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Galactic Earth

Page 27

by Luthra, G. S.

  Using a sophisticated self-created device, Sarah mapped out the area of the interior through hacking one of the nodes available and led them to the main control room, passing by strange looking creatures locked inside incubators.

  “I guess all the rumors were true,” commented Daniel scanning the lab freaks.

  “Yea, they do all kinds of crazy experiments,” said Gudama, glancing at a few.

  They came up to a coded door. After breaking its security, Sarah kicked it down.

  Much to their surprise, the door revealed children who were running the control room.

  “Kids?” said Stan, the sniper.

  “Yea, spoiled brats hired by the elites,” replied Gudama advancing.

  “They too young should be studying for school,” said Yoko wide eyed with a Japanese accent.

  “How old are you kid, eleven, twelve?” asked Daniel, the bomber of the four soldiers.

  “What are you doing, you can’t be here,” said a kid who was met with a smack by Gudama.

  “The authority will kill you when they find out,” said the kid crying only to be smacked again.

  “I’m the law now,” Gudama said pointing to himself. He grabbed the boy and pinned him down on his lap, spanking the kid on the bottom like a father disciplining a misbehaved child while the others watched the entertainment.

  “What do we do?” asked Earl after it was done.

  “Shoot them,” said Gudama getting up wiping his hands.

  “But they’re.”

  “Listen, these so called innocent kids have contributed to the deaths and enslavement of God knows how many. The way I see it, they’re dangerous murderers. Haven’t you heard, better to kill one whom you know will kill a thousand?”

  Yoko nodded his head with closed eyes.

  Countering their ruthless response, one kid managed to utilize a device he was carrying on his belt and turned it on. The boy’s body was quickly covered in armor as he transformed into an adult looking semi-human creature with claws. It attacked Gudama’s team, knocking them senseless despite taking bullets head on. Its crab like armor protected it from the various attacks directed at it and gained the upper edge, easily smacking away the soldiers at once, and trapping the monk in one of its giant bubbles blown from its mouth.

  Sarah using her quick wit intuitive genius, found weak points in its armor and managed to break parts of it by firing her laser gun at specific locations on its frame. This put a smile on Gudama’s face who was watching with arms folded seeing how well his team fairs against their adversary. Angry, the crab creature charged at the Sarah and knocked the gun out of her hands, pinning her to the ground. Before it could finish her off, Gudama stepped in with a bone crushing punch, stopping the monster in its tracks. Sensing its strength, Gudama was unimpressed. He raised one arm high as if reaching for a higher power and summoned energy into his hand. Roaring, the half human half crab sprinted and struck viciously as hard as it could with its giant shell like fist, however felt its elbow pop from striking Gudama’s steel like forehead. A sharp pain was felt in its abdomen and as the crab man looked down to inspect, it realized Gudama had released a projectile from the energy he gathered in his hand, incinerating its stomach. Soon after, the creature morphed back into the little boy. The teary whiny child cried of revenge and persecution, but was met by a slap to the face by Gudama, his hand printing on his cheek. The boy stepped back with watery eyes as Gudama continued with a repeated slap in the other direction, the force nearly knocking the consciousness right out of the child’s head. It felt like being smacked by a steel slab to the boy who fell to his knees after the third slap.

  Grabbing the brat’s collared shirt, Gudama lifted him with one arm and raised a fist. A shadow covered most of his torso and face giving him the appearance of a demonic god of punishment.

  “Wait please, this isn’t you, you don’t do this!” pleaded the boy, tears running down his face.

  Gudama listened as the boy said everything he could think of to save his life, trying to use guilt manipulation, reason, and emotion. His suffering was ended with a black out blow from Gudama.

  “I’d rather not wait twenty years later for him to grow up and seek revenge,” he said to the others.

  Exploration of the facility proved wasteful as Gudama sensed the real danger was further down. Sarah located an elevator with her gadget, and broke its codes using her hand held device.

  Deep Underground

  Entering the elevator, Gudama pushed the button which started their descent.

  He stood erect with the others behind him.

  “What is this place?” the handsome Daniel asked.

  “It’s a secret facility where evil aliens along with mind controlled humans operate.”

  “How do you know all this?”

  Gudama gave Daniel a funny look.

  “I always heard stories, but never knew for sure.”

  “Oh you heard right,” assured Gudama.

  “Feels like we’re going to hell,” said Earl breathing deeply while clenching his fifty pound gun.

  Gudama chuckled, “Yea, you could say that. You scared?” he said slightly turning his head.

  “A little,” admitted Earl.

  “Don’t be, we will prevail. You know why?” Gudama said turning, “Because we fight for justice, the real kind” he stated with a raise fist.

  Deep underground, Gudama led his special fleet infiltrating the hidden base. They were welcomed by large headed grey aliens who fired laser weapons at them. With skilled coordinated tactics, Gudama and his team bested them and pursued further. They found a train that was connected to the main base, which is where Sarah commanded it to take them, as ordered by Gudama.

  At the main base, although rusty, dusty, and old looking, Gudama’s fleet marveled at the fabulous architecture, amazed that it had been hidden right under their noses. With stealth, they snuck into the main control room where lizard like aliens were running various operations using super computers, and some other technologies unrecognizable to common man. With military hand signals, Gudama ordered his fleet to advantageous positions and gave the go ahead to attack. They ambushed the lizard aliens quickly gaining the upper hand. Angry, they retaliated, one using its mental powers to paralyze the soldiers, but Gudama cut its head off with a mighty chop saving them. Aiming with a bulky gun available, a slimy slippery lizard fired at Gudama from behind.

  “Look out!” warned Sarah and Yoko.

  Gudama blocked with his wrist armor returning the blast at the lizard, burning it instantly into ash. Another one picked up the gun, but the monk sliced the lizard’s gun in half with a flying chop and struck with a thunderous palm strike to the face. Another projected its mind control on Gudama who put up a forearm to shield his head and resisted with his super mind, delivering a jumping punch knocking the seven foot creature off its feet.

  Whipping its tail, another lizard knocked Gudama away. It slashed Yoko’s arm through hand to hand combat and paralyzed him with mind control. Other lizards dodged the attacks from Gudama’s team and brought them to the ground hard. They all ganged up on Gudama, simultaneously projecting their telepathic mind power, causing him to scream with both hands clasped on top of his head. Gudama hunched over crouched as the lizards came closer combining their mental forces. With a spark of inner strength, Gudama let out a battle cry and wiped away the invisible forces with a swipe of his hand creating a temporary break from their control, followed by a mountain crushing slam to the ground, hurling them all in the air from the shockwaves. Gudama leaped at them head on, fighting all of them at once, unleashing a barrage of heavy hits to multiple lizards. Gudama leaned back and kicked one on coming lizard under the chin sending him crashing into the ceiling.

  Landing, Gudama took a horse stance facing another lizard that attacked with its tail.

  “Not this time!” he said catching it with his arms. Raising a bent wrist with extended fingers, Gudama pierced through the lizard’s flesh and swung it ar
ound in a circular fashion, knocking the others senseless before finally throwing his prey at the remaining group of lizards. Gudama’s fleet came in and finished them off with their guns.

  “Dame, I sure am glad we have you on our side,” said Daniel, catching his breath.

  Gudama wiped his hand over his hair and stood erect regrouping.

  “Is it over?” asked Stan.

  “Not yet, I smell something evil,” said Gudama sniffing with his canine like sense of smell.

  “What’s down here anyway, haven’t we destroyed the threat?” asked Daniel.

  “No, somewhere they’re hiding a draconian.”

  “A draconian, what is that?”

  “In the lizard race, they have their own standards of classification, the lowest ones being workers like the ones we just fought. The elite ones however, are the draconian who rule their world. They are few in number, but each possesses the power to defeat entire civilizations alone, much more dangerous than normal reptilians,” said Gudama gesturing over to the dead carcass of the lizards.

  “What, you mean to tell me that these slimy reptiles that we just killed are the little guys?” said Earl with sweat running down his neck.

  Gudama nodded and Daniel, the good looking stud gulped. Following his gut, Gudama ventured deeper into the caverns beyond the control room while the others followed.

  Continuing onward, the end of the cavern revealed a small area with texture like the inside of a stomach. A massive egg like incubator was in the middle, beating as if something was alive inside. Ancient strange looking symbols were embedded on the floor around it.

  “Ah we probably should head back, there’s nothing here,” said Nikko, the quiet Asian soldier.

  “Not until we plant this bomb,” said Gudama.

  Sarah set aside her bulky laser gun to inspect the egg with Gudama. “This is it. We’ll put the bomb here,” he said after examining.

  The silent soldier’s eye wondered to the laser gun.

  “It looks like this main base is connected to all the others ones. Setting off an explosion here will cause a chain reaction destroying the others,” said Sarah confirming calculations through her computer glasses. Gudama took out a penny sized bomb from his utility belt.

  “We’ve got to blow this joint,” he said squatting down.

  “With that?” asked Sarah.

  “This baby has the power to destroy a city,” he said smiling while holding up the bomb, “This place was built by evil, some places aren’t worth saving,” he continued looking around, “Don’t worry, it won’t go off until I detonate it,” Gudama said standing up.

  “Don’t go near it, let’s head back and return later with backup!” exclaimed the vocal Nikko.

  Gudama turned his head with a puzzled look, “All this time you were silent, now all of a sudden you’re fearful?”

  Something doesn’t seem right, thought Gudama.

  “What’s wrong with you?” questioned Sarah.

  “Yeah man, we need you to focus,” said Earl.

  “No!” Nikko said, firing at them. Gudama grabbed Sarah and dodged the blast. He was in shock of Nikko’s action. The others grouped against him.

  “Have you gone mad?” said the handsome Daniel, “You could’ve blown us all to hell!”

  “I won’t let you hurt it, my dear Draco must live!” Nikko said firing again.

  Gudama evaded the shots along with the others with Daniel barrel rolling.

  “Draco?” Gudama said keeping his distance as he held the bomb in his hand, “How did you know?”

  The blast blew up rocks, and dust filled the atmosphere blurring their vision.

  “You’ve lost your mind bud,” said Stan who was with Earl, frantically searching for their dropped weapons.

  As if possessed, Nikko snuck behind and stabbed Stan in the neck with a blade along with zapping Earl with the laser gun. He took aim at Gudama with white eyes and foam falling from his mouth.

  “Die,” he uttered in an abnormal tone.

  Daniel tackled him misdirecting the blast as Yoko and Sarah teamed up on him throwing strike after strike. Amazingly, Nikko held his ground and managed to hit Yoko with a spin punch and kicked Sarah down. He took his blade and went for a kill, but blonde haired Sarah moved to the side and dug her thumb’s fingernails into his eye sockets. Nikko jolted back in pain and was hit in the spine by Yoko’s running kick. Crashing into the chiseled chest of handsome Daniel, Nikko’s forehead met with the end of a gun.

  “You die,” said Daniel with dust in his black hair.

  He pulled the trigger and their traitor’s life had come to an end.

  “Nice shot,” said Sarah taking at interest in him.

  “Thanks,” he replied with a smile meeting her eyes.

  Their intimacy was cut short by a shot fired through the handsome Daniel’s chest.

  “What the?” said Gudama.

  From the shadows emerged an old enemy with mechanical steps.

  “Did you really think you had beaten us, you really believe you had won?”

  “Larson!” Gudama exclaimed.

  “I told you, you will never defeat us,” he said, half of his face reconstructed by machine.

  Yoko flew at him full speed only to meet a large boulder hurling him into the unforgiving rocky like ground. Out stepped forth another controlled soldier whose veiny muscles were bulging, artificially enhanced by super steroids.

  “Laheed,” said Gudama, recognizing Rohan’s brother.

  Gudama intervened and with one-two punches and a kick, knocking the muscled freak down hard, while Sarah attacked Larson. She moved with great agility, but Larson’s metal body appeared impenetrable from his enhancement. He caught one of her punches and placed her in an excruciating arm lock.

  “Not now lady, we’ll need you for later,” he said.

  Larson flipped her over, and slammed Sarah down hard, breaking her back as she moaned in pain.

  The bearded bulky Laheed arose once more, doping himself with more performance enhancers. He clenched his teeth tightly as more branch like veins popped out of his growing muscles. Gudama’s mouth fell at how huge the man had become and was struck across the cheek by a punch sending him flying back.

  Recovering, Gudama set his sights on Larson.

  “You,” he said before charging.

  Larson withdrew a draconian weapon and fired at Gudama who fell to his mercy, dropping his bomb. The gun released straps around his body that electrified whenever he fidgeted.

  “Heh, ha, this here’s a parasite gun. The more you struggle, the stronger the bond becomes,” said Larson smiling.

  Gudama persisted to no avail.

  “Struggle all you want, the outcome will be the same. You’ll die a slow horrible death as your body collapses from complete exhaustion,” Larson said.

  Gudama lay in pain shaking, desperately trying to break free. From the darkness came forth the other members in cloaks of the remnants from the old world that previously rendezvoused to awaken Draco. Flapping their hoods back revealed former royal family leaders and others whom Gudama recognized from old political T.V. programming.

  “Oh, you’re still alive?” said Larson with eyebrows raised, “Good, you’ll get to watch the show.”

  The men formed a circle around the giant egg and began chanting mantras while some of them lit fires and made other offerings such as their own blood, a goat, and other disgusting gifts to which Gudama found despicable.

  Soon broke out a devilish hand, clenching as it felt air. Rips and tears were heard from the incubator.

  Oh, that’s not good, thought Gudama seeing the claws of the hand. A demonic roar was heard as a dark entity tore through the egg. Emerged, was a giant gargoyle with large eyes and horns that possessed wings behind its back. Its musculature resembled an off planet rock, and spoke sinew, strength, and power just from the sight of it.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you,” Larson said extending his arms, “Draco!”
br />   Draco

  Sharp fangs hung out in front from the roof of the creature’s mouth as it stood in over everyone.

  “Ok lady, your turn,” said Larson pulling her up.

  Sarah’s mouth fell open as her eyes unblinkingly stared at the monster.

  Intuitively reacting, she pulled out a gun from a slot on her calf and fired multiple rounds. The bullets bounced off of Draco’s frame as he glared at her with piercing eyes.

  “Here try this,” Larson said bringing her his spare laser gun.

  Sarah desperately tried to lift it with her broken back.

  “Ha, ha, here let me help,” said Larson.

  Together they fired the weapon at Draco. The laser beam was unable to pierce through his skin, making Sarah feel helpless. As if reacting to her fear, Draco reached for her, but was denied as Daniel dove in pushing her out of the way.

  Daniel quickly chucked a grenade, causing Larson’s balding hair to jump up.

  “You fool!” he shouted as the bomb blew up.

  The explosion disposed most of the evil elite members, but not Draco. Angry, he grabbed the survivors and fed on them, throwing them away when finished. Muscled Laheed was tossed like a toy after providing Draco some ample nourishment. Gudama and his fleet were horrified to witness this.

  Larson screamed in fear holding his hands out in front as Draco snatched him, biting his head right off his mechanical neck. Draco then set his sights on Daniel and Sarah who were frozen in fear, Draco’s erection rising at the sight of her.

  Gudama struggled as hard as he could with all his might, but it only gave more strength to the strap. Draco smiled, displaying his dinosaur sized teeth at the sight of him. Gudama knew he had to do something realizing his fleet had no chance, but was unable to break free. Suddenly, an unknown power surged within him as he looked over and noticed Yoko sending him his energy through a hand as he lay in the rubble. With one big pull, Gudama stood up and let out at a roar, finally breaking free.


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