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Sharon Page 11

by Sioux Dallas

  “Not at first. I’m willing to let him try as long as David will stay in the ring with him.”

  “Yeah!” Keanu jumped up and punched the air with his fist.

  “Whoa,” Sharon stood and placed an arm around Keanu’s shoulders. “There’s going to be some conditions to your plans.”

  “What?” Keanu looked mystified.

  “That you go with me tomorrow to Zephyrhills High School and enroll for the coming year. Then we’ll shop for school clothes and supplies.”

  Keanu hung his head. “I have to go to school? Couldn’t I just stay here and work, after all, this is what I’m going to be doing all my life.”

  “Don’t you want an education? Anything you plan for the future will be more successful with an education. Why wouldn’t you want to go? You’re a good student.”

  “I like school, --but -- I want to work here.”

  Lynn held up a hand. “You’ll still be working and living here. All of us want the best for you, and you’re so capable of becoming anything you want to be.”

  “Suppose I want to train horses? And maybe teach people?”

  “David has a college education. I have a very special college degree and Sharon has signed up this morning to go back to college.” Lynn said.

  “I have a college education,” Sheilah broke in.

  “Aw,” he sighed, “I guess it’ll be okay. When do we do all of this --mother?” he asked with a teasing twinkle in his eye.

  “Tomorrow, and I have spoken,” Sharon said firmly.

  “What time? I don’t want to hold you up.” He answered reluctantly.

  “I’ll be here by six to help with the work. I’ll bring clean clothes to wear after I take a shower. Let’s see, we can leave about ten. Our appointment with the principal is at ten thirty. Just be sure you’re ready.”

  “The rain has stopped, but I’ll have the next class indoors to stay out of the fresh mud.” Lynn decided.

  Keanu walked out mumbling to himself. The three young women waited until he got outside and then burst out laughing.

  “Yes, mother,” Sheilah teased. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Just what you heard. Enroll him, buy clothes for him, make an appointment with a dentist and one for a physical, eat lunch in town and back here.” Sharon nodded.

  “Well, I have to get home if I’m going to be any good for tomorrow.” Sheilah smiled and prepared to leave.

  “I need to get home, too. Do you have anything you want me to do, Lynn?” Sharon asked.

  “No, thank you. All’s well here. See you both tomorrow,” Lynn answered as she went to the indoor ring.

  As Sharon ran in her house, the phone was ringing. “Hi, Dad. What a nice surprise.”

  “Hello, my darling,” her mother greeted her on an extension. “Dad and I have decided that we’ll come to see you this week-end. We’ll be there on Friday and stay with you, if we may.

  “Of course you will. No way would I agree for you to go anywhere else.”

  “Okay, pumpkin. We want to see you and Lynn. We especially want to meet this young man you’ve been talking about. I have the report that my detective gave to me.

  You’ll be anxious to read this.”

  “Tell me what’s in it.” Sharon asked excitedly.

  “Too much to read. You’ll have to be patient. You’ve waited this long, you can wait a few more days. We’ll see you in the early afternoon. Take care. You’re loved.”

  “Love you, sweetheart,” her mother finished the conversation.

  Sharon stood with bowed head thinking. Oh, I hope there’s no bad news in the report. Keanu has had too much of that in his young life. It must be bad or dad would have told me what’s in the report. Silly. Standing here worrying about it isn’t going to change the situation. She phoned and left a message for Lynn about the phone call.

  “Boss, it’s Hank. I’m getting concerned about Duke. He’s trying to do too much on his own.”

  “What do you mean? What’s he been up to?”

  “He’s getting impatient with watching the young widow and he thinks there should be more action on his part. He’s wondering if he shouldn’t get a job at the stable to be closer to her.”

  “Oh, heck. What did you tell him?”

  “To forget it; that seeing him might jog her memory.”

  “Good. We may have to replace him, but I hate to do that because he’s been in on this from the first. We’d have to share the information with another person and that would mean more people know what’s going on. It’s too dangerous.” He thought for a minute.

  “Let things go as they are for the time being. Ask him to report to you daily. Call me each time he calls and keep me apprised of the situation.”

  “Keep you -uh - what?”

  “Never mind. Good grief. Just call me if there‘s any important news.”

  Keanu worked diligently to finish as much as he could before he had to leave with Sharon.

  “Hey, pal,” David called to Keanu. “Better run take a shower and get into clean duds. You have a little less than twenty-five minutes.”

  “Oh, gosh. Okay. I’m outta here. See you later,” he answered David.

  Sharon could tell Keanu was nervous because he hummed softly all the way to the school.

  “You have nothing to be frightened about or ashamed of,” Sharon assured him. “Your grades are excellent and you’re very mature and responsible for your age. My money’s on you, kiddo.”

  Chapter Ten

  Keanu smiled and rushed to hold the door for her as they entered the building, but he stayed slightly behind her walking down the hall. They walked into the main office.

  “Good morning. I’m Sharon Donnelly and this is Keanu Rodriguez. I called to see if Principal Ward could speak to us about enrolling him in school.”

  “Oh, yes. Dr. Ward is waiting for you now. Please follow me.” The woman knocked on an adjoining door and introduced them to the principal.

  “Miss Donnelly. I’m delighted to meet you. I’ve met your sister, and I say she’s a real asset to this community. I’ve also met your father and know what a great man he is.”

  “I agree,” she laughed. “I’d like you to meet Keanu Rodriguez. He is my ward and will be enrolling as a senior. We can get his school records from the Sequoyah Indian Reservation just outside of Pine Ridge, South Dakota. He’s an excellent student and a conscientious worker.”

  “Keanu, I’m certainly pleased to meet you,” Dr. Ward said reaching to shake hands. “I was beginning to think Miss Donnelly wouldn’t draw another breath,” he teased, sensing that Keanu was nervous. “Please. Both of you have a seat.”

  “I’m, sorry, Dr. Ward. Keanu means so much to me and I want him to have the best opportunities available. I meant it; you’ll be pleased to have him for a student.”

  “I’m sure I shall. We’ll make the contacts and his records will be here in a few days.

  I see no reason why you can’t enroll and start making plans for the school year,” he said to Keanu. “Do you mind taking a battery of tests to help us determine where we can be of the most service to you?”

  “No, sir. I’ll take any test you require.”

  “Good. Why don’t you come in Friday morning at eight thirty and start the testing. It might take a little over an hour. Do you have medical and dental records?”

  Sharon spoke. “He will soon. We’re making appoint-ments today for a complete physical and dental and for anything that will be necessary. Next week he should have completed everything and be ready to be a top honor student,” she said proudly.

  Thanking the principal for his time and help, they left to make the appointments.

  “Let’s go to Peeples Clothing and purchase clothes for you to start. After you see what the others are wearing, you might want to buy something else.”

  “Sharon, I really do appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I can’t keep taking. I would rather be able to pay for my own things.”

>   “Keanu, I’m so proud of you. You’ve been on your own and had every opportunity to be bitter and go downhill, but you’ve developed self respect and a keen sense of responsibility. I respect your pride, but I want to do this for you. Don’t deprive me of my blessing of having you and being able to help you.” She spoke with a catch in her voice.

  “For goodness sakes, Sharon. Don’t cry.” Keanu looked around embarrassed that someone might see or overhear.

  “These are tears of pride and joy. Okay. That’s it. You know how I feel. All of us love you and want the best for you. If you don’t feel right because I’m paying, then make a note of all that I spend and in the future you can pay me back as you can.”

  “Okay, if that’s what you want.”

  “No, but it seems to be what you want. I’m not complaining. I love you and want to help you. But if you feel you want to be independent, I can respect your feelings.”

  “Sheesh. Now I’m glad I didn’t have sisters.” Then he hurried to add. “But I’m truly glad to have you and Lynn.”

  They bought jeans, shirts, dress slacks, a couple of jackets, and much to his disgust, a suit, dress shirts and a couple of ties. He balked at buying dress shoes, but he gave in after Sharon assured him he could wear boots to school until the dress shoes were necessary. Mr. Peeples told him there would be dances, concerts and visits to other schools where he would like to dress differently than he did every day. They left loaded down with bags. Keanu felt so much better because Mr. Peeples had made him feel welcome.

  “Now let’s go to Barb’s Restaurant in Neukom’s for lunch. After we eat, I have a couple of short errands and then we can go home.” They had a leisure lunch. Keanu was impressed with the friendly people.

  “Leave room for dessert,” Sharon told Keanu. “That looks like yummy home-made blueberry pie. With ice cream it’ll be perfect.”

  “Sharon,” he laughed. “I don’t know how you keep from weighing two hundred pounds. You’re always hungry and always snacking.”

  “I’m not that bad,” she sputtered indignantly. “I do like food, but I don’t eat that much.”

  “Yeah. Yeah,” he teased. “Some day I’m going to follow you with a camcorder and have a record of your snack attacks.”

  Sharon paid for their lunch and they left in a light-hearted mood. “Don’t forget this is the night Lynn is having a cook-out for the volunteers. There’s to be a bonfire and all the goodies that go with it. Jake and David are making a giant potato salad. Sheilah is bringing baked beans and Lynn is furnishing wieners and buns.”

  “Thanks for reminding me, Keanu. I’ll get marshmallows and I’ll make chili for the dogs. You can furnish cheese and paper products. Who’s bringing the beverages?”

  “That lawyer, Swanson, said he wanted to come and meet everyone together. He said he’d bring soft drinks and desserts. We all know why he wants to come.” Keanu wagged his eyebrows and winked.

  “Martin Swanson? How is he doing in his lessons?” Sharon inquired.

  “He’s doing well. His doctor said that he could ride, but he has to have massages and a whirlpool soaking after the ride. Lynn said he would be welcome to join us tonight.”

  “Whatever,” Sharon threw her hands up. “Let’s go to the grocery store and get what you’re furnishing.”

  “But if you buy it, it won’t be from me.”

  “Start your list, buster.”

  They pulled in front of the stables laughing and in good spirits. Gabe was standing looking dejected.

  “Something wrong, Gabe?” Keanu called.

  “Take a look at that sky. We might be rained out tonight.”

  David was loading a horse for one of the boarders and passed them. He called out. “Fear not, my friends. The new set of stalls I’m building has roof and walls and dirt floors, but no dividers. If necessary, we can dig a hole in the center and build a fire in the hole. We’ll be under shelter and we’ll have a splendid time. There’s plenty of room.”

  Keanu drug in a breath of relief. “Good. This will be my first activity with the group. I’ve never done anything like this, and I’m looking forward to it.

  “As are we all,” Gabe answered.

  Sharon went to the office to talk to Sheilah and wait for Lynn to finish her last lesson.

  “Hi, Jenni,” Sharon greeted the popular veterinarian. “I hope you’re staying for the cook-out.”

  “You couldn’t run me off. I just hope I don’t have an emergency call and have to leave.”

  “Cross your finger, your eyes, your toes and anything that will cross,” Ashley clowned around as she walked in.

  “Okay. Okay. They get the idea,” Jardine laughed. “What can we do to help?”

  Lynn walked in. “Just to be on the safe side, the men folks are digging a huge hole in the middle of the new area to build the fire in. Some girls are out there dragging hay bales to make a circle of seats around where the fire will be. I’m sure there’s lots to do.

  Find some long sticks to roast the marshmallows.”

  Lynn hurried to complete her daily records for the special classes. An inspector would come in from the state office usually, when least expected, to check on records and how the stable was being run. The surprise safety checks were important to make sure that everyone was operating a safe, healthy stable according to national guide lines.

  “We’ll need plenty of sticks because hot dogs will have to be roasted,” Jardine said as she and Ashley ran out to find the wood.

  “Wow! I thought I was going to be blown in,” Martin laughed as he wheeled in to the office. “Can some of the kids get the beverages out of my van? I have two large sheet cakes baked especially for us.”

  “You’re a darling,” Sheilah laughed as she rolled her chair from behind the desk. “We’d better make a bee-line for the gathering before we’re caught in the rain. Come on; I’ll race you,” she laughed, knowing that neither could make any speed over the rough ground. Martin and Sheilah wheeled out laughing and talking.

  “Sharon, would you mind running up to my apartment and getting the buns that are on the table and the wieners out of the refrigerator? You’d better hurry and get over there before you get caught in the rain. Everyone else should be in the dry by now and all the supplies with them. I’ll set the answering machine on.” Lynn hurried to close the office.

  Sharon hurried to pick up the items from Lynn’s apartment and had to run through a few rain drops as she reached the new barn. She was greeted by a cacophony of happy voices and a wonderful blazing fire.

  Ashley and Jardine staggered in with both arms loaded with long sticks. “Hey, guys, start helping us strip and clean these sticks.” The crowd laughingly joined in.

  Lynn ran in with a guitar in one hand and a violin in the other. “Marvelous. This is so comfy.”

  Plates were soon loaded with chili cheese dogs, some with onions and relish, others with mustard and ketchup. Pickles, sliced carrots, potato salad and baked beans were added. Soft drinks were poured and all waited for David to ask a blessing.

  Keanu ate and looked around with shining eyes. He had never in his life had friends his own age that he could enjoy and were not causing trouble. Sharon winked at him when she caught his eye.

  “Let’s eat the cake and save the marshmallows for later,” Lynn suggested. There was quick agreement.

  After eating the food and burning the paper products, Lynn handed the violin to Sheilah and picked up the guitar. “What shall we sing? Sharon, would you rather play?” She smiled and shrugged her shoulders when Sharon shook her head.

  “This dirt floor is just the ticket,” Gabe shouted above the roar of the rain hitting the aluminum roof. “Let’s have a square dance.” Most of them didn’t know how. “It’s easy. I’ll teach you as we go.” They danced a couple of square dances and then Keanu taught them an Indian dance of thanks. They sank breathlessly on the hay bales and clapped in rhythm while the two young women played their instruments.

  David r
eached behind him and brought out a banjo while Jake got a harmonica out of his pocket. The four of them played familiar songs that the teens knew and some oldies but goodies.

  Keanu took a deep, satisfied breath. This was the best time he had known.

  During the fun, Jenni’s cell phone rang. “Shucks. I knew it. At least I got to eat and sing awhile, and dance,” she said bowing to the boy who had organized the dancing. “I’ll be right there,” she answered and looked concerned. She quickly explained why she was having to leave. “Lightning struck a tree near where some horses were standing. One was hit and the others panicked and ran through a barb wire fence. Hopefully it isn’t as bad as it sounds. Good night all and thanks for including me.”

  Jenni ran out into the now pouring rain. Lynn prepared to ran after her and go to her own apartment. “I won’t be back,” she called out. “Make sure the fire is out, and everyone, please get home safely. I’m glad all of you could make it. Martin, thank you for coming. There’ll be a party for the student volunteers when we finish summer classes. Feel welcome to join in. Andrew, would you please see that Sheilah gets to her van?” She then made a dash for her apartment. Tired, but happy, she showered and got into bed. Morning duties would come too soon and she needed the rest.

  Jenni ran back into the barn. “Drat and more drat! My van won’t start. Sharon, could you, please, pretty please, drive me? It’s about half way between Zephyrhills and Dade City.”

  “Sure, I’ll be glad to help you. Get the supplies you’ll need and put them in my car. Keanu, tell Lynn where I am, but don’t bother her if she’s already asleep.”

  David showed the youths how to put dirt on the fire to make sure it was out and wouldn’t start up again. The young people ran to their cars and David, Jake and Keanu went upstairs to their place. Keanu called to tell Lynn that Sharon had driven Jenni to the accident. She didn’t answer, so he left a message.

  About an hour later Lynn was awakened by persistent knocking on her door. She sleepily looked at the clock. One twenty. In the morning!? Answering the door, she was shocked to see Sheriff Howell.


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