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Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles)

Page 14

by Unknown

  “You won’t be staying with us?” Asked the queen.

  “Unfortunately not, your majesty. Bekter and I have business further north…”

  “Your company will dine with us. We are eager to hear about the new Queen. What reports we have seem encouraging… Sending a weapon of this power demonstrates a degree of trust that will not go unrecognized. Dwarfdale will return tomorrow with our guarantee to support expenditure of one million Obols. There will be more as required”

  Hawkmoon drew Bekter to one side as they left the chamber.

  “The king knows you”.

  “He is a sea dwarf from the Western Isles. Made a reputation against the pirates.”

  “How do you know him”

  “I was out there on business. He is something of an autocrat. Tends to boss people around…Doesn’t go down well with the locals. He’s away most of the time which seems to suit everybody”

  The dining hall was bright from heavy chandeliers. Servants moved back and forth from the kitchens.

  Hawkmoon leaned over to Bekter. “Find Elmund. Tell him to bring the chief engineer to the workshop. They do good work but they take their time.”


  By the time they were ready the north easterlies were blowing a full gale. They waited another week while the wind eased sufficiently. Hawkmoon spent the time with Sharon who taught him what she knew of flying .The plan, as far as there was one, consisted of taking off, drifting over the Desert, cross the Barrens ,land close by the Challon river, find a boat and float downstream . Sharon drilled them in the spells that would control the heat stones. Bekter was staring at the balloon as it tugged at its moorings.. “We should get in” said Hawkmoon” unless you have another plan for crossing a thousand miles of wilderness”

  The Sandsea was in sight by dawn six days later. Breakfast was dried beef fruit. Hunger became a constant companion as they rationed the food. Water came from a copper coil attached to the balloon. It kept a small barrel full and hung outside the basket .Heat rose in blooms lifting the balloon skywards.“What’s happening”

  “The sun heats the air and it rises. It saves on the heat stones and the winds are stronger higher up”

  “You’re enjoying this”

  Hawkmoon spoke again and the balloon stopped rising. “What’s wrong”

  “She said to stay out of the clouds. They lost a balloon that way”

  “You failed to mention that.”

  As they floated over endless miles what began as an adventure changed to routine; the sand growing to mountains, stretching away. Staring down Bekter knew it was death if they were forced to land. On the morning of the tenth day the dunes erupted as gigantic forms reared from the surface; weird blue flame crackling on their leading edges. “Hawkmoon, you should see this”The dunes were writhing, long sinuous shapes bursting from the sand, reaching upward

  Hawkmoon watched them through the spyglass. “Legend has it that they were made by a wizard who sought to rule the desert. No one knows much about them…How does a creature that size exist where there is no food ?”

  Bekter pointed “They’re following us.”

  “That’s impossible; we’re not on the surface.”

  “Trace a line from where they came out. They’re tracking us, Hawkmoon”

  Sunset was approaching as they drifted over rocky terrain. The worms followed throughout the day and into the evening. It was impossible to see below while darkness lasted . When the sun rose next day the desert was heaving. The dunes writhed as waves of sand rushed forward driven by those who stayed hidden. Two days after, in the brief moment before the sun dropped below the horizon the slanting light revealed lines on the surface. The worms divided , flowing past as if it were an island .. Darkness had all but set as Hawkmoon trained the glass, catching the shape of buildings in the last of the light. The stars rose allowing him to plot its position.

  The dunes had gone, replaced with sheets of fine sand, driven by the wind . The giants stopped at the edge. Smaller, forms kept on, halting finally when vegetation indicated the presence of water Crossing the margins of the desert they were cheering and slapping each other’s backs.

  At dawn of the twentieth day Bekter spotted a ribbon of water to the North East.. A gust shook the basket. They looked back on their course. A wall of black cloud came behind... It was far enough away to hope they could run before it. By late morning it was closing on them.

  By midday it covered the horizon. When it caught up the world went dark. The balloon stretched and flattened driven forward at plunging speed. Hawkmoon spoke the words to bring their craft to land. An updraft drove it skyward. Lightning flashed at either side. The balloon leaned ahead so far that they could see the sky directly above. The updraft spat them out of the storm into stillness. Drifting for hours they marvelled at canyons of cloud until a downdraft caught hold and pulled them down. They tied themselves on as the basket spun. Beneath the cloudbank it was night and both moons had risen

  As dawn came it was clear that the heat stones were fading. The balloon was coming down. They had no means of choosing where that would be. They flew towards a mountain. At first it looked as if they would crash on its slopes but air currents rose and lifted them over. On the other side a line of water gleamed in the sunlight Bekter shouted in excitement. Hawkmoon took a spear and started to puncture the balloon.

  “What are you doing We’ll crash.” Bekter shouted.“ Get your sword and help me. “ The balloon started to descend . “Make holes at your side “Hot air spilled out turning to vapour. The balloon started to plummet from the sky. Falling towards a stand of trees Bekter had time to see they were bare of leaves before they struck the upper branches. The basket tipped over .Wrenching the basket from the tree the breeze flung it across the clearing where it tangled in the branches of an Oak. It slipped through to be caught on a heavy limb lower down. Bekter clambered out. Hawwmoon jumped for the branches. As his foot touched the trunk the basket dropped to the ground.


  The land around Silverlode was beautiful until they started blowing it up.... Most days it was covered in a pall of dust . They worked on the balloons at the other side of the mountain. Tomorrow he would visit the glassmakers. They were the key without which the powder was little more than a heap of dangerous chemicals.

  What distance would they go if launched from a height? He picked up one of the spheres. How far could a man throw one of these? Could they make a catapult that could be used by one soldier? The problem was the strength of the container. Too strong and it would not break; too weak and it would shatter at launch.

  Two dwarves died when the glass broke as it was released . Norry had watched as their bodies were consumed. Torn with guilt, he was on the point of stopping when Regina came to see him. She said to think of them as soldiers. They had died in the service of their people and they would be remembered . The fate of the dwarf nation rested with the work he was doing. Before she left he told her of his overwhelming fear; the sense of millions of tons of rock pressing down…. Against the advice of her councillors she gave permission for Norry to work outside. He wished Sharon was here..... She was going to the Plain of Jars to test if the balloons could be used to send messages over long distance.

  A massive hand clamped over his mouth. Another squeezed his neck until he passed out. When he came to, huge warriors were ransacking the office. He was gagged and bound with strips of leather . His feet were free. One of them spoke, brandishing a sheaf of paper. A smaller touched the giant who moved away. It spoke the common tongue.

  “It is essential that you draw no attention nor make any attempt to raise an alarm. When we are away from here I will remove your gag. Your hands will be freed…”

  A door opened, his assistant came in, stopping in surprise. If he recognized the company from the stories of his parents and grandparents he gave no sign. The sight of his boss tied up broke through his confusion. He made to step back. A sword split him to the breastbone. Norr
y screamed behind the gag, tears running from his eyes. He fought to overcome despair. The worst of all possible worlds... A weapon to avenge his people .. Now it was the enemy who had it. He had given it to them. All because he could not stay underground...

  The thin one bent to him.. Taking a pointed dagger he removed the gag. “That was unfortunate however we need your advice. Which of these contain the mixture? I am a wizard. I can tell lies from truth. There are more like him at the guardhouse If you lie I will have them brought here and killed before your eyes. Is that what you want?”

  “Take the bags marked with the blue stripes. Leave the ones marked in Yellow. They are part compounds”. The Reiver put the dagger to Norry’s cheek and drew a jagged line below his left eye to his lip. “You lie, I warned you not to lie. Now let us try again. Where is the formula for this amazing compound?”

  “There is one copy in existence. It is in the possession of the Queen of the Dasatii.”

  The wizard looked closely at him. “What is to become of me?” Norry asked.

  “You will go with us to Kallendar where you will be honoured and treated better than you have ever been in your life.” The Reiver looked around.” Such basic quarters for someone of your importance… When this war is concluded you will have a place of honour in our councils and your people will be safe”

  Knowing that his warning had been understood the Reiver continued. “The journey back will be long and taxing. We will do all we can to provide for your comfort and security. My name is Hiram Sulk, the big fellow is Rond. Try not to irritate him”

  One of them tied a rope to the bindings on his wrist. Bodies lay outside steaming in the cold air. His gorge rose as they passed the guardhouse. The stench of blood and open bowels came through the windows.

  He was dead. Still breathing and moving, but dead. No matter what they promised they would have it from him. All that mattered was that they would never get the formula. With luck the compound would be ruined before they got back. Sorrow rushed at him with thoughts of friends he had made; the day he met the Queen...He wondered where Hawkmoon was. Off on some adventure, no doubt…

  They were in the woods as dawn pencilled the horizon Norry was tired and hungry, his hands swollen from the ropes. An argument started between the leader who wanted to lie up and the wizard who wanted to keep moving. He did not understand their guttural language but that was plain. During the night as he stumbled in the dark he pleaded for the rope to be cut. The request earned a beating. They gave him to something to drink. It made him retch and this earned more blows. He forced himself to take more straining to keep it down. He looked around smiling. They laughed. The one who hit him was ordered to tie him on his back. His bindings were cut.

  Night came as they reached the foot of a hill bare of trees. At the top they entered a low cave. The wizard spoke a word to bring light from his staff. It lit their way into the back, stopping when there was no chance of light being seen from outside. They broke out food wrapped in dry leaves. Their knives and swords were abandoned. It was then he noticed the stone. It was small, the size of his palm. It had an edge; obsidian or something like it. He looked about to find the magicker watching him. The Reiver finished eating and crouched near him.

  ”You are thinking of means to escape. Down here there are none …You are about to go to a place that few have seen and lived to speak of. It has its own rules and the first is do not trust anything your senses tell you. The second is, keep your nerve” The wizard paused, staring at Norry.. “Eat nothing, only what we give you. If we run out of water take none no matter how thirsty. From now until we come back to the world you will be secured to a chain. What you must understand is that once parted from the chain you are lost. You are on that chain not as our prisoner but to save you from demons. Those that wander here feed on more than the physical body ” They stood while the chain was passed back. Making a business of dusting his clothes he slipped the stone inside the sleeve of his tunic.

  The tunnel rose on a slope before descending. At first the angle was easy but after a time it steepened until his legs shuddered to the point of collapse. He stumbled forward into someone who cursed at him. The wizard was in front with the staff bright enough to see the way . Dust rose in the shadows making him cough. All that could be heard was their breathing and the scrape of boots. Skittering on the rock above him. He looked up but it had gone. The slope began to ease. The walls to right and left were gone. They stopped to eat their rations and sleep. The sound of bells came from the shadows ; a thin little wisp of a man came out.

  “Mynheers, estimable gentlemen , true knights” he bowed. “Yours is the courage of warriors that you would venture in this benighted place. Your quest is valiant, doubtless the rescue of a fair maiden from the hands of some unconscionable rogue. May I, Thermidor J. Frump assist you by the provision of certain items that will be of aid?” Reaching to the edge of his coat, he opened it. Multi-coloured light swirled, lighting the shadows.He held out a piece of glass “I present the eye of the Basilisk. You will see all your enemies in the world above and below. You will find their most cherished treasures.” Norry looked at the Reivers. He was able to look away while the others could not take their eyes from it.

  “No interest? “This is Illian. It cures all maladies.”

  “Excuse me”

  The little fellow ceased his spiel. For a moment his faced changed from friendly banter to a look of rage. “Yes, my good man, what can I do for you?”

  “That which you hold is not Illian. It would not be found anywhere in the infernal regions. As to the eye ,few have seen the Basilisk and no one has ever been close enough to take its eye”

  The expression of delighted helpfulness slipped momentarily. “Why if it isn’t a Halfpint… You don’t take offence at the term, I trust?”

  “Would you be so kind as to close your coat? My companions are quite bemused with your antics”

  He appeared crestfallen. “Unfortunately I cannot accede to your request. Were I to do so they would be upset perhaps to the extent of causing me bodily harm…. I must admit to being disappointed at myself for failing to recognize one of your worthy people. Those of the Parish are said to be immune to our blandishments…. I have a proposal.” He said as he sat on a stone while managing to keep his coat open.

  “Let me have these and I will escort you from this place with all the wealth you will ever need. What do you say?”

  “I say no”

  The little fellow was taken aback. “But you are their prisoner. I have been following long enough to know that much. They are Reivers and whatever end the plan for you I can promise it will be painful”

  “You make a point but I must decline. It is true they intend to harm me. The difference between them and you is they torture the body while your kind torment the soul. If I was captured here I would die a thousand times and my sufferings would not have begun. “

  The Reiver wizard groaned with the effort he was making to free himself. The little fellow’s attention wandered for a moment. He swore as a rock struck him on the forehead. The folds of the coat closed freeing the Reivers who roared and charged at him. Scampering to the edge of the precipice he jumped. They could hear laughing as he fell.

  The Reivers stared into the abyss. Rond looked at Norry …“ You could have taken his offer.”

  “I would if it had been genuine.”

  .“Collect the gear. We keep moving until we get out of here. Eat and drink on the move. If you have to shit, do it now. Anyone that stops gets left behind…

  Footsteps sounded in the long dark, some light, some with a heavy tread. Eyes watched , yellow and feral . Norry was tied on the back of one of the Reivers ducking as the tunnel came lower. Running, they kept on until he lost track of time..

  He had a choice. Escape now or wait until they came back to the world. If he escaped after they came out he would not be at liberty for long. Reivers could track like bloodhounds. …If he waited the world and the people he loved woul
d go down to ruin. If he stayed he would face damnation. He worked the stone into his palm.

  Fresh air came around their feet; sweet with the promise of water. They surged forward, maddened by thirst. The light grew stronger. The sorcerer turned to Rond.”Keep them together, we are near the end” His whisper carried and the others cheered.

  Norry jumped, head banging against a sidewall. Cowering in the shadows, blood dripped from his scalp…The magicker let the staff blaze, searching for him. Scrambling to his feet, Norry bolted. The wizard called, pleading with him to return. He would be safe, honoured. All he had to do was stop and come back. Norry’s feet slowed . He glanced over his shoulder. The wizard was gesturing, reaching out to him, like a loving parent. How could he do this? run from those who loved him. A lip of rock caught his foot, crashing him to the ground. Pain flared clearing his mind. He jumped to his feet.. At the edge where the wizards light gave way to darkness a fissure loomed. Air came from it, foetid with the smell of corruption. Hands reached for him. Avoiding their clutches he ran to the edge and launched himself into abyss.

  Wild Country

  The dogs were the problem. If they went south at the crossroads they could stay where they were. That would change if the patrol came the other way. “We should have moved when we had the chance. If they come by the road the dogs will smell us .”Hawkmoon blew on his fingers“Get the weapons and the gear.”

  Taking the glass Hawkmoon searched the village. Standing by a Monkey Puzzle tree,an officer was arguing with a frightened man. A woman came with a basket. She smiled at the commander , touching him. He pushed her away, shouting at his troops. They ran to a barn pulling the doors open. Sacks and barrels were pulled out. One of the barrels split, spilling grain. An argument broke out with the officer who struck the headman with the hilt of a sword

  A wagon rolled to a stop. The soldiers started loading. A crowd was beginning to gather near the headman who sat in the snow, dazed. Waving swords the soldiers began to push them to the warehouse. Hawkmoon tensed...“Hawkmoon listen to me. There is nothing we can do. “


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