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Private Stock

Page 2

by Iris Bolling

  “Thank you.”

  AnnieMarie smiled at the employee until the door closed. She then turned ready for battle as she hurried towards her office.

  The crowd of reporters around her office was expected. AnnieMarie acknowledged them as she took a deep breath, put a smile on her face then moved forward.

  “Ms. Dunning,” a reporter called out as the crowd surrounded her with microphones, “Was the gun fire directed at the bank?”

  “Have the police identified any suspects?”

  “Were any employees injured?”

  AnnieMarie held up her hand as Phillip came to anchor her on the right. Outside she delivered a picture of strength and calmness.

  “Good morning everyone.” She smiled, “I just left a meeting with the management team. Here is the information we have thus far. All employees who were on the premises during the incident have been accounted for. Dunning Bank and Trust was not the target. As far as we know, officials have not identified a suspect. And I am doing very well, thank you all for asking.” She smiled as a few people chuckled. “Now, as you can imagine there are a number of messages waiting for a response.”

  “Ms Dunning you did not answer my question. Were any employees injured?”

  There was always one, she thought as she smiled at the reporter. Since it was Cainan Wagner who was shot she had no problem answering the question honestly.

  “Not to my knowledge.” She reached out as Chrystina’s sister, Gina Price walked by. She pulled her close. “If you have any other questions please give them to Ms. Price and she will pass them on to me.” AnnieMarie stepped away pulling Phillip with her.

  The press began shouting questions.

  A loud whistle sounded in the hallway.

  “Hey,” Gina shouted. “Act like you have some home training. Write that shit down.”

  Phillip stopped to turn back to the woman and the crowd.

  “Leave her be, she is right. They don’t have any home training.” AnnieMarie said as she closed her office door behind them. “We have a situation.”

  “Yes, we do. You just broke the number one rule of our PR department. You lied to the press. In addition you left a person, untrained in the art of public relations, to deal with the public.”

  AnnieMarie sat behind her desk and sighed. “I did not lie. That’s our situation.”

  Phillip inhaled, “I’m confused. Did Cainan get shot or not?”

  AnnieMarie hesitated as she closed her eyes to process the morning. Not sure how much she should say, she only told Phillip the basics.

  “The man we have been working next to for the last two years is not Cainan Scott.”

  “Excuse me?” Phillip raised an eyebrow as she sat forward.

  AnnieMarie could not move. She was still trying to process what she was told. Slowly she sat up, placed her elbows on the desk with her hands covering her face. “How could I have been so gullible to think…”

  “Stop it right there,” Phillip snapped. “I have no idea what this is all about, but do not doubt or question that man’s, whoever he is, love for you.” He sat back. “I watched that man suffer for weeks when you withdrew from life.”

  “You do not lie to people you love.”

  “We do it all the time,” he replied. “What you will have to determine is why he lied. Where did this come from?”

  AnnieMarie rubbed her temple. “I don’t know if I can answer that, yet. I just….” She hesitated. “We were just reaching the point of opening up to each other again, and now…”

  There was a knock on the door. It opened without waiting for an answer.

  “Are you all right?” Gary walked into the office anxious.

  “Did you know?”

  “The shooting? I just heard,” Gary replied.

  “No, about Cainan?”

  Gary looked from her to Phillip.

  Phillip stood. “I’m going to let you two have the office, while I check on the press.”

  “No one is out there,” Gary said then turned back to her.

  “What do you mean?” Phillip walked to the door, looked out then shook his head. “Every one of those reporters is gone. I have to see what that woman did to them.”

  AnnieMarie waited until the door was closed before speaking. “Did you know that Cainan was in the Witness Protection Program?”

  Gary took the seat that was just vacated. “No. Where did you get that information from?”

  “Myles,” she replied. “Another instance where keeping information from us could have caused us harm. I could have been shot.”

  “Or worse, killed,” Gary hissed. “All right, let’s be grateful that did not happen. But what’s the deal with Cainan? Why is he in witness protection?”

  “I only got part of the story. Something about a mob family up north with a hit out on him.”

  “Where is Cainan, now?”

  AnnieMarie shrugged, “At the hospital from what I was told, but I have no idea what to believe from Myles right now.”

  “Have you spoken with him?” Gary asked.

  She hesitated. Did she want to speak with Cainan? Half of her heart wanted to know that he was okay. The other half was angry that he could have kept his identity from her.

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Don’t you think you should?” Gary asked. “At least give him the opportunity to explain what happened.”

  The door burst open. “AnnieMarie what in the hell were you doing with Scott?” Her brother Mike yelled. “Didn’t we tell you to stay away from him?”

  “No, Mike, you didn’t.” AnnieMarie yelled back. “That is the problem around here, secrets that some are privy to while others are kept in the dark.”

  AnnieMarie watched as Phillip discreetly closed the door behind them.

  “The only secret I'm concerned about right now,” Mike yelled as he leaned across the table, “is why you are anywhere in the vicinity of Scott when our father distinctly told you to stay away from him?"

  AnnieMarie leaned towards him, yelling right into his face, “And just like I told Daddy, you cannot tell me who I can or cannot be with and give no reason for your demands.” "Everything doesn't need a reason,” Mike slammed his hand on the desk. “Sometimes you trust the people who are delivering the message and go with it for your own protection. Your involvement with Scott is off limits.”

  “Have I ever told you who you can put your dick inside of? No! Then don’t presume to tell me who I can let inside of my vagina.”

  “Whoa.” Myles declared as he walked into the office. “Why don’t we all take a beat, take a deep breathe, and dispense with the dick in the vagina discussion.”

  “While I agree with Myles, on dispensing with the dick-vagina talks, I have to side with AnnieMaire on this point,” Gary stood. “We had this discussion, Myles. Keeping things from us can put us in danger. As proven this morning.”

  “Do you think for one moment if I had known about Cainan’s situation I wouldn’t have be more cautions around him?” AnnieMarie questioned Myles.

  “I don’t know AnnieMarie,” Myles sighed. “But it was my decision to make. As pissed as you are, I did what I thought was best for you, Cainan and the other employees of this institution.”

  “You’re looking at this from a business point of view. I am your sister, first and foremost, your loyalty should have been with me.”

  “To be fair,” Mike pitched in, “Myles just learned of this the other day when Agent Roark gave him the information. We have all been a little preoccupied with Grace’s kidnapping, Walker’s death and learning we have a cousin.”

  “Things have been hectic, AnnieMarie,” Myles interjected. “Cainan’s intent was to tell you about his situation. He came to me first, then all hell broke loose with Grace and Walker.”

  He walked towards her. AnnieMarie was tempted to step back for she was still angry. But her nerves from the morning were still shot and she needed his comfort. He placed his hands on her shoulders and she felt no sh
ame from falling into his embrace.

  Reveling in his comfort, AnnieMarie asked. “Is he okay?”

  “Yes,” he kissed her on the temple. “He is asking to see you.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Mike interjected. “If this incident is connected to his reasons for WITSEC, she could be walking into a dangerous situation.”

  “I think we should let that be AnnieMarie’s decision,” Gary stated. “Arm her with the information she needs, then trust that she will make a well informed decision.”

  AnnieMarie stepped out of Myles’ embrace than sat at her desk. She pointed to a chair. “Tell me all that you know, Myles, and do not leave anything out.”

  “His name is Cainan Scott Wagner. He was an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigations, working undercover with the Giuliani family in New Jersey. He uncovered illegal actives and the family was charged with a multitude of crimes under the RICO racketeering statute. From what I understand, several hits were ordered against him. After reviewing the situation, the prosecutor believed placing him in the Witness Protection program would not be enough. They believed the Giuliani family would retaliate against his family. Therefore, the decision was made to fake his death then place him in Witness Protection Program for an added layer of protection.”

  “So his parents believe he is dead?” AnnieMarie asked.

  “Only his father knows he is alive. Everyone else in his family believes he is dead.”

  “OMG, they had to be devastated, and to think it was all a lie.”

  “A way to protect his family, AnnieMarie,” Mike corrected. “No one in that situation steps away without considering all of the possibilities.”

  “His family is living because of his unselfish act,” Myles added. “I realize this is a lot for you to take in. But keep in mind, he had not met you at the time. Cainan had no way of knowing this situation would turn into a two year departure from his family.”

  “Or lead to his finding you,” Gary added.

  There was a knock on the door. Phillip rushed in. “I think you all better see this.” He picked up the remote control from the table then turned on the monitor on the wall. “This is live in London.”

  “Jonathan Michael, Vice President of Dunning Bank & Trust is being detained by authorities in connection with the recent downturn of the world market. It seems, Richard Dewberry III, President of Phase International, whose ranking dipped considerably during the market crash, has accused Michael of a cyber-attack. The evidence is unclear at this time, but if found to be true, this would have dier consequences for not only Michael, but the US banking status of Dunning Bank & Trust.”

  “What the hell?” Myles shot to his feet.

  The scene on the monitor had Jonathan being escorted by authorities with Grace walking behind him from what AnnieMarie assumed to be his mother’s home.

  “Get me the affiliate in London on the line Phillip,” AnnieMarie jumped into action. As she picked up the phone, she called out, “Have the press brought back in. Put them in the lobby, not here in my office. “We will be making a statement within the hour.” She glanced up at Myles, “I’m calling Grace to get more details.”

  Myles nodded as he pulled out his phone. “Chrystina get all the board members together,” he glanced at AnnieMarie for confirmation. “Board room in fifteen minutes.”

  AnnieMarie nodded as he quickly walked out of the room and Grace answered. “First, tell me. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine and so is Jonathan.”

  AnnieMarie watched on the monitor as Grace stopped mid-step. “How are you?” How like her to be so graceful under pressure.

  “I’m fine, Grace.” She saw her sister nod then continue walking. “Give me the details. Is he under arrest?”

  “No,” Grace replied. “They are only questioning him based on Dewberry’s accusation.”

  “Which is?”

  “He believes Jonathan orchestrated the events of the last few days to move Dunning Bank & Trust’s ranking up in the world market.”

  “We don’t care about rankings,” AnniMarie replied. “That is an insufficient reason to detain a man and parade him in front of the media. This could ruin his professional reputation.”

  “Oh, don’t think for a minute the authorities here will not hear that from me.”

  AnnieMarie smiled. “Give them hell sis. I will be doing the same on this end. Call me when you are on a secure line.”

  “Will do.”

  “The board members will be assembling in ten minutes,” Phillip advised.

  “Thank you Phillip,” AnnieMarie nodded. As she gathered her tablet from the desk her cell phone buzzed.

  “AnnieMarie Dunning,” She answered.

  “It’s me. Are you all right?”

  She froze at the sound of his voice. There was a moment of relief that quickly turned to anger. “Was the wound as insignificant as they are telling me?”

  There was a hesitancy in his voice. “Yes. It hurts like hell, but it’s bandaged and in a sling.”

  “Other than that everything is okay with you?”

  “Yes. AnnieMarie,”

  “Before you go any further, I need to know who I am speaking with. Is this Cainan Scott, or Scott Wagner?”

  “Myles told you,” Cainan asked. “I know you have questions. Please give me the chance to tell you…explain to you how this came about.”

  “You have been lying to me for almost two years.”

  “No, Annie, I have not. Everything said between us was real. You have to believe that.”

  “Believe you? Hell, Cainan, at this point I don’t even know who you are.”

  “You know who I am, Annie. If you have any doubts, come down here. I will remind you who I am.”

  “Where are you?”

  “FBI headquarters, at the moment. I’m certain they will be moving me to a safe house soon.”

  AnnieMarie hesitated, then glanced at her watch. “We have a board meeting in five minutes. Jonathan has been detained in London.”

  “For what?”

  “We have to determine why. As you can deduce I have a bit of a situation to handle here, with the shooting and now the detainment of Jonathan.”

  “I understand,” he replied. “I will call you when they move me. Give me a chance to explain Annie, that’s all I’m asking.”

  AnnieMarie disconnected the call without responding to his request. She shook her head, then took a deep breath, trying to clear all the emotions whirling inside of her. First her father, then her Uncle Walker and now Cainan. What was it about her that caused the men in her life to underestimate her?


  “I see you still have a way of pissing a woman off at will.”

  Cainan had just thrown the phone against the wall when he heard the woman in the room. He had been so intent on his conversation with AnnieMarie, he did not hear the door open. It was a clear indication his response times were off. As an FBI agent your life could depend on that single element. But then, he hadn’t been an agent in almost two years. As a banker, response times only came in to play when dealing with emails, report deadlines or board meetings. None of those tasks would end up with you lying on your ass with a bullet in your brain.

  Cainan exhaled. Relief of anxiety drained slowly from his body when his eyes met those of his partner, FBI agent, Sereena Chase. At five-eight, a solid one hundred thirty-five pounds, armed with an MBA in forensic accounting, and a Glock on her hip she was an intimidating force. But not to Cainan. She was his protector, his look-out, his friend.

  “You, are a sight for sore eyes.” He said as he engulfed her into his arms. Cainan held on to her for stability as the past years filled his mind. Sereena had been his lifeline through the separation from his family. His connection to the Giuliani case.

  “It’s good to see you too, Scotty.”

  He pulled away with a chuckle. “I haven’t been called that name in a few years. It’s strange to hear it now.”
  “Well, get used to it,” Sereena said as she took a seat in the corner of the conference room at the FBI Headquarters in Richmond, VA. “The gig is finally over. My orders are to escort you back to the Newark office. You are to report back to the bureau in Newark.”

  “Tomorrow?” Cainan shook his head. “I have things to wrap up here. I can’t leave tomorrow.”

  “You have a case to wrap up. I would think that should take precedence over anything you have happening here.” Sereena spoke. “Hey, you get to reunite with your family. I know it’s going to freak them out. But I can’t wait to see the expression on your mother’s face when she lays eyes on you.”

  “It may be the last time you see me alive,” Cainan sat in a chair across from her at the table, with a sigh. “She’s going to murder me then go for Dad. You can bank on that.”

  “No,” Sereena shook her head. “She’s going to be pissed with your father, you, she will not let out of her sight for years to come. Kandace is going to cry all over you, emotional from being pregnant. Kennedy, well she is going to be the one who is going to kill you. ”

  Cainan smiled. “I have missed them so much. When is Kandace’s baby due?”

  “Two months,” Sereena smiled.

  “Oh, there is something you should know,” Sereena cleared her throat. “Kennedy is somewhat involved with Benjamin Crenshaw.”

  “Benny?” Cainan asked with a frown.

  “You know since he became an interim DA he prefers Ben or Benjamin. He thinks Benny sound too much like a crime boss.”

  “That’s because he is a criminal,” Cainan shook his head. “How could you let her get involved with him? You know there is something shady about Benny.”

  “It’s not my job to keep tabs on who your sister is dating. I’m here to watch your back.”

  “It’s one in the same, Sereena.”

  “There was no proof that Benny was or is dirty, Scott.” She exclaimed. “Besides, if he is dirty we will not have to be concerned with prosecuting him. Kennedy will kill him for us.”

  Cainan considered Sereena’s statement for a long moment then smirked. “She would, you know.”


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