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Galactic Earth

Page 22

by Luthra, G. S.

  “Haven’t you heard my last message? Self-defense is a necessity. Sometimes being the hero is usually opposite of what everyone wants, even if you become labeled the bad guy. Your history has many examples.”

  Gudama explained that since they occupy the same planet, the whole idea of war was nonsense and even if they may kill the opposing side, they’ll never destroy the ideal they hold whether it being communism, socialism, or alike as new generations will emerge to take their adversary’s place. So instead he offered assistance and suggested joining forces to eliminate terrorists and corrupt bureaucrats who threaten humanity. He also reasoned that America stands alone as a republic that was supposed to be built on the individual rights of man and that it is the only country that urgently needs to be preserved to set an example of inspiration for countries.

  “If America falls, then all is lost. It is still the only free nation in this world, politically speaking,” he stated.

  Soldiers thought about it, but Larson claimed Gudama was a traitor, and ordered to fire at will. Gudama raised his hands up, stalling. He slowly walked up to the general requesting for a peaceful resolution. Larson returned his plea with insults and threats, ticking him off. Some front line soldiers aggressively pointed their guns at him demanding his surrender.

  Gudama tried to rationalize with them, but noticed something strange in their eyes.

  “Oh I see, microchipped soldiers, how patriotic,” he commented to the general and lieutenant.

  Larson let out a fiendish smile, “You’re out of your mind thinking you can beat us by yourself,” he said.

  “Surrender now, or die,” replied Gudama realizing it was futile to reason with them.

  “Tch, you can go f-!”

  Gudama crushed Larson’s cheeks together with his grip before he could finish, cracking the bones of his face and shoved him at others. He displayed superhuman strength by hurling the lieutenant, knocking over multiple men like dominoes.

  Gudama’s Wrath

  Military troops fired back, but Gudama proved to be the superior warrior, deflecting the rounds and dodging repeated shots. Evading the shooting, Gudama charged through the aisles of soldiers, pummeling them in all different directions as though he were a one man stampede. With cat liked reflexes along with the aggression of a dragon, Gudama took down the countless number of soldiers and drones with a combination of body slams, tackles, strikes, and intelligent use of his surroundings to his advantage while carefully avoiding lethal blows. Soldiers were unable to even get a grasp on how to fight back as Gudama’s skill in martial arts was extraordinary. He appeared to be the super warrior gracefully and powerfully, yet effectively subduing several opponents easily and effortless while unintentionally giving them the impression that he were above human by his phenomenal ability.

  Surprising the troops was the arrival of terrorists. Quickly, Gudama threw a penny size bomb that sent an electromagnetic pulse disrupting the implanted chips in the controlled soldiers. Gudama reached out again and now with returned consciousness, the American troops couldn’t deny his claim.

  “Truce,” Gudama offered to a sergeant to which he accepted. Larson was infuriated shouting to kill him and the terrorists. With one hand, Gudama projected an energy blast incinerating parts of Larson’s body as he screamed to his defeat.

  “He’s a traitor he’s been manipulating you with Nano-chips,” Gudama told the lieutenant. There wasn’t time to ponder, but an unspoken alliance was made between the two as the common enemy drew nearer. Retreating, troops retracted to a circle formation surrounding Gudama. Together, they wiped out the terrorists easily with his help. Celebration was cut short as Gudama’s sharp keen hearing picked up another dark presence approaching them.

  “Here comes the real battle,” he said looking up.

  Alien delta spaceships flew over them.

  “What the hell,” said a soldier?

  Gudama awaited their move, but instead the ships all lined up and dropped off ET troopers with sophisticated robots programmed to destroy him.

  “Hmpf, how pathetic,” he said shaking his head with eyebrows raised in pity as the bots approached him.

  “Listen, get your men out of here, it’s too dangerous,” he said to the lieutenant.

  “What you’re going fight them yourself? We can back you up!” he retorted.

  “Trust me you’ll only get in the way. Go now!”

  The officer acknowledged, ordered troops to retreat, and called the air force leaving Gudama alone.

  Before they could fire, Gudama threw an electromagnetic bomb disrupting all of their circuitry rendering them powerless. Summoning strength from within, he charged through them, punching through their metal exterior with his fists.

  Pressing a button on his belt, Gudama withdrew a lance of light, slicing and dicing his way through enemies. Dashing and slashing, Gudama swiftly defeated many drones in addition to alien soldiers.

  Gudama unlocked his lance and detached it into halves. He held the shorter piece outward and activated a mechanism.

  “Let’s see how you like Carnoy’s trick,” he said in honor of an old space friend.

  Energy was gathered and dispersed a massive enormous projectile blast completely obliterating the alien army along with all of the droids.

  After destroying the robots, Japanese fighter jets intent to kill Gudama arrived preparing to attack as they were controlled and ordered by the U.S.

  “Now what,” said Gudama?

  They opened fire, but Gudama intercepted by extending his lance, stretching multiple miles in length and sliced a jet in half.

  “No freaking way!” said an on looking U.S. soldier.

  Only four crafts remained, one of them released another batch of droids only these were more humanoid and comely.

  “You got to be kidding me right?” he said confronting some bots that were designed like beautiful women. These robots possessed four times the strength of the average soldier and spider like agility.

  “Look out!” exclaimed a U.S. pilot coming to aid Gudama. Shots were fired from the American fighter jets providing extra support.

  “No, no, get out of here!” exclaimed Gudama waving his arms. The alien spacecraft interfered and launched their laser beams, instantly blowing the jets on impact. They then opened fire at Gudama who destroyed the incoming shots from the alien crafts with his weapon, deflecting some of the projectiles to the androids. Tightly gripping his lance, Gudama let out a battle cry and defeated the remaining opposing bots and slashed another spaceship from land. However, one super drone was released carrying a special gun. It hit Gudama with its blast causing him to lose speed. Gudama continued to fight, but after repeated shots, he began moving as if in slow motion under heavier gravity.

  “What the hell is that?” said the lieutenant.

  “G-r-a-v-i-t-y-g-u-n,” Gudama blurted out.

  Delivering blow after blow, the drone army gained the upper hand. American troops looked on.

  “He’s going to lose, what should we do?”

  The lieutenant thought about it with concern, “Fire the rocket launcher, infantry open fire, he needs backup now!” he ordered.

  American forces provided assistance blowing up several robots. Gudama reached for his belt to remove the gravity effects, but his arm was knocked away by another robot following up with a barrage of strikes. The numbers game caught up to him as robots formed a wall and piled up on top holding his limbs down while others continued attacking. Their aggression only seemed to fuel Gudama’s even more as this attempt caused him to release more fury.

  With a momentary breath, Gudama let out a lion like roar, successfully reaching his utility belt and disarmed the gravity gun’s effects. Letting out an epic scream, Gudama broke free hurling all the robots away like toys.

  Angry, Gudama released a discharge of energy, pummeling the super bots senseless with several slashes, and powerfully sliced another alien ship in half with his long lance. Twirling his weapon, Gudama conti
nued destroying the bots both near and distant with skillful maneuvers. He swung with one arm sending a shock wave taking out rows of robots. Jumping high, Gudama slammed the ground with his might sending a mini earthquake in all directions destroying countless other robots.

  Energy was released from his body as Gudama put to use superior technology. He turned on a device embedded within his lance which dispersed several spheres of electromagnetic energy. The balls of plasma granted him protection from harm and automatically circled around him wherever he went. His features were hardly recognizable as the light emanating from his aura made him appear to be of pure energy. The super bot fired the same gravity gun only this time Gudama caught it using the available electromagnetic energy and redirected it to the super bot and other droids rendering them petrified. In sheer rage, Gudama swung away at all who stood in his path in blind fury. More terrorists and robots arrived to which he only welcomed them with his bone crushing wrath.

  Going berserk, Gudama lost himself in the heat of battle. Islamic extremists could feel the intensity and fire upon entering the battle zone. They all fell to his might proving to be useless against Gudama’s power. One larger robot confronted him, bullets firing from its shoulder to which he ducked. Gudama tripped it with a leg sweep and crushed its metal skull. Zipping passed their computer peripherals he destroyed the robot army along with the terrorists. He sprinted towards the other jets and leaped high into the sky while American soldiers watched in awe as he smashed through the window of a craft. Leaping from the roof, Gudama cut the other jets into pieces with multiple lightning quick swipes. Suddenly, multiple glowing spaceships appeared in the clouds overwhelming the American soldiers.

  Moving his arms in a circular manner, Gudama gathered spiritual energy between his hands in front of his chest. “Gitma, Sun Beam!” he spoke thrusting his palms forward releasing an enormous wave of energy obliterating all of the alien ships.

  “My god,” said the lieutenant taking his helmet off.

  Landing on his feet, Gudama readied to continue. Returning back to his normal state, Gudama put away his lance and the spheres of energy along with his glowing aura disappeared. Turning his eyes from side to side, it appeared to be over from the debris. Gudama drew in air deeply as he relaxed a little.

  “Female warrior bots,” he said examining the rubble from the smashed carcass, “Who do they think I ‘am?” he shouted angrily throwing down the skull on the ground. This dirty cheap attack offended Gudama as he felt insulted that they would try to stop him with such a ridiculous tactic.

  “Were those the aliens you warned us about?” said the American lieutenant returning with troops.

  “Yes, but they won’t be hurting anyone anymore.”

  “Sorry, with all the chaos it’s hard to trust.

  Gudama gestured no hard feelings.

  “So what now,” asked the officer?

  “Alert your government that I’m on your side and prepare for change, it’s time to overthrow your corrupt politicians.”

  High in space, Andy watched earthly events.

  “I’m sorry my friend, you leave me no choice.”

  Inside Gudama’s ship, Layla waited impatiently. Frustrated, she closed her eyes and fell into a meditative sleep like state. With deep breaths and firm concentration, Layla felt as though she had picked up a telepathic message. She blurted out the odd words that came into her mind and much to her amazement gained the ship’s controls. With an almost possessed hand, she input the right commands to initiate return to earth as though she were guided by some remote force. A computer voice confirmed acknowledgement and immediately the ship was guided back at high speed to New York City. Layla screamed in delight.

  “What the,” Gudama said noticing a signal on his wrist device alerting him of his ship’s movement? He let out a big sigh, “Layla,” he said shaking his head, wondering how she again did the impossible.

  Andaglios encountered a galactic fleet of alien ships high up in space that were determined to stop Gudama. Knowing their destructive power, He debated on the best action.

  “Gudama,” he said telepathically.

  “Andy?” replied Gudama surprised on ground.

  “You take bold risks. A reptilian fleet is approaching earth, but don’t worry I’ll handle them.”

  “Thank you,” said Gudama.

  “No one must know of this,” said Andy.

  Gudama nodded. Andy made quick work of the assault. He also disabled earth’s military satellites, thus disabling digitally based weaponry around the world leaving military to resort to emergency defense forces.

  It was a big gamble interfering with earthly affairs, but Andy knew he had to make sure galactic authorities didn’t find out of this secret war. Feeling for Gudama, Andy decided to continue helping him not wanting either of them to face intergalactic consequences. He understood Gudama’s reason for his drastic measures. Deep down, Andy knew Gudama was for earth’s benefit.

  Reclaiming America

  National Guard patrolled the streets and the arrival of an unidentified spacecraft captured everyone’s attention. The chief squadron leader ordered all soldiers to line up, take aim, and be ready to fire. Slowly the ship’s walkway extension met with ground, and light emerged through the opened door. All guns were pointed awaiting the visitor.

  “Please don’t shoot, I’m a human being!” shouted Layla.

  This caught the ear of the leader who signaled to hold fire.

  “Identify yourself!” he said.

  “Layla, Layla Lolland, I’m a reporter. Please don’t shoot, I’m unarmed!” she cried out.

  “What if it’s a trick?” said a soldier.

  “Keep your guard up, if whoever that is attacks shoot at will,” said the squad leader.

  “Yes sir.”

  The military instructed Layla to slowly come out with arms up. She did so, and it was clear she was harmless. The squad leader’s eyes widened at the sight of her and ordered two men to fetch her safely.

  Slamming the ground with his thunderous entrance, Gudama arrived on the scene before the men could get her, electrifying his surroundings with this presence.

  “What in the world,” said the leader?

  “No, don’t!” Layla said running in front with arms out, “He’s a good guy!”

  Firing from far away, a sniper went for the head of Gudama, but the bullet was caught in midair by his fingers. Bystanders were shocked, yet an irritated Gudama unleashed an energy projectile from his hand at the sniper’s location, blowing it up as the gunner leaped out the window. Startled, the front line soldiers opened fire, but Gudama side stepped and chucked a door from a cop car, knocking rows of soldiers out. He sprinted at them striking powerfully, sending other soldiers flying many meters away. Before Gudama could continue, Layla intervened begging both parties to cease.

  “Move away Layla, you’ll only get in the way.”

  “Enough Gudama, they’re beaten. This must stop.”

  “If they surrender, then I will stop,” he claimed.

  Regaining consciousness, the squad leader got back up and pulled out another gun. Layla in tears threw herself in front stopping his aggression.

  “Move outta the way lady!” he ordered.

  “Stop being foolish, don’t you realize you put all these people at risk? That’s enough, he’ll destroy us all if you continue!” she said.

  Both sides stared down each other not wanting to submit. Gudama held his palm out radiating powerful plasma energy ready to attack at a moment’s notice while the military held their guns pointed at him.

  “You have to trust me, I went to space, I saw his ship, and I know what he’s capable of. If he wanted to he could have blown up the world a long time ago. Put down your guns, or we will all die,”

  pleaded Layla.

  Jittering, the squad leader knew Layla’s words were true and debated his next course of action. Other soldiers regrouped and came by his side ready to fight, “Requesting permission to fi
re sir!”

  Just then, the squad leader received a message from superiors and was informed of Gudama’s aid against Islamic terrorists.

  “Put down your weapons, this war is over,” he said.

  “Sir, I don’t comply, we can win s-”

  “Don’t comply, who you think you are?” said the squad leader smacking the rebellious soldier upside the head silencing the others, “I say she’s right, we’re fighting the wrong enemy.”

  “But sir,” exclaimed the soldier!

  “But nothing private, this guy singlehandedly defeated an entire army by himself! Terrorists, spacecraft, drones, aliens, all wiped out by one man! What makes you think we’ll stop him? It’s a suicide mission. She’s right, if we persist, he’ll just blast us all and everyone else to oblivion. Stand down soldier, this battle is over,” said the leader realizing the grander picture.

  The rebel soldier didn’t want to accept defeat.

  “If you’re so confident you can beat him, why don’t you go try yourself? Here,” said the leader giving him his more powerful gun acknowledging the private’s pent up erupting aggression.

  The soldier looked at him hesitatingly and then at Gudama who shook his head. Still, the stubborn trooper let out a battle cry pumping round after round while charging. Gudama created a magnetic force field with his energy and swiftly side stepped the soldier, and delivered a punishing palm strike hurdling him back several feet.

  “Anybody else?” said the squad leader.

  Letting go of their guns, the military backed off.

  “Do you surrender?” asked Gudama still with his readied palm extended.

  “Yea, we surrender,” said the squad leader waving a white napkin, “I hope you are as you say.”


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