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Galactic Earth

Page 24

by Luthra, G. S.

  “If America falls, all is lost. There’s no other country left anymore. Germany doesn’t exist it was gone ever since it joined the European Union as well as, France, Italy, and Spain. India is corrupt, dirty, filthy, and poverty exists like your last great depression on a regular basis there. Africans have become zombies killing each other, China doesn’t even have the choice to follow their dreams, Russia has now made it clear they want the old Soviet days back, and the Middle East still lives from the primitive mind. England…there is no England anymore. These countries were all great at one time, but have been hijacked by the evil that I warned you of. Their people immigrated here to get away from tyranny. That’s why it is imperative that America be saved. It’s the only sovereign land left. All other counties have been conquered or pacified by evil and that is why I cannot let America fall otherwise that’s it, earth will be under a global dark age.”

  Gudama looked at the ground in deep thought, “New generations today are for lack of better word, dumb, but I don’t blame them, I blame the system, it’s designed to make them that way. You see, the evil rulers, they want you to be high on drugs, they want you to be brainwashed by T.V., they want you to sit in dark room addicted to pornography, they want you to be indoctrinated at school or at military camps, they want you to be glued to internet, IPhone, and cigarettes. They want all of this, because all of these suck your soul right out of you, pacifying you, making you insecure, fearful, and dependent, incapable of reason or logic.”

  “Another thing that no one has addressed is the removal of terrorists, both domestic and foreign. When you have a president, senate, and congress who purposefully work with corrupt businessmen and other unknown dark entities to make legislative decisions in the name of black money, along with false reverends, gangsters emulating criminals and promoting violence, and with ethnic groups who are guilty of favoritism which weaken the country, they must be identified for what they are, domestic terrorists. They all must be eliminated as they are catalysts provoking internal destruction,” he said with sharp piercing eyes pointing his finger.

  Gudama walked around holding the mic, glancing around the audience, studying them.

  “Your bible speaks of the promise land, this is that very land,” he said pointing downward, “This is heaven, where people have the highest standards. Heck, even dogs have it better here than humans do in other countries! Can you believe that? However, the demons from hell incarnating in many deceiving forms, have been attacking and they have infiltrated and manipulated others to join them.”

  Gudama made his way back to the center and stood erect and placed his hand over his heart.

  “I pledge allegiance to the United States of America - United, meaning working together. Floridians working with New Jersey dwellers, Liberals from the Bay Area of California working with hardcore conservatives of the Midwest, putting aside their personal differences to come together for a higher purpose,” Gudama said looking at the audience.

  “And to the Republic for which it stands - the ideal of freedom, one nation, how ahead of its time that statement is,” he said smilingly.

  “You know aliens on different planets see earth differently. From their perspective we are one world, one race, and this statement, one nation epitomizes that higher consciousness.”

  “One nation,” Gudama said holding his index finger up, “not just New York, Missouri, Texas, New Mexico, no, one group of multicultural immigrants living together with the same voted fundamental foundational beliefs. Under God - acknowledging the almighty and our humility while paying respect Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all, what a great model phrase for your earth,” said Gudama looking up.

  “I will see to it that operations, safety, and efficiency are served to American citizens. Democracy is good, however it’s not perfect as it’s vulnerable to corruption, but we can fix it together,” Gudama encouraged powerfully with a raised fist.

  Gudama walked down and picked up a handful of dirt, “This soil was built by you. It was built by the Chinese it was built by the Italians, the Irish, the Africans, Indians, Russians, Arabs, Germans, Hispanic, and Japanese. Heck, America was built by the whole world! Everybody from all nations contributed in one way or another, so don’t you see, this already is utopia in the making! By saving it, I save all people as it sets a prime example for the rest of the world. I’m not here to merely support America. After it becomes strong again I plan on working with other countries who accept to create a similar structure suited to their situation to give freedom and rights to all people.”

  The crowds had mixed reactions, but were all silent as deep down everybody feared Gudama’s power.

  “Some of you may fear me, but believe me I’m not here to rule. Personally, I love the live and let live philosophy, but in order to guarantee that for everyone, you must create a strong proper social structure. When I’m done, I plan on slowly taking more of a passive role, giving you more independence so you can function without me. I too may want to settle down one day, or at least do some more space traveling.” Gudama said winking to the camera.

  He thanked everyone for their time and politely excused himself. People clapped, hopeful of finally seeing a new promising world. However, other politicians in power saw him as an obstacle in their quest for domination and declared war against him. Aerial assaults were made on heavily populated areas all across the United States by the Alliance, a group including the world’s super powers. Their actions infuriated Gudama making his blood boil. While all this was taking place, Layla regrouped with Mark and friends assuring them her safety and of her friendship with Gudama as well as calling her mom explaining she was just fine. Soon after, she convinced Mark to create a small studio and scheduled a live interview with Gudama. Shortly after, Gudama was sitting on a couch at Lolland Studio being interviewed by Layla. She delightfully welcomed him and allowed him to speak his peace.

  “Hello again people of earth, this is Gudama. Recently, your Big Brother secret military attacked me, murdered one of my friends, captured an innocent civilian reporter, and now their blood thirsty war-mongering foreign leaders have declared battle, offering ransom for my head even after I offered peaceful resolution. Due to this, I must take action I hoped to avoid. Their insanity is starting to affect other worlds and it’s irritating them. Some believe that you’re not worth saving, however I along with others believe that there is hope for you. I understand most of you cannot accept this and would much rather return to your primitive ways, shoving junk food in your faces, listening to trash T.V., and engaging in soul degrading sex, but you must be aware that if you don’t shape up, then the gods of the universe will not be happy and if they see fit, may end you and this sick planet if necessary, and I assure you such power does indeed exist. As a matter of fact, to some very advanced civilizations, such power is elementary,” Gudama said leaning towards the camera. He made his plan clear that he was going to deal with those who are responsible at once. After his statement Layla thanked him for his time and shook hands. Gudama got up, bid the world a friendly parting and walked off the stage with perfect erect posture. Layla and her company had become an overnight success with world record views.

  Without delay, Gudama traveled to Japan with a small platoon to disarm their robotic army formerly funded by the United States. Japanese scientists greeted them at the main base where they were housed and manufactured. Gudama instructed his men to stay back with their special weapon and await his signal while he followed the scientists. Inside, there were endless deactivated robots in an interior filled with several gadgets and machinery.

  Gudama ordered the scientists to permanently shut down the facility, hand over the keys, and evacuate at once. Rather than doing as Gudama instructed, one of them who was hiding in an inconspicuous control room, unleashed a Mech robot, a fifteen foot drone equipped with rockets, machine guns, and grenades, along with the other droids to attack. Gudama took a step back as hundreds of armed robots marched toward him. He avoided t
heir assault with his super speed and agility, seeking cover behind a parked vehicle. Predicting their hostile reaction, Gudama stocked up on some EMP bombs and grenades, and chucked them in great quantities at the bots, disrupting their circuitry with the blasts in vast numbers.

  The towering Mech’s systems went offline stopping it in its tracks.

  “Digital technology, so vulnerable,” Gudama said smiling, slightly shaking his head.

  Japanese scientists fled, shouting words in Japanese.

  Gudama casually walked after them believing they were trapped, however, a young female pilot caught his eye at the end of the facility high up on a bridge. She stood there smiling at him holding a helmet by her hip with an arm as Gudama watched her down below. She pointed at him with her free hand and yelled in Japanese before retreating into the shadows. Gudama let out a breath.

  “Women,” he said dismissing her as harmless.

  Sounds of metal were heard as something was turned on. With loud footsteps, a giant Super Mecha stepped forth piloted by the girl, releasing more advanced bots from its lower compartment. Spider bots and other animal like droids were released.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Gudama said.

  He smashed them with vicious strikes and leaped up on a bridge creating distance. Gudama muscled his way through, pummeling robots of all kinds while running up the stairs. At the top he locked eyes with the girl who was determined to kill him. She powered up a projectile to which Gudama picked up on. He jumped off the bridge while pressing a button on his wrist armor, dodging the Super Mecha’s laser beam and landed on his hover board.

  Flying around, Gudama evaded several shots fired from the massive robot, and reflected its own beam with his wrist armor, obliterating its lower posterior. Tactfully, he crushed its metal frame in guerilla warfare strategy. American platoon soldiers barged in and turned on their special weapon – a giant magnetic pulse which rendered all bots useless with its attracting force. The ground shook as even the enormous Super Mech was swept off its feet to the magnet.

  “Take cover!” Gudama yelled to his platoon.

  The female pilot screamed as the Super Mech’s bulky frame crashed hard into the magnet, crushing all the other bots that were sucked up. Gudama sliced off parts with chops and knife strikes. He punched the bulletproof window pod shattering it easily, and grabbed the girl. She squirmed around trying to hit Gudama as he held her in the air by her neck with one extended arm. He slapped away a gun she tried to withdraw. Unable to bare her Japanese gibberish, Gudama smacked her across the face. It only seemed to make her yap more, so Gudama smacked her again with the back of his hand, this time knocking her out cold and let her go.

  “Girls with toys,” said Gudama gesturing at her unconscious body.

  One of the scientists emerged in a robotic battle suit challenging Gudama. Everyone stared as the man pathetically attempted to best Gudama in hand to hand combat. Within a few seconds, Gudama clobbered the scientist, ripping apart the metal exterior like paper. Other Japanese scientists surrendered hastily on their knees. Soon after, the entire country belonged to him. Gudama began speaking to Japanese media of his plans of assistance with a better strategy for their needs. His speech was interrupted when his wrist armor started beeping. Answering, Gudama was notified by American military of another threat. The newly created Soviet Russia had just fired a nuke heading straight to America.

  Hastily, Gudama zoomed away on his hover board, breaking the sound barrier through the skies following the holographic projection of the location from his wrist armor. Gudama quickly intercepted the warhead missile thanks to his radar, and manually guided it while on his hover board, letting it go to explode high in space. He was disappointed at the newly resurrected USSR’s violent reactions against him and left for Italy to put an end to their terror as he received word of their invasion.

  Upon arriving, he was suddenly hit by a massive metal arm. He fell off the board, crashing into a temple.

  “So Mr. Gudama, you think you can defeat the Soviet Union eh?” said the general inside the cockpit of the enormous robot.

  Gudama could smell the vodka even from the distance. The Russian operated the machine to strike to which Gudama evaded.

  “You silly American, in Russia we don’t have air conditioning, we have Siberia,” he said firing an ice gun infused with Siberian snow. Gudama swiftly dashed out of the way and circled the skies on his hover board avoiding additional shots. He charged at the machine, but was smacked away crashing into a temple pillar.

  “In Russia we don’t have pistols, we have AK-47,” said the Russian as his men opened fire. Gudama took hits, but used his wrist armor to deflect the bullets hitting other soldiers.

  “In Russia, we don’t have government, we have Spetsnaz, heh, heh,” he continued with a one sided slanted smirk as Special Forces arrived.

  “Welcome comrade to the Soviet Union!” said the general planting a Russian flag on the ground letting out a barrel of laughter as his men attacked at full force armed with rockets, tanks, and machine guns.

  Flicking his arm, Gudama smacked away an oncoming rocket blowing up the array of other drones. He dodged a shot fired from a tank and cut the main gun with a knife strike shocking the other soldiers. Quickly, Gudama climbed to the top and opened the hatch, punching the popping face of a Russian soldier and threw a stun bomb closing the lid. Another tank pursued him taking aim, but Gudama bent the end of the main gun towards the optical periscope. Fleeing for their lives, the operating soldiers evacuated as the tank blew up.

  Several Spetsnaz attacked, throwing hard heavy strikes, but Gudama with his superior skill in combat bested them. A shirtless unarmed man challenged him. Gudama went for a punch only to hit air. Surprised, he continued to attack, but the man parried him and made him fall through nonphysical means.

  “Oh, psycho-energetic combat,” he said smiling.

  Adjusting, Gudama caught the soldier off guard with a bear paw strike knocking him ten feet back.

  The other soldiers joined in only to hit the ground by Gudama’s superior skill.

  Hopping on his hover board, Gudama went for the general, but encountered additional drone tanks.

  “Ha, ha, ha, come on, let’s go Gudama!” challenged the general.

  Gudama evaded their assault with his flying board, the skies booming from the explosives.

  “You’re a dead man Mr. Gudama,” said the general. Whirling around, Gudama successfully struck parts of the giant robot inflicting damage. His feeling of winning was cut short as he was hurled by an invisible force generated by another soldier equipped in a black suit wearing a psychic enhancing helmet with cords implanted into his brain. His dark exterior shielded him from the naked eye. Using his super senses, Gudama quickly caught him with a round house kick, inflicting pain while damaging the soldier’s invisibility cloak.

  “You’re a dead man Mr. Gudama, repeated the general distracting him with fire power and strikes.

  Regaining composure, the lab created soldier focused energy. Gudama was thrown around by psychic warfare as the soldier in black conducted his hands like a puppeteer, pushing Gudama away without laying a finger. Gudama proceeded to get up, only to be thrown back again on the temple grounds while the drunk general laughed, smashing homes of bystanders while watching them flee.

  The helmet, that’s it, Gudama thought.

  Heh, I guess being slammed into the ground gave me the needed jolt of eureka, he concluded.

  Harnessing energy of his own, Gudama arose and was able to defend against the soldier’s psychic attacks. With a quick gesture, Gudama faked his adversary and closed the gap between them, choking the soldier who retaliated. With his incredible resiliency, Gudama withstood a full psychic blast from the Russian, his skin stretching back from the force, and smashed the helmet with his fist. Crushing it with his hands, Gudama threw away the device.

  Extending his arms, the soldier attempted to use his powers to which Gudama laughed as it was too
weak without the aid of the helmet. He easily tossed him aside.

  “You’re a dead man Mr. Gudama,” said the general.

  “Enough with that!” retorted Gudama with a fist.

  Zipping through the air on his hover board, Gudama went for the kill. However, realized he was within firing range between the general and a tank.

  “Heh, heh, heh, let’s see what you’ve got!” said the general in his thick heavy Russian accent.

  The tank fired. Everything appeared in slow motion from Gudama’s perspective. With quick thinking, he twisted to his side dodging the projectile, allowing it to meet the wide eyed general.

  Exploding glass and metal shards flew everywhere as the tank’s blast exposed the cockpit where the general operated. Swiftly, Gudama swooped in and slammed the general’s face on the control board repeatedly and threw him out. He screamed as he fell to the ground as Gudama took control of the machine, using it to immobilize the other tanks. He celebrated his victory as he managed to take down another super power, thus preventing war.


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