Just a Love Story

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Just a Love Story Page 27

by Sable Hunter

  A flash of hurt and anger stole Shae’s breath. “He did not do this.” She was as convinced of Derek’s innocence as she was of the promise the sun would rise tomorrow. Shoving her food aside, she grabbed the phone to call Zane.

  “He’s innocent, Zane.”

  “I know he is. We’re working on figuring this out. I’m trying to arrange bail. I’d pay it, but the procedure is frowned upon by the bar.”

  “I’ll pay it. Just tell me where to go and when.”

  “Meet me at the police station within the hour.”

  Shae jumped up and grabbed her purse and shoes. As she left the room, the sound of the sobs seemed to rise in intensity and Shae hoped this wasn’t a sign of impending sorrow.

  …Sitting in the county jail, Derek couldn’t believe his life had come to this. Where had he gone wrong? He kept reliving the moment he saw himself pulling back the covers where his little girl lay and doing… “How could this be? I didn’t do this! I would never, ever hurt my little girl!”

  His mind clamored with questions. Unfortunately, he had no answers.

  Standing to his feet, he paced back and forth across the cell, stopping periodically to catch hold of the bars and look down the narrow hall. He wasn’t alone, but the other men being held weren’t inclined to conversate, not that he had anything to say to them.

  Crazy thoughts ran through his head. He knew he’d never knowingly commit so vile a deed, but what if he’d been drugged or hypnotized? His gut told them this wasn’t true. “God, I wish I could see the video again!” Maybe there was a clue he hadn’t noticed in the traumatic moment of viewing it the first time in court. And if he wasn’t the man in the video, who was?

  And even worse, was someone hurting his baby?

  “God, let me out of here!” he screamed, pulling on the bars.

  “Hey, quiet down!” a cop yelled. “You’re getting out now, if you’ll shut up!”

  Derek stared at the double doors, waiting to see who his rescuer could be. When the buzzer sounded, he saw Zane come in first…with Shae following behind him.

  A myriad of emotions bombarded him – residual anger at their situation, joy at seeing her again, and mortification for her to see him like this. Did she think he was guilty?

  Even though he knew he’d never abuse his daughter – he felt guilty.

  Looking at the two people coming toward him, he braced himself to face them.


  Zane waited near the cell door while the guard unlocked it. “Hey, yourself. You ready to get out of here?”

  “Yea, thanks.”

  “Don’t thank me. Shae posted bail for you.”

  He felt his face flush. “Thanks.”

  “Of course.” She held her purse demurely, pressing it to her heart to still the out of control beating. He looked so sad. “Derek, I’m so sorry…about everything.”

  “Let’s get of here,” he mumbled in disgust.

  They followed Zane, who was handling the paperwork. When he was finished, he handed Derek his belongings, then glanced between his two companions. “Why don’t we go somewhere for coffee? We need to work.”

  Once they were outside, Zane pointed to his car. “Shae, leave your vehicle here and I’ll bring you back when we’re through.”

  “Okay.” She hurried to get in the backseat, but Derek insisted she ride in the front, while he climbed in the rear. “Thank you.”

  “Hey, despite evidence to the contrary, I am a gentleman.”

  “I saw what the media is saying and showing.” Shae shook her head. “This is ridiculous.”

  “No more ridiculous than what they said about you,” Derek said slowly and matter-of-factly. “Zane, they’re playing dirty pool here, bud. What am I going to do?”

  Zane started his car and pulled out into the street. “You mean what are we going to do about it? You aren’t alone in this, remember.”

  “How is this possible?” Shae asked as she adjusted her visor so she could see Derek in the back seat. When she found the right angle, their eyes locked.

  “The video is obviously a fake,” Zane announced as he slowed down to turn into a small diner near downtown. “Come on, I’m hungry. Who else wants pancakes?”

  Derek didn’t feel like he’d ever be hungry again. “I think I’ll pass.” He exited the vehicle and went to open Shae’s door.

  “You need to eat,” Shae told him as she stepped from the car. “How are we going to prove it’s a fake?”

  Zane clicked the key fob in his hand and locked the doors to his sedan. “Does Blair still work for that media arts place?”

  “Yea, she still works there,” Derek said as they began to walk toward the diner’s entrance. “She runs her own department. Innovative stuff.”

  “Like what?” Shae asked as she stepped through the door Zane held open for her.

  “They’re working with everything from virtual reality to artificial intelligence. Cutting edge methods. I can’t speak in specifics.” Derek shrugged as they were led to a booth next to the window. “We just never talked that much – about anything.”

  The conversation lulled until the hostess seated them and gave them menus to peruse. After they placed their order, Zane slapped the table lightly. “Okay, let’s lay this out reasonably.” He looked at Derek. “These videos are fake. Good fakes, but fake. Right?”

  With elbows on the table, Derek covered his face with his hands, speaking behind them. “God, yes. I never slept with Cheryl and I sure as hell never touched my daughter inappropriately.”

  Sitting across from him, Shae threw caution to the wind and reached out to touch his arm. “Of course, you didn’t. You couldn’t. You’re just not that type of man.”

  “Well, if we’ve learned anything in the last year, we know the border between reality and fiction has been lifted. Fake news has run rampant,” Zane said with a sigh.

  “I agree. The dangerous thing is that we can no longer believe, for sure, if what we see or hear is true.” Shae met Derek’s gaze, trying to convey her support with more than just words.

  “So, what’s going to happen? How do we refute this? How do I defend myself? The issue is no longer just custody of my child, I could be convicted and sent to prison for abusing my daughter, not to mention rape!”

  Zane motioned for Derek to keep it down as the waitress came to pour coffee for them. Once she left to tend to other customers, he began to speak, “I’m very aware and we’ll deal with all of it, I assure you. Proving your innocence is paramount, and if I’m right, that act will also gain you custody of your daughter.”

  “Well, I hope so.” Derek let out a harsh breath. “I feel like my world is crumbling around me.”

  Shae looked between the men. “I’m no expert. Both of you know I’m just a naïve country girl who is foolish enough to put her fantasies on paper.”

  “You don’t strike me as naïve, Shae. Presley, who is a big fan of Avery’s read several of your books. She said they were well-researched, covering relevant topics from the plight of Native American women to how high-functioning schizophrenics fit into society. If you have something to say, I’d like to hear it.”

  Shae twisted a paper napkin in her hands as she related a recent experience. “I don’t handle my own promotion, it’s just too difficult to get the writing done if I do. I have some very savvy helpers, two women who spend a great deal of time researching what’s available and what new innovations are on the horizon. Lately, we’ve looked into having some book trailers made. One of the models I use is very popular with my fans. When they think of my characters, they think of this guy. Paying him to act in a trailer or even a movie, as has been suggested, would be very costly. But there are companies out there, who can take a photo and create a realistic looking avatar so video footage of that person/character can be created who looks like the real individual is acting in the film. Of course, you have to get permission, and pay the individual a sum they will agree to, considering the circumstances.” She laugh
ed wryly. “I’m not saying this will become commonplace, or even viable, but it is possible – so I’m told.”

  “That’s crazy,” Derek said flatly. “If that’s true, anyone can claim anything is true, whether it is or not – and they can prove it with a fake video.”

  “Well…” Zane started to speak but stopped while their plates of food were set in front of them. “Only if you have enough money to pay for it to be done, or…have the expertise to do it yourself.”

  All parties at the table looked at one another as if they’d made a great discovery.

  “How is this possible? How do they do this?” Derek asked, frustrated.

  To Shae’s surprise, the two men looked at her, as if she had all the answers.

  Feeling unsure, she began to tell them what little she knew. “Well, according to my tech wizard, they use a static image combined with an algorithm to create a moving, life-like avatar. So, the resulting video is not recorded but totally fabricated using software. Just recently, a group of researchers used a photo of a well-known politician and literally put words in his mouth that he didn’t say. Scary stuff.”

  “I guess there are benefits. You can use your lifelike avatar to make online appearances you don’t have time for, sort of the way people can insert themselves into virtual reality games,” Derek added, a tiny lilt of hope in his voice.

  “Yea, but those are benign uses of the technology,” Zane mused. “This is dangerous territory. Just imagine if a group wanting to incite war, used that ability to show a world leader announcing an attack on another nation.”

  “Wow, that’s taking it to a very dark level,” Shae muttered, deep in thought. “I’ve heard of the software that’s currently available which can swap celebrities faces with porn stars. The process is called Deep Fakes.”

  “We’re on the verge of a society that weaponizes social media, using fake images for vengeance, extortion, or just to create havoc.” Zane stirred his coffee, staring at the swirl as if hypnotized. “The real horror is how people will get used to this and then not believe something when it’s absolutely real.”

  “Crying wolf,” Derek muttered sadly. “Hell, I’m screwed.”

  “This goes way beyond Photoshop,” Shae mumbled, her mind spinning at the possibilities. “How do we combat this?”

  Derek felt his heart constrict. Zane was his friend, but he was still being paid to stand up for him. Shae wasn’t being paid. She was being harassed for her connection to him. And yet…here she was doing everything she could for him – even paying money so he wouldn’t have to stay in jail awaiting trial for something he didn’t do – something he couldn’t even imagine doing.

  “We’ve got to prove Blair created these videos,” Zane stated, taking his phone and placing a call to one of his people. “Hold on.”

  As he talked, directing his assistant to take the videos to an expert to have each frame analyzed for inconsistences, Derek and Shae gazed at one another.

  “Are you tired?” she asked him.

  “Dead on my feet,” he admitted. “You?”

  She smiled, shaking her head. “My adrenaline is running high. I feel like I’m on a mission.”

  “Thanks for this,” he reached out and took her hand. “I owe you so much.”

  “Don’t worry about the bail money.”

  “That’s not all I’m talking about,” Derek whispered. “Your loyalty. Your kindness. Your patience with me. Those are priceless.”

  Shae studied their joined hands. “You’re welcome. I…can’t turn off my feelings.”

  “I don’t want you to,” he told her, and was about to say more when Zane ended his call.

  “All right. We’re in business. Adam knows an expert, he’s going to call him in the morning. We have an advantage, being near Austin. There’s no place on earth more tech savvy, more connected to innovation in this arena than the capital of Texas. Did you know the greatest minds in the tech world will be at SXSW this year? The world organization UNESCO has announced Austin to be the only city in the United States to be designated a Creative City of the Media Arts.”

  Derek looked blank. “I don’t know what that means, but I trust you.” He looked at Shae. “I trust both of you.”

  After finishing their food and coffee, Zane drove them back to the police station. “Thanks, Shae, for all your help. I think we have a good chance of making this all go away.”

  As she got out of the car, she heard the lawyer ask Derek a question. “You want to go home with me tonight, buddy? Or can I drop you somewhere?”

  Derek looked at Shae, seeking approval in her eyes. “If it’s okay with Shae, I think I’ll go with her.”

  Shae’s heart skipped a beat. “I was hoping you’d say that.”


  “I can’t believe you’re staying in this room again,” Derek said with a smile as Shae slipped her key card from her purse.

  “Hey, this room has some good memories for me,” she told him with a shy laugh.

  “For me too,” he admitted, unable to keep his eyes off her jiggling breasts as she bounced in place, waiting for the green light to show on the lock.

  “Oh, if you enjoyed the spooky things that occurred last time, just wait until I tell you what happened today.” Shae pushed into the room, holding the door open for Derek to enter with his bag of essentials they’d picked up on the way into town.

  “I’m not talking about the paranormal stuff, Shae,” he muttered, the memories of what they’d done together in this room making his cock chafe in his jeans. He swallowed hard when a sweet uptick of her lips formed a smile.

  “I wasn’t either. My memories are pretty hot, actually.” She walked in and gathered up the food she’d left on the bed. “As you can see, I left here in a hurry.”

  “Yea, you didn’t even finish eating.” He handed her a garbage can to dump the leftovers in. “I’m sorry to have dragged you into all of this.”

  “I dragged you into my problems first.” She stood a bit awkwardly in the room, not sure of what should happen next.

  “No, you didn’t.” He began walking toward her, resolutely, one step at a time. “I jumped in with both feet.” He took Shae in his arms and kissed her, sliding one hand around her waist and the other up to cup her neck, tangling his fingers into her silky hair. His tongue swept over her lips, begging entry, and when her sweet lips parted, he slipped between them to reclaim what he’d been foolish enough to push away.

  She pressed against him, melding her body to his, her needy little moan making him instantly hard as a rock. Needing more, he kissed her harder, licking into her mouth, loving how her tongue played with his. Derek tightened his grip on her as desire blasted through him. He wanted her. He needed her. He had to have her.


  Shae clung to him, all of her pleasure sensors sizzling and flashing like a small child’s fireworks sparkler.

  Derek stared at her, wondering at his good fortune. She wasn’t just pretty, she was gorgeous. Her eyes were bright and her face was glowing, lit within by luminescent joy.

  And her body… God, he couldn’t get enough of her body. Some might think her plump, but she wasn’t, she was soft and curvy. A perfect shape. Her waist was narrow and her hips flared just right. To top off her exquisite hour glass figure, she had fabulous tits. Like the sexy actresses of the forties and fifties, this woman was built. Stacked. When he compared other women’s long, long limbs and angular bodies to Shae’s lushness, the others just came up short.

  “I love the way you look,” he told her, kissing her neck. “And I love the way you feel.” He bent over and licked a path through the intriguing valley of her cleavage. His hands roved down her back until he could sink his fingers into her lush ass. “I want to play with your tits and suck your nipples.” Even more, he needed to immerse himself in her, hide from the world, and let the circle of her arms be his sanctuary. “I want to rub your little clit until you melt.”

  His voice was thick and
full of desire. Shae found herself quivering as she anticipated what he might do. “What’s stopping you?”

  They moved to the bed, still kissing. Slowly, he eased her down, fitting himself between her legs. She rocked up, seeking contact, needing to ease the ache at her center.

  “I want to feel you come. Will you let me?”

  “Yes.” Didn’t he know by now that she’d let him do anything he wanted?

  “I love these sundresses you wear.” Derek pulled on the straps, letting them fall, then tugged down the bodice of her dress. “And these front close bras, they’re so handy.” He popped the pink lace one open and hissed when her breasts were suddenly exposed. “Magic.” He brushed the underside of the rounded mounds with his knuckles.

  Shae reached up and touched his face, weaving her fingers through his hair. “I’m so glad you’re here with me tonight.”

  Derek was dazed. Lust-struck. “Yea, beats the heck out of jail.”

  Shae wanted to laugh. What he said about summed it up. Being with her beat the heck out of jail. “I should put that on my business cards.”

  “God, you’re killing me.” He raised up on his knees to pull off his shirt, then stood up quickly to yank off his other clothes. “I need to feel your skin against mine.”

  While he undressed, she sat up and pulled the sundress over her head, then removed her bra and panties. “I want that too.” She licked her lips while watching him, loving how his muscles rippled. “Hurry.”

  Derek laughed at her impatience. As soon as he was nude, he paused for one second to look at her as she lay on her back, her nipples tight, her face flushed – waiting for him. “Ready or not,” he teased.

  She opened her legs and her arms. “Ready.” When he rested his weight on her, she accepted all of him, lifting her hips in circles, rubbing against his erection. “Derek, I’m so wet.”

  “Are you?” He plucked kiss after kiss from her lips, moving his chest slowly across her tits.

  “Wanna feel?” she tempted him.

  “Oh, heck, yea,” he growled the words, taking her up on her offer. Rolling to one side, he let his hand glide between her legs to find her hot and creamy. “Oh, fuck. You are so sexy.”


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