you’re saying is that you’re not man enough for me.”

  Ryan pulled her to him for a kiss that curled her toes. His already growing manhood pushed against her leg.

  “You need me to prove I’m man enough?”

  “No, I think you did that just fine a few minutes ago. Right now, I need to rest. Too much dining, dancing and man.” Her eyes closed to the feel of Ryan’s hand rubbing her back.

  Phoebe woke to the sun streaming through the bedroom window. She was alone. Panic filled her. Had Ryan left?

  A clang came from the direction of the kitchen. She’d woken once during the night. Her back had been against his solid chest and his hand had cupped her right breast. It had been a perfect night. She wanted more of them.

  He’d said nothing about how he felt. He had been an attentive and caring lover. She had never felt more desired. Still, she might be reading more into his actions than there was.

  “Hey, I was hoping you were still asleep.” Ryan walked into the room with a smile on his face and carrying a tray.

  Phoebe pulled the sheet up to cover her chest. “Good morning to you, too. What do you have there?”

  “It’s supposed to be your breakfast in bed.”

  She’d never had anyone feed her in bed. Sitting up, she peered at the tray. “Really? That sounds nice.”

  He didn’t seem to feel any morning-after awkwardness. She would be happy to follow his lead. Her biggest fear the night before had been that she would be a disappointment because of her size. The second fear had been that there would be unease between them this morning. Ryan had made it clear he wasn’t turned off by her body. By his actions so far this morning, he was the same Ryan he had been last night.

  He sat the tray at the end of the bed. She recognized it as one off the table in her living room. On it was sliced apples, two bowls of cereal and two glasses of orange juice.

  “Lean forward.”

  Phoebe did as he asked. Ryan stuffed pillows behind her and she settled back. He joined her on the bed.

  “No bacon and eggs?” She added a mock pout. “Afraid you’d burn yourself?

  “You’re so funny. I did what I was capable of doing. We can have something more substantial later.”

  “This looks wonderful to me.”

  She kissed him on the cheek.

  “That wasn’t much of a thank-you kiss. I think you can do better.” His lips found hers. Seconds later Phoebe wanted to forget about their breakfast and concentrate on nothing but Ryan. Her arms went around his neck and she pulled him closer.

  Ryan broke the kiss. “We need to be careful or we’ll have juice and cereal everywhere. As much as I’d like to go on kissing you, I know you need nutrition.”

  “That sounded very midwife-ish.”

e lowered his chin and gave her a serious look. “Well, that’s what I am.”

  “And you are mine.”

  He was hers. Ryan liked the sound of that but he could never be what she needed. He couldn’t commit to being hers, like she deserved. He wasn’t who she thought he was. She should have someone who could love her wholeheartedly, holding nothing back. He had to see to it that their relationship remained light and easy. But after what had happened between them last night, that might be impossible.

  “As your medical professional, I say eat.”

  “Can I put something on first?”

  “I don’t mind you the way you are.” He grinned. “That’s sweet of you to say but I think I’d be less self-conscious with my gown on. After all, you have your underwear on.”

  Ryan stood. “Okay, if it’ll get you to eat something, tell me where your gowns are.”

  She pointed to a chest. “Second drawer.”

  He didn’t make a habit of going through a woman’s personal things and found it almost too much like they were in a lifelong relationship to do so in Phoebe’s. As quickly as he could, he pulled out a light blue gown. Returning to her, he helped her slip it over her head. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he asked, “Satisfied now?”

  “Yes, I’m not used to breakfast in bed and I’m sure not used to sharing it with someone when I have no clothes on.”

  “I like you naked.”

  “Even with this beach ball of a belly?” She touched her middle.

  He kissed her. “Women are at their prettiest when they are expecting. You glow.”

  She gathered her hair and pulled it over one shoulder. Her chin went up and she batted her eyelashes. “I glow? I like that.”

  “Yes, you glow but you would be brighter if you’d eat something.” Ryan pulled the tray closer and handed her a glass of juice.

  They spent the next few minutes discussing the wedding, the weather and what other plans she had for the baby’s room.

  When they had finished eating Ryan stood, took the tray and was on his way out the door when Phoebe’s squeak stopped him. He wheeled to look at her. Concern washed over him. Was something wrong? Should he take her to the hospital? “Are you okay?”


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