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Page 19

by Sioux Dallas

  Neither young woman rested well that night. The next morning Lynn skipped breakfast feeling nauseous. She felt sorry for Sharon knowing the frightening things that had happened in her life. Lynn also felt sorry for David and felt that he didn’t deserve this kind of treatment. She wanted to talk to him herself, but she had promised Sharon that she wouldn’t.

  Sharon stayed in Lynn’s apartment and wouldn’t even come down to the office for fear she’d have to face David and talk to him. David was upset and worried about her.

  “Lynn, what’s wrong with Sharon? I need to see her and see for myself that she’s all right.” David said anxiously.

  “She has a personal problem that she’s trying to solve, David. I’m sure she’ll tell you all about it soon.” Lynn’s heart was so heavy thinking of Sharon’s fright and the accusation against David.

  “Lynn, maybe I could help. I’m worried about her.”

  “I know David, but she has asked to be let alone. She didn’t even want me to stay with her.”

  David looked crest-fallen. “I do hope she’ll talk to me soon. You know how much she means to me.”

  “I know, David.” Lynn turned away quickly so that David would not see the tears that she couldn’t keep from her eyes. I’m ashamed that Sharon didn’t trust David and let him explain first before she told Larry. I don’t know why, but I don’t feel comfortable with Larry knowing.

  With a heavy heart, David doctored two young male horses that had gotten into a fight. He helped groom and tack a few horses and gave a jumping lesson out in the field over natural obstacles. I can’t put it into words, but I feel as if a thick blanket has been dropped over my head making it hard to breathe.

  Just as all work began to slow around eleven thirty, Larry pulled in - carefully this time. He didn’t speak to anyone; just jumped out of his car and walked rapidly toward the office.

  “What is his highness doing here?” Jake asked while David stood beside him looking bewildered. David felt anger washing over him. Is Sharon in more trouble? I’ll tear anyone apart with my bare hands that causes her more grief.

  Lynn felt guilty, but she had promised Sharon not to discuss her business even though she didn’t agree with her. She continued to feel that Sharon was making a mistake.

  Keanu, Andrew and Gabe came to stand by David and Jake. The rest of the young people were not far behind. None of them liked Larry and did not approve of him.

  After about half an hour, Larry and Sharon walked to the stable. It was obvious from Sharon’s red eyes that she had been crying. David started to walk to her giving a hard, angry look at Larry. Larry stalked to meet him and stood close in front of David.

  “All right Baughman. I have some questions for you. First, let’s go to your car and you can show me a ring that you have in your glove compartment.” The two tall men were standing eye to eye; one blonde and one dark.

  David’s jaw dropped and he looked at Sharon like a wounded animal, much as a kicked dog might. Sharon sobbed aloud. Jake became belligerent to Larry, and all the male volunteers gathered around looking angry. The girls looked worried and horrified.

  “Who do you think you are coming in here demanding anything of David?” Jake barked. “Lynn, are you going to condone this?” Keanu clinched his fists and stepped closer to Larry.

  “David deserves a chance to explain the ring and certainly deserves respectful attention. Larry Dauber, you may be an officer of the law and feel you’re within your rights, but you’re on my property and I’ve not seen a warrant. David is not only a valued employee, but he’s a trusted friend.” She glared at Sharon who hung her head, sobbed harder and turned her back to them. Lynn continued. “If David chooses to answer you, that’s his business, otherwise, get off my property and don’t return unless you have a warrant.”

  The crowd cheered and moved threateningly toward Larry. Sharon gasped, “Lynn!”

  “Not a word, Sharon. Not one word. I’m so disgusted with you right now that I don’t trust myself to speak. David, what do you want to do?”

  “Sharon?” David spoke with deep hurt in his voice, looking imploringly at her.

  “Sharon, what have you done?” Jake barked.

  Matthew Ryder ran to them breathlessly. “I’ve called Martin, and he’s on his way.”

  “Who’s Martin?” Larry sneered.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “He’s a top-notch attorney,” Gabe answered. “I suggest that everybody just hang loose until Mr. Swanson gets here,” he said.

  “Oh, him,” Larry smiled a lop-sided smile. “He won’t make a bit of difference. Baughman, are you going to show me the ring, or am I going to have to arrest you and let you spend time in a cell where scum like you belongs?”

  David drew himself up. “You’re making a major mistake and you’d better think twice before you try to arrest anyone.”

  Larry rushed toward David and reached to grab his arm. Matthew, Keanu, Gabe and Andrew all rushed to attack Larry. Before they could reach him, David had swung and knocked Larry flat on his back.

  “Stand back. Please don’t get involved. I appreciate your friendship, but I’ll handle this.” David told them.

  Larry came up swearing and swinging. It was a short fight and David had him on the ground again sitting on him when Martin drove in.

  “Hey, hey, what’s going on?” Martin yelled almost falling as he hurried as fast as he could on his metal crutches.

  The boys all tried to talk at once in their anger. Jake put his fingers to his mouth and gave a shrill whistle.

  “Get off of him, David,” Martin ordered. “All right, buddy. This is private property and I understand you came threatening and causing trouble without just cause. You’d better have a good reason for your actions, and show a warrant signed by a judge, that gives you the authority to question people on this property.”

  “Let Sharon tell you,” Larry blustered. “This man,” he pointed at David, “was present at the motel where Sharon stayed when Arnold Millhouse was killed. I have reason to suspect that Baughman is either the murderer or knows who is. I intend to take him in for questioning.”

  “David, would you like to say something now? I think it’s time you cleared the air,” Martin smiled.

  “Do you know about this?” Lynn asked Martin with surprise.

  “Yes. David confided long ago and swore me to secrecy. He has been deeply concerned for the safety of both of you young women, especially about Sharon since he has confessed that she is the love of his life.”

  Sharon sobbed louder, but this time the girls did not go to her and offer comfort. She felt very uncomfortable as the group just looked at her with no expression.

  “David told me,” Keanu spoke with importance. “He doesn’t have to give an account of himself to anybody.” he glared at Larry.

  “Excuse me a minute,” David said and then went up to his apartment. He returned with a small, black leather folder. “I’ve been working undercover because we have not been sure who is involved. As you can see, I’m an officer in the DEA. We learned Jeremy was transporting drugs for someone from Texas to Florida and to various areas in the west.” He looked sadly at Sharon. “I’m sorry. Yes, I knew who you were at the motel as soon as I saw you. It was a coincidence that we met at the motel. I didn’t know you would be traveling on that day although I did know you were preparing to leave Texas. For your safety I had to keep quiet.”

  Sharon turned red, swollen eyes to him. He wanted to take her in his arms, but she had turned against him without trusting their friendship. She gulped. “What were you doing there -- and why didn’t you let me know that you knew me? Why haven’t you told me since you came here to the stables?”

  “I couldn’t tell you. Being undercover means you tell no one for fear of the wrong person catching on. Millhouse was an assumed name. He was working undercover with my partner and me. We were supposed to rendezvous at that motel because we had received tips that drugs were going through there. Millhouse was alr
eady dead when we arrived. My partner felt that we should leave and protect our identity. I came here to protect you and try to locate whomever was threatening you. We had already ascertained that you knew nothing about the operation.”

  Larry Dauber clapped and sneeringly laughed. “Great story, Baughman, if your name really is Baughman. It’s easy to counterfeit identities and licenses. I’m taking you in until an investigation can be made. How do we know that you didn’t kill Millhouse?” he stepped aggressively toward David.

  “Keanu!” Lynn yelped as he swung his fist and knocked Larry to the ground. David and Jake held Keanu to keep him from beating Larry. Keanu said nothing; just looked as if he could eat glass and smile. “David is a decent law-abiding man and I trust him.”

  David placed an arm around Keanu’s shoulders. “Son, I do appreciate your confidence in me, but violence never solved anything. I appreciate all of you believing in me even though you don’t know the entire story,” David gave a small, tight smile at the group, and looked sadly at Sharon.

  Keanu had to be restrained to keep him off Larry. “How do we know he’s for real? He may be carrying fake identity or he may even be one of the drug dealers. Maybe that’s why he’s so insistent in bringing David in. To throw suspicion off himself.”

  “I don’t think he’s an imposter,” Martin said, “but I do have a strange feeling about the situation. Something’s fishy. I just can’t put a finger on it at this moment.” He faced Larry. “Lt. Dauber, I’m wondering why you are such a “Johnny on the spot” and why you’re getting so emotionally involved in this.”

  “Well,” Larry stammered, “I told you I care about Sharon, and she did call me to ask for my help. She was afraid after she found the ring in Baughman’s car.”

  Keanu snorted. “Sharon’s not afraid of David. He’s our friend and she knows he loves her. I have no idea why she thought she should call you, but you’re not needed, or wanted, so LEAVE.”

  Larry opened his mouth to plead with Sharon but Martin spoke before he could say anything. “As an officer of the court, my word is good. If David needs representation, I’ll work with him. He’ll be my responsibility until answers can be given to the proper authorities. Besides, as far as authority is concerned, I would guess that David outranks you. Now I suggest you leave. We’ll see you when we go back to talk to Chief Warren.”

  All the male volunteers formed a solid front and moved purposefully toward Larry.

  Larry started to speak but decided that he should leave when Keanu and Jake walked stiffly toward him. He spoke loudly as he hurried to his car. “Sharon, don’t let these people intimidate you. They’re not your friends. I am. Call me anytime.” He garbled the last words as he jumped in his car and slammed his door, locking it, just as Keanu reached him. He quickly gunned the car and left in a shower of gravels.

  “Goodbye to bad rubbish,” Keanu chuckled. He turned to give Sharon a long, thoughtful look; one full of sadness and hurt.

  Sharon sobbed harder. “Keanu, please try to understand. I’ve been so afraid. I have had no idea who was threatening me or why. The man, who was a stranger, and running in a suspicious manner at the time, ran into me and I saw the ring. When I saw the ring again in David’s glove compartment, the fright and uncertainty came flooding back, and I could only think of talking to Larry who was the investigating officer at the motel.”

  Keanu shook his head and slowly walked away. The volunteers silently went about their business, leaving, Sharon, Lynn, Martin, Jake and David standing. Sharon felt as she had when she was a small child and her parents only stared at her when she had disappointed them. I know now why people say they feel as if their heart is breaking. Why do I feel so bad if I feel I’ve done the right thing?

  “David, why didn’t you tell us who you are?” Sharon asked in a trembling voice.

  “I couldn’t. I told you I’ve been undercover and I needed to discover all that I could about the drug running and who might be involved in bringing drugs from South America into Texas and across to Florida. If I had told you, then you might have unknowingly exposed me to someone that you thought was trustworthy but who might be a criminal.”

  “Did you think Sharon might be one of them since she was married to one?” Lynn asked worriedly.

  “No,” he answered hurriedly. “We had observed her enough in Texas to know that she was innocent. My guess is that Jeremy started using the drugs as well as alcohol. That’s probably why he had such violent mood swings. Too, he had more than likely been warned that if Sharon learned about what he was doing, that they would both be killed.”

  “I can understand your need for secrecy,” Keanu observed. “The tribal police had to pretend to trust some of our own people once to catch the ones bringing drugs on the reservation. If people know who you are they certainly aren’t going to operate where you can see them. They’ll just go on doing their dirt in secret and breaking hearts as well as taking lives and costing people a lot of money they really can’t afford. Do you think you know who the guilty people are now?”

  “You’re a wise man,” David said, placing an arm around Keanu’s shoulders. “I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to place you in danger. If they thought you knew anything, your life wouldn’t have been worth a wooden nickel. Besides, when we’re undercover, it means just that. I know I keep saying that. And no, I have some clues and suspicions, but nothing that will stand up in court - yet.”

  “Wow! I’ve always thought you are cool, but now I know you’re better than any of the plastic characters in the movies. You could make 007 look like Mickey Mouse.”

  David placed an arm around Keanu’s shoulder, turned him and walked to the stairs leading to their apartment. The volunteers looked uncomfortable and kept glancing at Sharon but saying nothing. The air actually felt as if there had been a death and everyone was grieving. Jake, Gordon and two temporary men went on about their business and saying nothing.

  Sharon sobbed so hard that she trembled. Her legs almost didn’t hold her as Lynn put an arm around her waist and half carried her to the office. Sheilah was curious as to why there was so much crying and discord. Lynn motioned to Sheilah that she was taking Sharon upstairs and would then be down to talk to her.

  “Sharon did what?” Sheilah shouted. “I can’t believe it. She and David love each other. She would never turn on David like this.” Lynn patiently told Sheilah all that she knew and had heard. They discussed the situation until it was time for Sheilah to go home.

  Sheilah shook her head sadly, “Sharon has been through more than any of us know about. She didn’t act as wisely as we thought she should at this time, but we have to understand her situation. We’ll have to let her know that we still love her and are standing by her.”

  “Of course we love her and will stand by her. I still feel like shaking her until her teeth rattle though for treating David as she did. Tomorrow, when she’s settled and the air clears, maybe she can give us a satisfactory explanation.” Lynn sunk into a chair with slumped shoulders and looking very worried. She contemplated calling Sean and discussing it with him but then decided not to get him upset until she knew more to share.

  In the stable David, Keanu, Jake and Gordon talked. The men all had questions to ask David. He patiently explained that he was in the Marines, he had obtained a law degree, and he did have to leave the service and come home to care for his mother and sisters. That much was facts. The nature of his assignment kept him from divulging anything to anyone.

  David had two partners, one being the murdered man at the motel. People, who had been caught with drugs, had told enough until, after a period of several months, they were able to learn how the drugs were coming into the United States. A variety of guilty persons had told enough until each bit of information had fitted together like a puzzle. Another undercover agent had discovered Jeremy’s part in the operation and Sharon, too, had been observed and found innocent. David explained that the D E A had sent him here for this very purpose; in th
e event that someone thought Sharon knew more than she did and would cause trouble for her. Experience had taught the law men that these things did happen.

  Keanu struggled with his thoughts and feelings as long as he could hold them in.

  “David, you do love Sharon, don’t you? That wasn’t just part of your cover-up, was it?”

  “Friend, I do love her, and as badly as I was hurt, I do understand how she feels. After all she’s been through, she doesn’t know whom she can trust.”

  “That’s no excuse for turning to that reptile,” Jake muttered.

  David had to laugh. “Fellows, I sure do appreciate your vote of confidence, and I hope I never get on the bad side of either of you, but try to calm down and give Sharon some credit. She’s no fool.”

  Grumbling to himself, Keanu got ready for bed as Jake and Gordon went off to their apartment. There was a good-sized kitchen and dining area in the center between the two apartments with a small sitting room on either side which included a television in each sitting room. Twin beds and a full bath were in each sleeping area. Lynn had provided thoughtfully and well for workers.

  “Hey, Hank. It’s me, Duke. Still hanging in there. That female still doesn’t go anywhere alone. She don’t even drive.”

  “Stupid! Stupid! Will you never learn? You’re going to get caught yet and we’ll all suffer. You’re lucky you’re still alive. The Boss is roaring mad at you, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he sends someone after you. Please, do as you’re told and get away from there; get out of the city. You might leave feet first if you’re not careful.”

  “Okay. Okay. Don’t get your drawers in a knot. I’ll be in touch in a few days.”

  “No! Go now.”

  It was too late. Duke had already hung up.


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