Book Read Free

Private Stock

Page 15

by Iris Bolling

  “Shall I start a tab?” The bartender asked.

  “Yes,” Winnie replied. “Keep them coming until I tell you to stop.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the bartender replied with a smile on his face.

  “And don’t skimp on the good stuff,” Monica ordered as she turned to look at the dance floor. “

  “The music reminds me of home,” Monica beamed.

  “Let’s find a table near the dance floor,” Winnie suggested.

  “Yes, I think I can bust a move,” Viv started moving her shoulders.

  Winnie tapped her with her elbow. “What is bust a move?”

  “Dancing,” Viv replied.

  “Okay, I wanted to be clear on what I was agreeing to do.” Winnie laughed. It was more nervous laughter than anything else. Winnie could not remember the last time she had been in a nightclub.

  The ladies moved to a table on the back side of the dance floor. Their drinks were delivered and the party had begun. By the third round of drinks, Viv and Monica were in full dance mode. The two women did not care if there was anyone else on the dance floor, they were gyrating and dropping it right along with the crowd.

  Winnie was at the table enjoying another drink when a man approached.

  “A woman like you should not be in anybody’s corner.”

  Winnie looked over her shoulder, “I’m here by choice.” Her eyes did a slow scan from his shoes up to his face.

  “I’m McCoy,” he held out his hand.

  “Winnie,” she shook the man’s hand and did all she could not to laugh at the weakness of the man’s approach.

  “You’re looking mighty good in that dress. It’s a shame for it to go unnoticed.”

  Winnie gave him a side eye as she giggled. “McCoy, How old are you?”

  “Old enough to know how to handle a woman.”

  Winnie started laughing and could not stop. “I’m sorry and I don’t mean any harm but I have shoes older than you.”

  “I bet they are nice and worn,” McCoy replied. “Maybe it’s time for a new pair.”

  Viv returned to the table for her drink. “Who do we have here?” She asked as she emptied the glass.

  “A gnat that will not go away,” Winnie continued laughing.

  Viv laughed as the man walked away without saying another word. “I think you hurt the little boy’s feelings.” She held up a finger to the bartender. “Another round over here.” She took a seat, almost falling over as she did.

  “Are you enjoying yourself Viv?” Winnie asked.

  “Girl yes. Ken told me I needed to get out. He was right. I haven’t done this since before Hep’s death.”

  “Yeah,” Winnie sobered a little. “Neither have I.”

  Viv sighed. “That took a downward turn real fast.”

  “It did,” Winnie cleared her throat. “You know Hep was a man who enjoyed life. From the time we were in college to the time he died, we always socialized. Monica may not have known Hep, but damn if she didn’t speak his words as if he was still here. He wouldn’t want you or me letting life pass us by.”

  “Walker would,” Viv said. “He would want me mourning his loss for the rest of my life.”

  “He would,” Winnie stated. “The no good son of a bitch. No disrespect to your mother.”

  “None taken,” Viv said as the waiter placed the drinks in front of them. The two women swallowed the drinks down before the bartender left the table.

  “Run them,” Winnie motioned with her finger.

  “Whoa, ladies,” the bartender said. “You may want to take it a little easy.”

  The two women glared up at him with raised eyebrows. “Do you know what a black card is?” Winnie asked. “Run them.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he said then walked away.

  “How is he going to tell grown women what to do?”

  “Still wet behind his ears,” Winnie growled. “I miss my Hep, Viv.”

  “I do too Winnie. As crazy as it sounds, I miss Walker too.”

  Winnie glared at her. “I can’t forgive him. He caused Hep’s death over greed.”

  “I know,” Viv replied. “I also know if we don’t change the topic both of us are going to be crying before this night is out.”

  “You know what we need?”

  “Happier times.”

  “More drinks. The drinks will bring us happier times,” Winnie motioned to the bartender. The man had the drinks ready for them. “My man,” Winnie smiled when he placed the drinks in front of them. “Twenty-five percent tip on whatever we spend tonight. All you have to do is keep these babies coming.”

  “You got it.”

  “I’ll take one of those.” Viv took one of the drinks.

  Winnie raised an eyebrow. “Who is that?”

  Viv turned to look at the door. “A fine ass man.”

  “Operative word. Man.”

  The two followed the man’s path straight to the dance floor. To their surprise the man stopped when he reached Monica. The two embraced then started dancing.

  “Did I miss something?” Viv asked as she watched the couple dancing.

  “Those are practiced moves,” Winnie stated. “The moves that are as old as time. Those two have tangoed together, if you know what I mean.”

  “Ken and I are still doing those moves,” Viv nodded. “Oh, that look on Monica’s face don’t look good.”

  “No it doesn’t,” Winnie agreed. “Monica is smiling at him, but when her face is turned towards us, she looks like war has been declared.”

  “Oh, act normal they are coming this way.”

  Winnie laughed. “Normal, what in the hell is that.”

  “Ladies,” Monica walked over. “This is Brentwood Michael my Jonathan’s father.”

  Winnie extended her hand. “Winnieford Dunning.”

  Brentwood started to kiss her hand, but she gently pulled it away. She may be a little tipsy but her instincts were on full blast. There was something not right with Brentwood Michael. His assumption that his lips belonged anywhere on her body, caused her to have an instant dislike of the man. Judging the man in the first minute of meeting him may not have been fair. So, Winnie smiled prettily and said nothing more.

  “Vivian Dunning-Grey.”

  Brentwood also took Vivian’s hand and kissed it. “Would you be Vivian Dunning of Dunning Bank & Trust?”

  “Bingo. Gotta go,” Winnie literally sang out as she stood. She picked up her purse. “Excuse me.”

  Winnie made her way to the lobby of the club. She took a minute to steady herself as she leaned against the receptionist stand.

  “Winnieford Dunning. What on earth are you doing here?”

  Winnie turned to see Spencer Whitfield with an attractive woman at his side going up the stairs that lead to the upper level restaurant of the club.

  “Spencer.” She stumbled forward, but he caught her. She cleared her throat then stood tall.

  “Winnie, have you been drinking?” He chuckled.

  Winnie pointed a finger at him. “I’ve had one or two drinks…yes.”

  He looked around. “Are you here with someone”

  She heard the woman clear her throat.

  Spencer turned to the woman. “Dana why don’t you grab our table. I’ll be right with you.”


  “I’ll be right there.”

  Winnie watched the woman slowly making her way up the stairs. She leaned over then whispered. “She is not going to be happy when you get upstairs.”

  “A few glasses of champagne and she will be fine.” He put his hands in his pockets, stepped back then stared at her. “Now tell me you are not here alone in that stunning dress.”

  Winnie smiled then a hiccup escaped. She put her fingers to her lips. “Excuse me. I am not alone. Viv and Monica are with me. And yes, they are as tipsy as I am.”

  “Are you driving?”

  “Yes…no…I mean not at the moment. I’m standing here talking to you.”

cer laughed. “Why don’t I have my driver take you home. I don’t want anyone to take advantage of you in your current state.”

  “You’re wasting your time with that one.” McCoy said as he walked by.

  “Little boy go away. Grown folks talking here.” Winnie huffed.

  “Someone you know?” Spencer asked.

  “Please, that little boy been hitting on me all night.”

  “I don’t blame him.”

  Winnie hiccuped again. “I’m never having sex on the beach again.”

  “Never say never, Winnieford,” he smiled.

  “The drink, Spencer, the drink.” Winnie laughed, then stumbled again before righting herself.

  “Allow me to escort you back to your friends.”

  “Thank you, but I can make it on my own. You go catch up with your date. I need to call Grace.”

  “Good idea,” Spencer walked towards the steps. “It was good seeing you, Winnieford.”

  “It was good to see you too, Spencer” she watched as he walked up the steps.

  “Hmm,” she said then reached into her purse, pulled out her cell phone and dialed Grace’s number. “Grace, this is your mother. In the interest of full disclosure,” she hiccuped, “I going to confess that I am a little tipsy. But I am never too drunk to recognize a snake when I see one.”

  “Mother,” Grace laughed. “Where are your?”

  “Having sex on the beach with Viv and Monica.”

  “You’re doing what?”

  “Having sex…the drinks not on the beach.”

  Grace laughed again. “No, I mean what restaurant are you at?”

  “I not at a restaurant I’m at a club. Now listen. I need to tell you I just met Brentwood Michael. He’s here with Monica.”

  “You met who?”

  “Brentwood Michael. Jonathan’s father.”

  “You just met Jonathan’s father? Where?”

  “Girl pay attention. I won’t be standing upright for much longer.”

  “Mother I’m not sure I understand you right,” she glanced at Jonathan who had just walked into the room. Grace put the phone on speaker. “Mother did you say you just met Jonathan’s father, here in Richmond.”

  “Yes, he is here at the club with Monica. And I don’t like him. He’s up to no good. And you know what? I don’t think him being here is a coincidence. I don’t know how he could know we are here. But he did. Maybe he followed us or something....

  “Mother...mother, where are you?” Grace asked with Jonathan staring at her. She put up a finger to tell him to be quiet.

  “I told you I’m having sex on the beach with Viv.... ugh...I got to go. This little boy been chasing me around the club all night.”

  “Mother...mother wait.”

  Grace looked up. “She hung up. Did you know your father was in the States?”

  “Hell no. Did she say he was with my mother?”


  “Where are they?” He asked as he started dressing.

  “She never said.”

  “Call Mike. Tell him to check the monitor to get her location.”

  Jonathan grabbed his keys off the table then ran towards the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To whip his arse.”

  “What did Mike do?”

  “Not Mike. My father,” the door slammed behind him.

  Grace dialed. “Hey Mike. I need you to check the tracker on mother’s phone. She is somewhere drunk and we need to find her.”

  “Winnie is drunk?” Mike frowned at his brother Gary who was with him at the office.

  “Two sheets to the wind from the sound of things,” she laughed.

  “This I have to see,” Mike said as he disconnected the call.

  “What’s so funny?” Said Gary who was sitting in the security room at the bank with him.

  “Grace said your mother is out there somewhere drunk. I’m checking her location on the app Jonathan gave me.” He searched for her number. “She’s at the Hippodrome. Right around the corner.”

  “And she’s drunk?” Gary sat up. “Winnieford Dunning is drunk in public?”

  “According to Grace she is,” Mike smiled. “Let’s go. I want to see this.”

  Gary and Mike could not believe their eyes when they finally found their mother, Aunt Viv and Monica. The women were on the floor dancing as if there was no tomorrow.

  “I never knew Winnie could move like that,” Gary chuckled.

  “Uh, neither did I,” Mike smirked. “Let’s see if we can get them off the dance floor without causing a scene.”

  “This should be interesting,” Gary chuckled.

  When they approached the women it was clear to Gary and Mike that only Winnie and Viv were two sheets to the wind drunk, it appeared Monica was holding her own dancing with a man who looked vaguely familiar.

  “Hello gentlemen,” Monica greeted. “We are moving to the groove. Come dance with us.”

  “Uh hun,” Mike frowned. “That will be a no.” He turned to Winnie. “Mother, let’s sit this one out.”

  “Okay, dear,” she took his outreached hand then stepped off the floor and took a seat at the table. She held up her hand to the bartender. “Hit me over here, darling. I’ll take one for the road.”

  Mike glanced at the bartender as he approached. He gently shook his head. The bartender nodded in understanding.

  “I see we are all having a good time.” Gary turned to see his Uncle Ken walking up to them. “I wasn’t sure you were going to make it here in time.”

  “Oh, I expected this,” Ken smiled.

  “You expected your wife to be drunk?” Mike asked.

  “I did.”

  “You don’t seem to be too concerned,” Gary said as he watched his uncle watching his wife on the dance floor.

  “It is always wonderful to see the person you love happy and carefree. Viv has lost both brothers and her family home in a short period of time. She doesn’t show it, but the hurt runs deep.” He turned to them and smiled. “So yes, I am enjoying hearing her laugh,” he turned back, “and seeing her dancing.”

  Viv must have spotted Ken as she danced in the center of the floor. She squealed with delight as she held her arms out to him. “Come to me my twelve inches of pure delight.”

  Mike and Gary’s eyebrows shot up as they turned to their Uncle Ken.

  “Twelve inches?” Mike chuckled.

  “Hey, if she says I feel like twelve inches who am I to contradict my wife?” He grinned then joined her on the dance floor.

  “I’m grinding with five glasses of sex on the beach, my Kenny. Stroke with me baby.”

  “I can’t,” Gary laughed. “I just can’t.” He turned to his mother who was leaning over her glass. “Okay, Mother, it is time to get you out of here.”

  “I’m having sex on the beach, Gary. Don’t bother me.”

  Mike and Gary shook their heads.

  “Okay, Mother, let’s take you home and you can have all the sex on the beach you desire.”

  “Mike,” Gary exclaimed. “That doesn’t even sound right coming from you to our mother.”

  “Do you really think she will remember anything we say to her tonight.”

  “Yes, she will,” Winnie said with a slur. “I may be a little tipsy, but as a lady I never lose my composure or good common sense.” She stood knocking over the chair with her purse hanging from it. “Now where is my glass?”

  Gary picked up the almost empty glass from the table. “Right in front of you.”

  “Oh,” Winnie straightened to her full height, picked up the glass and swallowed the remaining contents of the glass straight down. She placed the glass on the table with a clink. “Now, I’m ready to go home.” She leaned over to Gary. “Don’t interrupt Monica. I’m pretty sure she is going to get laid tonight.”

  “Okay, Mother it’s time to go home.” Gary exclaimed.

  Mike looked over the dance floor. “Who is that with her?”

��His name is Brentwood,” Winnie slurred out loudly although Mike thought she thought she was whispering. “Brentwood Michael, Jonathan’s father.”

  “What in the hell is he doing in the States?”

  “I’m pretty sure he is here to screw Monica.”

  Gary threw his hands in the air, “I’m good. Let’s get her out of here.”

  “I’m with you,” Mike replied as he eased Winnie from behind the table into Gary’s arms. “Get her to the car. I will take care of the tab.”

  They were walking out as Jonathan walked in.

  “Are you going to need any help getting your mother out of here?” Mike asked Jonathan.

  “No” Jonathan replied. “This bloke I can handle.”

  “Are you referring to your mother?” Mike asked.

  “No, my father.”

  “Mother, your black card,” he shook his head. “You left it with the bartender?”

  “I did. I wanted the drinks to keep flowing…..”

  Before she completed her sentence a man’s body went flying in the air past their heads. Mike had pulled Winnie out of the line of fire just in time.

  “See, just like that. I wanted the drinks to keep flowing,” Winnie laughed.

  They turned to see Jonathan storming their way. Gary glanced at Mike. “You need to stop him or he is going to end up in jail here in the States.”

  “We don’t need that,” Mike handed Winnie over to Gary. “Yo, Jonathan,” he stepped in front of Jonathan only to be pushed aside. He ran over just as the man was picked up from the floor by the collar.

  “Why are you here?” Jonathan asked.

  “Um, he can’t speak with your hands around his throat, Jonathan.”

  His Uncle Ken, Aunt Viv and Monica ran up behind them.

  “Jonathan Michael put your father down this instant,” Monica said over Mike’s shoulder.

  “As you wish mother,” Jonathan held his father over the railing.

  “On his feet, now.” Monica ordered.

  Jonathan hesitated. Then set his father on his feet.

  “He doesn’t look too well,” Winnie looked up at the man.

  “Neither do you,” Gary said. “Time to go.”

  “Uncle Ken, get Aunt Viv out of here,” Mike ordered. “I’ll handle Jonathan. “Do you have a private room?” He asked the bartender.

  “Right back here,” the bartender opened the door behind the bar.


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