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The Darker Side Of Me (A Ravana Moon Novel Book 1)

Page 4

by S. L. Perrine

  I moved under the spray of hot water and let it consume my bare skin. I embraced the fragrance of my soaps and breathed in the steam, cleansing my mind with it. I needed to keep a clear head. I needed to get answers. Why did Emerick stop with me? Why would he stop making the perfect soldier, and not make a dozen more to have at his disposal? And why would he abandon me afterward, but keep a failed experiment, like Massimo? Something wasn’t adding up.

  I dressed after drying off and giving my hair a thorough wringing out. Making sure the laces on my jeans were secure, I pulled my boots on. The tops of them crisscrossed exposing my bare flesh, matching the laces that ran up the length of my legs. I pulled my blouse on and left the top three buttons undone. Getting answers in this town meant talking to a lot of over-sexualized vampire’s and demons alike. Tonight, I’d be the distraction.

  I didn’t bother drying my hair and left the confines of my room. Dalia was standing there with a morose look on her face. “What have I done to offend you this time?”

  “You’ve been spending time with another like you?”

  “How would you know that? Does the Order have me bugged?”

  “It’s been brought to the attention of my superior. She would like this new hunter brought in.”

  “Oh, so you are looking to replace me. Fine with me. I prefer working on my own anyway.”

  “Ravana were not replacing you. Merely giving you a partner.”

  I spun around and without thinking I was in front of her with my hand pressed against her neck. My fangs dropped, and I glared at her as I hissed my words, “Absolutely not. I will not work with him. He is more vampire than hunter. Forget it.”

  “Ravana. Please.”

  I shook, retracted my teeth and let my hand drop from her neck. “Sorry. I’d never hurt you. You just—. You can’t.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said rubbing her neck. “I have no choice. They found out first. If you’d been honest with me I could have given them a story before they investigated him. They know he doesn’t feed. Just as they know he has a long history with the Ancient One.” She took a measured step back and I couldn’t blame her.



  “His name is Emerick.”

  “The hunter?”

  “No, the Ancient One. He has a name. Use it. Calling him that any more will only give him power he shouldn’t have over anyone.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, thank you for that.” I could see her mind jump back into research mode, but her shift was over. She was free to go home and be her normal human self. Though, sadly it looked as if she’d rather stay in the home of the vampire hunter she loathed. Though, she only lived one floor below me.

  “You can stay in a guest room. I won’t be here anyway. I’ll bring the coffee.”

  Her nervousness lifted slightly as her big blue eyes grew at the prospects of being left alone with my extensive library. “Oh, great. Thanks. Um, half-caf. No milk.”


  “My coffee. I’ve never told you. Half regular and half decaffeinated. No milk. I have an allergy.”

  “Of course, you do.” I laughed slightly heading for the front door. “Is that like, pouring a half a cup of coffee and filling the rest of the cup with water?” I laughed as I let the door shut behind me.

  I didn’t bother with the doorman. He was sleeping peacefully at his desk when I reached the lobby. I made sure my glamour was intact, however, when I stepped outside. Letting those who happened to glance my way see whatever their minds needed to see. I was too busy thinking about what Dalia said. How on earth did the Order find out about Massimo? They’d never monitored my movements before. They must be getting desperate. Unfortunately, I knew they were not going to find what they were looking for. Emerick did stop with me. Massimo already confirmed it. Although, he seemed to think I escaped. Maybe we should have a serious talk. One that didn’t involve me going to war with myself. He might have more answers than he’d been able to share in the past.

  I headed away from Belltown, south then east to Washington Park. The Arboretum held my interest for two reasons. One, I enjoyed the scenery. It wasn’t often that I was able to take in the sights that Seattle had to offer. Two, Sebastián. A sick sadistic vampire who knew how to hold a grudge, employed all the vampires in the state, except for the ones Kyron stole, and never came close enough for me to slice him. If he had, he’d be mincemeat. Sebastián may have been cunning and ruthless, but he was no good at defense. Since the only defense he had was turning tail and running away.

  It wasn’t so late that the streets were clear. I had to keep to the curb and make sure not to bump into anyone. My glamour only worked when uninterrupted. As a matter of fact, the sun was still heading downward. The small amount of vitamin D felt good. I could have stayed up during the day, but all of those I hunted were out and about at night. So, I was as well.

  Stores were starting to close, bars were starting to open, and dinner was being served for the second time in most of the restaurants. The city was hopping, and I had to stop to think about what day it was. Friday night. Great. Just one more reminder as to why I needed answers. Walking around on date night when my libido was at a standstill was going to kill me harder than decapitation.

  I left the bright lights of the open businesses and headed toward the trees. I loved trees. I could drop my glamour and let the darkness cover me. The sun was completely gone by the time I reached the park, and the new moon hidden helped me creep through the park to the Abortorium.

  “Hey, gorgeous. Need some company?”

  “Excuse me?”

  It was too bad I was on a mission. This one was tall, dark, and rugged. His hair hung over one side of his face, covering it down to his cheek. One dark eye glared at me. He was hungry. His face was sporting a five o’clock shadow. Something I hadn’t found on a vampire, so human it was. His shoulders were broad, his chin square. The one eye not covered was almond shaped, and squinted to see me in the dark. Of course, my sense allowed me to see him perfectly.

  I just barely remembered my glamour was down. Oh well, too late. I placed a hand on my hip and gave him a smile. He took it as an invitation and moved in closer.

  “I asked if you’d like some company.”

  “I think I can manage, but thanks.”

  “It’s not safe out here at night. A nice girl like yourself walking around alone. You could get hurt.” He grabbed my arm as I tried to walk away.

  I looked down at his hand, and he just smiled. He brought his other hand up to my face and rubbed against my cheek with his knuckles. I leaned into him, making sure to press my breasts against his chest. I could hear his pulse quicken and felt the heat rush through his body.

  “If you don’t move your hands, the only one getting hurt out here will be you.”

  “Really? You like it rough, do ya?”

  “Oh, buddy…you have no idea how rough I like it.”

  “Oh, baby. Don’t tease me.”

  It was the oddest expression. He looked almost pleased with himself until he was looking at his shoes with his arm twisted behind his back. I’d forgotten to staunch my inhuman speed, and twisted with such force that his arm broke. He screamed in pain. I let him free and pat my hands together as if to rid myself of the feel of him on my skin.

  “You bitch, you broke my arm.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought that was code. Next time use your safe word.”

  I flipped my hair over my shoulder and headed into the thick of the trees. I could sense them all around me. The heavy breathing, quickened pulse, rapid movement…yea, they were stalking me as I entered the grove.

  I stopped in the middle of a small gazebo of sorts in the Japanese garden. The pillars were nothing more than tree logs sitting on flat stone slabs, one per column. Each of the four corners had three trunks each. It had a roof, but instead of being covered with shingles, the thing was growing grass. I didn’t need lights around me to see. I closed my eyes anyway, just t
o listen to the fish moving around in the small ponds. Bubbles splashed to the surface as they moved in a frenzy, sensing the danger lurking nearby.

  “You are far from home. What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

  “The usual. I’m supposed to kill you, remember?”

  “Oh, yes, that pesky business. Well, I hate to disappoint, but this is a new suit.”

  It looked new. In pure Sebastián fashion, he wore a dark pinstriped suit, three pieces from the looks of it. He toyed with the chain that hung from the button on his vest, which disappeared into a slim pocket. His demeanor told me he knew I was after something more than his flesh. He played with the dark thin mustache above his lip and smoothed down the hair on his chin. The hair on his head was parted down the middle and combed through with enough gel to keep it looking wet for ages. His eyes glowed red from years of preying on humans for blood. Or it could have been the evil that ran through his veins, I could hardly tell anymore.

  Three men flanked his sides and back. His usual bitch stood between us. It was as if he felt a female presence was needed to have these conversations. One of these days I was going to slice her open. She was average height, but stood with her shoulders squared in a stance that allowed her to easily pounce on me if necessary. I noticed she was eyeing the ring on my right hand. I’d had it fashioned in the early years of my rebirth. A silver double edged-sword. The hilt laid on the back of my hand with a single ruby in the pommel, the blade extended down my finger. When I made a fist, the two-inch width of the ring itself served as my hilt holding it to me as I struck. I watched her and made a fist, she flinched ever so slightly, but enough that I saw it.

  “You have about a million of the same, don’t you? A little blood won’t matter.”

  “Seriously, Ravana. I’m in no mood. What do you want?”

  “In a hurry to get rid of me?”


  I postured for a moment, considering my words carefully. I didn’t want him to know what I wanted, but still wanted him to be curious to want to know. It would keep him vulnerable.

  “I want to know about Emerick.”

  He looked at me, considered for a moment, and then turned on his heel to leave. “No.”

  “What do you mean no?” I chased after him, but his pet stood in front of me blocking my path. Just when I thought I’d get my wish, she was waved away.

  “I mean, no. I won’t divulge anything about him. I value my life far too much to do that.”

  “Oh, and you don’t think I can kill you?”

  “Oh, no. I know you can, but you won’t. You value information far too much. You need me around. To tell you about the one thing you really want to know about.”

  “I want to know about Emerick,” I seethed.

  “No, Red. You want to know what he did, and how to duplicate it.”

  “How did you—”

  “Oh, I have my ways, just as you have yours.”

  “So, then tell me.”

  “Another day perhaps. I have a meeting and I’m late. You know how I hate to be tardy.”

  “Sebastián!” I yelled at him, but the girl with the long black ponytail stood with her arms crossed over across her chest in front of me. “Do you want to lose your best people? Because I may want to keep you around for my own personal reasons, but I have no qualms about ridding you of black-eyed Barbie.”

  He looked back and as his pet looked back at him, he waved a dismissive hand and walked away. “As you wish.”

  Even in her own heels, I had to look down at her. Her eyes glowed amber in the darkness of night. Two others stayed behind as well. They all dressed in black military looking jumpsuits. Barbie had a tactical knife on her hip, and what looked like a tow chain around her neck like a scarf.

  I held my hands out and wiggled my fingers. Barbie rushed me, first with a fist, then with a kick to the shin. I sidestepped the punch, but got caught in the leg and went down to one knee. She landed a punch to my jaw before I even had a chance to look up.

  “Ok,” I wiped the blood from my lip with the back of my hand. “I see you’re eager.”

  Her foot came to me again, but my hands came together in front of me and blocked it. My right hand went under her ankle at the same time and I clasped both hands around her and lifted and pushed. She flew back, awkwardly landing on her backside, but it gave me enough time to get my bearings. Back up on two feet, G.I. Joe one came at me. He tried to lock his arms around me, but I ducked and side-swept leaving one foot where it was to trip him up. I spun around to get a punch in the face. G.I. number two and Barbie came at me from the front, the other brute was coming from the back.

  I bent at the waist, one leg extended while I pivoted on the other and managed to get both brutes in the face, while Barbie maneuvered out of the way and punched me between the shoulders. When I stood back up she had the chain from around her neck and was coming at me, one hand holding an end of the silver chain. That’s when I noticed the only exposed skin on any of them was the face. I had to get rid of the brute brothers before she got to me with the chain. I needed to focus my energies on her alone.

  Brute one and two seemed to notice that as well and hung back while she came at me. I ran down the narrow path, grabbed a hold of one of the columns and flung around landing both of my silver lined heels in her chest. She fell on her rump, the chain clanked to the ground. I picked it up and wrapped it around her neck and pulled. It was short lived as one of the brute brothers grabbed me from behind. He looked at the girl over me and whistled.

  “Look what you did.” He motioned to the decay forming on Barbie’s chest. “You want me to take off her head, Fancy?”

  “Fancy?” I laughed at the girl’s name.

  “No, Bruno, I want to stare into her eyes as her head leaves her body, so I can burn it.” She moved to get up, but fell against the stone. “You won’t be able to heal from that, now will ya, you little bitch.”

  “You’re the second one to call me that tonight. I must be losing my touch.” Before I could struggle against my captor, my legs fell beneath me as I hit the concrete ground. I turned to see Bruno decaying. A silver-tipped arrow with white feathers sticking out of the tree trunk column. The vamp fell to his knees, his hands clutched his chest and his twin moved to try to catch him. Dust fell into his hands and he looked back to where the arrow could have come from.

  Fancy grabbed onto my hair at the ends, pulling my head backward as brute two stalked off. I grabbed hold of the arrow, yanking it from its perch. I pulled in one fluid motion then buried the arrow into her throat. Her eyes glossed over and she looked at me, then to her companion who dropped his weapon and charged at her. He leaped under her body and grabbed her with both arms. The look in his eyes said he was surprised. He must have thought, as she had, that they would reign victorious. He looked up at me. I was still in a fighting stance, but his head hung low as the body of what I could only assume was his lover, started to disintegrate in his arms. One last look at me was all he had before an arrow caught him in the chest.

  “Really? I think I could have managed on my own.” I didn’t have to look up to know I would never see my accomplice. It wasn’t the first-time arrows flung around in my defense. I just wish I knew who to give them back to. I’d sink them into his chest the first chance I got. At least I was able to have the pleasure of driving the arrow into Fancy. Too many times had I come up against that bitch to let her walk away once again.

  Sebastián was long gone. Leave it to him to ominously point something out and then flee. I wish just once he’d let me get close enough to slice him. That’s all it would need to be. One clean swipe of my ring and he’d be done for. It was the best gift Kyron had ever given me. I’d taken to cleaning it with a mixture of silver polish and iron shavings. The polish hardened adhering the iron to the metal until it moved through the flesh of a vamp. With my ability to fight the things that kill the nightwalkers I’d tested it until the consistency was correct. I’m nothing if not accur

  Chapter 6


  The night started to turn brisk, and the wind picked up. Rain was always inevitable. I felt a slight chill run across the exposed skin on my legs and chest. Since Sebastián was unattainable, I’d have to find answers elsewhere. Heading deeper into Seattle was now on the agenda.

  Trinity, a nightclub known for wild action, was my first stop. The first thing I learned after being abandoned was to figure out where vampires liked to hunt. Back then it was brothels, bathhouses, and in dark alleys. In the twenty-first century, they all end up at clubs and raves. It was like handing the nightwalkers a pass to a twelve-hour buffet. The music covered the screams, while the stage lighting and smoke allowed them to act as if they weren’t in hiding. They could feed right on the dance floor, and as long as dinner didn’t drop dead, no one was the wiser.

  Trinity was all that and then some. The biggest club I frequented. Of course, usually, I was looking for fun. Tonight, I’m all business. One of the three rooms in the club boasted a large catwalk when I entered. They must be hosting an event. Every inch of the place was decorated. The white crown molded staircase was encased with twinkling white lights. Chairs were lined in rows in the room. Music was playing, but only at a light hum. An announcer was on stage with a mic, but I moved to the next room.

  That room was more what I was looking for. The bar in the middle of the space was buzzing with activity. The house lights were down in there, leaving the usual lights of the nightclub. I guessed they hadn’t opened for the evening yet, what with the fashion show parading past me to the backstage.

  “Hey, Red. What’ll it be?” Travis, the usual bartender looked me up and down as per his normal. I couldn’t fault him, I usually dressed to get noticed. Though I just wanted to get my drink and find a dark corner.


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