Book Read Free

Just a Love Story

Page 14

by Sable Hunter

  “My favorite.” As she drizzled the savory oil mixture on the bed of greens, he took a big bite of lasagna, then made all sorts of faces when it burned his mouth. “Hot, hot, hot, hot.”

  Shae giggled so hard, she had to hold her head. “Don’t make me laugh,” she pleaded with him.

  “Sorry, baby.” He cupped the unbruised side of her face. “Let me try that again.” This time before he took a bite, Derek took the time to blow on the tangy concoction. When he finally tasted the dish, he moaned.

  Shae widened her eyes. “Bad?” She took a quick bite of her own to see if she’d put in too much salt or something.

  “God, no.” He took another bite, savoring it with the same depth of enjoyment. “This is amazing. Even better than the cookies and they were fabulous.”

  “You enjoyed them?” she asked with such surprised pleasure that he felt instant remorse. He’d never thanked her for the food she’d left for him to sample as he worked.

  “I enjoyed it all. I should’ve told you. I’m sorry.”

  She waved away his concern. “Let’s not worry about any of that. I’m just glad you like the lasagna. Feeding you is a small thing compared to what you’ve done for me.”

  While they ate, the couple learned little things about one another.

  “What’s your favorite band?” she asked, nibbling on a piece of cucumber.

  “I like Coldplay and U2. I listen to country sometimes too. How about you?”

  She shrugged. “I like Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, and Stevie Ray Vaughan. I adore Stevie. There’ll never be another one like him.”

  “He was from Austin, you know,” Derek reminded her. “What’s your favorite of his?”

  “I love everything on The Sky Is Crying album.”

  “Oh, yea. Me too.”

  “What’s your favorite vacation spot?” she asked, moving on to another topic.

  “Aspen,” he answered without hesitation. “Yours?

  “My family didn’t take vacations, so I’ve never been anywhere outside of Texas and Louisiana. I’ve always enjoyed Galveston.”

  “Me too. If you could only go to two states, I guess Texas and Louisiana are the best.”

  “What’s the funniest thing that ever happened to you?” she asked hungry for anything he could tell her about himself.

  He took another bite and considered what he would say. “Well, I guess it would be one time when I went crabbing in a fresh water bayou and this little water snake swam up my britches leg. I jumped and hopped and danced, yelling at the top of my lungs. Not that I was really scared, you know, it was just a creepy, weird feeling. I put my hands on my thigh, trying to stop the rascal from getting all the way up to my manly business…”

  By this time Shae was giggling so hard she couldn’t sit still. “What did you do?”

  “I shucked it all, leaving that snake far behind. Came running out of the water in just a T-shirt with my twig and berries dangling in the breeze.”

  “Oh, no! I wish I could’ve seen you!”

  “Ha! I knew you had designs on my manhood.” He loved her laugh, he could listen to it forever. “How about you?”

  “Something quite similar, actually.” She had to take a couple of deep breaths before she could continue. “I was asked to play the piano for a revival in a little country church. This place was so deep in the backwoods, they didn’t even have air conditioning. To stave off the heat, the windows and doors were left open to attract a cross breeze. I was up at the front, playing old hymns on this ancient upright piano while everybody sang to the top of their lungs…when suddenly, I heard a couple of women scream.” She paused to take a sip of water. “Knowing how some folks acted in church, I figured they might’ve gotten a little bit too much of the Holy Ghost.”

  “That wasn’t it?”

  Shae shook her head. “No. A small squirrel had come scampering in, why I don’t know. Seeing it was surrounded, he darted down the aisle and proceeded to run up people’s legs, across their laps, and even in one woman’s hair.”

  Derek was laughing. “How did they get rid of it? They didn’t kill it, did they?”

  “Are you kidding? I left the piano bench and rushed to the squirrel’s rescue, threatening men and boy’s alike who wanted to clobber it with a hymnal. I finally managed to head it off and turn it toward the door. The preacher called the whole thing Satan’s way of quenching the Spirit, but I thought I saw more spirit in those people dodging that little squirrel than I’d seen in many a day.”

  “I think that was written up in a Ray Stevens song.” He laughed again.

  “I’d say the event inspired the song, but I think this happened a few years after. Maybe the squirrel heard the song and it gave him ideas.”

  They were both smiling so hard, he couldn’t resist reaching over and brushing a strand of hair off her cheek. “So, you’ve been causing trouble for quite a while, haven’t you?”

  Her smile faded. “Yea, I guess so.”

  “Hey, I didn’t mean anything by what I said,” Derek cursed his quick words. “I’ll clean up the kitchen.” He patted her shoulder. “Go find that book and a comfortable place for us to see the night through.”

  “Okay.” She didn’t know if this was a good idea or not. “Maybe I’ll write a little while you read. I’ve got a deadline looming.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He went to work. “I’ll join you in a jiffy.”

  Shae felt like she was living someone else’s life as she walked off and left Derek Alden working in her kitchen. Who would’ve ever thought something like this could happen to her? Maybe he was the silver lining in her otherwise dark thundercloud.

  By the time he came into the living room, she was curled up on the couch with her laptop and a paperback book waiting for him on the seat beside her.

  “There you are.” Derek knelt by her. “Look at me.”

  He stared into her eyes and Shae knew he was checking for the tell-tale signs the doctor had told him to look for. “I’m going to be okay. Coretta always said I have the hardest head of anyone she’s ever known. Otherwise, I’m just sore and tired.”

  And confused.

  Having Derek here and him being nice to her was tilting Shae’s world on its axis.

  “Okay. Just a few more hours and you can sleep the day away.”

  “You’ll have to sleep too.”

  “I will.” He rose and picked up the book with a smile. “What have we here?”

  “I just picked the first in the series. I hope that’s okay.”

  Derek looked at the handsome cowboy on the cover. “Do you know this guy?”

  Was there a hint of jealousy in his tone? “No, I don’t. I friended him on Facebook. He’s a male model and a personal trainer. His photos are sold on a website. I pay for it, download it, and send it to the person who does my covers. Some authors meet the models at conventions, but I don’t go to those. The only fans I’ve met in person are a few who live fairly close. I’ve met one or two of them out of town and bought them a meal on occasion.”

  “Hmmm, this guy sure has some damn big muscles.”

  “No bigger than yours.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her and Shae promptly returned her attention to the laptop.

  Derek settled down on the couch at the opposite end from her, propping one leg up on the middle cushion. He studied the cover, noting her penname. “Jessabelle.”

  “Not after the Biblical troublemaker, Jezebel. Jessa and Belle were ladies in my family years ago.”

  While she spoke, he read the blurb on the back. “Sounds interesting.” He shifted deeper into the softness of the couch and opened the cover. “Okay, here I go.”

  Shae tensed, knowing her penchant for starting the books off with a bang – per se. When she began to write, she read an article that you only have a few sentences to capture the reader’s attention. Couple that tendency with online sellers who allow the customer to read the first few pages before they buy, plus the ability to return the
book for a full refund within the first seven days…well, you have to go big or go home.

  “Dang…” Derek whispered, his eyes widening. He didn’t look at Shae, but he did cough, clear his throat, and bring his leg down to sit up straight.

  Shae shook her head and closed her eyes, expecting him to toss the book down and make a run for it.

  But he didn’t.

  He kept reading and she finally settled down enough to type a few sentences. She was writing on the book starring Derek and everything he did and said gave her a little more to work with. Shae was sure this would be her best book ever.

  As the minutes rolled on, he laughed a few times. More than once, he tensed up and brought the book closer. At one point, he reached over and grabbed a sofa pillow to bring over into his lap. Shae kept expecting him to stop reading, but one hour became two and Derek kept his head buried in the novel. When she had to go to the restroom, Derek didn’t even notice when she left or when she returned.

  Or so she thought.

  Derek was ultra-aware of every breath Shae took. He loved the book; the story was great. Like she said, there was action and a bad guy. He found himself rooting for the couple to overcome their troubles. This read nothing like he thought a romance book would, he could picture it all. Hell, it was like many movies he watched – only with more sex.

  While Shae was out of the room, he slid his hand beneath the pillow to rub his aching cock. “My God…” The sex was unlike anything he’d ever read in his life. She painted a picture more compelling than any explicit material he’d ever watched or read before. Every touch. Every kiss. How the man felt as he brought the woman pleasure. How the woman’s desire grew until she welcomed the act with a desperate longing. This was more than sex, he could feel the couple’s emotion, anticipate their rush to ecstasy. The picture she painted was tender but hot as hell. “Fuck…fuck…fuck…”

  “What did you say?” Shae asked him as she reentered the room after her second bathroom break. “You don’t like it?”

  Derek couldn’t lie to her if he’d wanted to. “I love it. Give me another one. I want to read them all.”


  For the first time in his life, Derek spent the day in bed.

  Not with a woman.

  With a book. Two books, actually.

  He slept. He ate. He read. He jacked-off and then he read some more.

  And through it all he found himself completely fascinated by Shae St. John. His estimation of her and her writing changed. This wasn’t porn. The story was explicit – no doubt about that – but she was creating a compelling world with heroes and heroines that people could care about. The plots were intricate and the characters were well developed.

  Wanting to know more, he looked her up on Amazon to find her books were selling well. Hell, the woman had hit the New York Times best seller list twice. When he went to her website, he found no trace of the girl he knew. The biography was apparently a conceived one, describing someone who didn’t exist. Different age. Different marital status. Different town. Even a different dog. Derek understood this. Shae had done her best to hide. Unfortunately, someone figured out who she was anyway.

  As he read her work, he began to understand why people might react so viscerally.

  First, the woman he had come to know did not seem like a person who could write this. Derek wasn’t reacting out of any sense of judgment. God knows, he wasn’t perfect. No, she just came across as too sweet, too proper. Too much of a do-gooder for goodness sake. Anyone who immersed themselves in these stories would assume the author was a hedonistic temptress.

  That wasn’t really fair either. Other than the obvious sensuality and adventure, there was also a lot of faith in the books. It wasn’t unusual to have the person pray for an outcome. He also caught a lot of references to southern country things, local folklore. Even recipes. Derek smiled.

  All this together, brought him to reason number two why the locals were acting like rabid dogs.

  They were jealous.

  Not just of the money she was earning, which he knew had to be good. Her grandmother’s care wasn’t cheap. No, they had to be jealous of the love pouring out to her from people all over the world. While they treated her like dirt, there were fans who’d give their eyeteeth just to meet her. Yet, as far as he could tell, none of that had gone to her head. She seemed humble and surprised when anyone, including himself, was kind to her.

  But the main reason people had to be jealous of Shae St. John was the way she approached sex. Holy Fuck. He had no idea what men had been allowed into her bed, but he hated them. Hate-ed them! Hell, he couldn’t stop wondering how much of this was taken from her real life.

  God, she must be a hellcat in bed.

  Derek put down the book he was reading and grasped his cock. He was on fire for her. Even his sleep was haunted by dreams of Shae. God knows, he’d jacked off more in the last twenty-four hours than he had in his last sexless year. As he pumped his cock, he reread one of the sex scenes, turning the hero into him and the heroine into her.

  Talk about one-handed reading.

  Derek reached his climax at the same time as the characters, jetting his desire all over his abs. “Dammit!” Rising to his feet, he went to the bathroom to clean up, thinking about Shae every step of the way.

  What really struck him was that the books he’d read could serve as a very valuable tool. Besides being a good read, they were a detailed instruction manual on how to seduce Shae St. John. What she liked. How she wanted to be touched. Exactly what turned her on.

  How in the hell was he going to keep his hands off her?

  And did he really want to?

  Derek was up and dressing for work when his phone rang.

  Thinking of June, he hurried to answer without checking the read-out.

  “Derek, this is Zane.”

  “Oh, hey. How are you?”

  “Can’t complain. What are the chances you could come and sit down with me?”

  “Pretty good. What’s up?”

  “Like I told you, the PI has unearthed some info on your ex-wife. I found it very interesting and I’d rather go over it in person.”

  “Sounds serious.”

  “It could be, that’s why I want to tell you face to face.”

  “Sure. Could this help me?”

  “Friend, if I have anything to do with it, I can guarantee this will help you.”

  Derek felt relieved. “Great, Zane. I’m glad you’re on my side. How about tomorrow?”

  “The sooner the better.”

  “I’ll see you then, Saucier. How’s Presley and the baby?”

  “Wonderful. They keep me sane.”

  “I’m glad.”

  As Derek left for Shae’s he wore a smile. Things were definitely looking up.

  * * *

  After a good rest, Shae awoke the next morning anticipating what the day would bring. She rose, dressed, fed the dog, then scurried around the kitchen making a big batch of cinnamon rolls. She also put soup makings in a crockpot. When lunch time came, there would be something warm and tasty to eat. She was sure Derek would be hungry.

  Shae looked forward to seeing him, although she had no idea what to expect when she did. The other day, after staying awake all night, Derek had carried Shae to bed and tucked her in, saying goodbye with a chaste kiss to her lips. Since she’d just finished writing a sex scene starring him, the urge to pull him down on the bed and have her wicked way with him was strong. Now, she had no idea if they’d turned some kind of proverbial corner or if they would act like their odd time together never happened. Either way, she knew she’d never forget the magical hours when they’d been friends.

  Unwilling to take a chance, Shae set out to spend her day the way she had before. After taking the hot rolls from the oven, she iced them with a creamy sugary concoction, then placed the platter out where Derek would see them. As soon as the nursing home finished serving breakfast, she planned to check on Coretta. The ol
d woman’s appetite was small and she wasn’t fond of the daily dose of scrambled eggs and ham. Hopefully, she would find her grandmother receptive to a visit – and a cinnamon roll.

  Checking the clock, Shae straightened her dress, grabbed the laptop, then started out the door. Just before she stepped outside, she had a thought. “I think I’ll leave him a note, just in case he…cares.” Stopping at the counter, she placed the computer down, and found a pen and paper to write him a quick message.

  I’ve gone to see Coretta. Enjoy the sweet treat.

  Satisfied, she regathered her things and headed down the steps.

  As she drove through town, Shae refused to acknowledge any stares she received. Instead of searching the faces of people she passed for a hint of what they were thinking, Shae looked straight ahead, even lifting her chin a bit higher. Derek’s kind words had gone a long way in healing some of the old wounds.

  When she pulled her car into the visitors parking area, Marilee Rose seemed to be waiting on her. “Surely not,” she muttered. “How could she know I was on the way?” Unless…someone called her who’d seen Shae driving over. “News travels fast in this town.”

  Refusing to be afraid, she climbed from the car and met her nemesis with a smile. “Hello, Marilee. It’s a pretty day today, isn’t it?”

  “Love your new body art.” She cackled at the sight of Shae’s bruises.

  Refusing to let herself be bullied again, she looked the woman straight in the eye. “Badges of honor.”

  Marilee narrowed her gaze at Shae. “How can you hold your head up in polite company?”

  All her life, Shae had held her tongue. She never made back at people. She usually didn’t think of any snappy retort until it was too late to say it.

  Not today.

  After looking around, Shae returned her steady gaze to Marilee. “I guess I’m okay. I don’t see any polite company.” Stepping to one side, she attempted to walk around the sneering woman.

  “Not so fast,” she grabbed Shae roughly by the arm, making her move in a way that pulled sore, bruised muscles.


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