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Sharon Page 9

by Sioux Dallas

  Sharon and Gabe walked to where Becky was grooming Steamroller. Sharon gave the horse a kiss on the nose. “You’re the best ole boy. How did you get the name Steamroller? You’re anything but.”

  Rebekah giggled. “He was called Fred when he first came to us.”

  “Fred! What a change. I like Steamroller better. Forgive me, go on with your story.”

  “It was before students had enrolled. We were trying out different horses determining their suitability and putting them through a training period. You know, bumping them with clinking wheelchairs, leaning crutches against them and letting the crutches fall, anything to get the horse accustomed to handicapped riders. This horse was so calm and good that we were thrilled with him. I brought him in to brush him and he heard Ashley and Jardine scooping out grain and putting it in tubs in each stall. There were ropes across the front until we were ready to bring the horses in. Old Fred here threw up his head, gave a mighty neigh, and charged in. He placed that broad chest against the ropes and they snapped like twine. He ran to his stall, pushed Jardine out of the way with his head, and charged to his feeding tub. Because of that we changed his name to Steamroller. He’s great until he smells feed or hears it being poured, and then he lives up to his name.”

  Sharon laughed and patted Steamroller’s shoulder. “Well, whatever your name is, I think you’re one of the best. Becky, I’ll clean tack until you finish the next class, and then I’ll help muck stalls and give fresh water in all the buckets.”

  “Sharon, Sharon, Sharon,” a demanding voice called. She turned to see Kara rolling her chair while holding the reins of a pony. “I wanted you and Peanut to get acquainted. Isn’t she beautiful? And she’s so great.”

  “She sure is beautiful, Kara, and I can see that she likes you and takes good care of you.”

  “Yeah, she does. I gotta go, but I’ll see you in three days.”

  Sharon leaned over to hug the little girl and then took the reins to lead the pony into the stable.

  Later, in the stable alone, Sharon was cleaning tack when she heard a noise in the hay loft overhead. “Hello. Is anyone there?” She waited, but hearing nothing else continued her work. “I guess senility is setting in early,” she chuckled and shrugged.

  There. The noise came again. She glanced fearfully around. She was alone and the others were too far away to hear even if she could get enough breath to call out. Her mouth was dry and her heart was thumping so hard she was sure it could be heard by anyone who might be nearby. She took a deep breath. “Come on down. I’m armed and I’m not afraid. I can have several men here in seconds. Make it easy on yourself and show me who you are.”

  She gave a yelp of surprise when a figure dropped from over head to land with a thud in front of her.

  Chapter Eight

  “Wh - who are you, and why are you hiding up there?”

  “Not afraid, huh? You could sure fool me.”

  Sharon noticed the twinkle in the black eyes and realized that he was teasing her.

  She looked at his coal-black hair, long eyelashes, copper skin and tall, very thin body. “I want to know your name and what you’re doing here,” she said firmly.

  “Well, Sharon,” he spoke tauntingly as he swaggered to a barrel and sat down, “call me Keanu. I’ve been here one day, but no one saw me or heard me. I guess I was sleeping and made a noise waking up or you wouldn’t have known I was here.”

  “How do you know my name?”

  “I heard the others talking to you, and about you.”

  “Keanu what? How old are you?”

  “Doesn’t matter -- just Keanu, and I’m sixteen, almost seventeen.”

  “What are you doing up there? This is private property.”

  “Yesterday morning I was hitchhiking and got tired. I came here for the night and found sandwiches and coffee in that room over there.” He pointed to the lounge. “I stayed out of sight and just listened.”

  “Where do you live? Won’t your parents be worried about you?”

  He snorted. “I live wherever I am, and no, my parents won’t even miss me.”

  “Surely they will. Would you like to call someone and tell them where you are?”

  “Nope. Nobody cares.”

  “Oh, Keanu. I can’t believe that there’s no one who cares.”

  “Yeah. I never knew my old man. He was supposed to be from Puerto Rico, but I don’t know. My mom is Navajo and lives on a reservation out west. I got tired of being beaten and kicked by drunks that came to see her and give her a little money. I took off weeks ago and here I am. Whoo! I can’t stand myself. I’d like to take a bath somewhere besides the horse trough.”

  “Goodness. And I bet you’re hungry, too. Come with me and I’ll tell my sister that you’re here. She owns this property. I’m just helping her until college classes open this fall.”

  “You mean Lynn? Is she your sister or your cousin?” He looked sheepish when Sharon whirled and stared. “I heard those two men talking. Jake was telling David.”

  “It seems you know quite a bit about us, Keanu.” As they walked to the back ring, Sharon called, “Lynn, come here, please.”

  Lynn strolled over keeping an eye on her class. She looked questionable at Sharon who quickly explained about finding Keanu and that he needed food.

  “Take him to Sheilah. She’ll see that he’s fed. Her brother visited us a couple of months ago and left some clothes. You look about the same size.” She spoke to Keanu looking thoughtfully at him. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  “You’ve done what?!” Sheilah was shocked that Keanu had lived in the stable and hadn’t been discovered before this. “Peeu! You’re right. You do need a bath. Sharon, check in that storage room at the end of the hall and look in the suitcase that’s on the top shelf. There’s clothing in there that might fit this young man, although he’s pretty tall.”

  Sharon quickly found the clothing and brought them to Keanu. “There’s a shower here, and there’s everything in it you’ll need. While you’re cleaning up, I’ll prepare some food for you.”

  “Thanks. Both of you. I won’t be long. I’m too hungry.”

  Sharon shared the story Keanu told her about his family with Sheilah.

  “Poor boy. What are we going to do with him, though? He can’t stay here and surely someone is looking for him.”

  “I’ll call dad and discuss it with him. He has a detective who works for the agency. Maybe he can find the story of Keanu.” I sure hope so. There’s something that I like about that boy.

  “Well, well,” Sharon grinned at Keanu as he sauntered into the room. “You clean up real nice, kiddo. Here, all I have is sandwich material and milk. That’ll hold you until we can get more stick-to-the-ribs food.”

  “I appreciate anything,” he started eating before he even sat down. The food was quickly wolfed down. The two young women silently observed the young man.

  “Keanu, you didn’t give me your last name,” Sharon frowned.



  “Well, what?”

  “Keanu, don’t try being clever with me. I want to know your last name.”

  “All right. If you insist. All I can tell you is that some said it is Rodriguez, but I don’t have a birth certificate, so, I don’t know for sure.”

  “What reservation is your mother on?”

  “Why do you need to know that? Are you going to try to get in touch with her?”

  “I give you my word that I won’t let anyone know where you are, for the time being.

  I would like to know if she’s reported you missing?”

  “Okay,” he said with a deep sigh. “If you promise not to turn me in.”

  “I promise. You aren’t in trouble with the police anywhere, are you?” Sharon asked concerned.

  “No ma’am. I’ve never been in trouble with the law. Okay. The rez is just outside Pine Ridge, South Dakota. But, if anyone tries to make me go back there, I’ll just leave as soon as I can
and disappear.”

  Lynn walked in. “All right, young man. Tell me your story. I own this property and you’ve been trespassing.” She sounded a lot tougher than she was. Keanu told her what he had told Sharon. Lynn stood looking thoughtful and concerned.

  “I’ll call dad and then take him home with me,” Sharon said as she stood protectively by Keanu.

  “You’ll do no such thing,” Lynn exploded. “He can stay with the men over the stable.

  I can always use another worker,” she said with a stern expression.

  “I’m not afraid of work. In fact, I’d love it. I love horses and I’d like to get to know some of the kids that take lessons here. I’d sure like to get acquainted with all of those volunteers. I want to help.”

  Sharon placed a hand on his arm. “Keanu, I’ve been listening to you. Have you been going to school? You speak well.”

  “Yes. I love school, and I love learning new things. Mr. Carvelene was a real good, caring teacher, but he had a heart attack and the man that came in his place didn’t like us misfits.”

  “Misfits? Why do you call yourself a misfit?” Sharon and Lynn spoke as one.

  “That’s what the new principal called us after Mr. Carvelene left. He called all of us half breeds names. He was kind of patient with the Indian children, but he didn’t care for us that were not pure.”

  “What grade are you in?” Lynn asked.

  “I finished the eleventh grade, and I had mostly As and a few Bs. Learning comes easy to me. I knew an education would help me get out of the life I was in and into a better one.”

  “We’ll discuss school later after I learn more about you,” Sharon told him. “Lynn, I’m going home, and I’ll call dad and tell him about this. He’ll ask Detective Morrell to check into it, I’m sure. Bye, Sheilah. See you tomorrow, Keanu.”

  As Sharon drove away, Lynn took Keanu to David and Jake and told them his story.

  David clapped him on the shoulder. “I’d love to have a roommate. An extra worker won’t be turned away either. Come on. Let me show you where you’ll bunk.” Jake didn’t say a word; he just listened and took it all in.

  Lynn thanked David and went back to her office. She and Sheilah had to go over the day’s records and prepare for the next day. After Sheilah left, Lynn thankfully went up to her apartment and prepared for bed. I must be catching whatever Sharon has. I feel as if there’s someone watching me.

  Keanu was thrilled with the apartment he and David would share. “I’ve never had a decent room. My mother was a beautiful girl, but she was young. She got discouraged and started drinking. I had to take care of her most of the time. Sure hope she’s okay. I left because the man that came to live with her is also a drunk and he thought I was in the way.” Keanu spoke haltingly. David thought he seemed sad, but determined. I’ve seen and worked with many people, so I know people pretty well. I have a feeling this young man is going to amount to something. He’s good looking but seems to be humble.

  “You’re not in the way here,” David assured him. “Lynn and Sharon will treat you right if you’re straight with them.”

  “I figured that. Hey, David. While I was in the hay loft, I could look out a window that faced that long driveway. I saw a man in a dark, green car parked on the side and looking this way through binoculars. He seemed to get excited and look more when he spotted Sharon.”

  “What did he look like?” David asked with interest, but without expression.

  “I didn’t see him close. He seemed to be tall and thin. I knew he didn’t want anyone to see him because of the way he was acting.”

  “How was he acting?”

  “He’d stand outside and beside the car, but when someone came by, he’d jump in the car and act like he was trying to back up. He’d turn to look over his shoulder so his face couldn’t be seen as someone passed him.”

  “Thank you for telling me. Keep an eye out for him, or anyone else who looks suspicious, and let me know.” I wish I could tell this boy what’s going on, but I don’t dare. I’m not sure who to trust yet.

  As Sharon drove down the long driveway, cold chills tingled up her back and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Stop being so silly. I’m perfectly safe now, and why would anyone want to hurt me anyway? She drove on home and called her parents.

  Her dad listened to the facts about Keanu. “I’ll have Steve check the boy’s story, and he’ll inform you of anything he finds. In the meantime, be very careful. He could have been sent in by whomever has been bothering you.”

  “Dad! Why would you say that? He’s just a harmless boy.”

  “I don’t know, darling. I have a gut level feeling that there’s something you’re not aware of. Forgive me. I don’t mean to frighten you. Chalk it up to daddy wanting to wrap his little girl in cotton and dare the world to do anything to make her unhappy.”

  Sharon laughed. She talked to her mother for a few minutes and then told them she loved them and said goodbye.

  She prepared a quick supper and ate it in front of the television. As she was cleaning the kitchen, the phone rang. Sharon hesitated to answer. She couldn’t explain it, but she had a feeling that she would not like the call.

  “Hello,” she spoke hesitatingly. Although there was no answer she would hear traffic noise as if the call were being made from a pay phone near a highway. “Hello, is someone there?” Still nothing. “Look. I don’t know what sick game you think you’re playing. If you think you’re scaring me, think again.” She slammed the receiver down and stamped to her bedroom. Mumbling to herself she prepared for bed. “Maybe I’d better get a guard dog. What for? I’m not here enough and the poor dog would suffer. Maybe I’d better buy a gun. Sure, and shoot myself. It’s probably kids dialing phone numbers and being cute. They’re probably bored with little to do this summer. Why would anyone want to harm me?”

  She crawled into bed knowing tomorrow would be a busy day and she needed her rest. She smiled to herself thinking of Keanu’s courage and determination.

  Yawning, Sharon made a phone call. “Lynn? It’s Sharon. I’ll not be coming in today until noon or a little after.” It was four days after Sharon had found Keanu.

  “Why not? Are you all right? Has something happened?”

  “Calm down,” Sharon chuckled. “Nothing bad has happened. In fact, everything’s fine. I’m driving into Tampa to enroll at USF. I’d like to know what my schedule will be and how I can manage work time with you. I’ll see you later. Wish me luck.”

  “My love and best wishes are always with you. Drive carefully. I’ll be waiting anxiously to hear all about your morning. Bye.” Lynn started to hang up and heard Sharon call loudly to her. “Yes? I’m still here.”

  “How do you think Keanu is getting along?”

  “He’s great. David is impressed with his maturity and the fact that he isn’t afraid to work. He fed all the stalled horses and put fresh water in each stall before Jake and David started this morning. He and David have ridden out to check on the boarders and the other horses in the field. David says he’s had some excellent training in horsemanship, but he still isn’t eager to talk about himself. David, Jake and I discussed it and decided to just be a friend and let him know we’re here for him when he gets more comfortable with us.”

  “Lynn, I think he’s been on his own for so long, and at such a young age, that he just automatically keeps everything inside. I’m anxious to hear what dad’s detective finds. He’s surely had time to find something by now.”

  “I’m anxious, too. Keanu’s a likeable young man, and I hope we can help him.”

  “We will and he’ll learn to trust us. I have faith. Gotta run. See ya,”

  “What did Sharon want?“ Sheilah asked, as Lynn hung up the phone.

  Lynn told her of Sharon’s plans for the morning and then about the investigation to learn more about Keanu.

  “Oh, Lynn. I’m excited about this and I know we’re going to be happy that Keanu chose us. I won’t say a word to

  Both young women jumped with guilt feelings when Keanu spoke as he came into the room. He moved so softly without seeming to be what they would call sneaky.

  “Hey, Boss. May I stay in the ring near you during this lesson? I’d like to learn how to help the special riders.”

  “Sure. I’d love to have you and ask all the questions you wish. I have a good feeling that you’re going to be a valuable helper and I know you’ll love every minute of it. A lot of detailed training is required to work with handicapped riders. There’s a great deal of liability involved. I carry extra insurance, but my heart would break if anything unfortunate happened to anyone in my care, or any animal for that matter. That’s why helpers need a lot of training, not only in working with horses, but knowing how to work with various disabilities. And my name isn’t Boss,” she said sternly with a wink.

  They walked , without speaking, side by side until Keanu seemed to decide to talk.

  “I’m sure you’ve heard of the man called the Horse Whisperer. I lived with him and worked with him for almost two years, so, I learned how to care for horses, and many different animals. He and his family took in several young people who were having family problems and helped them to know that someone cared about them. He taught me so well that, at one time, I thought of training to be a veterinarian.” He gave a short bark of what was supposed to be amusement. “Takes money that I had no opportunity to earn. I truly care about and like all kinds of people, and, if I do say so myself, I’m patient and I do have a lot of compassion.”

  That’s the most I’ve heard him say at one time. If I’m quiet and show interest, maybe I’ll learn more about him.

  Lynn stayed quiet as long as she could. “Keanu, I’ve had to grow up fast, too.

  Sharon’s folks loved me and have been good to me, but I learned to be independent at an early age. I like people and I’ve learned to talk to them and observe them for awhile and then discern what kind of person they are. You seem to have done that.” She lightly hit her fist against his shoulder. I’d love to hug you, but I feel you would resent that kind of gesture until you know us better and trust us.


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