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River God: The Horse Lords

Page 17

by Diana Drakulich

  “Your father - Kahki?”

  “Nay, from my true father – Skopasis.”

  “Voivode Skopasis is your father?”

  “Aye. I am Skopasis’ eldest son, not Sava. But Skopasis chose not to marry my mother. He married another instead.”

  “Does Skopasis recognize you as his son?”

  “Not publically, but it is an open secret. I think Sava’s mother does not want Skopasis to claim me because only her children should inherit. Skopasis is very wealthy.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  Hahq released a deep sigh over the frustrations of a lifetime. “All my life I have walked in Skopasis’ footsteps. From the time I knew myself, I was at his heels, striving to win his approval. His recognition. Like a good slave I have done everything Skopasis ever asked of me.”

  “Are you jealous of Sava?”

  “In a way.” Hahq’s fist tightened in her hair. “But in another way I feel sorry for him. Sava is completely unfit to be the son of the Great Voivode.”


  “Because Sava is not a warrior and never will be. Oh he is big and strong. He is adept at all the weapons of war. Skopasis saw to that. But Sava refuses to go on raids for plunder or to bring the king any heads. Because of his stubborn head, Sava is forced to sit with the little boys at the council of warriors. It is the greatest humiliation a man can know.”

  Hahq shook his head. “Sava has always followed his own inner voice. No one can dissuade him from his path. He even defies the gods. Look at the damage he did in Melanchaenia. He was sent on a mission to bring the tribes together. Instead he stole that victim from the kurgan. I doubt the Black Cloaks will join the alliance now.”

  Yeva stiffened against his side. “That `victim’ was my cousin Sargis. I hated what the priests did to him.”

  “I know, it is very hard to accept blood sacrifice. Sava is kind-hearted, like you. But in our world you have to be merciless to survive. The gods demand blood and so we give it.”

  Eyes half closed in memory, Hahq released his tense grip on her hair and went back to stroking Yeva’s head. “From childhood Sava has walked alone. The Sauromatae are a warrior class. Battle is our livelihood. Sava has no blood brother. No one to guard his back. Who would entrust his life to a man who won’t kill?”

  “Finally Skopasis sent Sava to King Raymaxos to train as an emissary to negotiate with other tribes. Sava was the leader of our first mission. When we were attacked by your people that night, all our warriors except for him were killed or wounded, even me. So we had to turn back, but Sava insisted on going on alone. This mission to bring the tribes together for the war council is his one chance to prove himself worthy of his sire’s name.”

  “And yet…” Here the child Anahit’s blind, horror-struck blue gaze, staring out from behind the bars in the Man Eater’s camp flashed before Hahq’s inner eye. He closed his eyes to shut the image out. “Maybe Sava is the bravest of us all.” His voice trembled. “Oh my Brother, I have lost you. Time and again I have pushed you away…Now it is too late…”

  “Does Sava know you are his brother Hahq?”

  Chapter 34 – Brothers from Another Mother

  A hidden connection

  Is stronger than an obvious one –


  “Sava knows. I see it in his eyes when he looks at me. He wants to embrace me as his brother…But - I will not allow it.” Hahq’s gaze was hooded.

  “Why not? If he is no threat to you. What can it hurt?”

  His fingers tightened in her hair again, twisting the strands as that jealous green serpent raised its resentful head.

  “Sava gets everything without having to fight for it. All he does is ride his horses, act as some kind of messenger boy for the king and entertain people with his songs. Whereas I am constantly risking my life in raids and battles. But that is our way.” He shrugged. “Even our women must learn to kill. Sava is a lover not a fighter and he pays the price for it.”

  “Still I must play out my destiny.” Hahq roused himself. “I will claim my birthright. No one will take it from me!” His strong fingers grippedYeva’s hair arching her head back. His gold-flecked eyes glared into hers then softened.

  “Sava would like you Yeva. You are two fruits from the same tree.”

  “Oh, so now you think to pass me off on your outcast brother?” Yeva’s lips curved in a pained, sarcastic smile. “I will be the judge of that.”

  “Nay. Never.” He said it too adamantly. His hold tightened on her warm lush body. “I meant only that you could be friends. No one will have you but me. You have cast your witch’s spell over me Yeva. I am powerless to resist you.” His voice a reflection of the piercing, aching lust throbbing in his veins.

  He kissed her. Tender, clinging, bittersweet kisses. Feeling this deep connection with her…for the last time. How can I let her go?

  “Yeva you have cracked my life wide open. All my best laid plans are spilling into the breach. When we get to Sauromatia I will hide you away where no man can find you. Then I will come to you every night when the moon is high. You will kneel at my feet and do as I command.” He spoke these words with a wry smile.

  “Hah. Is that your new plan Hahq?” Yeva’s heart constricted, striving to break free of the passionate web he was weaving around her. “If I am a witch then you are a sorcerer. Look how you control me. A snap of the fingers and lo, I come to you. Yet you will not give me what I need.”

  “I know what you need Yeva.” Taking her hand he rubbed it against his bulge. Hard. Ah-hh. “Let me explain to you why we cannot marry.”

  Grasping her shoulders Hahq pulled her to his thudding breast. His haunted eyes gazed into her soul.

  “Tell me then, why not?” Her voice hoarse, pained. He had gripped her heart with iron talons and was tearing it out.

  “I care for you Yeva. Very much. But I need a wife who will help me rise in our world. I need power. Without power you are nothing more than someone else’s slave. I want to become the next Great Voivode of Sauromatia. The Great Voivode has more power than the king. Sauromatian warriors pledge allegiance to the voivode first, then to the king. I want to follow in my real father’s footsteps. With Bari by my side I can do that. Her father Boreas is blood brother to Skopasis. If I marry Bari her father will help me rise. There is one small problem though.”

  “What is that, besides me?”

  Over and over he gave her some slight hope, then forced her to endure losing him again. This magnificent manchild who so desperately sought his father’s recognition. Who would never be hers but only a dream of happiness.

  “From the time they were children, Bari was promised to Sava.”

  “Oh?” She gave him a sardonic smile. “Just a minor complication.”

  Hahq nodded. “The children of blood brothers are often betrothed. It is our way of carrying on great friendships, allegiances that last through generations. Skopasis vowed that his first born son would marry Boreas’ first born daughter.”

  “But you are his first born son.” Yeva forced herself to say.

  “Aye. And Baria favors me over Sava. She wants a strong warrior. A man who can protect her and her children. Not a weak `lover of life’. Bari has told me this herself.”

  “Does Sava care for Bari?”

  “I don’t think he has deep feelings for her. Nor she for him.”

  “So if you can win Bari away from Sava, you think this will help you gain recognition from Skopasis as his first born?”

  “Aye, it will, because if he recognizes me as his first born, Skopasis will not have to break his vow to Boreas. I will gain status and Boreas will provide us a rich dowery.”

  “Whereas I bring you nothing. Absolutely nothing but distrust and gossip.” It was not a question.

  Hahq did not answer. But she felt his chagrin. Yeva closed her eyes a few moments to let his silence sink in. All Hahq’s careful plans to elevate his position from unacknowledged poor bastard to Great V
oivode. A desolate feeling of worthlessness descended on her.

  I am so alone. Have always been alone.

  Sensing her pain, his large strong hands closed around her waist and drew her close.

  She laid her head on his broad chest. “I am nothing but a nothing…”

  “Never say that Yeva.” He squeezed her tight. “It’s not true. I see your value. We all do. You are a Healer. A woman of great heart and courage. And what’s more you are blessed with the tongue of a viper.”

  “Hah.” She could not help but let a weak smile shine through her tears.

  He squeezed her body close, reveling in these precious moments, despite the pain.

  “Yeva what will I do without you? Already you are such a part of me. Just remember one thing - I will always be here for you. No matter what. I promise to aid you, to be your guide, your comfort…I only wish it could be more. That night when we were together, I forgot everything. All of this.” He waved a dismissive hand. “With you I felt so free.…”

  Ironic how trying to cut Yeva out of his life only seemed to increase his burning need for her.

  “I must win my father’s recognition or I will never get any real respect. There will always be whispers behind my back. I want to look people in the eye and not have to lie. I want to speak out loud my true sire’s name. To hold myhead high and say that I am the first born son of Great Voivode Skopasis. He is like a hero to us. All my life I have worshipped the ground Skopasis walks on.”

  “But if you steal Bari away from Sava, this could turn Skopasis against you.”

  “I have to take that risk.” His fingers were were enmeshed in her hair again and tightened, almost painfully. “By all rights Bari is mine. I am Skopasis’ first born son. If I don’t take what is mine, I won’t be respected. Deep down, my men will see me as a craven dog, too cowed to stand up for my rights.”

  “Do you care for this `Bari’? Or are you just using her to get what you want?” Like you did with me.

  “Do not doubt my feelings for Bari. She is beautiful. I will be a good husband to her and she will bear me many children.” Hahq’s hand in Yeva’s hair twisted into a fist, forcing her head back.

  Vehement gold-flecked eyes bored into hers. “All my life I have wondered why Skopasis did not marry my mother. Was she not good enough? Was I not good enough? All my life I have felt unworthy. If I marry Bari those days will be over. Bari will bring me power. Respect. Wealth. Do you finally understand now Yeva?”

  She dropped her eyes. What more was there to say? Hahq was driven by his personal demons. Still she was determined to survive. To make a new life with the Sauromatae. Hahq had vowed to help her and she trusted him to do that much.

  But now, pressed against his lithe, supple body, she fought a deep sense of languor. He still had IT for her. That irresistible magnetic charisma that made her melt like warm honey in his arms. And he still wanted her – for now. But once they reached Royal Skythia there would be no more tomorrows.

  “Do you know what you are doing Hahq? You are tearing my heart out.” She stifled a sob.

  “I am sorry Yeva. Losing you grieves me too. Very much.”

  He squeezed her tight again. Back to the warm, giving man she adored. Marshalling all her willpower, she managed to pull away from his arms. Time to face reality.

  “Let me see your wound.”

  “It is nothing. I just wanted to get you alone for awhile.”

  “It’s not nothing. You are limping. Don’t you understand how much we all depend on you Hahq?” She flicked a hand at his thigh. “Let me see.”

  Without taking his eyes off hers, Hahq’s fingers moved to his bulging crotch. He could not resist a lecherous grin as he undid his leggings.

  “You scurvy dog. Stop looking at me like that. Do you think to tempt me? Don’t fool yourself Herakles.”

  Slowly, deliberately he pulled down his pants. His fierce arousal sprang out. Proud. Erect.

  “For you.” Let her look. All she wants. Let her see how much I want her.

  But Yeva’s eyes were glued to the reddened, suppurating arrow puncture on his thigh. She drew in a shocked huff. White pus oozed out when she pressed on it. He flinched.

  “This looks bad Hahq. Have you been using the white sage I gave you?” She pressed the swollen area around the wound again. The skin around the wound was swollen tight and hard. More pus seeped out.

  He shook his head, lips pressed together.

  “Why not?”

  “Don’t you know I am made of stone?” A fleeting sardonic grin crossed his face. “In truth I just keep forgetting to do it. I am so tired at night. I need you Yeva. I need you to take care of me. Get me through this.” His voice husky, compelling.

  He smiled through the pain in his eyes. She saw that Hahq also suffered over his decision to put her aside. Now that he had revealed his deep abiding attraction to her, who knew what the future might bring? Aye he still desires me. For now.

  But Hahq was a man at war with himself. Yeva was determined not to be so easily drawn into his web this time, a net of melting desire mixed with ruthless ambition. She forced herself to focus on Hahq’s well being.

  “Is that what you have been doing, punishing your body by pretending to be immortal?” She shook her head. “Come with me.”

  He pulled up his leggings and they walked, hand in hand, further upstream to a place where the stream ran fast and shallow over smooth stones.

  “Take your pants off.”

  “All the way?” He could not repress another salacious grin.

  “All the way. Your kurta too. Then sit here.” She gestured to a fallen log.

  When he had stripped she knelt beside him and pressed gently around the puncture, forcing out as much pus as possible.

  “Now go and sit in the rushing part of the stream. Let the cool water take some of the heat out and cleanse it.”

  He waded into the stream. “Ah! This water is cold.”

  “Good. You deserve to suffer. A little.” She smiled in spite of the bittersweet nostalgia in her heart.

  “Come, get in the water with me. Don’t make me suffer alone.”

  “Hah, what a cunning wolf you are. Don’t move. I am going to get something for your leg.”

  Yeva soon found what she was looking for, a pine tree whose bark wept resin. She scraped a thick wad of resin onto a large green leaf. Upon returning, she motioned Hahq to come out of the water.

  “Thank the goddess! This water is freezing.”

  Unashamedly nude, Hahq strode toward her, lithe muscles rippling in the last golden rays of the sun. He sat back on the log and she knelt to inspect his thigh again.

  “It looks better. The cold water has taken some of the heat and swelling down.”

  “I know another way you can take the heat and swelling down.” He placed a hand on the back of her head, lightly pressing her face toward his burgeoning erection.

  “Hush. This resin will help but you must apply fresh sap every day.” She pressed the pine resin into and around the puncture. “Will you do that Hahq? Either that or make a spit poultice of the white sage I gave you. I could not bear to lose you Hahq. You are still my hero you know.” She gazed into those gold-flecked hazel eyes, her voice cracking a little.

  “Since you put it that way. You know I would do anything for you Yeva.”

  Capturing her face in his palm he leaned down for a soft, languorous kiss. Their lips clung together, pulling away only reluctantly.

  “I am worried about you Hahq. Tell me if this wound gets any worse. We should stop and rest a few days. If this turns septic, you could be gone within days.”

  “We cannot stop now. There is no shelter and little game around here. We need to get to Agathyrsia. Don’t worry, I will take care of it.” He took a deep breath. “What I need to know is - Do you forgive me Yeva?”

  All he wanted to do right now was just gather his beautiful friend into his arms and rock her, comfort her. But he could not.

“I understand you better now Hahq. At first I thought you might be a cold hard user of people for your own ends. Now I know it’s true.”

  Her jab elicited a pained smile from him but the raw loss in his piercing gaze sank to her soul. She desperately wanted to embrace him. To immerse her soul in his bigger than life charismatic warmth. Even just for a little while.

  Instead she had shown him her fangs. She could never fully forgive Hahq for giving away their love. A burning pressure rose behind Yeva’s eyes but she fought off the tears.

  “Don’t worry Hahq. It will all work out. All I ask is that you do not block me from forming a relationship with someone else.”

  Comitted to his decision, Hahq pulled up his leggings, carefully placing his genitals back where they belonged and tied the laces as Yeva watched. He felt her langorous gaze upon him.

  “It is hard to stay away from you Yeva. I watch you. Think of you…All I ask is that you don’t try to make me jealous - with Voron.”

  “Are you related to Voron? You look much alike.”

  “Voron is my cousin. Our mother’s are sisters. Most of us Sauromatae are related at some level.” He ran a warm callused hand up her bare arms. “For now, don’t encourage Voron. Once we get to the war council in Royal Skythia things will be different. Then I will have other things to think about.”

  Like winning Bari away from Sava.

  “As for Bari,” he said, reading her mind. “I have an idea how to win her but I will need your special skills.”

  “You want me to help you win Bari?!” She pulled away in shock choking on her words. The cunning wolf! Now we get to the real crux of why he brought me here.

  Pain scorched her heart. This man has no feelings. He thinks only of himself. “You want me to rip my heart out and lay it at your feet? Is that what you want?”

  “All I want is for you to give me the sleeping potion that you used on the Black Cloaks so that I can steal Bari away and disappear with her for a few days. By the time we return everyone will accept our marriage.”


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