Just a Love Story

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Just a Love Story Page 26

by Sable Hunter

  “What kind of plan?”

  “Just wait until I cross-examine her. You’ll see.”

  Derek entered the courtroom, surprised to see all the seats were full. “What’s going on? This isn’t the OJ Simpson trial. What are all these people doing here?”

  “I don’t know.” Zane looked around. “I see some reporters and television people are here. Yep.” He pointed to the area at the rear of the courtroom. “Cameras.”

  “Why? This is a custody case.”

  Zane shrugged. “Either Blair’s lawyer called them or they got a whiff of a story.”

  “About Shae?”

  “Maybe.” He shrugged, pulling one of his assistants aside. “See what you can find out.” To the other man, he instructed. “Call Rylen and get an update.”

  Derek took a seat, seeing his ex across the way with her lawyer and several women surrounding them. One of them was Cheryl. He shook his head, still not understanding what was going on. Blair noticed him looking their way and pinned Derek with another poisonous glare. He felt a cold chill run up his spine. This wasn’t going to be pretty.

  “Just sit tight, Derek. We’ll get started in a few moments.”

  After reassuring him, Zane spoke to a few people, conferring with the other lawyer and the judge before taking a seat next to Derek.

  “What’s going on?”

  “We’re about to start. I’ll give my opening statement, then the opposing counsel will give his. After that, we’ll begin to call our witnesses. I’m counting on Rylen to bring us some evidence ASAP.”

  Derek nodded, wondering what kind of evidence Blair’s lawyer had on him. He kept his eye on the door looking for Shae.

  Zane, seeing where he was gazing, gave him some insight. “Witnesses aren’t allowed into the courtroom until they’re called – if that’s who you’re looking for.”

  “I see.” Derek held his hands together, clasping them so tightly, he began to lose feeling in his fingers. “When is this going to start?”

  “Hear ye, Hear ye. The courtroom will stand! Judge Judith Elgin presiding.”

  Like everyone else, Derek stood to his feet and watched the very prim, petite judge come into the courtroom. She had salt and pepper dark hair and wore big glasses. She reminded him of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. He couldn’t suppress a smile at the thought.

  “What are you grinning at?” Zane whispered out of the corner of his mouth.

  “The judge looks like the notorious RBG.”

  Zane rolled his eyes as Judge Elgin rapped her gavel. “You may be seated.” She shuffled through her papers. “We’re hear to decide the custody of minor, June Alden. The father, Derek Alden, is petitioning for joint custody.” She raised her eyes and looked at Derek. He held back his smile this time. “The mother, Blair Ketchum Alden, is applying for full custody.” She met Blair’s gaze, this time with a very assessing look. “Shall we begin?”

  At the direction of the bailiff, Zane rose and began to speak. “My client, Derek Alden, is petitioning for joint custody of his daughter, June. We intend to show the merits of his character, his love, and his ability to provide a good home for his daughter. We will also outline his willingness to cooperate with his ex-wife in all matters of joint custody.”

  As Zane took a seat, Blair’s lawyer pulled his heft to his feet and addressed the court. “I’m representing Blair Ketchum, your honor. We plan to reveal the true state of Derek Alden’s unfortunate state of affairs and his unsuitability to regain custody of his daughter. I will prove to this court, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the fact that this man is unfit to be a parent.”

  “Dang.” Derek felt all eyes in the room fall on him. “I feel guilty all ready.”

  …Outside, in the hall, Shae sat uncertainly, clutching her bag to her chest. She felt sick to her stomach, having no idea what to expect. As much as she’d been through, this felt like the worst thing of all. There was no doubt in her mind that they would cast her in the worst light possible, all to hurt Derek. She bowed her head and offered up a prayer.

  Dear God, I know we haven’t talked in a long time. I guess I lost a bit of my faith when everyone lost faith in me. Please don’t let me hurt Derek. Do what you will to me but make it so my sins aren’t laid at his feet. Give him his daughter, he loves her so much. I love him too, as you well know. I don’t ask anything for myself, but please, please make me a blessing and not a curse in his life.


  “Ms. St. John, will you follow me?”

  Shae raised her head, her breath coming in quick, nervous pants. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  The bailiff held the door and allowed her to step through. Like a magnet, her eyes found Derek’s. He didn’t smile. Neither did she. After she was brought to the witness stand, Shae raised her right hand and promised to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

  “I do.”

  As she said the words, she met Derek’s gaze again. Saying those words in front of him was one of her dearest dreams, but not in this setting.

  A lawyer rose from his place at a table and sauntered toward her. He took off his glasses and surveyed Shae with disdain. “Ms. St. John, we are here to determine the fitness of Derek Alden as a parent. I understand he’s been having an affair with you. Is this true?”

  Her eyes grew wide and her breath grew shallow. “I…we…have spent some time together. He was renovating my house.”

  The lawyer smirked. “Is that what they’re calling it these days?”

  The judge rapped her gavel. “Mr. Holland, you’ll refrain from theatrics in my courtroom.”

  “Yes, your honor. So, did you indulge in a sexual relationship with this man?”

  She looked at Derek, wishing she could lie. “Yes, sir.”

  “What do you do for a living, Ms. St. John?”

  Okay. Here it comes, she thought.

  “I’m a writer.”

  “A writer.” He looked amused. “And what is it you write?”

  “Romance novels.”

  “Oh, really? Romance. Are you sure?”

  “Well, they have different subject matters.”

  The lawyer came forward and pointed his finger in her face. “Isn’t it true, Ms. St. John that you write the most salacious porn imaginable?”

  Derek ducked his head; his groan was audible from where she was sitting. “I guess it would depend on your definition of porn, sir.”

  The judge wrapped her gavel. “You must answer the question, Ms. St. John.”

  “Hold on.” The lawyer went to his table and picked up a book.

  Shae could see the novel was one of her paperbacks.

  “This book has explicit scenes, does it not?”

  She nodded, taking a deep breath. This might not be the time, but she felt like standing up for herself was standing up for Derek. “Yes, but I don’t think of it as porn. To me, it’s just a love story.”


  “Just a love story?” The lawyer placed a finger over his lips and tapped them. “Judge, I’d like to read you a snippet and you tell me what you think.”

  The judge wrapped her gavel. “That won’t be necessary.”

  “But judge, I think it’s pertinent to the case that you realize what this woman is writing.” He waved the book in the air. “This is filth.”

  The judge wrapped her gavel again. “Hand me the book, please.”

  Shae blanched as the woman in her long, black robe thumbed through the book, then paused to write something down. She handed the paperback to the lawyer without comment. “Continue.”

  Placated by her response, the lawyer moved on. “You used to work with children at your church, didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” Shae answered. “I led an afterschool program. I directed the Children’s Choir. I also directed the Vacation Bible School.”

  “Yet, you aren’t allowed to do those things anymore, are you?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Isn’t it true, M
s. St. John, that your community has rejected you? Your church has banned you? You were fired from you job and lost every friend you’ve ever had?”

  Shae looked at Derek with apology in her eyes. “That’s basically true, yes.”

  “So, isn’t it fair to say that you would be a bad influence on a child?”

  “No, sir. I don’t think that’s true. I would never do anything inappropriate with a child.”

  “But you couldn’t possibly be a good role model, could you?”

  Shae had no answer to that question. She just shook her head.

  “You must answer audibly, Miss St. John,” the judge directed her in a kind voice.

  “No, sir. I don’t suppose I’m the ideal role model for a child.”

  Down at his table, Derek boiled at the line of questioning. He felt furious at how Shae was being treated. There were titters and whispers from the rear of the courtroom. He could hear cameras clicking and see flashes going off. This was a nightmare.

  “No further questions, your Honor.”

  The judge motioned to Zane. “Do you have questions for this witness, Mr. Saucier?”

  “I do, your Honor.” Zane rose and came toward Shae. “Hello, Miss St. John. Thank you for being here today.” When Shae nodded, he proceeded. “Can you give me the basics of one of the plots of your books?”

  Shae cleared her throat. “Well, I always create flawed characters with obstacles to overcome. The source of the conflict in the book can be anything – abuse, cancer, prejudice, even an outside threat like a serial killer or a drug cartel. I’ve also used physical disabilities to create tension, like someone overcoming a stutter, or getting used to the loss of their eyesight or a limb. My characters range from cowboys, to soldiers, to musicians. I try to show how everyone is deserving of love, and that a person should never give up the hope of being happy.”

  “I see. So, there’s more to your books than sex?”

  “Yes, a lot more. There’s a full plot, the sex and love are just part of it. Like our lives should be.” She looked around the court room. “We all have jobs, interests, problems to overcome, things we hope to achieve, but we all hope we’ll find someone to love and enjoy – to make life worthwhile.”

  “Very nice.” Zane smiled at her gently. “And who reads your books?”

  Shae shrugged. “I have a wide variety of readers. Mostly women. All ages. Everything from housewives to professionals, business owners, and grandmothers.”

  “Do you think all of these women are perverts?”

  Shae shook her head with a laugh. “Not at all. I think they’re normal women who love to read and celebrate romance. They may read the books to remember the loves of their live. They may read them to fill lonely hours. There are as many reasons as there are people.”

  “Is it true your books have hit the New York Times best seller list?”

  “Yes, sir,” she answered softly.

  “Do you drink, Miss St. John?”

  “I’ve had a margarita.”

  “When? Today?” Zane asked.

  “No, just one. In my life.”

  “Do you have a lot of affairs with men?”

  “No, sir.” She blushed. “Well, I’ve had one.”

  “With the man in this courtroom?” He pointed to Derek.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “How would you describe this affair?” Zane asked.

  Derek frowned at his lawyer’s question, but he indicated Shae should answer.

  “The most wonderful event of my life. Derek is an amazing man. He’s been very kind to me. Defending me. Helping me. I can think of no person more qualified to be a good father.”

  “That will be all, your Honor.” Zane stepped away.

  “You may step down, Miss St. John.”

  “Thank you.”

  On the way from the courtroom, Shae was very aware of the eyes upon her. Reporters were making notes and cameramen were filming, but the only pair of eyes that mattered were Derek’s. She held his gaze while she passed him. Again, he didn’t smile at her, and she felt the absence of that smile like a knife in her heart.

  * * *

  Derek watched Shae go with mixed feelings. He resented the hell out of the lawyer for painting such a black picture of her, for turning what had been to him an almost sacred sharing of their bodies, into something sordid and ugly. But what he resented the most was his own stupid mistake. Why couldn’t he keep his dick in his pants? He’d shown a singular lack of judgment in letting himself get involved with any woman at such a critical time, much less a woman who’s own life and problems complicated things so spectacularly.

  Even with all these reservations, he couldn’t help but wish she could stay with him. In her presence, Derek found a peace and a passion he’d never known with anyone else.

  Over the next couple of hours, there were more witnesses. For him and against him. Drew Haley said things in his favor that made Derek’s throat feel tight.

  “Derek Alden is a good guy. He’s a man of honor and integrity. Providing for his family was always Derek’s highest priority. I never knew him to cheat anyone or do anything other than be a friend to his friends, and a good daddy to June. I’ve brought with me, other men of good reputation who will also vouch for Derek. Rancher Ky Landon and Texas Ranger, Tyler Landon. We are willing to vouch for all areas of Derek’s life. As for as his relationship with Shae St. John, he brought her to me to treat injuries she’d sustained when a couple of her neighbors stoned Shae with rocks as big as your fist.” He made a fist and the observers in the courtroom gasped.

  Drew answered questions posed by both lawyers, but in the end, he spoke from the heart and shook Derek’s hand as he left the courtroom. “I’m on my way to the airport now, but I’ll be back in town in a few days if you need me.”

  “Thanks, Drew.”

  The other men called to speak on his behalf told what they knew, what they’d witnessed. Derek appreciated their time and effort, and he planned on telling them so as soon as he could.

  On the opposing side, things didn’t start out well, and just got worse as the time progressed. Cheryl Hightower took the stand and told how she’d had an affair with him.

  Total lie.

  He nudged Zane and told him that, “This is bogus.”

  Zane held up his hand for them to listen.

  “I guess you could call it an affair. He seduced me, then when I tried to end things with him, he raped me.”

  “Do you have proof of this alleged encounter?” Blair’s lawyer asked with a knowing expression.

  “I do. We have security cameras in my home and I have a clip of us on the couch in my living room.”

  Upon the lawyer’s request and the judge’s permission, they brought forth a monitor and began to play a video that made Derek’s jaw drop. He was seeing himself with Cheryl, having nonconsensual sex. “That looks like me,” he whispered to Zane, “but it’s not. I swear.”

  Zane was given the opportunity to question Cheryl, but her accusation backed up by the tape was damning as hell.

  “We have more, your Honor, the final nail in the coffin, so to speak,” Blair’s lawyer asserted.

  Derek couldn’t imagine how things could get any worse.

  But they did…

  The next video shook the very foundation of Derek’s world. The clip showed him going into his daughter’s bedroom and doing things to June that made him want to throw up. His skin crawled. His eyes burned. Derek couldn’t contain himself. He jumped up and hit the tabletop with his fist. “That’s not true! It’s a lie! I would never hurt my daughter! Never!” He turned on Blair as Zane held him back. “You’re a liar! I don’t know how you did this, but you know it isn’t true!”

  “Order in the court. Order in the court.”

  While cameras flashed and reporters all talked at once, Derek was led from the courtroom in handcuffs.

  * * *

  Shae sat in Room 525 in the Driskill Hotel. Austin was only thirty-miles or so west of
Bastrop, so she hadn’t gone too far away from him. She just didn’t have the energy to drive back to East Texas so soon after testifying. Cathy was watching Mojo and checking on Coretta. She’d go home tomorrow, but tonight she’d stay in the place she’d shared with Derek.

  Unwilling to eat in a restaurant alone, she ordered room service. While she was sitting on the bed, Shae began to hear something odd.

  A woman crying.

  Rising to her feet, she went to the door and opened it, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. She could still hear the faint sobs, so she went first to the room on the left, leaning on its door to see if the noise was louder. Odd. She couldn’t hear the noise at all. Next, she did the same thing to the room on the right with the same results. Going back to her own door, she stood in the hall – listening.

  Heartfelt sobs drifted on the air.

  To Shae’s unease, she realized the cries were coming from her own room. Reentering, she eased in and heard them again.

  They were coming from the bathroom.

  “Oh, crap. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.” She’d wanted to feel close to Derek, not to whatever might be haunting Room 525. Before she could debate with herself about leaving, a waiter brought the food she’d ordered. Feeling weak from hunger, she sat on the bed and began to eat the burger and fries. Wanting to dine in peace, she turned on the television to drown out any eerie noises.

  Surfing through the channels, Shae almost dropped her burger when she happened upon a news report about Derek’s trial. To her mortification, she saw her own face on the television. “This is Shae St. John, the erotic romance writer better known as Jessabelle. She was called as a witness in the child custody case between former Austin contractor, Derek Alden, and his wife, Blair Alden. Ms. St. John was brought in to testify about her personal relationship with Mr. Alden. Ms. St. John writes explicit novels in the vein of Fifty Shades of Grey. To our surprise, this salacious testimony was surpassed by the surprising testimony that Derek Alden molested his child and the court has a copy of video evidence confirming this accusation. The trial ended suddenly when Mr. Alden was taken into custody. He is being held in the Bastrop County jail awaiting bail.”


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