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by Sioux Dallas

  “Oh, to be young and foolish again,” her husband quipped.

  “They are sweet,” Bonnie Stallard spoke. “I bet they will have a long, happy marriage and beautiful children. They are so right together.”

  Two days later the wedding seemed like a beautiful dream as Sharon gazed out of the hotel window enjoying the view of the ocean and the beach.

  “Darling, I’m sorry we’ll only have a week here in Bermuda. I want to share so much with you.” Jeremy slouched in a big chair and watched Sharon.

  “Oh, Jeremy.” Sharon twirled around as if she were dancing and sat on his lap. “That’s not important. Just being with you is wonderful and our honeymoon will last a lifetime, wherever we are.”

  A knock sounded on the door as a maid opened it and walked in. Smiling she asked, “Do you need anything; towels, soap, shampoo, anything?”

  “Hey!” Jeremy roared jumping up and dumping Sharon on the floor. He stormed at the maid. “Did we ring for you? Did I invite you into this room?”

  Frightened, the woman shook her head and shuffled backwards.

  “Then get out of here and don’t come in this room unless you’re invited.” The maid ran out leaving the door open.

  Walking to close the door, Sharon said, “That wasn’t nice. She’s just doing her job.”

  “Shut up!” Jeremy shouted pointing his finger in her face. “You let me handle the hired help. Do you understand?”

  Although Sharon was shocked at his behavior, she choked back a response. It hurt her for him to speak in that tone of voice, but she was too much in love to allow it to become an argument. She was so naïve that she didn’t recognize Jeremy was doing as his mother had taught him. She had yet to learn he had no respect or compassion for others.

  After their week in Bermuda, they reported to the Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. This would be a complete change in life style for Sharon because, instead of a single family residence, they were assigned one side of a lovely brick duplex. There were a few apartments and single dwellings for higher officers, but all of the housing was much closer together than she was accustomed to living.

  Their furniture would be issued from a billeting and they would be responsible for even a scratch on a piece. They would pay their own phone and cable TV bills, but all other utilities were provided.

  “Can I work in that miniscule yard and plant my own flowers?” Sharon inquired eagerly. “I want to make this look truly like our home.”

  “No,” Jeremy answered irritably. “The post engineers do all the lawn work and planting. You would have to ask permission and fill out papers in triplicate. You know how the government is.”

  “Can I at least choose curtains and items to make this seem more like a home?”

  “Yeah. Yeah. If it means that much to you, do what you please. I’ll be in later. I have people to see.” Jeremy snapped and strode out without any explanation.

  Heavenly Father, I love my husband and am trying to be a good wife. I’ll need your help a lot because all of this is new to me. I wish Jeremy would confide in me and tell me what’s worrying him. He hasn’t been the same since we married. I’m sure going to need my guardian angels. Guide me, please.

  Sharon was grateful to those who came to welcome her to the base and offer help if needed. Some even brought prepared food so that she wouldn’t have to cook much until she was settled in.

  Linda Pallister introduced herself as a neighbor across the section facing Sharon, and two houses down. “My husband is a military attorney, Captain Philip Pallister,” she said more proudly than she intended to. “And you might as well know, I am silly in love with him, possibly even more than I was when we married eight years ago.”

  Laughing at the woman’s confession, Sharon felt herself drawn to Linda. I like all of the wives who came today to welcome me, but, for some reason, I feel that Linda and I are going to be great friends.

  Jets taking off and landing actually caused a vibration in the house. “I’m not sure I can ever learn to sleep through the unfamiliar noises. I may even have to buy ear plugs,” she told Jeremy one morning and that day she did buy them.

  One morning at breakfast she asked a silent grace as usual. It disturbed her that Jeremy objected to praying before meals. She quietly studied the stern face of her husband. “Darling, why haven’t you told me exactly what you do.”

  “Why? I thought you knew. Lady, you have an important husband,” he leaned back in his chair. “I’m a flight instructor for the new soldiers. Their first few days are spent in the classroom and then I take them out to teach them to fly our planes.”

  “How exciting. Are you the only instructor?”

  “Of course not. There’s too many new recruits coming in for one instructor to handle. I’m the best though.”

  “You don’t have to tell me something I already know. What else do you do?”

  “I fly the big brass wherever I’m told to take them.”

  “My goodness. That’s a big responsibility. Does it mean you’ll be gone overnight sometimes?”

  “Sure. For instance, if I fly to Washington, D.C., it could mean two or three days.”

  “I am in awe of you, my darling. Your job is much more important than I realized. Could you teach me to fly?”

  “No! I can’t use military equipment for personal reasons and besides, you don’t need to know how to fly.” His unreasonable temper was confusing.

  Disturbed at his anger, she changed the subject. “Oh, look at the time. We have to hurry and get ready for the orientation meeting.”

  “You don’t mind going alone, do you? I have some things I must take care of.”

  “Jeremy, please come with me. I’ll feel awkward going by myself.”

  “There’ll be plenty of wives there alone. Not all husbands can have free time whenever they wish. Gotta go. Enjoy.” He was gone in a rush without a hug or a kiss.

  “Linda, I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you volunteered to go to this meeting with me. “ Sharon was grateful for Linda, but embarrassed that Jeremy was not there.

  “Think nothing of it. There’ll be many new wives, or rather new to the base, but I’m already acquainted with the base and people and thought I might be a help to you.”

  “You’ve helped me just by accompanying me. Thank you.”

  The Commanding Officer, General James Huff, made all of them feel welcome and at ease. He reminds me of a sweet, old grandfather, Sharon thought and smiled to herself.

  After the orientation meeting and refreshments, Linda took Sharon and two other new wives for a drive around town to sightsee.

  The sun had just gone down over San Antonio as a tall, thin man, in a rumpled suit, hurried along Nogalitos Street. He looked furtively around and then stepped quickly into a phone booth. He asked for reverse charges on a number he wanted in northern Florida.

  “Hey, Hank, it’s me, Duke. You won’t believe it. The Fool has went and got hisself married and he never said nothing to me about it.”

  Strong profanity came over the phone before the person said, “Well --keep an eye on him.”

  “Sure thing. Do you want me to tell him to talk to you?”

  “No. Don’t say anything. Report to me as soon as you find out anything more. I want to know all about the woman he married and what they’re doing. Be sure he understands you’re still his contact.”

  “Gotcha. Ring you later.”

  Sharon happily made a home for Jeremy while learning how to cook and sew. She hoped that Jeremy would change his mind about having children. I would love to start a family, and I bet Jeremy would love a child of his own.

  Gradually Sharon began to notice abrupt mood changes in Jeremy; his sulking and his hurtful words to her. Although her heart was heavy, pride, self-respect and loyalty to her husband, helped her to hide her feeling from others behind a brave smile.

  On Sharon’s twentieth birthday, some of the women took her out to dinner and gave her gifts. Linda Pallister had pla
nned the evening. Although she was nine years older than Sharon, they had become close friends. Linda and Philip often took short trips with Jeremy and Sharon and ate out together as often as possible.

  Jeremy was disturbed that Sharon was out with the women and he could not hear their conversations. When Sharon came home, she was shocked to find him drunk and passed out on the couch. If I wake him, he might be too angry for me to handle. I’ll just leave him alone and let him sleep it off. I don’t know when he started drinking. He wasn’t raised to indulge. Why is he unhappy? Am I doing something wrong?

  Chapter Two

  Their first wedding anniversary soon followed, which Jeremy ignored. Sharon’s parents and Malcolm Taylor sent gifts and best wishes. The days came and went, but Jeremy wasn’t seen or heard from for two days. It was late when he staggered in disheveled, smelling of alcohol and cheap perfume. She was hurt and confused when she got the brunt of his unreasonable anger. She had never experienced a male, in her life, being so cruel and unreasonable.

  As time passed, Jeremy was seen in town with a variety of questionable women. The military men, who saw him, told their wives, but Sharon didn’t hear of it.

  Sharon wrote to both of their parents regularly. Agnes wrote letters only to Jeremy and never acknowledged Sharon. Agnes was angry because Sharon had a more enviable social position. Even though Sharon didn’t seek the spotlight, Agnes was jealous because Sharon was younger and prettier. Too, Sharon was with Agnes’ son, and she wanted him all to herself.

  Sharon was careful never to hint at her troubles with Jeremy. Her parents were not suspicious because she always kept her letters and phone calls light and cheerful.

  Malcolm Taylor, however, knew his son. He called Sharon every week and asked her questions, as a good attorney would, that made her scramble for answers. He realized that she was being evasive, and it worried him.

  After talking to Sharon one day and not getting satisfactory answers, Malcolm leaned back in his chair and placed his feet on his desk. I have a feeling that everything is not roses and light, but I can’t help Sharon if she won’t confide in me. Lord, be with them.

  As time passed, Sharon became more tempted to discuss Jeremy’s disturbing behavior with his dad. Her loyalty to her husband kept her quiet as well as her hope and prayers that he would change and be as he was when she first married him.

  Gradually, as weeks passed, Sharon became aware that she was actually afraid of Jeremy. One day he would be outgoing and cheerful then, without warning, he became quick tempered and moody. One night he came home sullen and brooding. Sharon, trying to lighten the atmosphere, was caring and loving. She hurried to the door to meet him. “Hello, darling. Did you have a good day?” She smiled reaching to hug him, and realized he smelled of alcohol.

  “Why? What d’ya want to know for?” Jeremy yelled, pushing her away. “Are you spying on me?”

  “Jeremy! No!” Sharon protested. “I am truly interested in your work. You’re my husband. I love you and am proud of you.”

  “You’re meddling in my business. Shut up before your nose gets you into trouble.”

  It was out of character for Sharon, but she became impatient with his currish, childish behavior. “At least I stay out of trouble. No one will ever be able to accuse me of not honoring our marriage vows.”

  “Are you accusing me?” Jeremy screamed, jumping right in her face.

  “I’m not accusing you of anything. Something is very wrong. Won’t you talk to a doctor or go with me to talk to the chaplain?”

  “So. You think I’m unfaithful and that everything is my fault. Come here. I’ll give you what you really want.”

  Sharon was too stunned to protect herself. Never in her life had she been around a man or woman who acted as Jeremy had been. He slapped her so hard that she fell.

  Grabbing her by the hair with one hand, he dug the fingers of the other hand painfully in her upper arm and dragged her into the bedroom.

  “Jeremy! You’re hurting me! Please! Stop!” Sharon’s efforts were in vain as she struggled to gain a release from him.

  Laughing maniacally Jeremy threw her on the bed and literally tore her clothes off her.

  “Please don’t do this, Jeremy,” she sobbed. Pain, both physical and emotional swept over her as he raped her without mercy. He carelessly climbed off her tormented body where she lay in twisted sheets. She didn’t move as he showered and dressed.

  “That’s the way women like you want it,” he sneered as he swaggered out of the bedroom and left the house.

  As soon as she heard the outer door slam, she gulped for air like a drowning person, realizing that she had been holding her breath against the shock and pain. She then drifted into the blackness that would take her away from the horror of Jeremy’s cruelty.

  Waking later she found herself in the dark room and, thankfully, alone. Groggily she stumbled to the bathroom and washed her mouth out with water. Weakly she staggered back to bed and fell into a fitful sleep.

  During the early morning hours, Sharon awoke and went into the living room to sit in the dark and think. Miserable and confused, her thoughts flew wildly. Is it possible Jeremy has a serious illness he isn’t facing or telling me? Maybe, in the past, he had a head injury or a trauma that’s causing his erratic behavior. She could not, and would not, accept that Jeremy was just mean natured and was violent. She didn’t realize Jeremy’s true nature was showing -- one that he had kept hidden from Sharon while they were planning their marriage. Her heart ached thinking of how helpless she felt. Putting her head back against the chair, she drifted into an uneasy sleep.

  Sharon woke the next morning feeling sore and lonely. Sad and bewildered, she took a shower and prepared to brush her teeth. Her reflection in the mirror filled her with horror. Both eyes black, cheeks red and swollen, bruises all over her body. Even her heart felt bruised. Jeremy had not come home.

  Going into the kitchen, she hoped she would be outside, and with sunglasses on, before the women saw her. Linda and two other wives were going shopping and Sharon had offered to drive this time. How I wish I were not obligated to go, but I can’t hide forever. Dear God, what can I do?

  Listening to the radio usually made washing dishes and cleaning house more pleasurable, except this morning. As she worked, she agonized over the previous evening, grateful that Jeremy was not at home.

  She whispered, “Heavenly Father, is it something I’m doing wrong, or neglecting to do? What can I do to help my marriage? How can I persuade Jeremy to get help for his behavior? He won’t admit that he needs help. Please show me the way.”

  Deep in her sorrow, Sharon didn’t hear Linda knock lightly, open the door and walk in. “Good morning, merry sunshine,” chimed the lovely, lilting voice of her friend. Surprised, Sharon whirled with a gasp and grabbed for the sunglasses on the table.

  “Sharon!” Linda shrieked. “What happened? Did Jeremy do that to you?” she asked through tight lips and a clenched jaw. Linda knew the gossip about Jeremy.

  “What? Oh, you mean this?” Sharon answered with a small, nervous laugh. “Heavens no, just clumsy me. I --uh -- tripped in the dark and fell against the uh -- coffee table. Unfamiliar house, you know. I’ve done that a lot lately.”

  “Honey, you’d be surprised at the number of women who claim to have tripped or run into something. It is common knowledge that darling Jeremy is not such a darling. It’s also common knowledge that he’s drinking heavily and is constantly in hot water with Gen. Huff. Girl friend, you know I’m not fooled. Now give.”

  A couple of tears escaped and rolled down Sharon’s cheek as she ducked her head and turned to walk out of the kitchen. “I’ll get my purse. Linda, you’re a dear to worry about me, but really, I’m fine. Give me a couple of minutes and I’ll be ready.”

  “Sharon, you need help, but I can’t help you unless you’re willing to admit it and cooperate.” Sharon waved a hand over her shoulder and went into her bedroom.

  When Sharon and Linda
met the other two wives, Sharon told them the same story she had told Linda. The women looked at Linda with raised eyebrows and frowns, but she shook her head in warning and started an upbeat conversation. There was some good-natured arguing about what they would do first before they got to the serious business of shopping.

  Feeling very protective toward Sharon, Linda declared to herself that she would discuss the situation with Philip that night. He’ll know how to deal with it, she thought.

  That evening Linda waited impatiently for Philip to come home. She ran and jumped into his arms talking excitedly and trying not to cry, but babbling in her distress.

  “Shh. Calm down, sweetheart. I can’t understand what you’re saying,” He cuddled her closer. It was several minutes before she was able to tell him about the sweet young girl they had learned to love like a little sister.

  “Sweetheart,” Philip comforted her. “I know how upset you are. I’m furious. Sharon is a sweet, decent young lady. Several of us have been discussing Jeremy’s drinking, womanizing and irresponsible behavior. He has enough warnings to take him out of the flying program entirely. A man with his behavior is too dangerous to himself, and others, to be allowed to fly. Gen. Huff needs to know of this latest episode.”

  Jeremy didn’t come home until late the following afternoon and found orders to report to Gen. Huff. Capt. Pallister had asked permission to be included in the meeting.

  “Lt. Taylor, looking at your record I can see you’re not a stranger to breaking rules and getting into trouble. You’ve been given many advantages and you still don’t use common sense. Can you explain to me what is wrong with you?” General Huff asked angrily.

  “There’s nothing wrong with me, Sir. People are jealous of me,” he glared at Philip. “My wife is not a good military wife and I’m having problems with her. I’ll take care of it and you’ll not have to see me in here again.”

  “I’ve heard that story before. Due to the fact that you’re in a security position, I had your wife investigated as soon as you married. I’m impressed with the excellent report on her. It so happens I know her parents, and yours. Both families are above reproach. You, on the other hand, are a black eye to the service and an embarrassment to this base. The next time you’re brought before me, you WILL receive maximum punishment which will be a demotion in all possible forms. Do I make myself clear?”


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