Book Read Free

Private Stock

Page 21

by Iris Bolling

  “What in the hell is happening here?” Benny asked as he wrapped the towel around his waist.

  “Wait downstairs, gentlemen,” SAC Taylor ordered. “Do not mention this to anyone, understood.” The agents nodded then left the room. He waited until they were gone then turned to Benny. “I was hoping Jerome was wrong. That I wan’t going to find you in an establishment known to be used by criminals.” He shook his head. “I really, really need you to tell me this is some kind of a mistake.”

  “I am a private citizen and have the right to frequent any facility of my choosing,” Benny huffed out.

  “Sit your ass down,” Jerome pushed him onto the edge of the bed with the ruffled sheets. “Are you really that stupid?”

  “State your reasons for being here or leave.” Benny ordered. “And do not put your hands on me again.”

  Jerome pulled the chair in the corner over to the bed then took a seat. “Who is this woman?”

  “Bridget….a friend of mine,” Benny stumbled through the answer.

  “How long have you known her?” SAC Taylor asked.

  “I don’t really see where it is any of your business.”

  “Oh Benny, Benny, Benny,” Sereena shook her head back and forth. “Kennedy is going to cut your balls off.”

  “Now, there is no reason for Kennedy to know about this.” Benny jumped up.

  Jerome pushed him back down.

  “Hey!” Benny protested.

  Jerome held up the tablet with two pictures of the same woman. He pointed to the tablet. “The one in the blonde wig is your Bridget. Now look at the mugshot. What’s the name next to it?”

  Benny looked at the picture and gasped. “It can’t be.”

  Jerome tilted his head to Taylor. “Save me from stupid ass men.”

  Sereena clicked her tongue several times. “Benny, tell me you have not been sharing pillow talk with Pauline Giuliani. Tell me it ain’t so Benny.”

  “No….No,” Benny jumped up again. Jerome pushed him back to the bed. Benny squinted at the two pictures, side by side on the tablet. He shook his head back and forth in total disbelief. “It can’t be.”

  “Put on some clothes DA Crenshaw,” SAC Taylor sighed. “It’s going to be a long night.”

  $ $ $

  Cainan sat in the office with a lamp on the desk as the only light. He’d re-read AnnieMarie’s message at least a hundred times since receiving it. He thought of sending a response to every question she wrote. Doing so would put her life in danger. The further she stayed away from this situation the better. Her message and memories of them on the roof had to sustain him until he could hold her in his arms without fear or concern for her wellbeing. The roof. He closed his eyes and let the memories of her mouth on him fill his mind. He was getting hard as if it was happening in that moment. He shook the thought away. In time, he would be able to hold her, kiss her, make love to her the way a man should. With the trial only three days away, he had to have faith that it wouldn’t be long before they could be together. No more secrets, no more distractions, no more waiting.

  He heard the vehicle when it pulled up. He checked the clock on the wall. It was well after two in the morning.

  Cainan stood in the doorway of the office as they entered. He watched Sereena hesitate when he saw them, then slowly walk towards him. That was a clear sign the news wasn’t good.

  “I’ll put on some coffee,” Sereena said as she walked off into the kitchen.

  Jerome continued directly down the hallway to the back of the house where he stood. “There has been a development.”

  “I figured,” Cainan said as he stepped back into the office. He knew better than to ask Jerome any questions. The man would tell him what he needed to know.

  “Do you think Kennedy is still awake?” Jerome asked as he sat in the chair by the door.

  “A quick text will let you know,” Cainan sat behind his father’s desk.

  “Let’s wait until we fill him in,” Sereena said as she balanced three cups of coffee in her hands. “We’ll deal with the facts before Kennedy brings emotions into the mix.”

  Cainan shrugged. “Is it about Benny?”

  “Oh yeah,” Sereena gave a cup to Jerome and placed one on the desk in front of Cainan. “Straight black, nothing added.”

  “That bad?” Cainan asked.

  Sereena rolled her eyes upwards. “If it wasn’t so pathetic it would be funny.”

  “Bottom line,” Jerome started. “DA Crenshaw was the leak, but he had no clue that he was.”

  Cainan sat his cup down. “Say what?”

  Sereena chuckled. “You’re going to find this funny.”

  “No you won’t,” Jerome looked directly at Cainan. “DA Crenshaw has a woman on the side. She claimed her name was Bridget. As it turns out it was Pauline Giuliani.”

  The expression on his face must have been priceless as Cainan looked from Jerome to Sereena who was frowning.

  “Couldn’t you have eased into that revelation?” She huffed.

  “Sometimes it’s just easier to rip off the bandage,” Jerome continued. “The interrogation of the DA was exhausting, but necessary to ensure the integrity of the case had not been compromised.”

  “And?” Cainan asked.

  “Taylor and I are convinced Benny was duped, however, he did not compromise the case itself. He inadvertently did give the time and location of the meeting with the judge by telling Bridget he had an unexpected meeting with the judge at the courthouse. Pauley probably laid low, and waited. When she saw us pull up she put her men in motion.”

  “Bridget?” Cainan asked.

  “That’s the name Pauline used when she was with Benny.” Sereena nodded. “Cute isn’t it?”

  “Benny was stepping out on my sister with Bridget/Pauley?”

  Jerome smirked at Sereena. “Point proven.”

  “Of everything he told you, all you are concerned with is Benny stepping out on Kennedy.”

  “Damn right,” Cainan exclaimed. “That’s my sister.”

  Jerome smiled as he took a drink of his coffee. “It’s something about brothers and sisters. You don’t mess around on a man’s sister and let him find out. A man messed around on my sister once.”

  “What did you do?” Sereena asked.

  “Killed him.”

  Cainan laughed.

  Sereena gave him a side eye look.

  “I believe him,” Cainan said. “When I see Benny I’m going to cut his balls off.” He exhaled. “So where does that leave the case?”

  “Sereena called her mother, gave her the low down on what we learned from DA Crenshaw.” Jerome shrugged. “Judge Edwards asked a few questions. Said she would weigh things out and call us back.”

  “She called back an hour later,” Sereena added. “She said if Pauline Giuliani’s attorneys raise an objection to Benny being involved in the case they will have to assign a new DA. However, it will also demonstrate Giuliani attempted to bribe a district attorney.”

  Cainan looked up at Sereena. “Bribery?”

  “Yes, I had a little trouble with that one too until my mother explained it. Giving something of value, her body, in exchange for information is considered bribing an elected official.”

  “Oh,” Cainan cleared his throat. “So we are still on for Monday?”

  Jerome nodded. “Yes.”

  “Okay, which one of you is going to explain Benny to Kennedy?” Sereena asked.

  “Jerome,” Cainan quickly replied. “I’m going to need my balls to take the stand.”


  It had been a long day. AnnieMarie was on her way to the estate to see how the cleaners were coming along. On the way she picked up some fast food then called to check on her mother. She could not stop laughing when Gary told her about the fiasco at the club. It was hard to believe Winnie would get drunk in public. On the other hand, it was good to hear her mother was out enjoying herself.

  She pushed the call button on the console and call
ed her mother. The phone rang three times before it was answered. AnnieMarie was about to hang up when her mother’s voice came through the speakers.


  AnnieMarie laughed. “Wow, you sound a bit hungover there Mother. How are you feeling?”


  “I bet. Gary tells me you had fun last night.”

  “I did,” her mother groaned. “Your Aunt Viv, Monica and I went to the club to cheer Viv up.”

  “Sounds like you all cheered everyone up.”

  “The important thing is Viv got to laugh a little.”

  “A hangover was the least you could do. Are you in the bed?”

  “Yes, and I’m going to hang up on you for laughing at my situation.”

  “I’m not laughing at you Mother, honestly. I’m laughing with you. I can tell you I checked the internet constantly today as Myles requested. Nothing was out there about the incident. So have no worries, no one knows about your adventure into drunkhood.”

  Her mother hesitated. “That’s not exactly true.”

  AnnieMarie raised an eyebrow as she watched traffic. “What do you mean it’s not true?”

  “I ran into Spencer Whitfield in the lobby with some woman.”


  “Yes, he was checking to make sure I was okay but that floozy gave me the eye of death. And he left.”

  “Mr. Whitfield was with a floozy?”

  “Not really,” her mother explained, “but she wasn’t very sociable either.”

  “I see,” AnnieMarie smiled. “Mother what were you wearing?”

  “My black off the shoulder dress.”

  “The one that fits you like a glove?”

  “I don’t know about that, but yes. Why do you ask?”

  AnnieMarie laughed. “The woman wasn’t being sociable because the man she was with was talking to a beautiful sexy woman. I wouldn’t be sociable either.”

  “Oh please,” her mother moaned. “I’m going back to sleep. Be sure to call and check on your Aunt Viv.”

  “I will. Good night Mother.”

  AnnieMarie disconnected the call then pushed the button again.

  “Hi AnnieMarie.”

  “You sound chipper this evening. How are you Aunt Viv?”

  “I’m doing okay. Your Uncle and I are sitting here discussing taking a cruise.”

  “Really,” AnnieMaire smiled. “I think that is a wonderful idea. But you can’t go until after the wedding.”

  “Oh no. I would not miss Myles’ wedding for any reason. How are the plans coming with the house?”

  “Oh Aunt Viv, it’s beautiful. Putting a shine on the windows and the floors made the place come to life. I’m going to look at some furniture pieces this weekend. Would you like to come with me?”

  “I would love to. We could drive to High Point, North Carolina. It’s less than three hours away and they have some of the best furniture in that town.”

  AnnieMarie smiled. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you Saturday. Tell Uncle Ken hello for me.”

  “I sure will.”

  AnnieMarie disconnected the call then noticed a message had come through. She glanced at it. There was motion in the house. She checked the video for the garage. Daisy’s car was there. That was good. She could ask her how the staff hires were coming.

  AnnieMarie pulled in, grabbed her food and purse, then walked into the mudroom. It felt like coming home. She sniffed the air. It smelled like coming home too.

  She walked into the kitchen to see hot rolls on the stove. She set the fast food she had picked up on the island then walked over to the oven. Opening it, the aroma of baked chicken, rice and gravy assailed her nose.

  “Oh, Daisy, I love you.” She checked the pot on top of the stove to see mashed potatoes in one and greens in another. “I’m keeping her,” AnnieMarie smiled.

  “I see you found dinner.”

  AnnieMarie turned to see a woman she did not know. “I did,” she replied wondering who the woman was.

  “You must be AnnieMarie,” the woman held out her hand. “I am Judy Crane. Daisy interviewed me today. She asked me to cook a meal for you to test my cooking. I hope you enjoy it.” She held her hand out. “Let me take your purse and gloves. Oh, I simply love that dress.”

  “Thank you,” AnnieMarie did as the woman asked. “Where is Daisy?”

  “Upstairs working, I suspect,” Judy replied. “I’ve been working down here. Daisy mentioned you plan on using the downstairs bedroom suite, so I cleaned it up some. Would you like to take a look?”

  AnnieMarie smiled. “Yes, I would love too.”

  She followed Judy to the suite.

  “It’s a lovely room,” she said as they walked. “I only had to clean up the furniture a bit. And I changed the linen on the bed then put a few of your things Daisy brought over to make it feel like home.”

  “Oh my,” AnnieMarie beamed. “I love it.” She walked through the sitting area where the furniture had been rearranged and a television mounted on the wall. The sun setting through the floor to ceiling windows, casting a warm light on the bed, made her want to jump in it. She walked into the bathroom where the walk-in shower tiles were glistening through the glass doors. The stand-alone tub at the far end was the center piece, the door to the commode was in the corner and the double vanity was to her right. Walking to the other side was the opening into the dressing room. Floor to ceiling closet doors with mirrors were shining and the island had fresh flowers in a vase.

  “This looks wonderful,” she turned. “Now, Judy. This room is temporary.” She said as they walked back into the sitting area, across the hallway, into the kitchen. “I need you to prepare the master suite upstairs the same way. I will eventually be moving into that room.”

  Judy nodded. “Daisy mentioned that may be a possibility. I did not want to overstep my bounds. But you have the makings of a lovely home here.”

  “Thank you,” AnnieMarie found that she liked Judy immensely.

  “You have a seat while I prepare a plate for you.” Judy said as she walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a plate.”

  “I have plates?” AnnieMarie was surprised to see them.

  “Yes, plates, glasses, silverware, as well as pots and pans,” Judy replied. “Daisy asked what I preferred to work with then had it delivered.”

  AnnieMarie took a deep breath of relief. “Well it seems Daisy is making it quite clear that she wants you to take the position of house manager. How do you feel about that?”

  “I think the decision is yours to make,” Judy replied as she put a plate of food in front of her.

  AnnieMarie’s nose filled with the aroma of a hot cooked meal. At some point while they were talking, Judy had put warm butter on top of the rolls and it was running down the sides. AnnieMarie picked up one then bit into the roll. “Mmmm, oh my,” she moaned. “You put honey butter on the rolls.” She chewed, savoring the taste of the airy roll. “You must be an angel from above. This is to die for.” AnnieMarie took another bite.

  “I know,” Judy smiled then walked back over to the refrigerator.

  AnnieMarie froze. “I have a new refrigerator, too? I did not notice it.”

  “That’s because it blends in with the cabinets.” Judy said as she poured a glass of iced tea. “The one you had was okay, however, I shop for a month at a time. You needed something larger.” She put the glass of tea on the table. “Can I get you anything else?”

  AnnieMarie laughed. “You wouldn’t happen to have a strawberry short cake in there would you?”

  “No,” Judy replied as she walked over to the oven. She opened the top oven. “But I do have a peach cobbler.”

  “You’re hired,” AnnieMarie threw her hands up. “Name your salary and benefits.”

  “Well, I am going to need a place to stay. Daisy showed me your guest house that overlooks the garden. If you don’t mind, I would like to clean that up to be my place.”

  “I’ll sign it over to you.�

  Judy laughed. “No, but I will need a dependable van for shopping and things.”

  “You have it.”

  “Well, since you are providing that I don’t need much in the way of salary. How does, $50,000 a year sound.”

  “That will not do, Judy,” AnnieMarie was eating as she spoke. “I think $75,000, with health insurance and a bonus at the end of the year. Now you will be responsible for managing the household as well as cooking. You may want to get a staff to do the cleaning,” she glanced up. “With the exception of my room. I want you handling that. I’m not too crazy about the idea of strangers in my room.”

  “I am a stranger to you.” Judy reminded her.

  AnnieMarie thought. “But you don’t feel like one.” Judy smiled at her. “And you made this evening feel like I walked into my forever home.”

  “Well thank you, for saying that, Ms. AnnieMarie.”

  “Thank you for applying for the job. When can you start?”

  “Well, I’ll clean up the guest house tomorrow. Then move my things in over the weekend. I can start on Monday.”

  That sounded perfect to AnnieMarie. “Wonderful. I will have my sister, Grace, write up a contract for you. I will not be here Monday morning, but I should be back that afternoon. Will that work for you?”

  “It certainly will.”

  “Good,” AnnieMarie wiped her mouth and stood. “I’m going to find Daisy and thank her for bringing you into my life.” She glanced at the peach cobbler that was now sitting on the island.

  “I will put some in a dish with a little vanilla ice cream on top. You can have it when you come back downstairs.”

  AnnieMarie wondered if the woman was a mind reader too. “Perfect,” she smiled then walked to the backstairs in search of Daisy.

  “Daisy,” she called, as she reached the second floor. She went from one side of the house to the other checking every bedroom and bath, but there was no sign of Daisy. AnnieMarie stopped and listened. She could hear faint sounds from upstairs.

  “Why is she in the attic?” She took the back stairs up to the attic. She looked to the right where the trunks were and where she suspected Daisy was, but she was wrong. “Hmm,” she walked towards the area where her tea station was located. As she reached the opening, AnnieMarie had to smile. The area for her tea station was now a sitting area. There was an L-shaped sofa, with a square coffee table in the center of a beautiful throw rug. She looked out the windows that were cleared of all debris to see the front lawn of the house. In the distance, she could see the lights of a vehicle on the road as they drove by. Now she could have a view of the front of the house as well as the gardens. The area was beautiful.


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