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River God: The Horse Lords

Page 10

by Diana Drakulich

  Slowly sliding. Pushing, rubbing up and down. Almost entering her but not quite. Deliberately, sensuously, circling and rubbing. Making her want him.

  “You like that My Beauty?”

  Hips undulating, she writhed in response. Soft smooching lips kissed, licked and sucked down his neck to the juncture at his shoulder.

  He kept on, tormenting her with pleasure, dragging his raging hot cock along her slick slit in slow luscious strokes. Sliding the mushroom head over her pearl and down again. His velvety shaft pushing between warm thighs, down her slit and up again to caress her bud.

  “Do you want me?” His lips breathed over hers. “Now and forever?”

  “Always Adoni.”

  Pressing her breasts together, she offered her nipples to the male’s lips and tongue. He sucked and nibbled as he ground and rocked her pulsing core down over his throbbing erection. Sliding his thumb between their almost touching bellies, he rubbed and flicked her pearl. His bride moaned, grinding against him.

  Bodies thrumming, lost in the fiery drums, mare and stallion galloped in rhythm, wild and free,. Together they hit that moment – when the universe becomes a vast pleasure palace, bodies shuddering, lost in volcanic waves of mindless ecstasy. Completely entwined, they kissed, deeply.

  “My Lord, my heart is yours forever. This was the most wonderful night of my life.”

  “My Queen, my beautiful wife, I will have only you, always and forever.”

  The next morning Sava joked with Yagya – “Now I know why you Tauri have so many children running around camp.”

  “Aye,” the king responded, grinning. “There may be more than one child born from last night. “But you why did you not enjoy yourself with that beautiful woman?”

  So Yagya’s sharp eyes had missed nothing. Despite the fact he seemed to be engrossed in his own woman at the marriage ritual. Sava sensed Yagya felt slighted. As if a Tauri woman might not be good enough, or that Sava might despise the Tauri for such blatant public sex rituals.

  “Sire, believe me, I was completely under the spell of that beauty – Sorsha. I had to summon all my will to keep from succumbing to her charms. But I had to restrain my desire. I needed to conserve my strength and wit for the race today.”

  Yagya nodded. “You don’t have to race your horse. We are not forcing you.”

  “If racing my stallion will convince the Tauri to come to the war council, then I am honored to run him against your best.”

  “So be it then. The best of Sauromatia against the best of Taurica!”

  “Where is the course? I want to see it before the race.”

  Yagya shook his head. “There is not time enough. But you will see the track clearly ahead. It is well marked with outriders and flags. Stay with the pack, they know it well. You will be given a leather flask to tie to your belt. When you get to the river, dip the flask into the water then come back the same way.”

  “Any obstacles to watch out for?”

  “There are a few simple obstacles. The course reflects our land, fallen logs, rocks, crevices, hills and valleys. Nothing your… champion can’t handle.” The Tauri king flashed him a cagey smile.

  Chapter 20 – Wrath of the Goddess

  What will happen to me

  When your heart turns elsewhere

  And your lust burns out?

  Why would I want to be the lover of a shoe

  That mangles its owner’s foot?

  Epic of Gilgamesh 1500 BC

  Another long day passed riding through the barren hinterlands of Androphagia. Hahq and his comrades made camp along a crystalline river replete with inviting rock-lined pools. For dinner Yeva cooked rabbit stew using herbs for seasoning and edible roots.

  “That looks good Yeva!” Dobrich smacked his lips with anticipation. Everyone was starving.

  “Yeva is a good cook.” Voron affirmed.

  Hahq leaned over the bubbling vessel and sniffed, his expression skeptical. “I guess so. If you don’t mind poison. Hey – Was that a toad leg I just saw?”

  “Where?” Voron asked, hiding a smile

  “Uh, it just sank to the bottom. Keep stirring Yeva, it will come up again. Are you sure this `stew’ is not drugged?”

  Yeva’s kako mati eyes narrowed and shot daggers at Hahq, but she calmly dished up the stew anyway.

  “In that case you don’t want any. Do you Hahq?” Her husky voice honey-coated.

  But Hahq’s empty belly had a mind of its own and growled. Hearing it, Yeva smiled.

  “I will take a little.” He grunted.

  “Oh thank you for letting me serve you my lord.”

  His men were smiling into their food and exchanging sidelong looks.

  They are laughing at me again. Hahq’ pride got the better of his rampant hunger. “Never mind - I have moldy cheese that tastes better than this. At least I know what’s in it!” He strode away.

  Voron brought him a bowl of the stew anyway. “Come on have some. It’s good.”

  Hahq shook his head. But the aroma of the hot stew was more than he could bear. Grudgingly he took it and lit into it like a starving man. After they had eaten Hahq noticed Yeva casting longing looks at the river.

  Ahah the witch thinks to sneak away and find a private pool to bathe in. As if no one would notice with a whole camp of lust-starved men around.

  Here was his chance to wreak revenge. Wrapping his cloak around himself, Hahq stretched out on the ground and pretended to sleep. Instead he watched her through slitted eyes.

  It was not long before Yeva stole away upstream as if going to relieve herself. Silent as a wraith in his soft buckskin boots, Hahq prowled after her.

  As expected Yeva stopped at a sandy pool and glanced around. Satisfied she was alone, she stripped off her clothes. At the sight of her lush naked body wading into the glittering blue pool, Hahq’s cock swelled.

  Oh Beauty thy name is woman. Down boy. It is sweet revenge, not sex I want.

  But that was before she had stripped to the nude. Now he was not so sure which he wanted first. Revenge or sex. But he had the advantage and was determined to make the most of it.

  Hahq strode out of hiding and grabbed Yeva’s clothes. Then he stood there staring at her. Daring her.

  Sensing a presence, Yeva turned and spotted him immediately. Standing in chest deep water she did her best to focus an ominous, kako mati glare at him.

  “Put my clothes down and go away Hahq.”

  “Why should I? Your time has come, sorceress. Go ask one of `your men’ to give you clothes.”

  “This is below you. It’s a trick mean boys play.”

  “Ah - and putting that snake in my bed was not the act of a spiteful child?”

  “Nay because you are a snake Hahq. You simply embraced your own kind. It was well worth it to wipe that arrogant smirk off your face.”

  “I will take your clothes and burn them. Then we will see how long your smirk lasts.”

  “Alright Hahq. I am sorry. I never wanted a war between us. Now put down my clothes.”

  “Nay. You won’t get them back until you kneel at my feet and beg my forgiveness.” That would put her plush lips just about where he wanted them.

  Eyes flaring with molten fury, Yeva rose from the water, an enraged goddess in all her dripping glory. Her long ash blonde hair cascading down her fair shoulders in dripping rivulets. Unashamed, she strode close enough to reach out and touch him.

  Abruptly her attitude changed. “Is that really what you want Hahq? To humiliate me? Hmmm?” Her voice honeyed velvet. “I am not ashamed to face your men, naked as the day I was born. Don’t forget, I am a priestess of Velesh. I glory in my body.

  Hahq stared at her. Licked his lips. Swallowed She IS a goddess.

  He felt a compulsion to kneel before her. To embrace her sacred womanhood. To splash and cavort with her in the bright pool under the rising moon.

  Her hand reached out. Smoothed up his bare, panting chest. Thrilling tendrils of fire shot up his sp
ine. Oh gods. He wanted to reach out and hold her, kiss her.

  Yeva’s lips lifted in a shy smile as she gazed at him with those stunning kako mati eyes.

  “Oh Hahq…it was so beautiful between us once. Why has it come to this?…And so swiftly?” Her eyes delved into his heart. She released a deep nostalgic sigh.

  For a moment he thought she would give in then and kneel before him.

  “Beg my forgiveness.” His male pride adamant.

  She opened her mouth, her lips moved. He was stunned with what came out -

  “I can hear it now, a tale told around campfires.”


  “The story of how Voivode Hahq fought a great battle. The Battle of Serpent’s Lick!” Her sensual lips curved in a triumphant grin. “The way you sat up and screamed your head off. The terrified look on your face! Oh gods I will never forget it as long as I live.” A laugh of pure hilarity burst from her lush lips.

  Too late it came to him – This woman will not be dominated. She will never submit unless she wills it. I should have seen that from the beginning…

  “I will ask Voron to give me some clothes. He is not like you. I thought you were a noble prince but I was wrong. You are an imposter.” She hissed, staring him in the eye.

  “Your fangs are showing oh honey-tongued servant of Velesh.” Grabbing her arm he gave her a hard shake.

  Furious, hurt, she turned away but he refused to let her go. Not yet.

  “You think you can just get away with throwing snakes in my bed?” His voice low, menacing.

  “You may be fierce in battle but inside you are a petty man who uses people to get what you want. Then you toss them aside like trash! Let me go. There are better men than you here. I won’t beg you for anything.”

  By seeking revenge he had only weakened his position. She had forced him to realize how much he wanted her. Needed her. Now it was she who had the power to hurt him by walking away.

  The image of this luscious woman striding boldly naked into a camp of sex-starved men was too much for Hahq. But he obstinately refused to let go of his anger. If he did that he would have nothing left to resist her with. The wall he had built between them would crumble.

  Nothing would stop him from succumbing to her sensual wiles. Then they would be right back where they started with him sniffing like a hound at her heels. His dream of a powerful marriage to Bari over.

  A priestess of Velesh was not to be taken lightly then humiliated. Hahq knew his men thought his come uppance with the snake in his bed was richly deserved. And they secretly admired Yeva for having the nerve to do it.

  He could just see her stark naked, marching up to his wide-eyed men to announce: `You see what that lustful wolf did to me? Hahq has no respect. He only takes and never gives!’

  And his men, his longtime comrades would all look at him like he was a leper – just before they jumped on her.

  “Here - take your damn clothes.” Hahq slapped them against her breast and strode off.

  Jealous ambition had sunk its talons deep into Hahq’s psyche, but even as he strode away his true heart cried out. O Bright Spirit - What have I lost?

  He realized then, what he really wanted was another chance to immerse his soul in her high spirited sensual radiance. To relive those unforgettable moments of their midnight escape from the Black Cloak camp.

  As Hahq strode away Yeva noticed his limp was more pronounced.

  He is not taking care of that wound. If it turns septic he could die within days. He is so proud he will not complain and it will only get worse.

  “Hahq wait…”

  But he was already gone.

  Chapter 21 – Camp of Man Eeaters

  The Androphagi… live on human flesh.

  These men are so avoided

  On account of their horrid food that

  All the neighboring tribes

  Have removed to a distance from them -

  Ammanius Marcellius, Roman cavalry officer, Res Getae

  By sunrise the next day the Sauromatae were already on the move, heading northwest. In anticipation of a confrontation with the cannibals their horses wore light, flexible blankets of scale armor protecting chest, shoulders and haunches.

  “We should run into Androphagi scouts soon.” Dobrich said as he rode alongside Hahq.

  The sun was high overhead when they observed ominous grey smoke rising from behind a low ridge.

  “We have been sighted. It won’t be long now.” Hahq said.

  They just appeared then. Like demons risen from the boiling bowels of Tartarus itself. A large war party of Androphagi sat their ponies, staring with contemptuous ease. You are out numbered. At our mercy.

  The Man Eaters leered, displaying teeth filed into fangs. Their cheeks and foreheads were tattooed with thick black spirals. Human scalps dangled from the bridle reins of their ewe-necked, skinny ponies.

  Hahq noted that their gorytos were made of white skin, fringed with flayed human fingers complete with nails. Some wore frames on their backs over which white skin was stretched. Like translucent human wings.

  Fingers twitched on bowstrings. The Man Eaters tensed to send a volley of poisoned arrows into the Sauromatae. Dobrich raised the banner of Mata Drakaina. Like fighting hawks poised to clash in mid air, the two groups held back.

  In a glance Hahq absorbed the battle readiness of the Androphagi. The scale armor of the cannibals was made in the old way - from the hooves of horses shaved into half moons. Some of their weapons were of iron, but most were copper, bronze or chiseled flint.

  Whereas the armored Sauromatae bristled with finely crafted iron weapons. Their imposing war horses were also armored, unlike the cannibal ponies.

  Nor were the Androphagi richly adorned with gold like the Sauromatae and their horses. The purpose of Hahq’s mission was to impress. To show the tribes that a strong, wealthy people like the Sauromatae were sworn allies of Royal Skythia. Thus other tribes would be wise to join the alliance against Persia. Seeing them now, Hahq didn’t hold out much hope for the Androphagi.

  The Sauromatae were out numbered, three to one. But even if the Androphagi released the first volley of arrows, they all knew the cannibal losses would be much greater. The armored Sauromatae on their larger armored horses had the advantage.

  However once they entered the Man Eater’s camp it would be a different story. The Sauromatae would be drastically outnumbered. All this Hahq absorbed in an instant before raising his right hand, palm up in the traditional gesture of peaceful greeting -

  “We are heralds from Sauromatia. We come bearing an important message for your king.”

  As directed, the Sauromatae dismounted on the fringes of the Androphagi camp and led their horses in. The moment Hahq’s band entered camp everything stopped.

  The entire camp hushed, watching as they passed. All went silent, except for a faint keening sound, like a desolate wind blowing across barren plains.

  Even the children stopped playing and stared with hungry eyes. Calculating eyes that catalogued and dissected everything the Sauromatae possessed – the gold jewelry, belts and finely crafted clothes. Their thick embroidered felt saddles and pads, gold embellished harness, iron armor and weapons, fur- lined cloaks and especially the horses.

  Even the meat on their bodies was assessed.

  Everything that could be divided up and consumed voraciously. For this was a camp of Eaters.

  “Pull your hood down over your eyes. Don’t look up.” Hahq muttered to Yeva.

  Coming here was a huge mistake. Yeva’s instincts screamed. We are only wasting time and risking our lives. These people will never join the alliance.

  The cannibal war band who had escorted them to the camp swaggered as if they had won a great battle. With every step more Man Eaters gathered, following closely. Too close. Even the children moved like stealthy predators at sight of prey.

  Hands reached out, grabbed Yeva’s cloak. Pulled aggressively. She jerked away, staying close betwe
en Hahq and Voron. Every step fraught with trepidation. No turning back now.

  By the time Hahq’s party got to the center of the campground, they were surrounded by a dense crowd of eaters. The whole camp came to witness these wealthy strangers with the temerity to walk so boldly among them.

  Yeva sensed the alert maneuverability of the Sauromatae. Though they kept a steady pace and showed no outward signs of nervousness, they were poised to coalesce into a battle unit. These men had played together as children, hunted, fought and killed together all their lives. In their hearts the war drums were pounding.

  Peering out from under her hood, she studied the faces of the Androphagi and was struck by the marks of privation. The hollow fly-ridden eyes, the children’s knobby knees and distended bellies.

  In the center of camp were roasting spits on which carcasses were slowly turning. The smell of burning flesh pungent. Pervasive. The roasting carcasses were human. A man and a woman. Steeling themselves against the shock, the Sauromatae exchanged furtive glances.

  A tremor rippled through one of the bodies. Hahq saw the head move slightly. Hardened warrior that he was, the sight made him freeze in his tracks.

  Yeva barely glimpsed the bodies roasting on spits before her mind shattered. She sprinted away on winged feet.

  “Go get her!” Hahq rasped to Voron.

  But Voron was already on Yeva’s heels, along with a herd of excited cannibals.

  “Shhh. It’s alright. Don’t look. Don’t look.” Voron kept repeating as he drew her into his side.

  “Nay! Nay!” Blindly shaking her head, Yeva kept making unintelligeable agonized sounds.

  Face pressed into Voron’s shoulder, she walked with him squeezing his waist with both arms as if she could sink into his body, into his strength. One hand on the hilt of his akinake, Voron pushed through the crowd. Brought her back to the Sauromatae.

  He leaned into Hahq’s ear – “Don’t protest their cruelty. It will only turn them against us.”

  “You think they are friendly now? They see us as their next meal.”


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