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Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles)

Page 26

by Unknown

  I am convinced her offer is sincere but Landis has gone to the core of the matter. How do we trust her good intentions but devise a path to victory if she is treacherous? She may be sincere but what if she is assassinated and replaced by a puppet of the nobility?

  From our knowledge of their strategy in past conflicts their plan will be to concentrate their population in the capital city and evacuate them over the sea when our armies draw close.” The Marshall laid out a smaller map.” This is the port of their city. It is one of the finest natural harbours on the continent and the principle source of their prosperity. The Queen is sure she can remove her people from harm’s way and her confidence is justified.. He pointed at the map. “The harbour mouth is wide but only the mid channel is deep enough to allow passage for heavy ships; the kind they will use to move the populace.

  They are expecting the attack to come in mid to late summer of next year. What they don’t know is that an avalanche at the Escarpment has made a breach sufficient to pass a small force. They are assembled and wait for the first thaw. Their orders are to divide into groups of fifty and make their way south. Those who get to the Royal City will seek work at the port . At the right time they will seize one of the ships and scuttle it in mid channel. This will not only seal the inhabitants within the city but block attempts to bring in food.”Strongbow looked at his officers. “If they prove treacherous I will destroy their city and everyone in it.”

  “I wonder if we should in any case” Selmar mused.

  “No. That would give victory to the vampires. If there is a chance of reaping the rewards she offers I will take it with both hands.” Strongbow drew the heavy curtains over the window.” There are a number of tasks to be dealt with. We will discuss them tomorrow. Selmar, I want plans and requirements for moving First Corps to the Escarpment. They are to support the construction of both ramps. .I want them in shelter to survive the Winter and ready to move when the Spring comes. Prepare a report on the most suitable officers to command the garrison forces. They have to be capable soldiers of proven loyalty. They must be strong enough to resist pressure from the Wampyrhii and threats from our political enemies. I want to see how you plan to distribute our forces when we reach the Plains..”Selmar rose, saluted and left

  “Landis …I want measures in place to deal with the Wampyrhii in the capital. Their representative is waiting in the Main Hall. I intend to provoke him into making threats. When they see us moving our wives and children they will take it as a response to his threats. On the departure of the army make arrangements for the families to come to my estate..I want a coordinated plan to destroy any they send with us, including their gliders. They will be of use up to a point. After that I want them killed” Strongbow resumed his seat.”. Tell him to come up.”

  “Shall I escort him; he will expect a staff officer.”

  “Send him alone… better still, one of the guards, the lowest rank you can find.” Landis smiled. “My Lord”

  He was making notes when a mailed fist pounded on the door.

  “Come”.Strongbow continued to pore over a document. Footsteps came on polished marble.The Marshall raised his head, peering over spectacles .“Yes?”A palace guard stood to one side, towered over by his visitor who was struggling to keep his temper

  “Your pardon , Lord Marshall, … this Vam …this gentleman … that is to say. He’s been waiting you see.”

  “Well done Landis, excellent choice”

  “What is his name? Can’t you introduce him?”

  Strongbow shot a look at the vampire whose normally pale face was suffused with anger. “My name is Hiron Barzum. My father is High Vampire of the Northern Enclave .“

  “Thank you guard, you are dismissed. “The guard made his way out.

  “I take umbrage at being treated like a common messenger….”

  “Which is what you are .Sit down” The vampire was tall, with broad shoulders, dressed in a heavy cloak.. Locking the diary in his desk he assessed his visitor.

  This one is ambitious but he lacks his fathers’ self control. The old vampire would never allow himself to be goaded.

  “ Sit down…You will be pleased to hear that we are in a position to repay the funds advanced by your father.” It was a lie. He wanted to see the vampire’s reaction.

  “The agreement calls for the funds to be repaid in three years or after the end of the war.”

  “Nevertheless we are keen to end our obligations to the Wampyrhii”

  “The agreement with the former Marshall…”

  “Was with the former Marshal. As the new Lord Marshall I am unhappy with the obligations placed on us . I have arranged alternative financing. You will receive high praise on your return to the First Aerie. Full repayment plus a healthy return on your investment.

  Barzum made a mistake sending the youngster. I can read him like a book. Now that he is off balance I can press him further

  “In truth there are several aspects of your dealings with us that I am less than enamoured with.” Strongbow continued before the younger Barzum could reply. “The most serious problem is the size of the invasion force. It is too large. You can tell your father that we will be leaving a portion of the army at home. I am unhappy with the oversight you have demanded. You wanted command of certain armies and to his credit the former Lord Marshall refused. An outsider, “ Strongbow glared at Barzum” particularly vampires, in charge of Reivers is unacceptable..

  There are a cadre of advisers assigned to the High Command and more to accompany the armies. These will be withdrawn. We have no need of them. Reivers were fighting wars when the Wampyrhii were hiding in the backs of caves sucking on bones.. Reivers are honourable. We fight in open order, by daylight. Your weapons are deceit and treachery. We don’t require your expertise, such as it is. The gliders we will keep. They are useful for reconnaissance. However they will be under our command. The first hint that they are refusing to work as ordered , they will be slain.”

  Barzum sneered. “You talk a big talk .. Do you realize who it is you threaten.”

  Strongbow leaned over the desk. The vampire sat still, outwardly calm except for his nails which had extended into talons. “It would solve everything if he lost control. Selmar could hold the armies long enough to form an alliance with the Queen.

  “The question is, do you realize who you threaten. We are not some isolated hamlet at the edge of the forest. We are a nation. Your infection is too weak to corrupt our blood . Our warriors are your equal. You have nothing we want” The Marshall pointed a finger.

  “Know this, we will go to war because we have no choice. But never think that you have power over us. The day of the Reiver has come. If you ever cause trouble I will send twenty armies to the North. Your castles will be broken. We will dig you out of your warrens and watch while you burn in the sun.”

  Strongbow sat back, picked up a pen and looked over some documents. Almost as an afterthought he raised his head to regard the vampire “You are dismissed.”

  The door opened. He thought the vampire had gone until a voice spoke tight with the effort of control.” My compliments to you Lord Marshall and to your beautiful wife and children.” Strongbow looked up, glaring at the vampire . Barzum smiled, knowing the threat had been understood.

  After the door closed Strongbow unlocked the desk andremoved a sheaf of documents. The letter from the Khan was the first to go in the fire. The ambassador to the Chian would be leaving the city in another week. Their families would be safe at the Court of Heaven.

  A Fleeting Goodbye

  Bekter was ill. That his suffering was self-ordained made it no easier to tolerate.. He had consumed quantities of the ale brewed by the elves. His condition worsened until the care of weapons required him to visit the blacksmith. A former resident of the Western Cape I t emerged that the fellow hankered for the drink of his homeland. His solution consisted of shipments of metal among which were several crates of the brandy for which that country is justly famous.
br />   The apprentices were dismissed. Fires were permitted to burn hot enough to provide a pleasant drinking environment. When two bottles were empty and a third opened they sat in companionable silence. staring into the coals. “Twenty nine years, we fought together, travelled, hunted … Men or magicker. Didn’t make no difference. We killed em’ all. Made money and spent it… saved his skin a time or two… He has faced everything and never been daunted….. Calls sorcerers to heel like they were mongrels….Time was we would sit by the fire with pipes and a cask of malted beer. He would start on about a piece of mischief, a prince leaning on his neighbours, a forest where people had been disappearing…. By morning there was a plan and an angry wife to be soothed….The company is strong... Hawkmoon apart, Chatto is the best I have ever seen “

  He was silent, eyes vacant. He looked at the blacksmith who returned his gaze . Bekter started to speak. Once begun, the words tumbled out. He spoke of the Paths of the Dead, the Guardian. Finally he spoke of the Hanging Tree.

  “Years ago ,we stopped at a monastery in Seareach. I’m not a religious man. Couldn’t be doing with all of it… There was an old monk. He said the worst thing for a man was to know the true nature of evil. He says it changes a person. I never understood that…

  At first it was dreams. Nothing unusual in that. It happens after heavy fighting… It gets worse every day.Hawkmoon blames himself…”Bekter stood, shambling out of the forge.. “I’m going home…. That’s what I’ll do. … Forget about this life.” He left, muttering to himself.

  The next day marked the beginning of the first warm spell.. Hawkmoon was away on reconnaissance. Bekter waited for him to return before announcing his decision .

  “This is an early thaw. There will be more snow. Why the hurry?”

  Bekter shrugged,” I am concerned about my family“

  Hawkmoon regarded his friend. Bekter’s eyes were haunted. The evil of the Hanging Tree had gone to the very core of his being. For all its grace not even the bowers of Elfhome could offer protection. When he left its borders it would be worse…

  “Stay here. When this is over I will bring your family to Elfhome. They will be welcome.”

  Bekter stood back. “No my friend. All these years, leaving her to struggle alone. She is not young anymore. This is our last child. Except for the first, I was never there. It is enough”

  “When are you leaving?”

  “In the morning”

  A guard knocked on the door. It was opened by a page who led Bekter to where the King waited.

  He bowed . “Lord Aladan, I have come to say farewell.”

  Their home was larger than others in Elfhome but modest compared to the palaces of other kings. The Lord was getting his pipe started. His lady sat close. “The road to Reenavanna is clear. There are no Reivers within a week of Elfhome....I have letters to be placed in the hands of your Sovereign.”

  Bekter put them in his jacket. “It has been years since the former Queen severed relations between the Realm and Elfhome. Should a troop of elven warriors appear at the court it would be a rare sight and pleasing to Her Majesty. “

  Aladan smiled.” My friend, you have an unsuspected gift for diplomacy… Alas we have need of everyone capable of bearing arms. It is unlikely that Elfhome can escape what is to come..”

  Bekter’s mind was lost in images of war in this haven of peace.. The Wampyrhii hated and preyed upon all the peoples of the Land but reserved particular spite for those from whom they had descended. His face echoed his feelings. The king continued. “Our plan is to find the enemy and harass it with small attacks while the people run before it. Elves are valiant but we cannot stand against a Reiver army. The valley will be poisoned, the land destroyed. We will be cut off from the source of our lives. We will be unhomed.”

  Bekter looked at the Elven Lord, noting the weight of years. Many came to Elfhome and found ease for their spirits. Those who lived here knew lives of peace and harmony. All except the Lord and Lady charged with the duty of ensuring that it should ever be so.

  Bekter leaned across and placed his hand on the Kings’ arm. From another it would have been a grave breach of etiquette.” Your Majesty, you are not without allies in this. If the world leaves you to stand alone you have Hawkmoon and me. We have broken armies; we know how to do it …. Stay in your homes. Help will come” The Lord and Lady gazed long at Bekter, touched by his care yet knowing in their hearts that even men as mighty as these could not prevent the sorrow that was to come.

  Bekter remained seated until the King rose. Aladan took a wrapped bundle from a flat box held by the page. He parted the wrapping of velvet to show a coat of silver chainmail. It shone in the light of the morning. “When friendship stood between the Woodland Elves and the Dwarves of Silverlode we exchanged gifts. This was given to my grandfather on the eve of one of the many wars we fought together. It will prevent any weapon, natural or the work of sorcery. It saved my father’s life and mine on one occasion. Wear it with honour”. Bekter looked at it doubtfully. It was made to suit the frame of an Elf. “You will find that it fits.”

  Afternoon had come and gone by the time they reached the limits of Elvish country. They stood on the brow of a hill gazing at a distant range which sloped to the edge of the great river.

  “I was thinking of the little fellow…from Tarissa. What was his name?”

  Hawkmoon shook his head.

  “A gambler tried to knife him… What was his name? He told me he was a Dragonrider and if ever I needed a favour….” Bekter laughed. “Strange to think of him now”.

  “Aladan would have sent elves if he had them to spare…”

  “I know that.” Bekter said reaching to shake hands. There was too much to say and little reason to say it. Without a backward glance he turned his mount and rode away.

  The Company Goes Forth.

  Enoch arrived in conversation with the King. The two of them looked as thick as thieves Chattto leaned to Hawkmoon and whispered:” I don’t remember including him in this”

  “We will have need of him before this is over. That fellow comes and goes as he pleases. Every chieftain from Seareach to the Icelands knows him. .”

  The wizard had a mane of hair and a flowing white beard. Past his middle years, yet he carried himself with the bearing of a younger man. He had a new staff, carved from ebony, topped with silver... He was wearing the same clothes he arrived in, tattered and travel stained. Despite efforts to clean and patch them he looked like a hill farmer.

  Servants had arranged the chairs. A map had been moved from the wall and placed in front supported by a wooden trestle. Bowing to the King a frail woman stood before the assembly.. She spoke with the modulated tone of those who have passed their lives in places of learning.

  ”Your Majesties, honoured guests , our business today is to devise a means of reaching the site discovered by Hawkmoon .

  We have been working on a translation of a document sent to us by the Queen of the Dasatii. Her people were unable to understand the language. In truth we too have struggled with it. However we have made some progress. Al Jiddah has provided reference points in the part we have translated. There are problems, however To start with, the country he describes does not exist. There are two possibilities. Either al Jiddah was wrong or the desert has spread to cover the original site. The latter is the stronger possibility. The theory was strengthened when we received a note from Hawkmoon with reference points for a structure in the sands. If I place them on the map like this…” She pinned them to the cloth” …you can see that they coincide. Hawkmoon had moments to mark the positon when he passed over the site . It has been years since al Jiddah found the place. . In that time the sands have come right to the edge of the Challon River. The river has had little influence in halting the spread of the desert. It flows through canyons of Granite with layers of Porphyr which prevent water from leaking. The city was founded in the Elder days. It may contain devices that might be adapted for purposes of war. The Wampyrhii h
ave at least one. We must take possession of anything else… An army could not cross and yet we must go there.”

  Aladan spoke. “I understand the need for haste, yet I would counsel patience until the scouts return. I am concerned that Reivers might still be at large... It has been a hard Winter but they are a hardy folk. A number of our scouts will return in days. They will have word of the country between here and Reenavanna. The main troop will leave when they are fully assembled. They will go to see your friend” Aladan said looking at Hawkmoon

  . “She’s no friend of mine”

  “She has odd ways but no one hates the Wampyrh more …. We know about the Elf impaled before her cave however it was not she that murdered him. He was alone when the Reivers came on him. They ate parts of him She found the bones and set off to hunt them None of them survived She will hand over the remains and he will be brought home.”

  The company assembled the following morning. The mood was sombre. Sara stood at Hawkmoon’s side as he strapped on an assortment of weaponry. A bag of arrows went over one shoulder, an Elven Longbow on the other. The ponies carried a thousand arrows in the supplies and the scouts had been well equipped. The axe was propped against the butt of the wall. The elves passed giving it glances, some in awe, some with distaste. Weapons assembled, equipment secured he turned to Sara. Her face was pale and wan, the glint of tears in her eyes He held her while she leant against him, her body trembling

  He had lived with Elves over the years. Their women were tall and lovely. Some of them had shared his bed. He had loved none of them. Why was it different now? What had happened? A man not given to introspection, he doubted if he would ever understand.

  I know here… “she touched her forehead “that you should go. The quest must be fulfilled. All I ask is that you return” Hawkmoon held her out so that he could see her face. “I would cut my way through the Underworld.” He drew her back in his arms.


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