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Finding More (Tiger Nip Book 3)

Page 9

by Brandy Walker

  “If you’d bothered checking, then you’d know it takes her longer because she’s a hybrid. You might also know that she’s had no visitors, with the exception of Jessie Montgomery-Murphy and me. No family. No friends. She’s been in that room you stuck her in for five days, twiddling her thumbs and being in pain. I would have thought you’d be more grateful to the woman who saved your children from being snatched by hired rogues.”

  Russell’s head swiveled sharply toward Devon, shocked outrage plastered across his features. “Is this true?”

  “I’ve been busy with work, and when I’m not there, I’m here trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Something our Sheriff has yet to do.”

  “Don’t put the blame at my feet, Andersen. I’m working all the angles I can think of, and, in fact, have a new lead to pursue. I’m not the one in the same building as my mate and avoiding her at all costs.”

  “His mate?” Judith Andersen, Devon’s mother, said in a shocked, quiet voice. She came into the kitchen and stood behind her husband. Her hands clutching his shoulders.

  Devon rose and offered his mother his chair.

  Ben stood as well, keeping his eyes on Devon, as the man paced back and forth. “I see he hasn’t mentioned this to you.”

  Devon halted abruptly. “Matthews, you had no right to say anything,” Devon said, the heat in his eyes conveying how pissed he was at being outed. A hot wave of energy coursed through the air.

  Ben smirked. “Need I remind you? Your Blood Legacy has no effect on me, and I told you to treat her right. Told you to take care of her. I didn’t miss you hemming and hawing about touching her. Offering her comfort, but never really giving it to her. I saw your eyes glow and your protectiveness roll to the forefront when I dared to touch her. You know as well as anyone that glowing eyes means you’ve found your mate. Hers did too, by the way. It was faint, and I’m sure it has something to do with being a hybrid, but it was there. Yet you still shoved her aside without acknowledging who she is to you—what she did for you—and now, someone might be after her.” Ben’s knuckles cracked as he balled his hands into fists. The more he talked about Carolline, the more the anger built on her behalf. It was the nature of most full-blooded shifters to turn the other cheek when it came to hybrids. He’d hoped they weren’t the same. As one himself, he had a bone-deep belief they should stick together. Be there for each other when needed. Carolline needed him right now, whether she knew it or not. Whether she liked it or not.

  Devon was in his face in a flash. Nose to nose, it took all his training to keep from fighting. “What do you mean, someone’s after her? What happened?” Devon growled low in his throat, and Ben hoped he was finally getting through to him.

  Jabbing a finger into Devon’s chest, he pushed the other man away. A ball of heat trailed Devon as he resumed his pacing in slowly increasing circles. Into the kitchen, then back to the small table. Back to the kitchen. Back to the small table. Over and over. Ben felt the man’s frustration and anger like it was a living thing.


  “After she checked herself out, she went back to her office. Someone had ripped through it. The entire room had been searched and stuff was strewn everywhere. No files are missing that she could tell. She checked the best she could, considering her condition. The computer was still there and, at first glance, it didn’t look like it had been hacked. Security is doing a digital search to verify.”

  “Devon, sit down,” Russell snapped, his voice filled with the authority of someone with years leading a pride. “Why would someone go through her office?” he asked.

  Devon raked his fingers through his hair, appearing frustrated and on edge. Maybe he wasn’t as immune to Carolline as Ben had originally thought. Devon plopped down in the chair opposite his father, slumping down like a disgruntled child. Ben took the opportunity to sit back down in the chair he’d vacated.

  “There are a couple theories. Whoever did this was trying to send a message, whether it’s because she got involved in the kidnapping, or just in general for being and working with hybrids, I don’t know. Another theory is that they went through her things to find the names and addresses of hybrids, or people in mixed marriages in order to go after them. The one I’m leaning toward and that trumps the others in my book, is they wanted Carolline’s address.” It had been Ben’s initial thought, and the reasoning behind having a car on her house at all times. Unbeknownst to Carolline, of course. She’d probably kick his ass if she found out.

  Devon popped out of his chair like a jack-in-the-box, a wild look in his eyes. Gold shimmered in their depths. Ben hadn’t been wrong about them. They were both just too stubborn to see it.

  “Sit down, Devon,” his mother said. “I’m sure the Sheriff is taking every precaution.”

  All eyes landed on Ben, and he nodded. “I took Carolline home last night, searched her place, and even though she doesn’t know it, there’s a man watching her residence. The security for her community is on alert for suspicious activity, and they are increasing their drive-bys as well.”

  Devon studied the man sitting at his kitchen table. Ben leaned back in his chair with an air of authority surrounding him. Dark eyes with a look of predatory glee shone back at him. A smug smile curved his mouth too, and damn if Devon didn’t want to punch it off his face. It pissed him off even more that the Blood Legacy didn’t even make the man twitch. Not that he would use it to intentionally hurt someone, but…fuck. He felt helpless, and as wrong as it might be, he wanted to take out his frustrations on the man who had a better relationship with Carolline than Devon ever might have.

  Because…he was right. Devon had taken the out of sight, out of mind method of dealing with her and the feelings she invoked in him. He thought if he didn’t see her, the ache radiating in his chest would go away, and his tiger would relax and let him focus on his family. Except every minute that passed felt like another stab to his heart, and another piece of his sanity broke away.

  Devon heaved a heavy sigh. He needed to come to grips with what was staring him in the face. Admit a fact he had yet to come to terms with. Didn’t even know where to begin.

  Carolline Greene, acclaimed doctor specializing in hybrids, very well could be his mate. The implications were life-altering. Devon squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed the bridge of his nose. A headache built slowly from all the shit rattling around in his brain. “You said no files were missing.”


  He opened his eyes and was met with a look of compassion coming from the Sheriff. “That means they were after her address, doesn’t it?” Devon ground his teeth together as his temper rose a notch. The tiger in him chafed at the bit to get to Carolline. Demanded they bring her back to their den.

  Ben nodded again, lips clamped shut tight. At least the man knew when to keep his mouth shut and not exacerbate the situation.

  His mom’s hand landed on his. She squeezed briefly. “You have a mate, sweetheart. One who’s suffering and alone. What are you going to do?”

  “Who’s your mate, Papa?” Tabitha asked, skipping into the kitchen. She stopped at her Pop-Pop’s side and climbed up into his lap. “Hi, Mister Sheriff,” she said sweetly with a toothy grin.

  Ben’s face softened when he looked at her. “Well, hello princess. How are you doing?”

  Tabitha gasped, then clapped her hands, full of excitement. “He knows, Papa. He knows I’m a princess,” she said awed. “I’m doing good, Mister Sheriff. Who’s daddy’s mate?”

  All eyes swung toward Devon, and he felt his face heat. “Let’s talk about it later, okay?” he said gently to his daughter. “Why don’t you run off and play for a little bit more while the grown-ups finish talking? Then maybe you can get Uncle Jack to make chocolate chip pancakes.”

  Tabitha nodded enthusiastically. “Okay, but if I get to pick, I think you should get the pretty tiger that saved us.” Her nose scrunched up. “Marcus says she’s a tigon. I don’t know what that is, except if she’s different, s
he should be with us. Us kids are different too. Plus, she’s small and fierce, like me.” She raised her little arms, making claws out of her hands and then let out her little girl’s roar.

  Devon’s heart melted at her words. “I’ll see what I can do. Now run along.”

  Scrambling off his dad’s lap, Tabitha blew him a kiss. “Bye.” She skipped out of the kitchen just as quick as she’d arrived.

  “I guess that’s settled,” Devon’s mom chuckled. Getting up from her chair, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Bring your mate home, Devon. I’m going to see if the other two are up and then wrangle Jack into the kitchen.”

  He opened his mouth to refute her claim. That scary mom look she’d had since he was a cub came over her face. “Don’t even bother, son. When you heard she might be in danger, your eyes glowed brighter than the sun. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen that happen. I loved Sasha, and I always will. She gave me the three greatest gifts in the world. It’s time for you to move on though, and if Carolline is your mate, your true mate, you need to seize her with both hands and not let go. She’s already proven she would do anything for those children. If they can love her, then so can you.”

  His mom walked off and left them sitting at the table. His dad grinned. “What’s the plan?”

  Devon scrubbed the back of his neck. He didn’t know where to start. Did she know they were mates? Would she even consent to being his? Hell, he didn’t even know if she was seeing anyone, or had her sights set on someone.

  Though, judging from the fact that no one visited her in the hospital, he could come to the logical assumption that she didn’t have anyone special in her life. And why that made a small part of his heart happy, he didn’t want to examine too closely.

  Fuck! He needed to talk to the kids; make sure they were okay with him bringing her home. He needed to talk to Carolline to see where she stood. Or, maybe it was best if he showed up and brought her home, did a little ambush and catch her off guard. Lord knows, she didn’t fall at his feet those few times they ran into each other. In fact, she scurried away as quickly as she could.

  Ben laughed. “You’re thinking too much. Follow me over to her place. Bring her back and go from there. You’re a smart man, or so I’m told. I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out how to get her to stay.”

  Devon hoped the man was right. He didn’t want a fight on his hands and deal with the hired rogues issue. Pile work on top of that, and he might have a mental breakdown.

  He pushed back from the table and motioned for Ben to lead the way. “After you.”

  “Good luck, son. I think it would be best if Mom and I stay here for a couple days. Just to make everything a bit more comfortable. Plus, I’d like to meet the woman who risked her life for my grandchildren.”

  “Whatever you say, Dad. I’ll be back soon.” Devon trudged after Ben with a horrible sense of dread filling his stomach. It was that same horrible feeling he’d had the first time he’d jumped into the deep end of the pool not knowing how to swim.

  Chapter 14

  The doorbell chimed loudly, pulling Carolline from a dead sleep. She glanced around, confused for a few seconds about where she was. A dark room with a soft glow from one side of the room coming from the television. Heavy drapery pulled closed over a large window. A nice, big comfortable bed beneath her that smelled like her. No antiseptic. No weird hospital smells. “I’m home,” she mumbled as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “So, who the hell is at my door?” Her cell phone buzzed as the doorbell rang again. The pounding quickly followed the chime.

  “Go away,” she groaned to absolutely no one. Maybe she should get a cat to keep her company. A little rescue kitten to love and keep her company at night. Then she wouldn’t look as crazy when she talked to herself. Not that there was anyone there to hear her in the first place.

  Whoever was at the door pounded harder, propelling her into action. It was clear they wouldn’t go away until she answered. “I’m coming,” she shouted, wincing slightly as she moved through her house.

  Whipping open the front door without bothering to check to see who it was, she was surprised to find Devon, fist raised, ready to knock again. His brows were furrowed, lips thinned. Frustration rolled off him, and a wave of heat spread over her, starting at her feet. Ben stood behind him, a smirk plastered on his too smug face.

  “What took you so long?” Devon grouched.

  Carolline looked down her body, then back at him. You’d think he’d get a clue by what she was wearing. It seemed pretty obvious to her. Her thin white tank top molded to her breasts. Her short, plaid sleepy shorts barely covered her ass. She knew her hair was in disarray, when was it not after sleeping as heavily as she’d been? And she would hazard a guess there was drool on her face, judging from the disgusted look Devon shot her. “Good to see you too, Dr. Andersen.” Her grip tightened on the knob when he shifted forward, and she grabbed onto the doorframe with the other hand, blocking his entrance.

  One dark eyebrow inched up after he got the clue she wasn’t about to let him in. “Care to invite us in?”

  “I’m sure this conversation won’t take long. I am supposed to be resting after all.” She shot an accusing glare at Ben before letting her gaze drift back to Devon.

  He frowned and stepped back slightly. “I would much prefer to do this inside away from prying eyes, and anyone else who might be loitering in your neighborhood.”

  “Seeing as it’s the ass crack of dawn, I doubt many people are loitering.”

  “Let us in, Caro. What needs to be said should be done in private.” Ben gave her one of those you better listen to me looks. His jaw was set and one eyebrow was raised high. His right hand rested on his holster, fingers dangling near the grip. He looked serious, and that was the only reason she relented. Along with the general vibe that neither man would back down anytime soon, and she was still fairly exhausted.

  Caroline let out a sound of frustration before spinning away too quickly. She gasped as pain radiated from her side, her hand immediately finding the bad spot on her ribs. Her mind and body were fully awake now, and letting her know everything that was still wrong with her. I wish I’d fucking heal already. The constant throb with each move she made aggravated her even more.

  A hard body rocked into her from behind, a solid band of steel in the form of an arm wrapping around her waist. A thick earthy scent washed over her like an electrical current. Her nipples puckered and gooseflesh coated every inch of her skin.

  Her eyes drifted shut, and she allowed herself a moment to sink into Devon’s warmth. To enjoy the feel of him crowding against her. The hardness of his chest pressed to her back. The firm yet gentle grip of his hand on her hip, keeping her anchored to his front. The heat from his palm sinking through her thin shorts. She suppressed the shudder trying to take hold. His touch felt exactly how she imagined it would. Strong. Confident. Panty-melting good—if she’d been wearing any. Her knees trembled as his lips brushed against the outer shell of her ear. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she breathed out a tad shaky. She was torn between staying in the comfort of his arms and moving away to stand on her own two feet. Her tigon purred within, relishing the attention from Devon and his tiger. The very human side of her realizing the things she felt for him were normal in certain circumstances—like him being her mate. If, by some off chance, it was true, then for a week he’d ignored her. Ignored his inner beast telling him a vital part of his being was missing. He’d brushed her off onto another doctor and didn’t look back. He obviously had no intention of claiming her.

  Before she had a chance to shove his arm away, a throat cleared loudly behind them. Devon’s arm dropped as he stepped back. She, unfortunately, immediately missed his touch, but was damn thankful for the forced distance. Holding onto the anger building in her was a good thing. He couldn’t stroll back into her life and act as if he cared. He’d told her all too efficiently, without words, what she meant to him. Nothing. />
  “Carolline,” Ben said, following Devon into the house. “I need you to pack some things and come with us.”

  She made her way into the living room, carefully sitting in her overstuffed chair. Leaning back, she focused on Ben, actively ignoring Devon as he wandered around her living room. “What do you mean, come with us? I’m fine here, Ben. You checked my place out last night and, as far as I can tell, nothing has changed.”

  “We don’t know conclusively that you’re safe here.” Ben sat on the couch close to her and grabbed her hand. A low rumble sounded from Devon. Heat immediately surrounded them, making her wince. Ben, on the other hand, rolled his eyes. “Enough with the power stuff, Andersen. The only one you’re hurting is Carolline, and I think she’s suffered enough on your behalf already.”

  Devon stomped over to them, glaring down at their hands like a petulant child. He had no right to be irritated, as far as she was concerned. Everything he did confused the hell out of her. “What is wrong with you? One minute you’re hot and the next cold. Make up your damn mind.”

  Devon huffed out an irritated breath and crossed his arms over his chest. “We’re mates.”

  Her forehead scrunched in surprise at his admission. Seconds later the words no shit, Sherlock, were on the tip of her tongue. Her gaze slid up his solid body, tension evident through every inch of muscle. Their eyes locked, Devon’s shifted from dark brown to an amber-golden hue within seconds of colliding.

  “Don’t bother denying it, Carolline. Ben was right about what he said. Your eyes have a faint golden ring that wasn’t there before.” His words came out harsh, like he was pushing poison from his mouth.

  Why was he pressing the mate thing when it was clear he had no interest?

  “Don’t sound so excited about it,” she snapped. “I may not be able to hold back from throwing myself at you because of your enthusiasm.”

  Devon reached for her, but pulled his hand back at the last second. The indecision he displayed was the complete opposite of how she knew him to be. He scowled and grunted. “I didn’t ask for this.”


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