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I Need You Too

Page 11

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  He pressed my hand onto his thigh, holding it tight against the scars. “The accident shattered my femur. I had a break at the lower leg, which was repaired with plates and screws. However, up here they could only salvage bits and pieces of my bones, basically, putting them back together like a puzzle. By the time they were done, my bone was missing about an inch, maybe more, so they had to implant a bone-stretching device that I wore for a long time. It slowly stretched the bones back out after they’d initially healed. This is why I was in and out of the hospital and rehab for well over a year.”

  My hand continually ran up and down the length of his thigh. “Are you still in pain from it? Will you get full strength back in this leg?” My heart ached for all that he’d been through, not just physically but mentally too, making me realize that both of us sitting here together was a miracle in itself.

  He picked up my hand, brought it to his lips and placed a tender kiss on the underside of my wrist, sending a shiver of excitement coursing through my body. His eyes were smoldering as they stared into mine. “The pain is tolerable, only flaring when it’s bad weather. The doctor says it should dissipate over time. I refuse to take any more pain medications, not wanting to feel like I’m in a fog anymore.” He looked down at his leg then back up at me. “The physical therapists have helped me as much as they can. As you know, I can mostly walk without the cane but carry it just in case. My leg wears out quicker than I’d like, but if I keep working out and trying to strengthen my muscles, I should get close to normal again.”

  He was quiet for a minute. “I guess you could say the scars are a reminder of a former life. They remind me how much Tom changed my life forever. I used to hate everything that happened, until I met you.” He leaned in and gave me a soft, sensual kiss on the lips. “I guess the one thing I can thank Tom for is bringing you into my life.”

  He gave me another soft kiss and then shifted up on his knees, smiling. “Okay, your turn.”

  His courage to show me his scars, both physical and mental, gave me the strength I needed to turn around and get up on all fours as he’d originally requested. I felt his hands trace down the curvature of my spine, stopping at my bra line where he traced the length of the worst scar James had inflicted. I’d been able to keep it covered wearing tankini’s and one-piece bathing suits instead of my preferred bikini’s. I hated I had the scars, but grateful that James had somehow managed to place them where, unless I was naked, they could be easily hidden.

  I was lost in my own thoughts when I felt the press of gentle kisses against the length of the scar. “I hate seeing this. I hate knowing you suffered at that bastard’s hands. I can only imagine how horrid it looked at the time.”

  His hands came around to hug me from behind, the warmth of his chest pressing into my back, providing me a sense of comfort and peace. “I’d give anything to have prevented that.”

  I could feel a tear fall from my eye. “I know.” I managed to squeak out, not wanting him to see how emotional I’d become.

  I was surprised when he parted my thighs and crawled between them while he followed some faint smaller scars down to my butt. His palms squeezed and massaged my ass, and his tongue ran the length of my other blemish stretching from one buttock to the other. I shivered, remembering the inability to sit for nearly two weeks after the attack, and only then with a soft pillow. James had done a number on me.

  Ethan kissed each cheek reverentially before asking, “How long did it take for you to heal? Have you thought about plastic surgery to help with the scarring?”

  I nodded, feeling his arousal pressing hard against my inner thigh. His lips continued to worship my body with gentle kisses all along my back, while his hand began to fondle my folds. My mind was ready to melt from all the attention he’d been luxuriating on me.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but my breath caught as he pressed one finger into my center. “I’ve been to a plastic surgeon. The damage was more intense than what Dawn had been through with Liam. He’d at least treated her wounds so they healed properly. Mine were improperly cared for and very deep. However, if they’d gotten to me before the infection had set in, I would’ve had minimal scaring.

  He removed his finger from me before I heard his hum of appreciation. “You taste mighty fine, Marjorie.”

  I looked back to see him sucking on the finger that had been inside me. I glanced over toward the nightstand and noticed our unused basket of candy. Reaching for it, I offered it to him with a smirk on my face. “You know my brother-in-law had intended for us to kick things up a notch in the bedroom when he brought this over. From what my sister tells me, there’s a lot of fun to be had with partaking in dessert.”

  A vibrant laugh bounced from his chest as he pressed against my back, wrapping his fingers around my waist and holding me close. “I like the way you think, hon. Nate was telling me about a few things that I’d love to try. Are you up for giving me more of a glimpse into the kink side of your world?”

  I nodded and reached for one of my favorite candies, the long rainbow twist pops on a stick. I loved the cherry candy flavor. Ethan released his hold on me as he watched me with curious eyes, unwrapping the sucker. “What can we do with that?”

  I quirked my eyebrows up and wiggled them. “Most of these items can have dual pleasure for both the man and the woman. All I can say for my sister is she’s one lucky lady for Nate to love so much retro candy.” I laughed a bit recalling some of the conversations us women have had. “If it wasn’t for his love of popping candy, many of the men in our lives would be missing out.” I didn’t want to elaborate any further. I stuck out my tongue and licked up the entirety of one side of the lollipop and down the other, catching his attention and causing him to breath in deeply.

  I watched as his dick twitched between his legs before I pushed him back on the bed and lowered myself down to his crotch. I took a swipe from the lollipop and then a swipe at the tip of his cock, watching it jump in response. He was excited by the idea of play.

  His breathing had picked up as one hand reached for my head, guiding me toward his manhood. “I never knew candy could be so erotic.”

  I glanced up, seeing him entranced by my movements. “You haven’t seen anything yet, lover.” I took another lick from the lollipop before placing it next to his length, impressed that the lollipop was slightly shorter than he was. I held both pieces together as I let my tongue travel between the tastes of him intermingled with the flavors of fruit. After several swipes, I couldn’t resist taking both into my mouth and sucking on them.

  “Fuck, Marjorie. Go easy on me or I’ll shoot off well before I’m ready to.” His words were broken and erratic. I relaxed my throat, taking him and the lollipop in deeper as I pressed my tongue firmly against the underneath side of him, feeling his veins protrude and tasting the essence of pre-cum.

  I was about to take another pull on his addictive flavor when he pulled out of my mouth, grabbed the lollipop and flipped me onto my back. My legs instantly fell open to him, so he took up residence between them. “Two can play this game, darling. I can think of a couple places I could easily stick this.” His eyes wiggled at the sensual innuendo.

  I watched as he sucked on the lollipop, making it good and wet. He spread my folds open and inserted the tip into my center, giving it a little twist and circular action before removing it. I could feel myself clench with desire as I watched him suck my essence off of the end. His eyes closed as he relished the taste. “The flavor of you and this candy is very addictive.” He leaned over me, holding up the candy for me to take a lick.

  I could feel his body shutter with excitement as I stuck out my tongue and swiped at the tip, sucking it into my mouth. “You’re corrupting me and I like it.”

  I shook my head in disagreement. “I don’t think I’m having much to do with it. There’s a natural dominance to you, hiding just below the surface, and needing very little enticement to come out. Maybe sex, in the form of release, is what you need to feel some
aspect of control in your life again.”

  He stilled above me, pondering my words before smiling salaciously at me. “I think you may be right. Want to help me bring my dominant side out? Show me what you like and what I can do to make you wild with desire.”

  I nodded as he lowered his mouth to mine and continued to play with his new favorite candy, bringing me to orgasm more than once. Who knew those little ridges on the candy could hit the g-spot in all the right places? I was definitely going to go to the store and buy out these twisted pops in every flavor imaginable.

  We took turns giving each other much needed tension releases. I loved his reaction to the popping candy. “I’d always wondered why Nate kept a supply of that damn candy in his drawers. He’d only state that he liked the taste of it. He’d never explained how he liked to go down on a women or have himself lavished with attention using the stuff.”

  I smirked, having heard about some of the men’s expressions when they first experienced the candy as part of their preludes to better things in the bedroom. “And your thoughts on the use of the candy?”

  He turned toward me, looking down at his arousal, present yet again. I swear the man is insatiable, but that’s okay, girl because you know you’re loving it. He’s the right man for you; trust your heart. “He’s right, too much of a good thing and it hurts like hell. Just enough of the effervescent stuff and I wanted to come right then.”

  He leaned down to give me a chaste kiss, but I deepened the action, sucking his lower lip into my mouth, causing him to thrust his tongue into mine. I could feel his leg shift between mine, forcing my legs apart as he settled hard against me. I knew it wouldn’t take much for him to get inside me this time. He’d already brought me to orgasm three times this morning.

  I felt him press forward, entering me swiftly, causing me to gasp. It would take a while before I got used to his sheer size, but I relished the full feeling, knowing that our bodies were one with each other.

  He began to move and kissed the side of my neck. “I can’t seem to get enough of you, Marjorie. Remind me why we’ve waited this long?”

  A small laugh escaped, but quickly turned to a moan of pleasure as I felt the inner twitches of an orgasm begin to build. His hands found mine, lifting them above my head as he continued to plunge in and out of my center. Our bodies were completely molded to one another as they began skyrocketing toward an explosion of massive proportions.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, digging my heels into his ass as he slid in deeper, intensifying the connection. Everything I’d known about the physical act of love making was blown through the roof as Ethan made me cry out in utter ecstasy, swallowing my cries as his lips sealed over mine. He plunged in a couple more times before grunting into my mouth with his own release. He collapsed into me, but then rolled us to our sides, keeping our connection.

  I’D EXPERIENCED SEX BEFORE and thought it had been great, but the level of intensity that I’d just had with Marjorie – I was blown away. I’d been captivated with this sensual creature, but nothing prepared me to lose my heart completely.

  I’d teased Nate about falling to quickly with Gianna. I mean, come on…one good night of hot intense sex with her was enough to have him swearing off other women? Rafe had fallen the same way with Dawn. But now I understood how easy it was to fall for someone you felt a deep connection to.

  Both of us had passed out into a slumber from our exertions. Next thing I remember is the phone ringing and startling the crap out of me. I was surprised to see we were still connected, even in sleep. I reached back for the phone, trying to keep our bond intact, seeing that it was Nate’s number.

  I pressed the talk button and asked groggily, “Yeah?”

  “Where the hell are you? We’ve tried knocking on your door several times. We’ve even tried the cell phones, but no answer. All of us are freaking out.” Nate’s voice was full of panic, so much so that I had to hold the receiver away from my ear, which ended up waking Marjorie.

  “We’re here at my place. By the way, thanks for the candy basket.” I looked down at her, a mischievous smile playing against her lips as I leaned forward to plant a kiss at the end of her nose. “Let’s say it was very enlightening. We’ve been enjoying it all morning.” I winked at her, causing her to giggle.

  I could hear Nate’s voice calm as he pulled away from the phone to reassure Gianna that we were fine. “Dude, I never thought you had it in you, but welcome to the club. Just treat her right or I’ll have to beat you up, since she’s my sister now.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of hurting her. She’s already been through too much. Why did you call in such a panic?” My mind ran different scenarios wondering why the urgency to get ahold of us.

  “The security team has come up with some information. It doesn’t make sense, but we’re hoping maybe Marjorie can help shed some light on things. It’s regarding her ex-husband, James.” I could hear him take in a deep breath, realizing there was more to come.

  “I can sense there’s more. What gives?” I looked over to see Marjorie’s brows furrow, a worried look upon her face.

  “The double Sophia had hired used her car this morning to run some of Marjorie’s routine errands for the weekend.” I was growing impatient at his delay, when his words finally hit, “She’s in the hospital. She’s okay, but she ran into a tree after her brake line was severed and another car tried to run her off the road.”

  My heart nearly stopped beating in my chest, knowing it could’ve been, should’ve been Marjorie in that car. I looked over at her, concern and worry etched deep on her face. “Give us about an hour to wash up and get dressed. I want a complete update. I don’t care who delivers it because I need answers, now!”

  “We’ll get on the phone and make it happen. Don’t leave your place unless you have one of the security teams escorting you, and don’t open the door to anyone you don’t know. Remember, you have the video feature for the door now. Sophia hooked it up to feed both your television and your computer depending on what’s up at the time.”

  I ran a hand through my hair, trying to figure out who’d want to harm this sweet little vixen lying next to me. Whoever it was, they’d better be prepared for the fight of their life because I wouldn’t let anything happen to her. I had no clue where the territorial feeling was coming from, but I liked it.

  “Thanks. We’ll catch you in a few then.”

  I dropped the phone onto the bed and silently held her in my arms for a few minutes. I could feel myself starting to soften inside of her and made a couple quick thrusts in. “I wish we had time to go a few more rounds, but we need to get up. The team has some developments they’d like to go over with us and will be here in an hour. Besides, it’s almost lunch time, and we need to get some food.”

  I felt her clench around me, causing me to harden. “I look forward to going a few rounds with you later?” Her eyes looked deep into mine trying to search for the pain of my internal struggle.

  I rolled us over, where I was on top, pulling back and then plunging in harder. “Count on it, my lady.” I brushed her lips softly with mine. “I’m not done with you yet, not by a long shot. You’ve promised to teach me about your lifestyle so I can lead you to utter bliss. We have a whole lot of learning left to do.”

  I finally pulled out and got off the bed, reaching for her hand to help her up. I led her into my bathroom and started the shower, then walked to her room to retrieve her bath gel and shampoo.

  We’d just managed to get dressed in some weekend attire when everyone showed up at our door. The shower had taken a little longer than expected. Who knew how erotic and sensual it could be with just the right person? All I knew was that we’d be showering or bathing together from now on.

  We had a family room full of people, causing us to spill over into the kitchen. Nate and Gianna had the foresight to bring some sandwiches and salad they’d made. My coffee maker was getting a workout with everyone opting for some caffeine. Apparently, it had been a
long night and morning for Sophia, Ian, Derrick, and Rick.

  Marjorie sat next to me on the couch as Sophia updated us on the details. “We managed to get the actual life insurance policy cancelled and put a dummy one in place with a bogus signature. The insurance company is working with us to try and determine who’s attempting to defraud them. They want this culprit caught as much as we do. We hope to get the copies of their video feed to see if we can get a glimpse of the person filling out the policy.”

  Rick chimed in. “Our hope is to get a good facial shot so we can utilize our facial recognition software. If we have that, regardless if they’re in disguise, we should be able to get a positive identification.”

  Nate came over and sat on one side of me, while Gianna sat beside her sister. She looked up to me, “Have you told her yet?”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t want to upset her before she needed to be. I didn’t feel it was my place to divulge everything until I had all the facts.”

  I watched as Sophia got up and sat on the edge of the coffee table in front of Marjorie. I placed one hand on her knee, giving it a squeeze. “I’m right here with you, sweetie. No one in this room will let anything happen to you, not if we can help it.”

  She began to tremble, “What happened?” Her eyes were huge as she stared around the room and began to cry. Sophia relayed the message Nate had told me this morning.


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