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Page 15

by Lori Foster

  Everyone stared. Casey held his breath.

  Making a face, Emma said, "I'm sorry to hold you up, but since you're all here, I figured it'd be a good time to apologize." She sneaked a quick look at Casey. "And don't tell me it's not necessary, because it is to me."

  "Damn it, Em..." He took a step up the porch stairs toward her.

  Morgan laced his arms around Misty and pulled her back into his chest. "Well now, I suppose we've got a few minutes to spare."

  Misty snorted. "And the curiosity is probably killing him."

  "Casey's right." Honey leaned forward in her chair. "You don't owe us anything at all. But if you want to talk..."

  With his hand on the back of Honey's chair, Sawyer said, "I'm curious too. Where'd you go the night you ran off?"

  Casey glowered at his family. He thought about just flinging Emma over his shoulder, as he'd done to Shohn, and carrying her off. But that'd probably shoot any chance he had of getting on her good side. He could tell this was important to her, so he locked his jaw and waited.

  Emma turned to Morgan first. "My father told me that you looked for me after I took off. I'm sorry that I put you to that trouble by not explaining better when I left, and I'm especially sorry that any of you worried about me. Kids do dumb things, and that night it didn't occur to me that any of you might worry."

  Because no one had ever worried about her before? Casey didn't like that probability, but he knew it was likely true.

  She turned to Sawyer next. "I never dreamed that you'd actually look for me."

  "We just wanted to know for certain that you were okay."

  Honey agreed with her husband. "You were awfully young to go off on your own."

  "I know. And I appreciate your concern." Her cheeks dimpled with her smile. "It's why I came here that night, because I knew you'd be nice and that you'd understand. I'm sorry I took advantage of you."

  "Enough apologies," Misty said. "Morgan likes to fret – it's why he's a sheriff – and Sawyer's no better. They're both mother hens. Obviously you and Casey have made up now, so all's well that ends well."

  Casey took that as his cue to move to her side. Without confirming or denying Misty's statement, Emma said, "Thank you."

  But Morgan wasn't ready to let it go. "So where'd you disappear to?"

  Misty gave him a frown, which he ignored.

  "Chicago. I met some very nice people who helped me figure out what I wanted to do. I finished up school and started my own business. Things have been great."

  Bemused, Casey could only stare at her. If he hadn't heard the full story – or rather, a less condensed version – he would have believed her life to be a bed of roses. Damn, she was good at covering up. He'd have to remember that.

  "What kind of business do you have?" Honey asked.

  "Massage therapy. I have my own small studio."

  "Ohmigod," Misty enthused. "I know women in town who drive weekly into Florence for a massage. They'll be all over you if they find out."

  "Not that Misty needs to leave home for that sort of thing," Morgan stated, while rubbing her shoulders. Misty just smiled.

  "Are you going to be in town long?" Honey asked.

  "I'm not sure yet."

  Casey caught her hand and laced his fingers with hers. He didn't want to hear about her leaving when she'd only just come home. "We have to get going."

  "I thought you wanted to change."

  "I will, but I figured we'd swing into the apartment on our way down to the lake." The house overlooked the lake, and from the back, it wasn't too far to walk to reach the shore. Casey's apartment above the garage was on the way, so he decided to just drag Emma along with him. The quicker he got her alone, the better.

  "All right." Emma finished off her glass of tea. After slipping her sandals back on, she thanked Honey again.

  "Will you be back in time for lunch?" Honey wanted to know.

  If things worked out as he hoped, they'd spend the rest of the day together. "We'll grab something on the lake, but thanks." Casey hugged the women, said farewell to the men, and led Emma back to the car so she could get her satchel. They went around the side of the house to the garage apartment. Before Emma could call B.B., he fell into step beside her, along with all the kids. The dog almost looked to be laughing, he'd had such a good time.

  "Where ya going?" Garrett asked.

  Ruffling his hair, Emma said, "Casey is taking me boating."

  Shohn perked up. "How about tubin' us, Case?" Emma looked at Casey in question. She remembered tubing, Casey was sure. At one time or another, just about everyone on the lake had been bounced around on a fat black inner tube, tied with a ski rope and pulled behind the boat. It proved a bruising ride, one guaranteed to get water up your nose and make your body ache. Kids loved it, but most adults had more sense.

  Likely Emma's questioning look meant it was up to him whether or not to include the kids.

  He voted not. Casey wanted to grab Emma and run like hell. Instead, he told Shohn, "How about we save that for another day? Emma hasn't been home in a long time and I want to let her enjoy the ride, not scare her to death with your daredevil antics."

  The boys looked downcast, making Casey feel guilty. Then Amber, the oldest of the bunch at a not-quite-mature eleven, elbowed them both. "You can go tubing anytime, dummy. Case has a date."

  Shohn slanted a leering look at Casey and grinned like a possum, but Garrett shrugged. "So?"

  "So he wants to kiss her. Don't ya, Case?" Shohn made smooching noises while pretending to hold a swooning female.

  Emma surprised him yet again by snatching Shohn up close and kissing his cheek and neck until he screamed uncle. Everyone was laughing, Garrett pointing at Shohn, and B.B. jumping around in glee. Amber looked up at Casey, her dark-blue eyes twinkling with enjoyment. He hugged his niece, unable to stop smiling. Damn, having Emma around was nice. Without even trying, she fit in – into Buckhorn, into his family. Into his heart.

  Emma sat down on the bottom step leading up to the rooms over the garage. Casey smoothed his hand over her head. "I'll go change and be right back."

  Panting, Shohn sprawled backward across her lap like a sacrifice, his arms spread out, his head almost touching the ground. "Take your time, brother. Take your time."

  Emma laughed too hard to answer Casey, but Amber followed him up the steps and through the front door. She helped herself to a drink of water, then flounced onto his sofa while Casey went into the bedroom to change into his trunks.

  "I like her," Amber announced, saying it loud so Casey would be sure to hear.

  "Me too," Casey called out to her.

  "You gonna keep this one?"

  Inside his room, Casey chuckled. He remained endlessly amazed at how different his nieces were from the boys. The girls got together and planned, while the boys got together and scuffled. Occasionally the differences were less noticeable, like on holidays when they were all wild little monkeys, but overall the girls were more mature. "She has some say-so in that, you know."

  "Daddy doesn't give Mom much say-so. He just picks her up and totes her wherever he wants her to go."

  That picture brought about a laugh. Morgan did seem fond of hauling Misty around. 'Course, he'd seen his father toting Honey a time or two as well – whenever she'd fallen asleep on the couch, and several times when his dad had that certain look, which prompted Casey to give them immediate privacy. In Gabe's case, it was as often as not Elizabeth who was dragging Gabe off to bed. Jordan, however, was more subtle. He and Georgia connected with scorching looks that no one could misunderstand.

  Casey finished changing into cutoff jeans, an unbuttoned, short-sleeve shirt and ratty sneakers. He snagged a beach towel and rejoined Amber. "Your mom lets Morgan get away with that because she likes it."

  Amber sighed theatrically. "I know. Daddy says Mom has him wrapped around her little finger."

  "Your mom and you both." Casey held his hand out for her and said, "Let's go before she runs off
with Shohn instead."

  "Yeah right." Amber slipped her small hand into his. "She's probably already in love with you. All the women act stupid around you."

  Casey's heart jumped at that "L" word, but he said only, "You think Emma acts stupid?"

  "No, silly. That's why I think you should keep her."

  When they went back down the steps, they found Emma doing tricks with B.B. She threw a stick and he caught it in midair, then brought it back to her. She told him to roll over, to speak, to shake hands.

  The boys were suitably impressed with his every feat. Without even thinking about it, Casey looped his arms around Emma from behind and kissed her ear. The kids all stared wide-eyed. "If you think her dog is neat, you should see her car."

  That refocused the boys' attention.

  "Is it as cool as your car?" "What color is it?"

  Teasing, Emma said, "It's better than his car."

  Casey raised an eyebrow, but agreed. "Definitely. We both have Mustangs, but Emma's is a cherry-red classic. You know what that means?"

  Garrett nodded. "It's old."

  "But in great condition."

  Frowning, Garrett said, "I'd rather have a new one."

  "That's only because you haven't seen it yet," Emma assured him.

  Casey gave her a squeeze. "How about we bring the car by here tomorrow and you rats can look it over?"

  "Will you stay for dinner?" Amber asked, and even to Casey, who knew her private agenda, Amber looked like innocence personified.

  Shohn aimed a thumb at his chest. "You could go out in the boat with us so I can show you how good I ski."

  Emma stiffened with alarm, though why the idea of spending time with his family bothered her, he had no clue. She liked the kids, he could tell that much. And she'd been totally at ease even while apologizing and explaining to Morgan, Misty, Honey and his dad.

  He let her push out of his hold and move a few steps away.

  She turned to face him, saying, "I might already have plans..." But the words trailed off as she got a look at his naked chest. When a breeze blew by, parting the shirt a little more, Emma's mouth fell open, her eyes flared.

  Satisfaction built within him.

  Well now, that was nice. He was comfortable in his own skin, so casual around the lake he hadn't really thought about her seeing him when he yanked on the shirt. But Emma seemed to appreciate it. Once he got her on the boat, he'd lose the shirt and encourage her to lose the cover-up. He'd get her in the cove and hold her close, skin to skin...

  Like perfect little strategists, the kids started begging Emma to return for dinner. Casey decided he would take them tubing – and soon. They deserved it.

  He reached out and tugged on a lock of Emma's hair, then mimicked the kids. "Please?"

  She swallowed, closed her mouth, and raised her eyes to his. "I'll try." Her smile was staged. "But I'll probably have to bring Damon along."

  Casey groaned, grabbed his heart as if he'd been shot, and stumbled into Amber, who laughed while trying to hold him up.

  "Who," she demanded around her smile, "is this Damon person?"

  Casey straightened. He hugged Amber, then kissed her little turned-up nose. "He's no one important, sweetheart. Just Emma's friend. And if he comes to dinner with us, why then you can all show him how to catch tadpoles and crawdads on the shore, okay?"

  Amber's small face brightened in understanding, and she gave Casey a conspiratorial wink. "Okay, Casey. That sounds like fun." She encompassed the boys in a look, and added, "It'll probably take him a long time to get the hang of it, but we'll be patient – even if it takes hours."


  EMMA TRAILED her fingers in the cold water. She loved the sights, sounds and smells of being on the lake, but it all faded away with Casey so near. It wasn't easy keeping her gaze off him. In fact, it proved impossible.

  But Lord have mercy, he looked good. He now wore only low-riding cutoffs and he was perched on the driver's seat at the back of the boat, steering one-handed while the wind blew his dark-blond hair and the sun reflected off his smooth, tanned shoulders and the firm expanse of his broad back. He had one muscular, hairy leg braced on the deck of the boat, the other in the seat. She let her eyes follow the line of his spine all the way to the waistband of those shorts...

  She jerked her gaze away. Staring at Casey's muscled backside would not help her get it together. The air was hot, but it didn't compare to what she felt on the inside. Casey had matured in ways she hadn't counted on. His body had always been lean and strong, but now he had filled out and his strength was obvious in the flex of muscles in his upper arms, across his chest and shoulders. He wasn't a hulk like Morgan, just nicely defined and very macho.

  He was hairier than she remembered too. Not too much, but there was a sexy sprinkling of dark-brown hair on his chest that faded to a thin line toward his navel, then a silkier line still down his belly – and behind his fly.

  Emma breathed too deeply, imagined too much, but she wanted to touch him, kiss him.

  When they'd first gotten in the boat, B.B. had demanded all her attention. He'd tottered back and forth, looking out one side of the boat then the other, constantly whining. He didn't like the way the boat moved and kept him unsteady. But within ten minutes, he'd settled down and now he watched out the back, his body braced against the casing for the inboard motor. His tongue hung out the side of his mouth and his furry face held an expression of excitement.

  Emma had been smiling over that when Casey casually pulled off his shirt and stowed it in the side of the boat. While she ogled him, he suggested she remove her cover-up. She'd declined, and had been trying not to stare at him, without much success, ever since.

  The lake was crowded with boats everywhere, more so than she remembered it being in the past. At first Casey had driven at breakneck speed, cutting across the wakes of other boats, bouncing over choppy waves, causing the water to spray into the boat and making her laugh. He'd gradually slowed and moved closer to the shoreline so that now they glided through the water, watchful of skiers and swimmers and noisy Jet Skis.

  A flashy cabin cruiser filled with sun worshipers zipped up alongside them. Lounged around the boat, three men and three women waved, prompting Casey to return the greeting. Emma saw his friendly smile, the way his raised arm showed a tuft of dark hair beneath, how his biceps bulged. She also saw how the women coveted Casey with open admiration, while the men leered at her. She didn't know if anyone recognized her, and she didn't stare back long enough to recognize anyone herself, but before the day was over, his friends would be talking. She hated that, but had no idea how to avoid it. Whether it was fair or not, she did have a reputation, and yet Casey was determined to be seen with her.

  Her thoughts scattered as he steered the boat into a deep cove at the far end of the long lake, away from the congestion. He didn't bother to speak over the roar of the motor, but every so often she felt the intensity of his gaze settle on her. Little by little he slowed until the motor only purred and the ride was easy and smooth, just gliding through the water.

  By the time they were out of sight from prying eyes, she couldn't hold back any longer and moved to the seat behind him.

  Casey twisted his head toward her. He wore dark reflective sunglasses, but she could tell by the set of his mouth, the slight flare of his nostrils, that his mind had centered on the very same thoughts.

  Without saying a word, Emma knelt on the seat and settled both palms on his bare shoulders, smoothing her hands down to his shoulder blades, then to his sides in a deep, sensual massage. Hot. Taut. Silky-smooth flesh over hard muscle.

  Casey went still except for the expanding of his chest and back with each deep breath he took. She loved touching him, stroking him. "Emma..." he said, half in pleasure, half in warning. "Damn, you are good."

  She leaned forward and pressed her open mouth to the spot where his shoulder melded into his neck. She breathed his heated scent while rubbing deeply at muscles, relaxi
ng him and exciting him at the same time. "You're the most beautiful man I've ever seen."

  He shuddered and reached back for her hand, then drew it forward to his mouth to kiss her knuckles. He held her that way, with one arm draped around his neck, her breasts flattened on his back. She put her cheek on his shoulder and hugged him. Strangely enough, she felt both content and turbulent.

  "I want to show you something, okay?"

  So overwhelmed with sensation, Emma could barely speak. She nodded.

  He slowed the boat even more to drift into dark green, shallow water riddled with sunken tree limbs and covered with moss. This finger of the cove was narrow, barely big enough for a boat to turn around. Emma worried for the boat's prop, but figured Casey knew what he was doing.

  That thought was confirmed when she spotted a skinny weathered dock with uneven boards at the very tip of the cove. It had old tires nailed to the side to protect the boat, with grommets for a tie-up. Casey brought the boat up alongside it, turned off the engine and secured it with the ease of long practice.

  Enormous elms grew along all sides of the shoreline, with branches reaching far out across the water to form a canopy over the cove. She could hear the croak of frogs, the splash of carp, the chirp of katydids. The air smelled thick with all the greenery.

  Casey brought her around next to him. Every line of his body was drawn tight. "You like it?"

  "It's incredible."

  "I bought it. There're two acres, and the little cabin up the hill." He didn't look away from her as he explained that. "More like a shack, really. But it's secluded and peaceful."

  Emma slipped off her sunglasses to peer into the surrounding woods. Sure enough, halfway up the hill a small house was just barely visible through the thick trees and scrubby shrubs. Like the dock, it was constructed of weathered wooden planks and consisted mostly of a sloping screened-in front porch. A skinny dirt path led down to the dock.

  She gazed up at the tall trees, blocking all but a few rays of sunshine, then she listened to the quiet. Her tone low in near reverence, she whispered, "It's almost magical."


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