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Peace - A Navy SEALS Novel (DeLeo's Action Thriller Singles Book 3)

Page 14

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Mr. Peacenik, you should be ashamed of yourself,” Jill gasped in mock surprise.

  “Keep your hands to yourself, Ms. Gregory,” Peace replied, as he gripped the steering wheel.

  Jill laughed, and slid back over to the passenger side, buckling her seat belt again. She unbuttoned her blouse as Peace concentrated on the highway. When he glanced over at her, she had opened her blouse completely, baring her breasts, as she nonchalantly looked straight ahead.

  “You know,” Peace said, shaking his head, “I think you have a sadistic side to you, Jill.”

  Jill looked over, tensing her arms slightly at the sides of her breasts and turning towards him with a look of bewilderment. “Why Peace, I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Oh, you little hussy. You better hope your roommate is home when we get to the campus, because payback’s a bitch.”

  “Are… are you all right?” Jill asked, gently reaching over to run her hand over Peace’s stomach, where McCray had hit him.

  “Yea, but it’s going to be sore tomorrow,” Peace answered, involuntarily tensing at her touch.

  “My roommate’s staying at her folks house until Friday,” Jill said quietly.

  “Oh baby, are you in trouble,” Peace stated, trying without success to keep his eyes glued to the road ahead. Grab my notebook computer from behind your seat, and let’s work on our depositions. I promised Dan, I’d have them ready tomorrow morning.”

  Jill nodded, and buttoned up her blouse, pausing only to flash Peace the moment he looked away from the road. She reached back behind the seat and carefully pulled the thin briefcase up to the front. With the expertise of a computer literate college student, Jill readied herself to begin within moments.

  “I see you have a legal program icon. Will it have a template for a deposition?”

  “It better have,” Peace replied. “Hey, why don’t you get naked while you’re doing the depositions?”

  “I don’t think so, Mr. Peacenik.”

  “Why not?” Peace asked, smiling.

  “Because you’re too willing now.”

  Peace simply sighed, as Jill giggled.

  Jill finished taking the dictation on Peace’s laptop computer as he drove, and saved the file, as she had done with her own deposition. “I’ll have to print these when I get to the campus, so I can sign mine before you leave.”

  “No need,” Peace smiled over at her. “I have a portable printer in the trunk. I’ll get it out once we get to your campus. I would have put it up front here with the laptop, but my thinking wasn’t as clear after the hello ceremony.”

  Jill blushed. Remembering how she had screamed out in release during their lovemaking. Jill smiled back shyly. “Maybe we will have time for a quick goodbye. I don’t know about the complete payback for my earlier behavior, but I’m sure you could achieve some retribution.”

  Peace ran his free hand over Jill’s hair as he drove. “You drive me crazy, Jill.”

  Jill took his hand in both of hers, and placed it on her bare leg. “We’ll stop when you hit insane.”

  Peace laughed in appreciation as they neared the outskirts of Los Angeles. He glanced over at her with a more serious look in the darkened car. “Don’t mention those two policemen to anyone, okay Honey?”

  “Why?” Jill asked in surprise. “We can’t just forget about…”

  “Yes, we can,” Peace cut in. “Listen, forget them, and the incident. When anyone asks you about tonight, tell them we left your motel at seven, and I drove you to UCLA. Any questions more probing than that, call your Dad. Please, just trust me on this, baby.”

  Jill reached over and squeezed his arm. “I trust you with my life. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t even remember what the police officers looked like who interviewed us. How’s that?”

  “Perfecto,” Peace nodded. “We’ll get through this, Jill. I just need to find out all the parameters of this mess. Hey, did I tell you what I did to the guys today during training?”

  For the next twenty minutes, in between Jill’s directions to the campus, Peace regaled her on the morning’s exercise, complete with his singing of The Ballad of the Green Berets. During his recitation, Jill was laughing so hard, they missed two of their turnoffs. After a fifteen-minute delay, they finally arrived at Sproul Hall on the UCLA campus, where Jill shared a dorm room. Jill directed him to the visitor parking. Peace hurriedly retrieved his portable printer from the trunk, and they completed the task of printing and signing the depositions. They signed each other’s deposition as a witness, although Peace was not sure of the legality of it.

  Minutes later, they were walking arm in arm towards her dorm.

  “You’re the lawyer,” Peace said. “Are these legal enough?”

  “They’ll do,” Jill answered, “Finish up your story. What did they do to you?”

  “Luckily, my dear, I’m the fastest man on the team. They will, of course, seek revenge later in the Klingon mode,” Peace replied.

  “A dish best served cold, right?” Jill laughed. Peace glanced at her in surprise. “Very good.”

  “You didn’t know I was a Star Trek aficionado, did you?” Jill teased him.

  “My cup runneth over.”

  The couple drew curious glances, as they made their way to the apartment Jill shared with her friend. She locked the door again after Peace followed her in. Turning, she pulled his shirt off, gasping at the already purpling bruise on Peace’s abdomen. Jill ran her fingers over it gently.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Jill asked in concern.

  “I’ll live,” Peace replied, taking her into his arms. “Are you sure your friend won’t be back for a while?”

  “Yes,” Jill answered softly, pulling his face down to hers. “It feels like you’re swollen somewhere else besides your stomach, baby.”

  “It’s a recurring problem I’m working on a permanent solution for,” Peace said, kissing her gently.

  Later, as they lay in each other’s arms, Jill pushed herself up to a position to look into Peace’s face.

  “My folks have a home in LA, within ten minutes of his law firm’s office. I’m sure Dad will be thrilled to meet you after all my detective work. Want to come up to LA the week after next and meet them?” Jill asked him.

  “Sure, if no major catastrophe happens between then and now, I’ll be here. Would around eight in the morning that Saturday, be okay?”

  “Perfect,” Jill replied, laying her head against his chest again. “Do you have to leave soon?”

  “Yea, I should go in the next few minutes,” Peace said, kissing the top of Jill’s head. He clenched his teeth together, as he straightened up, to keep from giving any sign of the pain he felt from where the policeman’s billy club had struck.

  Jill sat up with him. “Peace, what was that gizmo I saw in your trunk when you took the printer out? You know, the one that looked like some kind of scanning antennae.”

  “It’s a satellite uplink,” Peace told her, as Jill handed him a couple of baby wipes to clean off with, and then fended off her attempts to do it for him. “We’re working on some hi-tech stuff for our next deployment. I’m glad you remembered to give me your E-mail address. It would be better to keep in touch that way.”

  Jill nodded, rubbing against Peace, as he tried to slip into his clothes.

  “You’re not helping,” Peace complained.

  “It looks like that recurring problem is back,” Jill observed.

  “I’ll give you a recurring problem,” Peace laughed, forcing a squealing Jill back onto the bed.


  Peace stopped at a Comfort Inn motel, half an hour away from San Diego. He rented a room with his credit card, and then went inside the rented room with his laptop and satellite uplink. Setting up his station on the room desk table, Peace loaded the cipher program he had been engineering. Opening another window on his screen, Peace hacked into the police band, so he could follow the broadcast as he worked. Having already practiced invading t
he San Diego police data banks, Peace had no trouble finding the personnel files of officers McCray and Miguel.

  The two policemen were on duty until four in the morning by the duty roster Peace pulled up. Threading into the assignment desk station, he followed their called in schedule during the night, plotting their routine. Deciding his best chance would come just before they were off duty, Peace glanced down at the time on the screen: 2:15 AM. Peace lay down on the motel bed and set his wake up call on the laptop for 3:15 in case his internal clock failed him. At 3:10 AM, Peace woke up, and switched off his laptop alarm.

  After loading his equipment back into the trunk of his Buick, Peace reached into his equipment bag stashed behind the spare tire. He retrieved a high voltage Taser gun, a 400,000volt stun gun, latex gloves, and thin pullover black watch cap. He brought them with him into the vehicle. Peace drove into San Diego’s early morning, traffic free streets. Peace turned off his headlights and began patrolling the area of the last call McCray and Miguel had logged, only a few minutes before. It had been an alarm at a liquor store, where the store siren was still sounding. McCray and Miguel’s squad car lights were flashing. Parking his Buick down the street on the same side as the squad car, Peace waited.

  The squad car, parked perpendicular to the front of the liquor store, along a side street at the three-way intersection, beamed its lights directly on the storefront. Moments later, as Peace watched, the liquor storeowner arrived in front of the store. The bedraggled looking man shaded his eyes against the beams of the police car headlights. McCray and Miguel exited the squad car with their hands on the butts of their side-arms, as a police helicopter circled the area around the store. The man held up his hands as the officers approached. After confirming his identity, they allowed the storeowner to shut off the alarm system by remote. Unlocking the entrance door, the storeowner then stepped aside to allow the officers to enter.

  Two backup patrol cars arrived directly in front of the store, as neighbors, wakened by the lights and siren, poked their heads out of windows and doors, a few stumbling out on the sidewalk for a look. Peace watched the scene patiently. He made a final check of his weapons with a small pinpoint beam from his pencil thin flashlight, making sure the Taser was loaded properly. Finally, with the return of silence, and the release of the helicopter surveillance, Peace saw the neighbors return inside their dwellings.

  After a brief meeting outside the liquor store, the backup police officers called in, and then left. McCray and Miguel remained behind, talking to a gesturing liquor storeowner. Peace reached up and took out his dome light bulb before easing out of the driver’s side of the Buick. Staying low, sliding along the line of parked vehicles between him and the squad car, Peace worked his way to the trunk of the police vehicle.

  McCray and Miguel walked back to their squad car together after dismissing the storeowner. Peace could hear them grumbling about ending their shift in such a way. McCray slipped into the driver’s side quickly, and started the car as Miguel opened the passenger side door. McCray heard a loud crackle. He glanced over in time to see Miguel collapse between the car door and the curb. Instinctively reaching out for his partner across the seat, McCray cried out as the Taser needles hit him and discharged into his body. Peace picked up Miguel’s still twitching body, and stuffed him upright into the passenger seat, squeezing into the car next to him. Peace pulled the door closed quickly.

  Peace covered Miguel’s nose and mouth with his gloved hand, sealing the policeman’s air passages. After waiting until Officer Miguel no longer showed any sign of life, Peace executed McCray in the same manner. After straightening the two men in their seats, Peace placed McCray’s hands on the steering wheel, and manually closed his fingers on it at the nine and three position. He put McCray’s hat back on, and made sure the man would not fall sideways. Peace repeated the procedure with Miguel as the police radio crackled out miscellaneous communications. Placing the handset in Miguel’s left hand, Peace then made sure Miguel’s hat was straight before easing out the car door. Peace forced the door closed with pressure, and then surveyed the scene around him without moving.

  Peace waited five full minutes, scanning each doorway and window within sight for any movement. Convinced of his being unobserved, Peace picked up his weapons from where he had dropped them, and returned to the Buick in the same manner as he had left it. He waited another fifteen minutes, watching the squad car lights, and then started the Buick. With his lights off, Peace drove past the squad car, and turned right in front of the liquor store. Just before dawn, Peace parked his Buick in the Comfort Inn parking lot.

  In his motel room, Peace looked down at his watch to see it was nearly six-thirty in the morning. Taking the stun gun and Taser into the bathroom with him, Peace took a shower, and washed both weapons with soap and water. Handling them with a washrag, Peace then threw them into the plastic bag, lining the small bathroom trash container. Lying down again after his shower, Peace slept for half an hour before getting up. He put the tied plastic bag into the front of the Buick, and hurried to the now open office. Peace checked out with the desk clerk, handing him the room keys, and traded polite conversation with him before returning to his car.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Peace disposed of the plastic bag half way between Coronado, and San Diego, off Highway 75 going across the water. Carrying his laptop, and other gear, Peace put his belongings inside the common equipment room the team used to store their gear. He made it in time to shave before reporting to Dan with his depositions. Dan saw him coming, as Peace stopped to exchange hellos with a few of the other Seal Team members. Bull had him in a headlock already, as Dan walked up.

  “Lieutenant,” Bull said, gritting his teeth, while pretending to choke the life out of a laughing Peace. “Do you know what this Freaknik guy asked me first thing this morning?”

  Dan looked at the three other Seals enjoying the show, Doc Jameson, JT Brigham, and Tracer Robards, who shrugged as if they had no idea.

  “Okay, I’ll bite,” Dan sighed. “What did the bad Petty Officer Peacenik say to you, Chief, to get you so mad?”

  “He asked me if Holly was mad at me, now that she understands big feet don’t really mean… well… you know,” Bull replied, tightening his grip.

  This sent the other three Seals into a paroxysm of laughter, as Dan turned away, trying to keep from joining them. He turned back finally, having gained control for the moment.

  “Let him up for air, Chief,” Dan smiled, as Bull reluctantly released a now red-faced Peace. “What have you to say for yourself, Petty Officer?”

  “Lieutenant,” Peace said, coming to attention, “Please observe the size of Chief Jenkins feet, and then try to imagine the mind numbing disappointment the poor girl…”

  Peace heard the growl as the others were already roaring in laughter again. Peace moved behind Dan in a split second, as Jenkins pulled up short, only inches away from Lieutenant Righter, his hands formed into claws.

  “Chief,” Dan said, reasonably, “why not take the team out, while I deal with this matter in private.”

  Bull let his arms drop to his sides reluctantly. He glanced back at his teammates, who immediately quieted and looked away from Bull’s grin. Bull turned back to Dan, nodding in agreement, and pointing at Peace, who waved at him comically.

  “I think we’ll start out with a little hill climbing today, Lieutenant,” Jenkins agreed, as the other Seals groaned, “carrying a modest amount of weight as we climb, of course.”

  “An excellent choice, Chief,” Dan replied.

  “Please don’t keep Petty Officer Peacenik long, Lieutenant. I’ve noticed a certain recalcitrance lately in his performance,” Bull said, staring right at Peace.

  Dan turned to Peace, who came to attention again. “Is this true, Peace?”

  “It may be, Sir. I may indeed be losing my edge,” Peace replied formally, glancing over at Bull with a grin. “I never realized the Chief even knew a word l
ike recalcitrance.”

  “Oh boy,” Bull said through clenched teeth, as Dan tried unsuccessfully to hide his amusement. “We are going to have fun today, and for you, Petty Officer Peacenik, it will be a long one.” “Carry on, Chief,” Dan managed to reply.

  “Hoo-ya,” Bull said, gracing Peace with one more look meant to disintegrate him into dust, before turning to the other team members.

  “Let’s go, ladies, plenty of fun to be had today for all.” “Thanks a lot, Peace,” Doc called out over his shoulder.

  “Yea, nice one, Peace,” JT added.

  Robards put his arm around Bull, as Jenkins walked by. “So, Chief, what did she say when she found out about the myth?”

  Jenkins froze, as Robards took off at full speed. Bull turned for one last look at Peace before following.

  “I believe Bull plans on making this a memorable training day,” Lieutenant Righter commented.

  “Yes, Sir, the Chief does appear very motivated today,” Peace smiled. He handed Dan the folder he was still clutching. “Here’s the depositions Jill and I made out.”

  Dan nodded, taking the folder. “Becky really likes her, and so do I.”

  “She’s the best thing that’s happened to me since I became a Seal,” Peace said seriously.

  “I’m glad to hear you say that. It would be unwise to allow such a woman to get away from you. I’ll get this to Jessup. You go on and see if you can find a way to appease the Chief before he gets too carried away.”

  “Hoo-ya,” Peace replied, turning to run after his teammates. He stopped after a few steps. “Hey Dan, you joining us today.”

  “Don’t start with me, buddy,” Dan warned. “You already know how much I hate that stupid hill.”

  “Just checking,” Peace waved, continuing on.

  Dan smiled, watching his friend’s form double time out of sight, doubting any appeasement would be on the horizon for Chief Jenkins.

  Two detectives, and six uniformed officers were waiting when Seal Team Six returned from their last run. All of the Seals had seen the officers as they made their way from the open beach area. Lieutenant Righter spotted Commander Jessup’s tall form behind the uniforms as he led the team up the last hill from the beach. He halted the team in front of the group, and saluted Commander Jessup, who returned Righter’s salute formally as he stepped forward.


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