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Page 21

by Sioux Dallas

  “Well, well,” he chuckled. Leaning forward, he flipped a switch that would open communication between the rooms.

  “You’re full of it, Mr. Cassidy. Mr. John Wayne Cassidy, also known as Duke. We sure don’t welcome your kind in Florida. I bet Texas is relieved that you’re not there. We sent your picture and prints through our system to all the states and Texas has informed us that you have a record that would equal a Steven King novel. I’m surprised that you’re not still in prison. You really are going to need a good attorney.”

  Duke jumped up throwing his arms around and yelling, “Yeah, I’m from Texas and served my time for stuff I done. You got nothing to pin on me.”

  Sharon stood, staggered and turned pale. David caught her before she could collapse. “Oh, it’s him. It is him.”

  Sharon slumped against David, her head on his shoulder and her face turned to his chest. She was trembling and quietly shedding tears.

  “Take it easy, sweetheart. You’re okay. He can’t see you or get to you. Take your time.” David rubbed her back and comforted her. Keanu stood with his dark eyes blazing and his fists clenched.

  “Miss Donnelly, can you now identify this man?” Chief Warren asked gently.

  Sharon trembling faced him. “Yes and no,” she said softly.

  “What kind of answer is that?” one of the officers asked getting anxious to wrap up the case.

  “It’s all right, officer,” the Chief said. “Miss Donnelly, when you’re ready we’ll take your statement. Or if you’d rather, we can wait until another day.”

  “She’s ready now,” Keanu spat through gritted teeth. “She’s one of the bravest most put together person you’ll ever meet.”

  Lynn took a tissue from her purse to wipe Sharon’s face and hold her trembling hand. “Honey, you don’t have to do a thing today. If you’d rather wait until you’re calmer, and can think more clearly, you can. It’s your decision.” Lynn was worried and as nervous as Sharon. She knew how much Sharon had been through, and although Sharon was basically a strong person, she was, after all, human and could stand just so much.

  Still shaking and gulping for breath, Sharon sat down heavily and nodded to the officer who sat with a denograph machine ready to record her statement. She drew one more shuddering breath and began.

  “When Jeremy was alive, and we were living in San Antonio, I thought he had gone to work one day, so, I drove into town to find a birthday present for him. I did some sightseeing and then went down St. Mary’s St. to go through a historical home. As I crossed the street I saw Jeremy with three men, one short and two tall men. One taller than Jeremy. He was shocked to see me and unreasonably angry that I was in town.”

  Sharon paused finding it hard to breathe again. The memories were painful. Lynn saw that Sharon was suffering and began saying a silent prayer for God to hold her up and give her the emotional and physical strength to go through with this.

  Sharon looked at David and smiled weakly. He looks as if he’s praying. How can I let all these people down who have believed in me and stood by me even when they didn’t understand my feelings or actions?

  Sharon continued. “When Jeremy shook me and yelled at me, the two tall men walked away, but the short man stood glaring at me pulling his hat lower on his forehead before he finally sauntered off. The tallest man was this one, what’s his name, John Wayne Cassidy. He walked off throwing his arms around and quarreling just as he did here. I never heard his name, but I thought I saw him a few times after that.”

  Chief Warren spoke kindly to Sharon. “Did your husband explain why he was in town when he was supposed to be working?”

  “No. That was the night he came home drunk and beat me. I had to be taken to the hospital. I was so embarrassed when I learned that others on the base had known all the time what was going on. I had lied and covered up for him, but--”

  David put an arm around her and allowed her to get control of her emotions. “Do you remember anything else about the men?”

  “Not really. The short man has been nudging at my memory,” Sharon sighed.

  Chief Warren gave her a fatherly pat on the back. She looked at his white, wavy hair and beautiful aquamarine eyes. He wasn’t fat, but stocky, about five eleven.

  “Thank you, Miss Donnelly. Now that you’re beginning to remember, it’s possible that your memory will return completely, a little at a time, or maybe in bursts. Things that have been in the back of your mind will become fresh. Don’t force it, but if you think of something, write it down while it’s still fresh in your mind. You might think whatever you’re remembering is of small importance, but you’d be surprised what we can do with the smallest clues. I’m so sorry that your friend, Dr. Monroe, was killed, but I know your friends are thankful you’re still with them.”

  “We sure are,” Keanu stated firmly. “Chief, if you need help getting that bum to talk, I’ll sure be glad to help.”

  Chief Warren chuckled. “I know where to find you if I need you, but thanks anyway.” He slapped Keanu on the shoulder, thanked them all for coming and went to his office to mull over what he had learned. Too, he needed to make some calls to Texas.

  In the parking lot, David hugged Sharon to his side and faced Keanu. “Please keep in mind that nothing has been proven against this man except that he has a record. He may be the one guilty of causing all of Sharon’s heartache, or he may be a friend of the guilty one and knows a lot. Be very careful and watch your back, Keanu. Be especially careful about talking to just anyone. If he is part of a gang, they might get antsy when they discover Cassidy has been arrested and they could get real nasty. It isn’t over yet. We don’t know who all is involved or where they are located. I’m not deliberately trying to frighten you, well, yes I am - in a way. Keanu, you’ve got to keep your cool because Sharon might need you at any time.”

  Keanu rode back to the stable with Lynn so they could stop at a feed store on Chancey Rd. and order supplies. Sharon rode with David. He was worried because she sat like a rag doll. She slumped in the seat, pale, hollow eyed, not speaking and looking lost.

  David pulled off the road and parked under a big oak tree. He sat quietly for awhile and then turned to Sharon. “Honey, I hope by now you realize how much you mean to me. I want to keep you safe for the rest of our lives, together. I’m trying to say, and very badly, that I love you.”

  Although Sharon stared at him saying nothing, he was relieved to see that she was getting some color back. Finally, drawing several deep, shuddering breaths, she said, “David, I feel very close to you, but because of what I’ve been through, I’m not ready for a serious relationship. You’re very dear and there would be an aching hole in my heart if you left, but I can’t commit to you, or anyone, just now. I’m not saying no, just give me time, please. I can’t imagine why you would still care for me or trust me.”

  “Darling, I do understand. I’ll be happy if you promise to think about it, talk to Lynn, if you wish, and we’ll discuss it again later. I hope you’ll let me take you to choose an engagement ring.” When she gave a start, and turned wide eyes toward him, he placed a gentle hand on her arm. “I know how important your education is, and I respect that. I’ll support you all the way if you won’t write me off immediately.”

  “David, I do care, but I don’t know what to say. I’ll be hard to live with until this mystery is solved. Why was I chosen to be frightened and threatened? Did Cassidy follow me from Texas? Who else is working with him and are they near, too, or are they somewhere else? I have so many questions running through my brain that I’m dizzy from thinking.”

  He understood how confused she had been and how frightened, but he wanted to try to take her mind off the troubles. They were real, and she was going to face much more before all of the answers could be found, if ever. He did love her and wanted to make a family with her for the rest of their lives. He would see that she got the education she wanted and back her in whatever she attempted to accomplish.

  “I meant i
t when I said I understand and will support you fully. Don’t give up on us.” He gently and tenderly kissed her cheek and gave her a hug. “I shouldn’t rush you into giving me an answer because you’ve had a shock today, but I want to make your life happy and comforting so badly that I can’t wait to tell you how I feel.” He put a finger under her chin and tipped her face up for a kiss.

  “Umm. That was nice. We’ll see what happens. I need to know for a fact that all of the threats are over and I can live as a human being likes to live. I feel safe and protected when you’re with me, but I have to face my own problems.”

  Two mornings later, Lynn, Sharon and some of the volunteers were stacking the hay bales that had been delivered and piling bags of feed in the storage barn. Several of the men were loading fence posts and wire on a large flatbed pulled by a tractor. They were preparing to fence in a new area for some yearlings.

  The girls had been teasing Sharon because David had made several trips on horseback to the barn. Each time he returned he leaned Sharon over and kissed her.

  “He’s so romantic,” Rebekah sighed. Sharon had told the girls about David’s proposal and her answer. They all felt she should accept immediately. Lynn finally spoke up and reminded them that Sharon had been through a war, so to speak, and needed time to recuperate and settle down.

  Later Lynn was preparing sandwiches for her crew when David joined her and offered to help. She was pleased with his attitude and that he had understood Sharon’s fears and ridiculous behavior when she found his ring. She was thinking that Sharon would be so fortunate to accept David and have a family of her own. Lynn smiled to herself thinking she would love to have David for a big brother. In -law, that is. She wondered if she could ever find the same happiness with Martin. She had worked hard through school and for the stable which kept her from dating much and having a social life. Martin is wonderful and a real gentleman. We have the same likes and dislikes about our work and how a family should be. Life with Martin is looking better every day.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “How long will it be before we know what they find?” Lynn asked worriedly. “We still don’t know who all is involved. Someone might still come after Sharon for fear she knows something that she’ll tell on them.”

  “I’m aware of that,” David said. “Please keep Sharon with you and don’t let her go anywhere alone. The more she can stay indoors, the better, at least until we get some concrete evidence on this gang.”

  Keanu and Jake came in and were told of the happenings. Keanu was eager to go out and play Lone Ranger. David had to remind him that he really wouldn’t know where to go or who to find. He told him to guard Sharon and stay alert until he was told differently.

  “I’ll have to go to Tallahassee, but I’ll return as quickly as I can. I’ll call you if I learn anything of importance or interest.” He looked longingly at the stairs to Lynn’s apartment then walked out with slumped shoulders and a dejected expression.

  “I could cry,” Sheilah moaned, sorry for David and Sharon. Lynn smiled and patted her shoulder then went up to give Sharon the additional news. Lynn prayed all the way up the stairs for God to give her the right words to say to Sharon. Lord, she is my sister and I do love her. Mom and dad would be horrified if we didn’t stand together. I need to stay in control of my own emotions and encourage Sharon.

  I know what people mean by hearts breaking, Lynn thought. She looked lovingly at Sharon crumpled on the couch and sobbing her heart out. She seemed to cry so much.

  “Sharon, honey, I have some good news. David is on his way to Tallahassee to meet with his superiors. They’ll be bringing in Herman Morrison from Texas.”

  “Who?” Sharon asked shocked and puzzled. She sat up suddenly with a catch in her voice. “The Herman Morrison at the motel?” she asked in shock.

  “The very one,” Lynn answered and then proceeded to tell her about Cassidy ratting on Morrison. “He’s either the top dog or he knows who is. David will call as soon as he has news for us. David has been assigned to pick him up. Cassidy ratted on him and Florida state police picked him up.”

  “I’m so ashamed,” Sharon hiccupped. “David must be thinking horrible thoughts about me. I might as well have taken a knife and stabbed him in the back.”

  Lynn struggled to keep a straight face. “David loves you, Sharon, and I know for a fact that you love him. You were just frightened and didn’t take time to think things through before you acted. David came here purposely to protect you, but, of course, none of us knew what David’s connections were. Honey, you were just being human. Believe me, David understands. When he returns you can ask his forgiveness.”

  “I will. I will. I wonder if he’ll ever speak to me again. Oh, I acted like such a child - no a fool.”

  Lynn gave Sharon a sleeping pill and a glass of water. “Lynn, do you think I’m a hopeless jerk?” Sharon asked through sobs and hiccups.

  “No more than you’ve been all your life,” Lynn chuckled and rubbed Sharon’s back until she relaxed and drifted into much needed sleep. Lynn pulled a light cover over Sharon and tiptoed down the stairs and out to the stable.

  Even the horses seemed to sense the sadness and quietness and were subdued and cooperative. The students took their lessons and quietly went on their way. The volunteers groomed horses, mucked stalls, washed water buckets in each stall and put them back clean and filled. Hay was placed in the racks in each stall. Tack was cleaned and placed in proper places. Two volunteers took big bamboo rakes and went over the floor down the main aisle. Each one asked Lynn to call them if she needed help before they left.

  Jake and Keanu made the rounds giving a last check to animals and property as well as the boarders in the field. Lynn asked them to come in and eat supper with her. They gladly accepted for none of them wanted to be alone and all of them were on edge waiting for news. Lynn asked Sheilah to stay for supper but she refused with thanks.

  “Sheilah it isn’t time for you to clock out, but why don’t you leave early. I’ll let you know just as soon as we hear anything.”

  “Lynn, I’m so sorry that I added to Sharon’s troubles. I had no right to voice my opinion of her actions. I’m doubly glad that she’s been staying here with you, and, I assume, will continue to do so.”

  “You bet. That little girl isn’t going anywhere even if I have to call our parents and ask for their help. I’m not telling them everything just yet because I want to be able to include encouraging news.” Lynn hesitated and went to hug Sheilah.

  “Sheilah, don’t beat yourself up over what you said. You weren’t any worse than the rest of us. Go home and try to rest. Stay alert though and keep your phone at hand in case you need to call for assistance. On second thought, I doubt any of us will rest tonight.”

  After Sheilah left, Lynn cooked cheeseburgers for Jake, Keanu and herself. Gordon had gone into town to meet an old buddy. She placed lettuce, tomato slices, pickles and sliced mushrooms on a platter. Mustard, ketchup and relish were in jars on the table. She put potatoes in the microwave to bake and then remembered to put out butter and sour cream. Sharon had made maple nut muffins earlier which would serve as dessert. She checked the refrigerator for ice tea or soft drinks.

  The three of them ate quietly. Neither one seemed to feel like talking. Keanu stood and began to clean the kitchen when he finished eating. “Has Sharon eaten?” he asked.

  “No, she needed sleep more than food. I’ll be here in case she wakes and is hungry.”

  Lynn stood so still that Keanu put his arms around her and hugged her then kissed her cheek and walked out. Jake followed after looking several seconds at Lynn and giving her a salute.

  Lynn sat in a chair and watched Sharon until a little after ten. Sharon stirred and fluttered her eyelids. She stretched and groggily tried to sit up.

  “Sharon, are you getting up?” Lynn hurried to her.

  “I need to go to the bathroom. Why am I on the couch? Why do I feel so heavy-headed?” She struggled to get up,
but kept falling back down on the couch until Lynn helped her up. Sharon sagged against Lynn for a few seconds and finally straightened up still with Lynn holding her made her slow way to the bathroom and back.

  “Are you hungry?” Lynn asked.

  “No, just awfully tired.”

  Lynn helped Sharon walk back into the bedroom to her bed. “Lie down then and sleep all that you need to. Rest. I’ll have food for you when you’re ready.”

  Sharon grunted. She took a couple of deep breaths and dropped off to sleep. Lynn sat on her bed, watching Sharon and praying. She finally got up, brushed her teeth, cleaned up for bed and tried to rest.

  When Sharon awoke, the bright light was coming in through the windows. She heard several voices and held her aching head trying to get her thoughts to make sense. I feel awful. Oh, yes, I remember. Lynn gave me a sleeping pill. Boy, it sure knocked me for a loop. It’s lucky Lynn and I wear the same size clothes or I would have no clean clothes to wear.She dressed in a white shirt and tan jeans with her own boots. Pulling her hair back in a ponytail and tying it with a shoe string, she was ready to face the day.

  Lynn had heard Sharon showering and moving around upstairs and came up to make sure she ate breakfast.

  “Lynn, it’s all coming back. What a dope I am.”

  “Don’t you dare start crying again. Sure it has been rough. Do you think you’re the only one in the world that has made a mistake or had something unpleasant happen in their life? I’m not heartless, and I so love you, but it won’t gain you a thing to fall apart.

  Be stronger than that - stronger than the bad guys. You have loads of loyal friends and innumerable blessings. David will call as soon as he has news for us. Now you can sit here in the apartment and feel sorry for yourself and feel worse, or you can come work with me and keep busy.”

  “Okay,” Sharon answered meekly. I’ll come with you, but I’ll work in the stable. Please don’t ask me to deal with students or the public.”

  “I wouldn’t allow you to deal with the public. David warned us that someone might show up that we don’t suspect.” She hugged Sharon and they went downstairs.


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