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Finding Jess (First Wave)

Page 15

by Mikayla Lane

  “Jess, there is nothing dirty about you. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met; inside and out. Your capacity to love and give to others after everything you’ve been through is incredible. And your bravery is something those other women, our warriors and even those kids admire. You should be proud of what you were able to do. I’m very proud of you, Jess.”

  “I’m a fraud Amun.” Jess did break down and sob this time; she couldn’t stop the rush of tears.

  “How are you a fraud? What would make you think that?” Amun asked calmly while he held her close as she cried.

  “I didn’t save them because I wanted to keep them safe. I did it because I was hoping the Relian’s would kill me. I’m no hero and there is nothing about me that anyone should admire. My reason for helping anyone was selfish.” Amun could barely make out her whispered words as she continued to sob; even so, the words did not surprise him. He and Tarvok had both assumed she’d been reckless at times in the hopes that they would kill her and end her suffering and pain. Tarvok had told him a lot of captives had done the same; most to ensure they wouldn’t be able to reveal anything that could harm their people.

  “It doesn’t matter why you did it. The fact is you did; and those women are alive because of it. It took a lot of courage to decide at such a young age that you would rather die than remain a captive. It took a lot more to save those girls thinking you would be killed each time you did.”

  “And what you’ve done for Lily, and the other children, is nothing short of amazing. You are the most loving and gifted person I’ve ever had the honor to meet, and I would be proud to call you my mate Jess.”

  Amun rubbed her back in slow, gentle circles as she continued to cry softly against his chest. The beast in him was quiet while he tried to comfort his mate.

  “How do you know this is real? That we are really mates? How can you be so sure?” Jess whispered, causing Amun to chuckle.

  “There was never a doubt for me the moment, I touched the bracelet you had made for Cari. I knew that you were mine right then. I spent every spare moment; I had touching it and wishing you were safe in my arms. The more Cari told me about you, the deeper I fell in love with you.”

  “I was crazy with worry while we tried to find you; hoping we could get to you in time. When he cut your throat…” Amun’s voice caught as he remembered back to that horrible moment when he’d thought he had lost her forever. He squeezed her more tightly and kissed the top of her head as he tried to control the wave of emotions. He held back the shudder when he remembered some of the nightmares, he’d had reliving that moment.

  “Somehow I knew you were there; that you would find me. I could feel you inside of me. I didn’t know how that was possible, but I knew it was true.” Jess admitted as she hugged him to her to take his mind off that horrible day. She hadn’t known that it still bothered him so much.

  “Even then you knew you were mine huh?” Amun asked in a lighter hearted manner than he felt at the moment. He was hoping she’d acknowledge that she was his mate; she hadn’t yet, and it was worrying him that maybe she didn’t feel the same way about him despite her encouraging words.

  “Yes, I knew I was drawn to someone even then. I didn’t know for sure it was you until I saw you for the first time.”

  Amun’s heart soared at her words, she may not have admitted she was his mate but what she said was close enough for his beast to calm and for him to feel much better.

  “Amun, mates can have children right?”

  “Yes, mates can have children, Amalaya. Do you want children?” Amun tried to hide the hope in his voice. He wanted to have as many children as the All Father would bless them with, including Lily.

  “I would love to have children one day... m a dozen like Lily and the other children.” She smiled into his chest thinking about her Lily. She loved that little girl more than anything except Amun. The admission that she loved Amun didn’t panic her the way she would have expected it to. In fact, it felt really good to recognize it and say it, even to herself.

  “I was thinking that we could ask Ivint and Banatar if we could have Lily as our own. I know it would be an instant family for us and that it might be too soon for you…” He never got to finish his sentence before Jess straddled his lap and threw her arms around his neck in a tight hug.

  “Thank you, thank you. Do you think they will let us keep her? Would we have to move to one of the new family suites? Would we have to wait until the other children’s families came to tell her? Of course, we would! We can’t let the other children think we don’t want them too! Wait! Will the other children think we didn’t want them if we only take Lily? I don’t want them to feel hurt by this.”

  Amun put his fingers across her lips to stop her mind from running through all the questions she was about to say. He was beginning to have a hard time thinking with her sitting on his lap like this. It didn’t help that she was bouncing on him in her excitement. His beast was taking it as an invitation that she wanted more.

  “We can deal with whatever we need to when it comes up. Right now, we just need to be sure this is what we want before we have Ivint stop looking for another family for her. This isn’t something we can change our mind about later.” Amun was hoping that by putting a serious tone to this conversation that it would help her calm and therefore, his beast as well.

  “Oh Amun! I’ve never wanted anything more! Wait… are you not sure? I understand…”

  Amun groaned as he put both hands on her hips to stop her from bouncing on his increasingly swelling lap; her excited squirming was undoing all of his control.

  “Jess, I am very sure that this is what I want.”

  Jess sat back a little and watched Amun grit his teeth as he spoke, his hands tight on her hips, eyes closed and wondered if he was sick until she noticed the front of his black uniform pants. Did her sitting on his lap excite him that much? And why did it make her feel hot and excited to think that it did? Normally, she’d be scared if a male was excited around her, but she wasn’t scared at all. In fact, for the first time she wanted to see what he looked like; and to touch him.

  Feeling a rush of pleasure course through her, she slowly moved her hips closer to the swelling in his pants as she spoke.

  “Do you think we stand a good chance of keeping her though?”

  Amun had to stop the growl mid throat when Jess slid further up on his lap. He tightened his hands on her hips once more to stop her from moving again; unsure how she would react to seeing how much he wanted her.

  “I think we stand a better chance than anyone else since she’s already bonded so closely to the both of us.”

  Again, he gritted his teeth and held her hips tightly, and Jess wanted to giggle in happiness; it had to be her that was exciting him. She felt almost powerful and safe at the same time knowing he would never hurt her or force her. Not sure what else to do to excite him more, she waited until he loosened the grip on her hips.

  “Do you think it’s something she would want as well?” She slid up far enough to feel his hardness pressed against her clit and this time she almost moaned from the contact. She had no idea that such little contact could feel so good and she struggled to remain still as Amun held her much more tightly this time.

  Since he hadn’t moved her away, only stopped her from getting closer to him, she wiggled slightly against his cock and laid her head on his shoulder. She smiled as he groaned loudly and clutched her more tightly.

  “Amun, do you think Lily would want to be ours?” She whispered quietly into his ear causing goose bumps to skitter across his neck and down his chest. The way she had said 'ours' caused him to get even harder. His hands gripped her hips tighter then relaxed as he ran his hands from her hips up to her back and again to her hips.

  “Amun…,” Jess whispered out on a breathless sigh. She’d never felt anything more wonderful than his large, strong hands massaging her back; the light pressure pushing her relaxed body closer to his.

  Jess groaned as every stroke of his hands on her hips caused her clit to rub against his hard cock, sending electric shocks of pleasure to course through her. However, the torture of her senses didn’t stop there; when his hands stroked up to her back it sent her breasts rubbing against his chest causing her nipples to harden and heightening her arousal.

  She’d never felt so excited and confused at the same time; she always hated being touched, but with Amun all she wanted was more. Unsure what she needed, but knowing she needed more she wound her hands into his hair and pulled him closer to her. She exhaled a sigh when she rotated her hips gently against him and pressed her clit tightly against his cock.

  Amun groaned at the feel of Jess rubbing herself erotically against him as his beast roared in triumph. He was trying his best to slow things down, to give her a chance to make sure this is what she wanted. However, his hands and his body would no longer listen to his mind, only the beast clawing to be let loose to claim his mate.

  He let go of her back with one hand and used it to turn her head toward his, so he could look into her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes were half closed; her mouth parted slightly and her skin glowing. The sight of her so aroused nearly undid him, and he had to stop himself from grabbing her hair roughly as he used it to direct her mouth to his own.

  Jess was a little startled by the intensity of her feelings when Amun gently stroked his tongue into her mouth. The feel of his tongue softly rubbing against and licking hers gave her body a mind of its own, and she began rubbing herself in circles against Amun’s cock more roughly, his hand on her lower back encouraging her as he helped guide her how to give them the most pleasure.

  Amun couldn’t wait to have her anymore; his control snapped when she had shyly begun rubbing herself against him; his beast seeing it as her capitulation to her mate. Without breaking their kiss, he traced his hand from her hair and down her back until he could slide it under the cotton pajama top she wore. Her skin felt like warm silk beneath his fingers, and they both broke the kiss groaning at the feel of his hand on her bare skin.

  Emboldened by her reaction to him, he thrust his hips upwards and used his hand at her lower back to hold her tightly to him as he ground his cock against her until she laid her head against his chest panting, her hands clutching firmly in his hair.

  “Jess…” He began, until what she did next shocked him into complete silence.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jess had been wondering for weeks what she’d do if she, and Amun was ever in an intimate situation like this. She’d talked to Cari and even Maggie about it and asked their opinion, but still she hadn’t been sure what she would do. She’d never been more sure in her life about what to do about anything, until now.

  Pulling her hands from his hair, she sat back slightly from him and ignoring his questioning look, reached down and in one, fluid motion pulled her shirt off. Before she could lose her nerve, she leaned forward and unbuttoned his shirt; peeling it away from his chest, she leaned forward again and groaned at the feel of his hot skin pressed against her sensitive nipples and couldn’t stop herself from rubbing against him.

  “Jess!” Amun growled, what little control he had left was now completely gone.

  More roughly than he intended, he pulled her back from him by her hair and bent her backwards. He kissed her until she was breathless then moved his mouth to her neck, kissing and licking her as she writhed against him.

  Her mind whirled with feelings and emotions that she’d never thought she’d experience while naked with a man. She couldn’t stop her body from arching closer to his mouth as his lips and tongue danced along her skin in an erotic dance that left her wanting more. She ran her fingers through his soft, wavy hair and pulled him closer to her chest; her nipples hard and desperate for his attention.

  There had been a part of Amun that had remained sane enough to try to stop if Jess became distressed, that sane part of him realized her shy encouragement was the sign he was waiting for from her that she was ready for more.

  Slowly, he lowered his head until he was able to catch one perfect nipple into his mouth and gently sucked her deeply into his mouth. He almost smiled at Jess’s moan as she clutched his head to her breast; ensuring he couldn’t stop. Not that he could if he wanted to now.

  He gently sucked and licked her; her moans of pleasure becoming louder as she began to buck and writhe against his cock, which was straining heavily against his pants. He couldn’t stop his own groan when he moved his hand from her hip to the front of her pants and untied them causing the waist band to gap enough for him to gently caress where they’d been around her waist.

  When Jess didn’t panic and continued to moan, he moved his mouth to her other breast, and his hand moved lower to caress the soft hair of her mound. Her gasp of pleasure when he lightly moved over her clit encouraged him to become bolder, and he gently rubbed her clit in circles; his beast roaring in happiness at how wet she already was for him.

  Jess didn’t know what was happening to her body, but she’d never felt like this before. She knew her body was straining for something, but what she didn’t know. All she knew was that she wanted this with Amun and so much more. She threw her head back and moaned as she rubbed herself against his fingers harder, knowing she was urging him to do more, and she didn’t care. With his hard cock straining against the bottom of her pelvis and his fingers working their magic across her clit, she had a sudden urge to feel him; and not through his pants.

  She fumbled shyly with the fastening on his pants until the smallest of openings allowed him to spring forward into her hand. She wasn’t sure who moaned louder, him at the feel of her warm hand gently holding him or her at the feel of the thick heat of him engulfing her small hand.

  She marveled at the feel of him; like silk wrapped steel. Running her fingers gently up and down the length of him, she tested the weight of him in her hand and was amazed at how large he seemed in comparison to her hand. How hot he was and sensitive to her touch, as he jerked and moaned against her chest as she shyly explored him. Instead of frightening her, his arousal and reaction to her touch made her desperate for more.

  She continued to stroke his cock and lifted up enough to slide her pants down until she could lift each leg and remove them completely. Tossing them to the floor she sat back on his lap until she was rubbing the front of his cock with her hand and the back with her clit as she rocked back and forth on him.

  “Jess! I can’t take it Amalaya… please…” Jess ignored his panted objection and continued until she could feel his body tightening, and he grabbed her hips in an almost bruising grip.

  She waited patiently until he loosened his grip as he calmed, then sat back up and in one, swift motion pushed him as deeply as she could inside of her. The instant pleasure caused her to scream out and clutch his shoulders firmly, her body bow string tight as she arched against him.

  Amun growled and grabbed her to him in a possessive hold; his hands on her hips to keep her from moving away from him. His worry for her the only thing that keeping him from plunging the rest of the way inside and claiming her completely. He trembled as he held himself back and prayed that she was alright and would move soon. The feel of her hot, wet sheathe surrounding him so tightly more amazing than anything he ever expected.

  Oh my God, Jess thought to herself; he felt like heaven. Cari and Maggie had been right when they said that nothing could ever compare to the feel of having the man you loved inside of you and making love to you. They were right. His hard, hot cock pushing inside was nothing like anything she’d experienced before, it was pure pleasure. Even the feeling of incredible fullness as she slowly sank farther onto him was nothing short of amazing.

  His hands on her hips, panting in her ear as she lowered herself until he was completely inside of her affecting her more deeply than she’d thought possible. His growl of possession only added to the feeling that they were connecting in a much deeper way than merely physical. She held him to her and ju
st enjoyed the feeling of closeness with him that seemed to grow by the second now.

  Amun wrapped his arms around her slender back and pushed her downward gently as he thrust his hips upward and drove more deeply inside of her causing her to moan loudly; hoping that would give her an incentive to move. He wanted her to be in control of how far they went, but damn if he wasn’t going to help her along.

  “Amun…” Jess breathed on a sigh as she raised herself up until she was almost off of him. Pausing she leaned down and kissed him deeply while she resisted the light pressure he was putting on her hips to encourage her back down on him. She kissed him until his hands began clutching her desperately, and his kiss became demanding, then plunged herself back down on him so quickly they both cried out from the pleasure.

  By the One! He couldn’t take any more of this! She was driving him insane, and he was going to explode if he didn’t do something soon. Amun grabbed her hips tightly and held her to him while he rotated his hips, lifting her up slightly and bringing her back down on him and rotating his hips again making sure that the light pressure against her clit was driving her just as crazy as he felt.

  He waited until she was panting and matching his movements with stronger ones of her own before he loosened his grip on her and allowed her to control the pace again.

  Jess knew the moment his hands let up their hold on her and began to move up and down on him much faster than his hold had allowed before. The pleasure was only increasing, leading her where she didn’t know, but she knew she had to keep going and get to wherever it was.

  “Jess…” Was the only warning she got before he grabbed her again roughly and began thrusting upwards while pulling her down to meet his hips. The depth of his strokes stole her breath, the pleasure seeming to radiate through her body and setting it on fire. She gasped helplessly and held on as every thrust plunged him deeper inside, the pleasure licking through her nerves and making her writhe against him; encouraging him to go harder and faster.


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