Book Read Free

Private Stock

Page 19

by Iris Bolling

  Ten minutes had passed since he’d sent Joe to get the car. Johnnie peeked out the window. The car was out front. He shrugged, picked up his hat then walked out the front door. Where the hell was Joe? He wondered as he looked around. The two men who rode with him wherever he went were sitting in the car.

  “What the fuck?” Johnnie started walking towards the vehicle, cursing with each step. “Are we getting lazy around here? Get out and open the fucking car door.”

  Neither of the men moved. Johnnie’s steps slowed. Something was off. The closer he got, a feeling of dread began to come over him. He took a closer look inside the vehicle through the windshield. The driver’s head was back against the headrest, his throat was slit. His gun, as he called him, was in the same position, throat slit. Then in the back seat was Joe’s body, but not his head.

  Johnnie looked around. They were on his property. He began backing up as he scanned the grounds. He reached inside his pocket then pushed the emergency button on his phone. Alarms sounded around the house. He walked back inside securing the doors. Seeing dead bodies did not concern him. He had been the cause of many. What concerned him was Joe was just in the house with him minutes ago. That meant the person who did this could still be on the property. He walked into his office to check the security monitors. He could see men running the grounds securing the property. The chair behind his desk was facing the window. He turned it. As he lowered his body to sit in the chair, something was there. He turned to see what was in his chair to find Joe’s head, eyes wide open, blood dripping to the floor.

  “Holy shit.” He jumped back staring at the sight.

  His cell phone buzzed. “Mr. Giuliani, you have two options, prison or death. You choose.”

  He scanned around the room, in shock. The Russians had been in his house.


  Jerome’s cell phone buzzed. There was a text message that read. Message Delivered. He clicked off, understanding the meaning. However, there was still the question of how Giuliani knew they were at the courthouse. Only the people in the house and his men knew the time had been changed. He shook his head as he looked at the list of names on his tablet. He looked around the room at the family watching the news about the shooting when it came to him.

  He had checked out the Judge. She was clean. In fact, she had put away a few of Giuliani’s men and had no idea why they were coming to speak with her until Crenshaw met with her right before they arrived. There was only one outsider who knew.

  Using his phone he sent a text to one of his men. “Find and follow the DA.”

  Sereena walked into the office where Cainan sat alone. He was reading a piece of paper. “You holding up?” She asked.

  Cainan glanced up at her, then nodded. “I lost it there for a minute.”

  “I’ll say. You yelled at your mother,” she smirked. “I thought she was going to smack you back into death.”

  He smiled. “I’ll make it up to her.”

  “Hell, you have to make it up to me too. I had to hug my mother.”

  Cainan tilted his head to the side, “How did it feel?”

  Sereena exhaled. “Weird…but good,” she nodded. “It’s been a long time.”

  “When this settles down, you two need to have a mother daughter weekend. Take some time and really talk to each other.”

  “Maybe a day. An entire weekend is asking a little too much,” she chuckled.

  Cainan smiled, then his eyes went back to his note.

  “What are you reading?”

  Cainan blushed. “A message from AnnieMarie.”

  “Is it hot, cause you are blushing all over the damn place.”

  Cainan frowned. “I don’t blush.”

  “You need a mirror,” she laughed. “I swear you are almost pink. So give. What does it say?”

  He exhaled as he held the note up. “It says, Cainan. That means it is for my eyes only.”

  “Oh, it’s like that, huh?”

  Cainan nodded as the words on the note filled him. He folded it up and held it. “Mike had knocked this out of my hands and I bent down to pick it up. I felt the bullet breeze over the back of my neck and heard when it hit Roark.” He looked at Sereena. “AnnieMarie saved my life when she sat down and wrote this message. Without being here in person, her beautiful words saved my life.”

  There was silence in the room for a moment, before Sereena spoke. “That is beautiful, Cainan. But was it hot?”

  He laughed. “You need to get a man.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  Jerome walked into the room then closed the door behind him. “Judge Edwards was notified of the attempt on your life. She has granted the DA’s request.”

  “How soon?” Cainan eagerly asked.

  “The trial will begin on Monday morning, 9 a.m.”

  “Thank God,” Cainan smiled. “This will soon be over with.”

  “We have a problem. Your location was breeched. That cannot happen again. We have until Monday to identify the leak.”

  “No one inside our team even knew we were going to the courthouse until an hour before we left,” Cainan stated.

  “It has to be an outside person,” Sereena added. “You can eliminate Judge Edwards. She would pull out a gun and shoot Giuliani herself if given a chance.”

  “That only leaves Benny,” Cainan suggested as he shook his head. “I really can’t see that. I mean he is an ass, don’t get me wrong. But he’s a good ass, on the right side of the law.”

  “You’ve been gone for two years,” Jerome mentioned. “A lot can change in that timeframe.”

  There was a light tap on the door. Jerome opened it.

  “You want to see me?” Kennedy asked.

  “Jerome no,” Cainan said. “Don’t involve my family in this.”

  “We are already involved, Cainan,” Kennedy stated. “I have no idea how I can help, but if you need me I’m in.”

  Jerome stared at Cainan. “It’s your call. But the longer we go without knowing the more danger you and your family will be in.”

  “It is not his call, it’s mine,” Kennedy stated as she closed the door behind her. “What do you need?”


  Chrystina walked into Myles’ office with her tablet in her hand. “Gina was right,” she placed the tablet on his desk. “I contacted the Chief of Police to get his help in acquiring this video feed from the jail reception area.” She pushed play on the tablet. “This man,” she pointed as it played “is B. Michael. According to the log, he signed in to visit Angelina Long about an hour before Preston and Gina arrived.”

  “Other than his name, do we know who he is or what he would want with Angelina?” Myles asked.

  “You know I dug deeper,” Chrystina smiled at him as she spoke. “His name is Brentwood Michael and before you ask, yes he is Jonathan’s father.”

  “Why in the hell would Jonathan’s father visit Angelina?”

  “I asked myself the same question and I believe Gina may have a point. So I called your Uncle Ken, since his law firm is handling Angelina’s case,” she sat on the edge of Myles’ desk as she continued. “He checked with the attorney representing her and they have not sent in anyone for a psychological assessment of Angelina Long. Neither of them knew of a B. Michael. However, your Uncle Ken told me a hilarious story about your mother, Aunt Viv and Monica Michael.”

  “I’m listening,” Myles’ lips curved into an amused smile.

  “It seems,” Chrystina chuckled. “They all went out to a club last night.”

  “My mother went to a club?”

  “A jazz club,” she nodded. “In fact the one right around the corner on 2nd street.”

  “The Hippodrom,” Myles nodded.

  “Yes, while they were there they, with the exception of Monica, became a bit intoxicated.”

  Myles laughed. “My mother?”

  “Yes, your mother,” she laughed. “Anyway, Grace called Mike to locate your mother by GPS because she had
called stating that she had met a Brentwood Michael.”

  The smile disappeared from Myles’ face.

  “I spoke with Daisy, your mother is fine. Hung over, but fine.” Chrystina explained, “But Uncle Ken said there was a confrontation between Jonathan and his father.”

  “Have you spoken to Jonathan?”

  “No, I thought you would want to do that, however, I did speak with Grace. She and Jonathan have a very interesting theory I thought you needed to hear. It involves Richard Dewberry.”

  “The Chairman of the Board at Phase?” Myles questioned.

  Chrystina nodded. “That would be the one.”

  “They are coming after us by using Angelina?” Myles shook his head. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “I think it’s a little deeper than we know,” she slid off his desk. “That is why I have asked Jonathan, Grace and Gary to come to your office. “You need to hear their thoughts directly from them.”

  “What does Gary have to do with all of this?”

  “He was the one who detected Brentwood Michael’s attempt to purchase stock in Dunning. Be patient, Myles. I asked them to give me a minute to give you the backdrop.”

  “Where is Preston? I think he should hear this too.”

  Chrystina walked over, slid into his lap, wrapped her arms around him then thoroughly kissed him. She pulled away slowly then wiped her lipstick from his lips with her thumb. “Thank you for being the man I have always known you to be. Preston should definitely be here to hear what his family is going to do to protect him and his mother.”

  “Kiss me like that again and I will find a way to make the woman go free.”

  “Oh no,” Chrystina frowned. “She is going to pay for what she did to this family. But it should be in proportion to her direct crime. Walker was the one who was behind all the mess with William Mitchell, Elaine, and Angelina. He has paid the ultimate price with his life at Angelina’s hands. She gets good points for that. But she does not go free. However, I think the family could consider an insanity plea, more for Preston’s sake than for hers.”

  “Can you two do that at home,” Gary said as he walked into Myles office. “This is a place of business after all.”

  “Have Preston join us, please.” Myles said as Chrystina stood.

  “Will do.” She glanced at Gary as she walked back to the adjoining door to her office. “Don’t be jealous because your brother is getting some and you are not.”

  “How do you know what I’m getting?” Gary countered.

  “I know all,” she smiled then closed the door behind her.

  “You know that woman of yours is scary the way she finds out people’s business around here?”

  “Part of the reason why I love her, my brother,” Myles sat forward. “Tell me about mother last night.”

  “Whoa, hilarious,” Gary laughed as he sat. “Your mother was gone. I mean, she always walks with grace and dignity. Last night she spent over two grand on multiple rounds of sex on the beach, top shelf, low on the pineapple juice, high on the vodka. Myles, man, I promise you, your mother was off the rails last night.”

  “Have you spoken to her today?”

  “Daisy tells me she had toast, tea and aspirin for breakfast, then returned to her bed. Where, in my estimation, she should be for the next day or two.”

  Myles smiled. “I would have loved to have witnessed that.”

  “It was a sight to behold,” Gary nodded. “But I enjoyed seeing her carefree. I haven’t see her like that since Dad died.”

  “Tell me you got it on video,” Grace said as she walked through the door with Jonathan.

  “I want you all to acknowledge, my mother held her liquor.” Jonathan grinned. “Your mother and your Aunt Viv were gone….I mean plastered.”

  “The nerve you have,” Gary glared at Jonathan. “You did not have one drop of alcohol before you went the hell off.” He turned to Myles. “He stomped through the people on the dance floor, yanked his father by the collar, picked him up and threw him over the people dancing, across the room, through the exit. Then he proceeded to stomp back over to the doorway, picked the man up and I do believe his intent was to throw the man back onto the dance floor. If it had not been for Mike, I believe he would have killed his own father.”

  “And I would have defended him if he had,” Grace stated. “What his father and Dewberry are trying to do with Preston’s mother is unconscionable.”

  “Were the authorities called in?” Myles asked.

  “No, Mike handled all of that before he left for New Jersey,” Gary explained. “However, there were witnesses and cell phones, so it may end up on the internet at some point.”

  Myles pushed the intercom on his desk. “Chrystina see if AnnieMaire can join us and you probably should step back in as well.”

  “Before we get started I’ve asked Chrystina to have Preston join us. He is family, it’s time for us to reach out to him as a part of us.”

  “He has been through a lot,” Grace said. “Unfortunately it isn’t over for him.”

  “And it won’t be for a long time,” Myles said as a knock sounded, and the door opened. “Come on in Preston. We were just talking about you.” He stood. “Why don’t we all sit at the conference table. It will be more comfortable there.”

  They all walked over and took seats at the conference table.

  Myles tapped Preston on the shoulder. “Preston give me a moment when this wraps up.”

  Preston nodded. “Sure.”

  He could hear the uncertainty in the man’s voice. It seemed he had been negligent in his duties towards Preston. Myles was going to correct that now.

  “What I am about to share is only a theory, Myles,” Jonathan began. “We are still collecting evidence as we speak.”

  AnnieMarie walked through the door. “My apology, I had no idea we had a meeting scheduled this afternoon.”

  “It all just came up,” Myles explained. “Have a seat, AnnieMaire. We will need a PR take on this situation.”

  Chrystina came in from her office and sat.

  “Go on Jonathan,” Myles sat back.

  “Again this is only theory,” he began. “We believe Richard Dewberry and my father, Brentwood Michael are conspiring to cause damage to Dunning.” He looked up at Preston. “You are their target.”

  “Me?” Preston questioned.

  “Yes, you and your mother,” Grace added.

  “What?” Preston glanced around the table. “My mother is in jail. I doubt that she even knows Dewberry or your father.”

  Myles could see Preston was getting a little defensive. “She doesn’t,” He said. “According to what I’ve been told, I don’t believe your mother has any idea these men are trying to take advantage of her situation. But we are going to protect her and you, together.” Once he was satisfied Preston knew they were on his side, Myles nodded then told Jonathan to continue.

  “Chrystina,” Jonathan nodded indicating she should turn on the monitor. The monitor showed the footage from the jail reception area. “This man is Brentwood Michael. He signed in as B. Michael on the log. I believe when he spoke to your mother he identified himself as a psychologist, to gather information about you and your father.”

  “Walker,” Preston corrected as he sat forward. “To what end?”

  “Hmm, that’s where we are stumbling a bit,” Grace stated. “I think their plan is to establish a wedge between you and us.”

  “Us who? The family?” Preston asked.

  “Your family, Preston,” Myles stated. “For all that Walker Jr. did, he was your biological father. But that isn’t what makes you a part of our family. You have been a part of our family for ten years now. From your actions. Walker Jr’s actions made you blood family. We honor both.”

  Myles could see the appreciation of his words in Preston’s, now relaxed posture.

  “That is from all of us Preston,” AnnieMarie reached over and touched his arm. “Like it or not you get our protect
ion no matter how it all came about.” She smiled.

  “Thank you,” Preston returned her smile, then glanced around the table. “I have no intention of turning against the family or the bank, nor has anyone asked me to.”

  “I’m pretty sure that is coming,” Jonathan stated. “How and why is the question.”

  “I think I stumbled across the how,” Gary sat forward. “The 25% of public stock gives the owner voting rights on anything that comes to the Board. William Mitchell, Elaine Jacobson and you, from Walker, own the majority of that stock.”

  “I don’t have control of any stock from Walker,” Preston stated.

  “Oh but you will,” Grace explained. “Once Walker’s estate is finalized, and you are established as his son, you become the heir to that stock.”

  “I think the plan is to get control of the public stock to cause uncertainty with our customers,” Jonathan stated.

  “Hmm, that is a weird plan of attack,” AnnieMarie stated. “They would need to know our number one internal priority is our customer base.”

  “I believe they got that information from Elaine Jacobson,” Grace sighed.

  “You think Elaine is in on this?” Gary asked.

  “Yes.” Preston and Myles replied.

  Preston smirked. “Elaine came to me during the last scheme with Mitchell. Both of them attempted to convince me to vote against the family. Their theory was really simple. Get the outsiders, myself and Cainan, Gary and AnnieMarie to side with them on different issues, therefore rendering the family position obsolete.”

  “Me?” Gary questioned. “I would never vote against the family.”

  “According to Elaine, you and AnnieMarie told Walker you would consider voting to back him returning to the Board,” Preston explained.


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