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Peace - A Navy SEALS Novel (DeLeo's Action Thriller Singles Book 3)

Page 5

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Hey, you want a second chance?” Peace asked calmly, flexing his arm. “Sit down, big guy. I’ll do this until you think you went down fair and square.”

  Dink sat back down, as his friends protested. He locked hands again with Peace. “You’re going down.”

  Jack sighed, and gripped their joined hands again, quickly repeating his starting procedure. This time when he let go, Dink grabbed the table edge for leverage, but Peace put his hand straight down, slapping the back of his hand loudly onto the table. Dink’s whole body twisted painfully this time as his arm went down while he tried to hold on to the table edge. Peace released him, and clasped his hands in front of him, watching Dink kneading his arm in fury.

  “How was that, Dink? Now, are you going to leave silently, or are you a cheap punk too? If you leave quietly, you’ll always be welcomed back. If you’re going to cause any more trouble, you won’t be allowed to come back.”

  “That’s right, Dink,” Ed called out in agreement.

  Dink’s rage was palpable. He stared tightlipped at Peace. He saw something in Peace’s eyes, which calmed him enough to simply get up out of the booth, and leave the barroom, without even glancing at his friends. Peace watched him go, and then stood up, as the rest of Dink’s friends backed up to give him room.

  “Man, you ought to take that show on the road,” Chuck said, breaking the silence.

  “Dink wasn’t driving, I hope,” Peace quipped. “I’m not going to have to drive you gentlemen home, am I?”

  They laughed appreciatively, and went back to their booth. Peace rejoined Ed and Jill at the bar. This time, he sat next to Jill.

  “Mr. Peacenik,” Ed said quietly, “that was a very satisfying moment.”

  “Not for Dink, it wasn’t,” Peace sighed, taking a sip of the beer Polasky put in front of him. “He may be nicer next time, or he might be worse.”

  “That’s what makes life so exciting,” Polasky sighed, moving from behind the bar. “I’m going to give Nancy a blow by blow description, PP. Watch the bar for me.”

  “Grrrrrrrrrr….” Peace replied at Polasky’s poke at his initials, which evoked a laugh from Polasky as he moved away.

  “That really does bug you, doesn’t it?” Jill asked, smiling.

  “That particular endearment goes way back,” Peace admitted. “I’m okay with it, when Ed, or the rest of the team do it; but I get a little torqued when someone like Dink does it.”

  “What if I did it?” Jill asked, leaning towards Peace, with her elbows on the bar, and her face cradled in her hands.

  Peace leaned towards her casually. “You can call me anything you want, Jill, anytime you want.”

  “You mean that?”

  “Absolutely. Now, what made you stick around with me tonight? I’m not complaining. I’m just curious.”

  Jill sat up, caught off guard by his directness. “I… I thought something passed between us in the jungle, and I wanted to say thanks to all of you guys.”

  Peace regarded her with frank astonishment. He started to say something, but remained silent. Instead, he went behind the bar, and emptied the dirty glasses into the sink under the bar.

  “You didn’t feel it, did you?” Jill asked, disappointment seeping into her words.

  “Jill,” Peace grinned, leaning on the bar again. “I feel something every time a beautiful woman even brushes by me. Realism prevents me from speculating on anything further than that.”

  Jill laughed at his dodge. “You don’t have a very high opinion of yourself.”

  “Now that’s where you’re wrong, my dear. I am capable and proficient at many things. Romance, or attracting beautiful women, has never been included in the capable and proficient category, although I sometimes attempt to achieve at least mediocrity at them.”

  “You don’t have a girlfriend?”

  “I have not been on many meaningful dates since I was in college, mouthing anti-American crapola to attract the naive coeds in our commie peace group,” Peace answered honestly. “Luckily, the service, and helping Ed here, keeps my mind off my shortcomings.”

  “Did it work in college, I mean spouting the crapola, as you call it?”

  “Unusually well,” Peace replied, distastefully.

  “Ever think about going over to a campus, and trying out the old lines?”

  Peace laughed, but looked at her solemnly after a moment. “I know it sounds corny, but I would rather become a celibate than spew that poison. Besides, tattoos and tongue rings are in now, not scars.”

  Jill laughed, putting her hands on Peace’s, where they gripped the bar. “You may be a little scarred up, but you’re also kind of funny.”

  “Nicky,” Jack called out from the booth. “Quit fooling around with the customers and bring us another pitcher, will you?”

  “Right away, Jack, but I hope you guys are walking home,” Peace replied, only half jokingly. He reluctantly pulled away from Jill, who squeezed his hands before releasing him.

  “I thought you volunteered to drive us,” Jack retorted.

  “I don’t have the cattle truck tonight, Jack,” Peace quipped, as the young men laughed at the comeback. Peace filled a huge bowl of tortilla chips, and brought them over with two bowls of salsa. When he returned with the Margaritas, the big black lineman, Peace knew they called Max, handed him a twenty.

  “Keep the change, Nicky.”

  “Thanks, Max, you don’t want to arm wrestle for it?” This brought more laughter before Max spoke again.

  “Actually, Nicky, we couldn’t beat Dink, you freak.”

  When Ed walked into the bar again, the booth of young men were howling in laughter. They pointed at Peace, who had to sit in a chair, as he rocked back and forth, his whole body shaking as he laughed. Ed walked over behind the bar, and waited patiently for Jill to quit laughing, so someone could tell him what was so funny. Through gasps, and dabbing at the tears streaming from her eyes, Jill related the conversation leading to the mirth.

  Ed chuckled. “It ain’t that funny, Jill, you freak.”

  This set Jill off again, as Ed laughed at the young woman, who struggled now just to breathe. Peace had finally regained enough composure to simply point and nod at Max before returning to the bar, where he sat down next to Jill, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

  “What did the bad man say to you, Jill?”

  “It… it’s the beer,” Jill gasped. “Everything… sounds funny.


  “I probably should have cut you off after the second beer,” Peace stated.

  “I’m glad you all are having such a good time,” Ed pronounced. “What time do you have to be in the water tomorrow, Mr. Goodbar?”

  “That is not funny, Ed,” Peace said with a sigh. “Five, as always.”

  “My toes start to ache again just thinking about you boys getting in the water at that time of the morning,” Ed grinned in commiseration.

  “Can I watch?”

  “You haven’t seen five AM in twenty years,” Peace needled Polasky.

  “Why you disrespectful bag of goat cheese,” Ed retorted, sending Jill off into a paroxysm of laughter again. “I get up at four every morning.”

  “Yea, well who is it still snoring like one of those wood chippers when I leave,” Peace asked innocently.

  “Must be Nancy,” Ed said quietly, looking towards the restaurant.

  “Oh, I am so going to tell her you said that,” Peace gasped in mock indignation.

  “Go ahead,” Polasky replied calmly. “Just make sure you have my ashes scattered at sea.”

  “Okay, I won’t tell her this time,” Peace laughed.

  “Things are calmed down now,” Polasky said. “Why don’t you take Jill home?”

  “I’d like that, if you have the time,” Jill said to Peace. “Mr. Polasky, where are your restrooms?”

  “Just go through the restaurant entryway, and turn right.”

  “Thank you,” Jill replied. She stood up from the bar wi
th her cane, and looked at Peace. “You didn’t say anything. Did you want me to call a taxi?”

  “Are you kidding?” Peace grinned. “I’d carry you on my back again if I had to. Just don’t change your mind before you come back. I’ll meet you at the front.”

  “Okay,” Jill nodded, and extended her hand across the bar to Ed. “Nice meeting you, Mr. Polasky. I had a great time.”

  Polasky shook her hand. “My pleasure, Jill, come again anytime.”

  “I will,” Jill said simply, and left the bar.

  “What did you do to attract her, Pauley, Voodoo or mind control?”

  “She’s attracted to my mind, Ed. I thought that was obvious,” Peace replied, handing Polasky his apron.

  “Right,” Ed fired back. “Do you still think she’s using you for some nefarious purpose?”

  “I never said I did,” Peace replied, walking around the bar. “If she is, then she can use me till she uses me up. Goodnight, Ed.”

  “Goodnight, Peace,” Polasky laughed, shaking his head. “Be careful out there.”

  Peace stopped by the college students’ booth, and exchanged pleasantries, asking them to let Dink know there were no hard feelings.

  “He’ll get over it, Nicky,” Jack pronounced as Peace turned to leave.

  Peace nodded and waved as he went out into the restaurant. Jill had just come out of the restroom, and walked up to join Peace. She smiled at him, and put her hand around his arm, as he turned to escort her out.

  “You washed your hands, didn’t you?” Peace asked, looking down at her hand.

  Jill laughed, bringing her cane around, shaking it at Peace.

  “I know how to use this for other things besides walking, wise guy.”

  Peace held open the door for Jill, and followed her out into the balmy Southern California night. Leading the way to his car in the parking lot, a buoyant feeling swept over him he had not felt since he completed Seal training. He walked her to his white, 1964 Buick Special, unlocked the passenger side door for her, and held it open. When she hesitated to get in, Peace looked back in time to see her holding her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh.

  “I thought Navy Seals all had Corvettes or Ferraris,” Jill blurted out.

  Peace chuckled appreciatively. “I can tell you’re not familiar with the military pay grade for an E-5.”

  Jill moved closer and kissed Peace on the lips. It began almost sympathetically, but the electrifying heat of their first shared intimacy rocked both of them. Jill pulled away, touching her mouth hesitantly, searching Peace’s eyes for some recognition. What she saw was shock. Peace released the door of his Buick, and swept Jill up into his arms. He kissed her with a passion he, up until that moment, had not believed could exist. Jill dropped her cane, wrapping her arms around Peace in an almost desperate grip. Peace heard her sob, and frightened, he broke through the spell of their touch, to forcefully hold her at arm’s length. Tears were forming at Jill’s eyes, as she looked at Peace, her mouth open slightly. Peace had long dreamed of a woman looking at him in such a manner, but he had blocked the hope, which occasionally haunted him.

  “I… I’m sorry,” Jill stammered. “I…”

  Peace put his hand over her lips, halting her speech. “Don’t explain. I have this effect on women. They usually cry while I’m kissing them, sometimes even before.”

  Jill laughed abruptly, shaking her head and grabbing his hand in both of hers. She kissed the back of his hand. “I meant I was so worried you hadn’t felt the same thing for me, I… I just knew you felt it when you kissed me.”

  Peace put his other hand over hers. He watched her solemnly, his seriousness only altered slightly by his permanent grin. “I felt it, lady. I just don’t know how you could. Ed was telling me gratitude can be a first step to romance; but I have to admit to some reluctance believing it to be a solid one.”

  “I didn’t mean to insult your car,” Jill smiled.

  Peace pulled her back into a close embrace, and it was many moments before they parted. He eased away after a time, stroking her hair as he held her. “Although I am under no obligation to explain this wonderful automobile, I will only say it has a huge trunk for my diving equipment.”

  “I thought the Navy supplied your… oh, of course, you dive on your own with your personal equipment, right?”

  “Correcto,” Peace replied, kissing her lightly. “Get in, and I’ll take you to your place. Where are you staying?”

  “At a motel near here,” Jill answered, as Peace guided her into the passenger seat, and handed her the cane he had picked up. “I almost walked over here, but I wasn’t certain you would be in the restaurant tonight.”

  “I knew saying my prayers every night before I went to bed would pay off,” Peace said, starting his Buick.

  Jill laughed. “Just go right, out of the parking lot, and keep going for about two miles. I’ll tell you where from there.”

  “Jill, what the heck are you doing?” Peace asked, glancing over at his passenger. “You must have guys hanging on your every word, or movement, for that matter. Your folks must think you’ve flipped out.”

  Jill looked down at her hands for a moment where they lay folded in her lap. When she looked over at Peace, he had turned back to concentrate on his driving. “My Mom and Dad are so glad I stopped hanging out with those people I went to Chili with, they’d go along with anything I did, short of murder or armed robbery. Turn left at the next intersection. It’s the motel on your right, at the corner.”

  “Oh yeah, I see it.”

  Peace turned into the motel parking lot with the big half moon sign proclaiming vacancy in red blinking lights. Jill directed him to the space in front of her room.

  “They have a great coffee shop, with an oldies theme,” Jill said, as Peace turned off the Buick. “You know, like the fifties and sixties, with juke boxes and everything. You can buy me a cup of coffee while we talk.”

  Peace looked at the black dive watch on his wrist. “Sure, it’s only nine o’clock, but like Ed was saying in the bar, I have an early day tomorrow.”

  “I promise, we’ll go to bed early,” Jill whispered, putting her hand on Peace’s arm, as she leaned towards him. She laughed as Peace froze in place, and Jill put her head on his shoulder for a moment.

  He laughed uneasily, and relaxed slightly, glancing down at her. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you have that third beer.”

  Jill sat up, and looked in his eyes. “Don’t you want to take advantage of me?”

  “I’m not that easy,” Peace replied, leaning over to kiss her softly on the lips. “Now, how about that coffee?”

  Jill nodded. She waited as Peace slid out of his side, and hurried over to open her door. “Don’t try to look up my dress while I’m getting out either.”

  “I’ll try not to,” Peace agreed, immediately watching her every movement as she swung her legs out.

  “You’re looking,” Jill said, using her cane to straighten up out of the Buick, brushing her dress up to thigh level as she did.

  “Yea, well you pulled your dress up on purpose,” Peace replied, stepping into her as she stood up, and steadied her.

  Jill pulled away, feigning openmouthed shock. “I did no such thing,” she protested.

  Peace nodded, as he swung the door closed behind her. “Okay, if you say so, but if you don’t want me to watch you, maybe you better walk behind me.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” Jill replied, taking his arm, and leaning into him as they walked towards the motel coffee shop.

  Chapter Six


  Inside the nearly deserted restaurant, rock and roll pictures and paraphernalia decorated the walls. Some items glowed in the darkened room from black light fluorescent bulbs spread around the room. Jill led Peace over to a booth by the window, where a small jukebox selection turntable provided song selection right from their seats. They sat down, and a middle-aged woman, in a flamingo colored waitress uniform, came over
to take their order. Her brunette hair, tied back severely from her face in a ponytail, bobbed a little as she walked. She had Gracie on her nametag. Although very thin, the waitress appeared to be in good shape as she stood smiling with her order pad ready. Peace noticed she recognized


  “Hi, Jill,” the waitress greeted her. “What can I get for you and your friend?”

  “Coffee, and I’d like your cheeseburger special,” Jill replied. “How did it go today, Gracie?”

  “Fair earlier, but a little slow now,” Gracie answered with a sigh. She looked at Peace questioningly. “How about for you, Sir?”

  “I’ll just have some coffee, thanks.”

  “Be right back with your coffee,” Gracie nodded, turning to put in their order.

  “You’re on a first name basis with the waitress, huh? How long have you been here, Jill?”

  “Nearly two weeks,” Jill admitted with a grin. “Imagine how goofy I felt when I finally found out the place you guys hung out at was only a couple miles from where I was staying.”

  “You are dedicated. I’ll give you that,” Peace laughed. He leaned over, looking at her curiously. “Where the heck you hiding two weeks of cheeseburger specials?”

  Jill pushed him back with a hand on his forehead. “Never you mind, mister, I walked the extra calories off.”

  “It’s refreshing to meet a woman who doesn’t care about how she looks,” Peace said, nonchalantly.

  “What do you mean doesn’t…” Jill began, straightening to look down at herself; but jerked her head back up, pointing a finger at Peace. “Why you little… I walked right into that one. Thanks for taking advantage of it, PP.”

  “Think nothing of it, my dear,” Peace replied, covering her hands with his. “In all seriousness, you are one beautiful woman, and you know it.”

  “I like hearing you say it though,” Jill said, smiling at how easily he had gotten a rise out of her. “You’re a little too fast on your feet with the smart remarks for my taste, however.”

  “It’s my self defense chip kicking in. I get more obnoxious by the moment when I’m with a beautiful woman for the first time.”


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