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Overhaul: (Boneyard Brotherhood MC Romance Book 1)

Page 6

by Amber Burns

  It was damn near a beg from me.

  Her arms came around my neck and she squeezed me hard, “Sid.” It was a gasp and as I curled my thrusting fingers into her I felt her tense up, “Sid!”

  She didn’t gush into my hand, she melted still throbbing. She relaxed against me, hanging on and feeling good.

  “You like that?” She nodded without answering, probably trying to piece herself back together. “So does that help me keep my boyfriend claim?”

  She trembled against me as she laughed. I pulled my hand from her pants and was a little disappointed, I would have liked to do more but I knew better than to push my luck.

  “I didn’t mean for that to go so far,” she murmured against me.

  “My fault,” I tugged her bra back into place then pulled her shirt down. It was a pity, but I knew we were done fooling around. “I got handsy,” I admitted.

  “It felt good,” she sighed resting on me and against me.

  “I aim to please,” I nuzzled her cheek. “I’ll make sure I make you feel good every time, deal?”

  “That how you plan on keeping your boyfriend claim?”

  “If it’s necessary,” I grinned. “I’ll be okay with it.”

  She untangled herself from me, much to my disappointment, and stood on shaky legs. “I need to get dinner started. I didn’t forget about it.”

  I stood, too, adjusting my erection and stretching out my numb leg. “What’s for dinner? I can probably help.”

  “I was going to do some alfredo with chicken and noodles. That alright?”

  “If I could get down on my knee I would ask to upgrade my title of boyfriend to something more serious. If you’re going to cook me Italian food and it’s good,” I’m a man that’s easy to please. But there’s just some foods that I can’t resist. “If you got any hopes of getting rid of me you’re not gonna. That’s just going to keep me on you like glue.”

  She led the way into the kitchen, “I’ll remember that.”


  This chick was like being on cloud fucking nine. After that Saturday she made an effort to call me and text, she would swing by the club after she got off work and we would just hang out. Easy shit like chatting, and she would watch me work on bikes taking up Jimmy’s job of handing me tools while he would go on runs for parts. She warmed up to the bears that frequently hung out at the bar. By bears, I meant the hairy ass bikers. On Tuesday I had talked her into staying for dinner and she ended up back there helping Cindy out.

  Woman knows how to cook, too. After Saturday I gave her a serious look, “You ever make lasagna I will have to put a ring on it and you’ll be stuck with me forever.”

  “You’re saying that like it's a threat,” she stood beside me at the sink. “I’m beginning to think that I was crazy for being scared of you.”

  “You were scared of me?”

  “You’re not a barrel like Mister Tillman,” she said lightly as she dried, I cleaned because that’s how my mama taught me. “Your tattoos and beard make you look like you’re trying to be a bad boy. I see through it now.”

  “Never judge a book by it’s cover,” I chided.

  That night I hadn’t tried anything else, I kept my hands to myself and ended it on a chaste kiss. I wanted her wanting me, so I behaved myself. I made sure I did that every time I saw her when she paid me a visit. Granted, it was obvious there was something going on. I just wanted to be respectful to her, I wanted her to be for keeps.

  Unfortunately, on Wednesday, she got to see me on a low. It started raining that morning after I rolled in and it kept raining. At six when Madi rolled in I was in agony. I had my tens unit taped to my back and I had taken my pills so I was struggling to get out of this fog of pain that I was drowning in. Rain did this to me. There was something about the dampness that aggravated my damaged nerves and left me crying. I wasn’t even aware of her until I felt her cool hands on the back of my neck.

  “Are you okay?”

  I didn’t nod or shake my head, it was something in between.

  “His dumbass got out in this weather,” I heard Cindy’s graveled voice. “The weather messes with his nerves and makes it hard for him to function. He’s been like this the majority of the day.”

  Not a lie, but an embarrassing to hear her tell the girl I had just started seeing this not to mention having her witness it.

  “Can I help? Tell me how I can help.” she asked me, though I only waved a hand in the air. Really there wasn’t a lot to do about it.

  “Take him home, put him in a hot shower and to bed,” Cindy instructed.

  “Okay,” Madi turned back to me. “How do I get this stuff of his back?”

  “Here,” the tens unit was switched off and they pulled the sticky patches off. “Some one help her get him to her car,” Cindy belted out like a drill sergeant.

  I don’t even think the woman served, but the way she shoved these men around it made me question it. Thick arms hefted me up and I was set on my feet.

  “Can you walk?” It was Teddy.

  I gave a nod and walked with his support, my left leg felt like it had a bit of drag to it. There was a downpour outside that no biker in his right mind would try to ride in, the lot was empty and Madi had actually been able to park in what one might consider a parking space. We went out in it, getting soaked and I was eased slowly into her front seat.

  “You need to call your doctor about this shit,” Teddy growled at me. “You being an invalid every time it rains is ridiculous.”

  I could only shrug my shoulders; I managed to get her seat shoved as far back as it would go. It was bearable enough that the queasiness that had been turning my stomach when I sat in the bar had stilled. She got in, gave me a look before pulling out of the lot. The ride was kind of a blur, I think drugs had finally began to ease in. Vallum was an emergency prescription I managed to get from my PCM for times like this. Things still hurt, but it put me into a frame of mind where I didn’t care. I was told to use it when things made it hard to function. It left me feeling drunk, but not really. Had Madi not shown up I would have crashed on a cot that was stashed in the bar for guys to sleep themselves sober. The car eventually stopped and I looked around.

  “I didn’t tell you where I lived.”

  “I brought you to my house,” was all I got.

  She helped me out of the car, picking up my bag of pills and my tens unit and we both stumbled to her front door.

  “You don’t have to take care of me,” I protested as she worked on getting the door open. “Not at all what I was looking for when I first hit on you.”

  “You’ve already taken care of me,” I heard her murmur as she helped me into her home. She closed and locked the door behind us. She kept us moving, even when I expected to be dumped on the couch she led us into a little bedroom. “Let me take care of you,” it sounded like a demand, but it was muddled by my drugged head. “Let’s get you undressed and in the shower,” she said as she started tugging up my shirt up.

  “You can get me naked, baby,” I helped her and sat heavily on the bed so I could work the laces of my combat boots. “But I hate to tell you in this state I’m not going to be able to put out.”

  “I’m taking that to mean if you sleep in my bed you’ll behave?”

  “I’d love to get hard just by hearing you say that,” I stood, kicking off my boots. “But the junk don’t work right this second.”

  “Good,” she gave me a smile and she started on my belt. “You won’t take advantage.”

  My jeans were around my ankles with my boxers and I should’ve felt self conscious, no one had seen me in the buff in a while and the majority of my lower half was good and scarred up. She didn’t give me the chance to cover up. Aside from her sexy blush, she had a professionalism that would do a nurse proud.

  “I’ll help you get in the shower.”

  The shower was cut on and without direction I put the heat on full blast. She had a walk in shower that was big enough to fit the both
of us. I propped my hands up and turned my back to the shower head so that my skin and aching muscles would absorb the heat. I felt the relief even if the drugs fogged my perception of the pain. I groaned quite a bit.

  When the hot water was gone, it was cut off and Madi was there with a towel. I was dried off though I caught the sight of big green eyes behind her glasses.

  “Nurse getting a good eye full?” I asked and her blush spread down to her neck. I put my brow to hers as she was helping back into my boxers. “Just so you know,” I said as evenly as I could. “I will kick myself for this later for not coping a feel or something.”

  She laughed and she cupped my face, “If your stuff worked I would probably let you take advantage, Sid. I had no idea you looked… looked so good.”

  “Hardly,” she walked me to the bed. “Pick a side sweetcheeks. Once I go down I’m not moving.”

  “I’ll let you take the side closest to the bathroom. Here,” she brought me to the side she was talking about and slowly I managed to get on the bed. “Do you want the thing you had on you before?”

  “Naw, naw,” I relaxed on the world’s most comfortable mattress. The bed sheets were soft and they smelled so good. She tucked me in and I knew I needed a ring to put on this girl. I felt her lips brush against my temple before I was down for the count.


  I woke up on my left side, facing a door that was slightly ajar on a white unfamiliar wall. It was warm; I was covered in a sheet that was a pastel blue with a comforter that had roses stitched into it. The aches and throbbing was still there, I could hear the patter of rain on the window that was above my head. But, it felt like the pain was sleeping like I had been. I would gladly doze back off if my bladder hadn’t been screaming. I sat up and groaned, because as soon as I was up right the pins and needles, throbbing and aching hit me full force. I just had to make it to the bathroom to piss. I didn’t want to piss myself in an unfamiliar place. I managed to get to my feet and hobbled into the bathroom. I did my business and noted the state of the bathroom. It was obviously a woman’s house, I definitely wasn’t home. Did Madi really bring me to her place?

  I wandered back into the bedroom to see her stretched out on the other side of the bed. She wore a tshirt and as far as I could tell that was it save a pair of white lacy panties. I didn’t wake up with morning wood, but the picture before me was enough to get my ole friends attention despite the aches I had. I glanced down, must really like her to stand up despite all this shit.

  She made a noise bringing my attention back to her and I hobbled to slip back into bed next to her. I watched her stretch, giving me a great view of her lethal little form. Yea, I had to admit I liked her as much as my cock did. She shifted closer and curled up against my side, I wouldn’t have pegged her as a cuddler but here she was getting all snug against me.

  I curled my fingers through the tangled hair the obscured her face then traced a line down her cheek. She took care of me while I was having a bad day, something that occurred on the occasion. I had joked about putting a ring on it before but if she brought me to her bed without an afterthought about me over stepping boundaries that she wasn’t ready to cross there was something here. This was more than sexual attraction. My chest felt tight as I continued to look at her. I don’t want to think about the L word, yanno the big L word. But it was there, on the tip of my tongue just looking at her. Fuck, I had fallen full head over heels for her in just this short amount of time. I looked up at the ceiling, watching the slow spin of the fan.

  What do I do about this? Do I say something? Do I swallow it and wait? Would it scare her off? The thought scared the shit out of me. What do I do if she doesn’t love me back?

  I didn’t get to dwell on my fears, a hand brushed against my cheek and I looked to her. Her green eyes were sleepy, but beautiful.

  “Do you hurt?”

  “Not yet,” I swallow, still feeling the tightness in my chest. “I’ll need to take some medicine soon or it’ll start up.” The word was on the tip of my tongue, lodged in my throat and it was ready to come spilling out like the word vomit it would be. I had to stop it, I didn’t want to face the fact that she might reject me. “Don’t you have work?”

  She got up, affording me a look at her ass and the length of her bare legs, and left the room. I decided I’d just stay in bed and see if she’d come back. If I got up the pins and needles would become more intense, I didn’t want to stumble around her house in my underwear.

  “I called in sick,” she came back with my medicine bag, my tens unit, and a glass of water. “I was considering about calling in tomorrow, too. I want to look at the forecast first before I do something like that.”

  She offered me my bag and sat beside me on the bed, glass of water in hand and the tens unit on her lap. Someone was on nurse duty. I sat up a little bit and I began to dig into my bag. Nerve pills first; I popped two in my mouth without a thought and take the glass to drink them down.

  “Don’t get yourself fired on my account,” I look at her, that word still hovering in the forefront of my mind. “I’m not worth you losing your job for.”

  “I haven’t taken a vacation since I started the job,” she smiled at me. “I have been sick maybe two days over the last three years. Nobody can get mad at me for calling in today and tomorrow,” she said and looked sure of it, too.

  I sat that bag on the beside table and she did the same with the glass of water and the tens unit.

  “Before I met you,” she started. “I would go to work and come home. I didn’t do anything outside my routine. I didn’t have fun, I didn’t think about men outside of fantasizing about celebrities that I would never meet.” She paused, looking away from me as she seemed to think about what she was about to say. “I met you and I want to go out, I have fun with you. Even if it’s just hanging out at that bar or if we come back here to watch a movie. I feel like you’ve given me the desire and motivation to live.”

  “Motivation to take a ride on the back of my bike?” I playfully prodded.

  She let out a laugh and her eyes connected with mine again. “Not yet, but I imagine you’ll probably wear me down eventually.”

  I picked up her hand from where it rested on her thigh, “How do I repay you for looking after me?”

  “Don’t break my heart,” it came out so softly.

  It left me choking on that word again. I looked her in the eye as I brought her hand to my lips, kissing her palm. “I won’t break your heart, baby,” I murmured against her palm. “I want to keep it. It doesn’t do me any good to break it.”

  She leaned into me and kissed me hesitantly, she still seemed unsure at initiating things. I let her decide the intensity of the kiss, the depth. Her hand slipped out of my grip and combed through my beard then tangled up in the mess that was my hair.

  “When you say things like that,” she pulled away just enough to whisper to me. “It makes me want you more.”

  My cock twitched just at those words. Damn, had I known this was where I would have ended up yesterday morning I would’ve come more prepared.

  “Tell me something,” I tangled both of my hands into her hair, keeping her close. “Are you a virgin?”

  She flushed and I got the hint that this wasn’t a cool question for me to ask. She pulled out of my grasp and twisted her lips up as she looked at me, “No.”

  I blinked, not sure why I thought she was. “Something tells me that there is some negativity behind the first time.” I watch her carefully, a knot slowly weighing in my gut. There was an inexplicable urge to protect her. That L word was probably the source, “Somebody hurt you?”

  “Probably not in the way you think,” she started fidgeting with the comforter that covered me, not meeting my gaze. “The guy I gave myself to decided that’s all he wanted.”

  Ah, trust issues. That explained a lot. I sat up, trying not to grimace at the discomfort I felt, and I pressed my brow against hers. I was so close to saying that L word I had to bite my to
ngue to keep from saying it. When I was sure I wouldn’t go blurting it out I forged ahead.

  “I want more from you than just sex. I want you, all of just you.”

  I didn’t get the chance to say anything else, she caught my mouth and pressed me back into the bed with an assertiveness that I wouldn’t have guessed she had. She leaned over me and kissed me with a hunger that I contributed with to the last time we had been alone. Her tongue was in my mouth and her hand were in my hair, when her hands started to wander I knew that the ‘not having sex’ thing was probably out the door. I managed to tug away.


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