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Sharon Page 10

by Sioux Dallas

  “Hi, Lynn. Hey, who’s he? Am I going to trot over the poles today?” Leland was so excited, he was not waiting for the answer to one question before he fired another.

  “Hey, sport,” Keanu laughed as he placed his hands on the wheelchair and wheeled Leland into the ring. “My name’s Keanu. I’m new, so I sure would appreciate you helping me get acquainted with everything.”

  “Keanu! That’s a strange name. How old are you?”

  “My name is strange to you because you’ve never heard it before now. I’m sixteen, almost seventeen. How old are you?”

  “I’m nine. I trotted over those poles in the last lesson. Are you going to work with me? Where is Sharon?”

  “I’m observing today, and Sharon is at the college getting ready for fall lessons.”

  Gabe, Jardine and Rebekah took Leland to the ramp and placed a hard hat on him before they belted him in the special saddle.

  Keanu walked over to Lynn. “That little guy is quite a talker,” he laughed.

  Sharon drove smoothly on 301 to Fowler Ave. and turned right on to the USF campus. She pulled up and stopped at the guard station. “Hi. I’m going to the Administration Building. Can you direct me there, please?”

  The guard gave her directions and a visitor’s pass to be displayed on her dashboard.

  “What a beautiful campus,” she breathed in the odors of citrus blossoms. Here’s where I park. Hope I can find my way with little trouble.

  Getting out of the car she suddenly shivered as cold tingles rolled up her spine and up the back of her neck. “What is this?” she spoke aloud without thinking. Looking around surreptitiously to see if anyone heard her, or was looking at her. There was no one that she could see, so she walked on admiring the campus and buildings.

  “I knew it. Old age,” she giggled to herself and walked purposefully into the Administration building. I imagine the woman at that desk can direct me to the correct office. Walking briskly across the beautiful marble floor, she approached the desk.

  “Excuse me. I have an appointment with Dean Arlington. Can you tell me how to find him?”

  “Yes. May I have your name?”

  “Sharon Donnelly.”

  “Here you are. Three fifteen and it’s now three. Very good. Go to the second door down there on the left and his secretary, Myrna Luman, will take care of you.”

  “Thank you.” Sharon smiled and walked to the indicated door. Do I knock or just walk in? She took a deep breath and knocked. She pulled at her skirt and lightly brushed her hands across the front of her blouse. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she knocked again.

  The door opened abruptly as she was knocking. An angry young man came barreling out. His shoulder hit one of Sharon’s shoulders so hard that she gasped and was flung to one side.

  “Sorry,” he barked, obviously not sorry. He strode down the hall toward the outside door.

  “Please come in. I’m sorry about that. Not everyone who enters these hallowed halls is in a happy frame of mind at all times. Are you hurt?” A very attractive middle-aged woman greeted Sharon.

  “No. Just surprised and a little annoyed.”

  “I don’t blame you. I’m Myrna Luman. Excuse me while I make some notes before I forget each detail. Please have a seat.” She quickly typed some information and then placed it in a file and closed it. “How may I help you?” she smiled at Sharon.

  “I’m Sharon Donnelly. I have a three fifteen appointment with Dr. Arlington.

  “Yes, and you’re right on time. Would you please fill out these papers? You may sit at the table there. It won’t take long.” She gave Sharon papers and a pen.

  Sharon sat and carefully read through the papers before she started filling them out. The first instruction was: ‘print legible with black ink.’ The information required personal history, medical history and previous education. She read through everything again before she returned the papers to Mrs. Luman.

  “This is fine. I’ll have the information typed on to permanent record files and you can read it again before it is placed on your disc. Dr. Arlington is waiting for you. Please follow me.”

  Sharon followed her through a small waiting room. Mrs. Luman knocked lightly on a door of an adjoining room. “Dr. Arlington, Miss Donnelly is here.”

  Sharon smiled and thanked her. A tall, handsome middle-aged man with pepper and salt hair stood and came to shake hands. Although the day was warm, he was wearing a dark blue suit with a light blue shirt and red and blue striped tie.

  “Hello, Sharon. You won’t remember me. There was so much going on, I bet you can’t tell me half the people that attended your wedding.”

  She looked astonished at him. “I’m sorry. No, I don’t remember you.”

  “No reason for you to. I was visiting Judge Glen Alicea and he was invited to your wedding. As his house guest, I went along. You were a beautiful, happy bride. But you’re using your maiden name.” He said perplexed.

  “Yes, sir. My husband -uh-was killed in a plane crash and I decided to take my own name back.”

  Sharon was uncomfortable talking about Jeremy. Her emotional and physical hurts were still too raw, and she didn’t want to explain what had happened to people she just met. She sat up straight and smiled while she listened to Dr. Arlington.

  Chapter Nine

  “Hmm. I knew Jeremy and his parents. The judge and I agreed that we felt sorry for you. We knew how spoiled Jeremy was and how difficult his mother could be.” He smiled at her. “It’s none of my business, but I can guess that Jeremy was no angel to live with.

  “We had some problems, but that’s all over. I’m starting a new life and you can believe that I’ll be better prepared in the event that I meet someone else that I’m attracted to. That’ll be way in the future. My education comes first.”

  “Good for you. After I received your letter asking to enter USF, we contacted the college in Georgia where you had completed the first two years. I’m not surprised to learn that your grades were all As with a few Bs here and there.”

  “You have my transcript?” Sharon asked surprised.

  “We have everything that is needed, and it only remains for you to meet with your guidance counselor and select your studies. What are your plans?”

  “I’d like to be a teacher, especially with younger children, but one never knows.”

  “I’m glad you choose to attend here. Please feel free to come and talk to me any time. I know you’ll do well.” He smiled and stood up to open the door. “Mrs. Luman, help Miss Donnelly locate her guidance counselor.” He turned as Sharon walked through the door. “Good luck.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled and walked to Mrs. Luman.

  “Have a seat, Miss Donnelly, and let’s see what we have here.” She read something in a file. “Good. Your counselor is one of the best in the whole USA,” she smiled. “Mr. Troy Sanborn is not only an experienced college professor and a top-notch counselor, but he’s had four books published. He’s a horse nut also. You’ll have a lot in common.” She made a phone call.

  “Ellie? Myrna. Is Mr. Sanborn in? Great. I’m sending Miss Sharon Donnelly up to talk to him about her course studies. Thank you.”

  Mrs. Luman wrote a number on a small sheet of paper and handed it to Sharon. “When you walk out this door, turn right and go past the receptionist’s desk to the stairs. On the next floor up, turn left. Ellie Martin is waiting for you. Best of luck.”

  Her heart fluttering in excitement, and a little nervous, she followed the instructions to find her counselor. The note said Room 226. There was no need to wonder whether to knock or enter; the door was open.

  “Hello. Come in. I’m Ellie Martin and you must be Sharon Donnelly.”

  “Yes, I am. I was told that Mr. Sanborn is to be my guidance counselor.”

  “He sure is, and after reading your transcript, he’s very anxious to meet you. He’s waiting for you now. Come with me.”

  Ellie Martin looked as if she might be someone’s sweet gr
andmother. She was brisk, slightly chubby with a sweet smile, beautiful silver hair and a look in her eyes as if she loved life.

  “Thank you,” Sharon smiled at her. “Everyone is so friendly and helpful.”

  “We try to be - when students will allow us to be. Mr. Sanborn, this is Sharon Donnelly,” she said leading Sharon into an adjoining office.

  “Miss Donnelly, come in,” he spoke enthusiastically. “I’m delighted to meet you and look forward to helping you with your course of studies. Have a seat, please. Would you like a soft drink, iced tea, coffee --?”

  Sharon tried to keep from laughing aloud. Mr. Sanborn looked like a leprechaun or a jockey. He was short, small built and even dressed in a green suit. His blue eyes sparkled and his bright red hair spiked to show that he’d been running his fingers through it. His bright smile made her feel as if he truly wanted to be friendly and helpful.

  “Nothing, thank you.” Sharon stammered embarrassed, and trying not to grin. “I’m not sure where to start. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. You have the information concerning what I’ve completed. I’m trusting you to tell me what I need to earn the degree that I want.”

  He had planned a course of studies for her. “Read this and tell me what you think, or what more you need.” He handed the papers to her and began to work at his desk. After a few minutes, Sharon looked up to find Mr. Sanborn looking intently at her.

  “What do you think of it? Do you feel you can handle the load this semester?”

  “It looks great, but may I ask you something?”

  “Fire away.”

  “I would like to have some time to work with my sister at her riding academy. Those special children are truly special. It helps me as much as it helps them to work with them and the horses. I’m reluctant to take on a full load at this time. I realize that you don’t know what I’ve had to deal with for the past two years, but believe me when I say I don’t need the pressure.”

  “Yes, Sharon. I know some of what you’ve endured. I understand. If you attend the year around and take fewer studies each semester, you’ll finish in about the same time you would by taking a full load and leaving the summers free.”

  “That’s just it. I don’t know whether I want to work during the summer. Forgive me, but I’m unsure of a lot of things now.”

  “Why don’t you try taking three classes this fall and then make a decision as you progress. You might decide that you can handle a full course load of some subjects, but that others require more concentration time. There’s no pressure for you to finish at a specific date. Play it by ear and see how you get along day by day.”

  “I can accept that. How do I sign up for these classes?”

  “I can take care of it for the first time. After this, you’ll know where to go and how to do whatever is needed. Always remember that I’m here for you regardless of what you need.”

  “I can’t thank you enough, and I do appreciate your kindness.”

  “It’s my pleasure. There’s also a method to my madness,” he smiled. “I’d like to meet Lynn. Do you think I might impose and visit sometime? I’ve ridden most of my life and have shown in pleasure and hunt shows. I miss it, but my work here keeps me too busy to have a horse of my own.”

  “We’d love to have you visit. Let me give you the phone number and you can call and make arrangements when it’s convenient for both of you. Lynn’s secretary, Sheilah, might answer. She’s a card, but you can’t help but love her, and you’ll really like my sister.”

  “I’ve been under the impression that you’re an only child.”

  “Lynn is actually my first cousin. Her mother was my father’s sister. Lynn was five when her parents were killed in a car accident. I was three. We were so young that being raised together seemed more like siblings than cousins. We love each other more than some sisters do. In fact, we’re almost like twins. We have feelings of joy or dread about each other when we’re separated.”

  “Then Lynn is settled and has her education.”

  “Yes, dad invested her money that she inherited and raised her as another daughter. When she was ready for college, she had plenty of money for education and her dreams of a riding academy for the handicapped. Truthfully, she is more mature than I am and is an excellent business woman.”

  “I’ll try to come for a visit before fall classes get in full swing. Sharon, it has truly been a pleasure meeting you. Don’t forget to contact me for help with your classes, or as a friend.”

  “Thank you again.” I’m thankful for all these people I’ve met today, but I feel I’m really going to like working with Mr. Sanborn.

  “Ellie.” Mr. Sanborn called to his secretary.

  “Yes, sir?” She came briskly into his office.

  “Give Sharon the papers that are in the folder I made up for her and let her fill out what is necessary. I’ll check everything before she, or I, sign them.”

  Sharon was relieved to see that it was only twelve fifteen as she drove off campus and turned left on Fowler. She drove on until she could turn left on 301 and back to Zephyrhills.

  “Hank, it’s Duke. She went to the college today. I guess she’s really getting ready to go back to school. I was worried for awhile. The police kept coming and going so much, I thought I was going to have to make sure she wouldn’t talk.”

  “Don’t panic and do something foolish. Just keep watching.”

  “Maybe I should try to get a job at the stable.”

  “Stay away! The less she sees you, the better off you’ll be. Did it ever enter your feeble mind that if she sees you, it might jog her memory? Right now she doesn’t seem to remember much that happened in Texas. Maybe she really doesn’t know anything.”

  “Yeah, you could be right. It’s getting boring, though. I don’t feel like I’m earning my money and there’s not enough for me to do.”

  “Why were the police there so much?”

  “Uh --I don’t know, but I’ll find out somehow.”

  “Stay calm. Stay focused. And do stay in touch. Remember, don’t do a thing until you’ve discussed it with me.”

  The rain had increased the closer Sharon came to Zephyrhills. As she drove into the stable parking area it was a downpour. . She jumped out of the car and ran into the office just as Lynn was getting ready for a lesson in the indoor ring. A few parents were sitting in comfort in the lounge, sipping hot chocolate, and watching their pride and joy through the glass.

  “Hey! How’d it go? Are you all set?” Lynn called excitedly.

  “Hi, college girl,” Sheilah greeted her.

  “You’re both sure feeling good for such a gloomy day. But I’m not gloomy.” Sharon spread her arms and spun around. “It went well. I’m all set, and yes, I’m a college girl now. Isn’t it great? I can’t remember when I’ve felt so light and eager. Oh, it feels good.”

  “Hey, good. The rain has stopped. Come on to the ring with me and tell me all about it. No, you can’t. Those shoes would never make it through the sawdust and dirt,” Lynn said looking down at Sharon’s sandal heels.

  “Stay here and talk to me,” Sheilah offered. “You can talk to Lynn after the class. Besides, this group is learning to jump and there’ll be a lot of dust.”

  Sharon happily settled in to chat with Sheilah. Keanu came in as glad to see Sharon as if she’d been gone for days.

  “Hey, Sharon. Guess what. David took me to the training ring out back and let me work with Sleep Easy.”

  “That big red stallion! What was he thinking of?” Sharon was frightened for Keanu.

  “David told me himself that this is the only horse he almost gave up on. He felt he might be too dangerous to keep around, even for breeding. Who would want that temperament coming out in their babies?”

  “We’ve been trying something with him. We’ve fed him, gave him water and hay and groomed him. Other than that we pretty much ignored him. We would give carrots and tidbits to the other horse, and sometimes to him, but we’d talk to the other
horses and make over them. David even sings to them,” Keanu laughed. “We learned that Sleep Easy craves the attention and is really just a big old baby. In the past, apparently someone has let him bully them and he’s never learned manners.”

  “That’s what frightens me. I would rather you didn’t work around him.”

  “Aw, Sharon. David and I together can handle him.”

  “Sleep Easy,” Sharon snorted. “Why would such an innocent name be given to a brute like that?”

  “You’d have to read his papers. His bloodlines read like European royalty.”

  “No thank you. I don’t even want to get close to him, and I’ve worked with many difficult horses. You might as well go on and give me a heart attack. What have you done with the horse?” Sharon asked reluctantly hating to encourage Keanu.

  “We’re going slow. We want to build his confidence in us and make him think he’s happy if he learns what we’re teaching. Today we led him out between us and tied him to the post in the center of the riding ring. Then we let him smell the saddle blanket before we pulled it all over him and under his stomach. David would step back a couple of steps and snap the blanket in the air, then slowly walk back and rub him with it again. We just worked like that. After all, he’s only two. We don’t want to rush his training and ruin him. Remember, he bullied others and hasn’t had good training.”

  “That sounds good. That’s the way I start young horses, but are you sure he’ll be manageable?”

  “Not any time soon. David says we’ll do this for two or three days and then he’ll lead him around while I hold the long line. David won’t make a sound. My voice will be all Sleep Easy will hear. Later David will step away and I’ll be on my own. He’ll be trained on the lines for a few weeks. David promised me that I can do all the training.”

  “I hope I live long enough to see it happen,” Sharon said with her hand over her heart.

  Keanu thought she was funny. “Why do you say that?” he asked laughing aloud.

  “I’ll be frightened to death every time you’re working with that red devil. Lynn, did you know that Keanu is working with killer red?” Sharon asked as Lynn joined them.


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