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Falling for the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 1)

Page 13

by Stone, Dee J.


  His gaze flicks to me, then to the TV, then back to me. “The lamp is so dark and lonely. I’ve gotten used to your home. And being with you.”

  “Oh.” I wish he could stay here forever.

  “No,” he says, rubbing his thumb along my bottom lip before giving me a small kiss. “We’re not thinking about that, remember? There’s you and there’s me. Nothing else.”

  I nod. “I’m trying, but I’m only human and can’t shut my brain off, you know.”

  “And that’s what I love about you.”


  He presses me close to him. “That you’re human and are so complex. Your emotions, your behavior. Everything about you. It fascinates me.”

  “You fascinate me, too.”

  He shakes his head. “I’m just a genie.”

  “You’re not just a genie, Sebastian. You have a heart, you care. I think you’re more human than you think.”

  “Thank you.” He lowers his mouth to my face and trails kisses from my cheek, to my ear, then down my neck, sending sparks all over my body. I fall against his chest, feeling like I’m floating. My eyes flutter as a low moan escapes my lips. No other guy has made me melt the way Sebastian does. I wish I could hold onto this forever.

  We reluctantly continue the movie, and as we’re halfway through, Sebastian says, “Lily, I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay.” I pause the movie.

  He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. His eyebrows are furrowed. “I want to explain my behavior the night you ran into the street. I want to explain why I was such a jerk to you about the jackass.”

  I caress his arm that’s wrapped around my waist. Having him hold me like this comforts me. Makes me feel not so alone. I remember how many nights I’d just sit here watching TV by myself. It’s one of the saddest, loneliest things.

  “There’s nothing to apologize for. You sensed something was off with him and you were right.” I kiss him. “Thanks for looking out for me.” Though I wish he would have spoken to me about it instead of terrorizing my ex-boyfriend, I can’t be upset with him for trying to protect me.

  Sebastian says, “It was something I sensed about him, but there’s more.”

  I turn around to face him. He looks really uncomfortable. His leg that’s resting against mine twitches. “What?” I ask.

  He pushes some hair out of his eyes. “Maybe I shouldn’t tell you. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “There’s nothing you can say about Max that’ll hurt me. He’s forgotten, wiped out from my mind. I’m with you now. I’ve always wanted to be with you.”

  That causes him to smile a little. “Me, too.” He sighs, rubbing his temples. “How are we going to get through this? How am I?”

  I place my index finger on his soft lips. “We’re not going there, right? You and me. Nothing else.”

  He nods reluctantly.

  “So what did you want to tell me about Max?” I ask.

  He takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “The reason I pushed him. You told me to stay away from you after I played around with him at your apartment, and I did. But then I saw something that got me so upset I wanted to hurt him.” His apologetic eyes meet mine. “I’m sorry for having so much anger, but you have no idea what seeing that did to me.”

  I’m too confused. “What did you see?”

  He glances at the floor before meeting my gaze. “I saw him with another girl.”

  “His ex.”

  He shakes his head. “No, someone else.” He pauses. “He was seeing someone else while he was dating you.”

  It shouldn’t bother me. We’re over. But it does. A lot. Not because I still care about Max—I sure as hell don’t. But the fact that he was cheating on me. Not only was he using me to get over his ex, he was with someone else while he was with me. I feel so disgusted.

  “I can’t believe I was going to lose my virginity to that ass,” I mutter, maybe a bit too loud because Sebastian eyes grow wider than the cantaloupe sitting on my kitchen counter.

  I feel my cheeks get hot and use my can of Coke to keep myself busy. Thirty seconds later, I blurt, “Do you ever…?”

  He looks at me, surprised. “Ever…what? Do it? No. I have no needs. Well, I mean, lately…yeah, I’ve thought about it, but um…” He presses his lips together.

  An awkward silence fills the room. Did he just admit he wants to have sex with me? Because I’d definitely want to lose my V-card to Sebastian one day. I pull my hair over my face like a curtain. What am I thinking? He’s going to leave soon.

  “I saw it,” he says, his eyes on the paused movie. “Him with that girl and I completely lost it. I suspected that he was a bad person, but I didn’t want it to be confirmed.”

  I stroke his cheek, turning his head and forcing his eyes to meet mine. “I appreciate you looking out for me, but why didn’t you tell me you saw him with someone else?”

  “I didn’t want to hurt you. I thought if he broke up with you, it’d spare you the pain. But I pushed you away and caused you to fall deeper in love with him. I wish I could take it back and tell you the truth from the start. At least you’d have less pain than you do now.”

  Hearing how much he cares about me makes my stomach flap like butterflies are trapped inside. “Thank you for being there for me, Sebastian.”

  He nods. “I’d do anything for you.”

  I rest my head on his shoulder, taking in his genie smell I’ve come to know and love so much. “Do you know if he had feelings for her?” I ask. “That other girl? Was he using her, too?”

  “I think he was.”

  I guess that makes me feel a little better. I just hope that other girl learns the truth and doesn’t cry over him. He’s not worth it. “Let’s not talk about him. Like I said, the memories of him have been wiped from my mind.”

  My throat chokes up. Just like Sebastian will be wiped from my mind when he’s gone. Damn it. I’m trying not to think about the future, but I can’t help it. Will I ever find a guy as sweet and caring as Sebastian? I know there are many out there, but there’s only one Sebastian. Will my heart have room for another guy? Or will it cry for Sebastian even though my mind won’t?

  He tucks his fingers under my chin and tilts my head up. “What are you thinking about?”

  I push a fake smile on my face. “Something I shouldn’t be thinking about?”

  He frowns. “Can we continue?” He nods toward the movie. “I’d like to know what happens next. Do you want me to get you some more popcorn?”

  “Thanks, but I’m full.”

  Cuddled in each other’s arms, we resume the movie. Sebastian watches intently, and I watch him. The way his eyes shine when the couple declares their love for one another. His sweet smile when they share a tender kiss in a flower garden.

  At least those two have their happily ever after. At least in my fantasy bubble, I can pretend we can, too.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Later that evening, my phone rings. “Hey, Mace,” I say.

  “I heard what happened between you and Max. Are you okay?”

  I lie down on my bed and stare at the ceiling, not caring that my wet hair is soaking the bedspread. I’ve just come out of the shower and Sebastian is watching a game show on TV. “I’m okay. Who told you? Him? What exactly did he say?” And why do I still care?

  She pauses before saying. “He told Andy it wasn’t working. I thought you liked him.”

  I sit up. “He said I broke up with him?”

  “He didn’t give many details. Andy called him to ask if he wanted to double date with us. He wanted to surprise me and you, so he had to check in with Max about your plans. God, Lily. I never expected this. Do you want me to come over?”

  I peer into the living room, where Sebastian has moved closer to the TV, focusing on the question being asked. When the host reveals the answer, my genie pumps his fists along with a cheer. I can’t help but smile.

nbsp; “Lily?”


  “I’m coming over.”

  “No. I’m okay. Really.”

  She doesn’t say anything. Knowing Macy as well as I do, I know she’s most definitely slipping on her shoes.

  “Macy,” I say. “You don’t have to come running to my apartment every time something goes wrong. I love you and everything, but I need to be strong, you know? You’re engaged. Go spend time with Andy. I mean it.”

  She’s quiet for a bit. “Well, he does have reservations to that restaurant. Ooh. Maybe you can still come and he’ll invite one of his single friends.”

  I grip the phone. “Macy…”

  “What? You know what they say. The secret to a break up is a hook up.”

  I’m not sure I’d be interested in being set up again. I’d rather meet a guy on my own. Not that it matters, though. I have Sebastian. He’s only temporary, a voice in my head reminds me. I fling it aside.

  “So, what do you say?” she asks.

  I want to spend every second with Sebastian. To soak in as much time as possible because I don’t know when it will be our last.



  “Did he tell Andy he’s back with his ex?”

  There’s a pause before she says, “He said he met her at a party or something last night and they started talking. He said you guys broke up before then.”

  “What an asshole.” I don’t mean for it to slip out, but it does. I can practically see the shock on Macy’s face. She’s well aware that I rarely call anyone that unless they pissed me off to the extreme.

  “What the hell happened between you guys?” she asks.

  “He cheated.”


  I swallow. Damn. Why do I still care? Maybe this has nothing to do with Max and everything to do with the guy sitting on my living room couch. I’m using the pain from Max as a front for my true fears and insecurities. Because my heart knows I’ll never feel this way about a guy again.

  “He was two-timing me,” I say.

  “That’s impossible.”

  “No.” Sebastian would never lie to me. “And he was in contact with his ex for a few days already. He was looking for the perfect opportunity to break up with me. Right after your engagement party.” I slap my forehead. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. Your engagement party was beautiful, Mace. You looked stunning. I’m so happy for you and Andy. You guys deserve the best.”

  My gaze returns to the living room. Sebastian cheers another time. I can’t believe I won’t hear those sounds soon. I won’t see that look of wonder on his face. Won’t feel the softness of his gold-colored chest.

  “He was seeing someone else while seeing you?” she repeats, her voice filled with disbelief. “How could he do that?”

  The next words come out before I can stop them. “He said he was using me to get over his ex. He never liked me.”

  “I’m so sorry. I had no idea he was like that. I never would have pushed you to go out with him. What an asshole.”

  I go over to the window and peer out. It started raining a few hours ago and hasn’t let up. When it poured like hell at Daisy’s funeral, I thought the world cried along with us. If not for Sebastian being in my life, I’d probably feel the same way now. Once he leaves, the pain will crash over me like cement.

  “Are you going to be okay?” Macy asks.

  I could tell her I’m with Sebastian now and don’t give a damn about the jackass, but not yet. I want what I have with him to be special, just for the two of us. Our little secret.

  “As long as you promise me one thing,” I say.


  “Not to make a big deal about this okay? It happened. It’s done. I don’t want to think or talk about that guy again. Is that okay?”

  “Sure. You sure you don’t want me to come over and give you a hug? We can gorge on ice cream and watch one of those movies you love that I hate.”

  I laugh. “I’ll be fine. Have fun on your date.”

  “Thanks. But call me whenever you need me.”

  She kisses me goodbye through the phone, and I hang up. I lower myself next to Sebastian, whose eyes are furrowed in concentration. I read the question on the screen. “Santa Fe,” I say.

  He turns to me.

  “The capital of New Mexico,” I tell him.

  He frowns. I laugh and kiss his cheek. “Don’t be so hard on yourself for not knowing all the answers.”

  “I’ve been on this world for hundreds of years. I feel like I should know everything.”

  “Even the great geniuses don’t know everything.”

  He nods slowly like he’s considering my words. He then grins and wraps an arm around me, tugging me close. “You smell good,” he whispers.

  Heat flushes my cheeks.

  “Can I try to shower?” he asks. “I’ve never done it before.” He intertwines his fingers through mine. “I want to do everything you do. To be as close to you as ever.” The tips of his ears grow pink. “I want to smell good.”

  I press my nose to his chest, feeling his silky skin. “I love your smell.”

  He laughs softly. “I haven’t bathed ever. I can’t smell good.”

  I lift my head and look into his eyes. “You don’t stink, Sebastian. Don’t change anything. I love you just the way you are.”

  He smiles and bends close. When our lips roll over one another, these tingly sensations explode all over my body. His hands dig into my wet hair and my fingers grip his shoulders. Our mouths never breaking apart, he lies down on the couch with me on top of him. Our legs tangle in each other’s and I’m so numb I can’t tell which is his or mine, since both of us are barefoot.

  Breathing heavily, I trace the swirly designs on his chest, from left to right and all the way down. I stop at the top of his black pants. The designs are just as rough as the ones on his lamp. I trail them back over his stomach, up his chest, then down again.

  Sebastian trembles beneath my touch. His lips are red and swollen, eyes heavy and hot. With each stroke of my finger, he shudders more. I stop.

  Panting, he takes my hand and puts it back on his chest, running it across the same way I did. “Don’t stop,” he breathes.

  I lower my mouth to his chest and kiss each design. His shaking intensifies, which fuels me to go on. I love the way he melts beneath my touch. That I evoke these feelings in him.

  “Lily.” He gathers me in his arms and holds me tight. The TV host talks in the background, but our breathing is too loud to hear him. Our lips connect, then break apart. He teases my mouth with his lips, sending jolts all over me until I can’t support myself and collapse on top of him.

  He brushes soft kisses along the left side of my face. Everywhere he touches stings in the best way possible. “How am I doing?” he asks, his voice barely audible.

  “You’re amazing,” I whisper, planting a kiss on his lips.

  His cheeks redden slightly as he curls his fingers over the back of my neck and kisses me, slowly at first, then growing faster and rougher. He rolls us over so he’s on top and has full access to my neck, where he trails his lips along its length. My back arches as my fingers dig into the couch. When our mouths meet once again, flames burst inside me.

  “I’ve never felt this way before,” I rasp.

  He presses his forehead to mine, his breathing uneven. “You’ve never done this with a guy?”

  “I’ve kissed guys before, but not like this. You do magic with your lips.”

  He smiles. “I only react to how I feel. To the way you make me feel. I never imagined human emotions are like this.”

  I twirl my finger through is hair. “I’m glad I can show you.” And I’m glad he’ll remember me this way.

  There’s only one wish I want, one I can never have: him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “You sure you know what you’re doing?”

  I play with Sebastian’s locks of hair.
He’s sitting in a chair in the bathroom, facing the mirror with a towel wrapped around his shoulders. His eyes keep flicking to the scissors in my hand, then back to his hair. He gulps.

  “Not really,” I say. “But I used to cut my dolls’ hair all the time when I was a kid.” I bend close to his ear. “Most of them ended up with half their hair chopped off.”

  His eyes widen and face pales.

  “I’m kidding!”

  He sighs in relief. “I’ve never gotten my hair cut.”

  “Really? For hundreds of years?”

  He nods.

  “How’s your hair not sweeping the floor, then?” I play around with it some more, letting the strands fall through my fingers like a silk curtain.

  He tugs on his bangs. “I don’t age or anything, right? Except for my hair. It grows a little every hundred years.” His eyes meet mine in the mirror. “I barely notice it. How did you?”

  I suggested earlier to give him a haircut because his bangs keep falling into his eyes and it doesn’t seem comfortable. “I don’t know,” I say. “Guess I notice a lot about you.”

  He smiles and reaches for my hand. I place the scissors on the sink. “Are you sure you want me to cut it?”

  “Yes. I want to see what it’s like. I’ve watched it being done over the years and I’m very curious.”


  I grab the scissors and get to work. I start with the back, only trimming a little because he told me he still wants long hair. I then do his bangs, making sure to keep them even, unlike with my dolls. As I snip, Sebastian stares into my eyes with that intense look that’s mixed with love, and I lose focus for a second, nearly chopping his ear off.

  “Stop,” I say.


  “You’re distracting me.”

  “Sorry. I just love watching you.”

  I smile and resume cutting. He keeps his gaze on my hands, then the floor before staring at me again.

  “How do I look?” he asks.

  “Like a golden Ken doll with all his hair chopped off.”

  With eyes bugging out of their sockets, he grabs his hair, then narrows his eyes. “That’s not funny.”


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