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His Surprise Daughter : A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 9

by Tiana Cole

  Now he understood. “You think I abandoned you? That maybe I didn’t want you?” She nodded, bottom lip trembling sadly. “Then you must think I am some kind of dummy for not wanting you.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  That plea in her voice broke his heart. Caine took a few steps forward and sat on the edge of her small twin bed. “Do you want the truth, Cassia? The whole, unvarnished truth about why I just met you?” Looking over his shoulder, he saw her head bobbing up and down.

  “What’s unvarnished?”

  He turned to her. “Without any pretty polish to make the words sound better. It’s not a pretty story, kiddo.”

  “I want to know.”

  He smiled, she was so much like Zara it was like seeing her as a little girl. “Okay.” Caine sucked in a deep breath and told her the whole story of meeting Zara and falling for her. His disapproving parents and his mother’s sabotage. “Shortly after your second appointment, when we took all the samples to test, Zara told me you were my daughter.”

  “But you didn’t say anything,” she accused.

  Caine nodded because he needed time to get her to understand. “I wanted you to get to know me first, that’s why we had that day together.” He’d wanted to tell her as soon as they’d gotten back to Zara’s place, but it wasn’t the right time.

  “Why now?”

  “Because that’s what your mother and I agreed on.” It wasn’t the full truth and he could see it in her eyes that Cassia knew it too. “And because I’m going to start testing to donate a kidney to you.”

  Her breath caught on a gasp. “Mommy’s sick?” Her green eyes were shiny with unshed tears and that bottom lip trembled again.

  Caine reached across the bed and pulled his daughter into his arms. His heart squeezed when she laid her head on his chest. “She’s not sick. Maybe we should go talk with her about this.”

  “Wait. I want to talk to you.”

  All the anxiety rushed out of his body and he relaxed onto her galaxy themed comforter. “What do you want to talk about, kiddo?”

  “I don’t know. I always wanted a dad, and now I that I have one, I don’t know what to ask.”

  Those eyes looked up at him with love and affection and Caine felt fifteen feet tall. “Okay, then. My full name is Caine Lincoln O’Keefe Faulkner, it’s a mouthful, I know, but my mother is very pretentious.”

  “And mean,” she grumbled.

  “That too.” He chuckled. “I decided to become a pediatrician instead of a surgeon like my dad wanted. He’s a senator and wants me to follow in his footsteps. I decided to go back to the place that held the best memories for me.”


  Caine nodded and flashed a smile, tapping her nose. “Yep, here. I figured your mom was off conquering the world, but I hoped if she wasn’t, I would run into her one day.”

  Cassia pushed away so they were face to face. “Why didn’t you look her up? You can find anybody on Google.”

  He chuckled. “I thought she’d broken my heart so I was leaving it up to fate. I know it was cowardly but the idea of a broken heart makes us all skittish. That’s why I was worried about telling you.”

  “You thought I would break your heart?” He nodded honestly and hoped she could see the sincerity in his eyes. “But you’re a grownup.”

  “Yes, and you’re my daughter. It’s my responsibility to protect you, teach you and to love you. How could I do that if you hate me?”

  “I don’t hate you.” Her little hands grabbed his face and brought it close to hers. “I’m glad you’re my dad.”

  “Are you sure? Because you seemed pretty upset earlier.”

  Like a girl much older, Cassia rolled her eyes and sighed wearily. “Because you guys lied to me. And it’s weird getting the thing you wanted so long.”

  Caine could not agree with her more. “Well, kiddo, you are that thing for me too. Maybe we should celebrate that part and let the other stuff sort itself out?”

  She smiled. “Burgers?”

  Caine laughed and nodded. “Yeah, but only if it’s okay with Zee.”

  She nodded but he could tell she wanted to argue. “Okay. Let’s go see Mommy.”

  Later that night, Caine would remember the way she held him loosely, with such trust that he would hold her and keep her from falling. It made him feel like a hero.

  He would do everything in his power to live up to that feeling.

  Chapter 11

  “Mariah seems to be doing much better.” Zara stood in an alcove at the hospital talking with a nurse on the psych ward. “Has anyone been by to see her?”

  The tall redhead nodded seriously. “Her father is actually getting a coffee but he wants to speak with you.”

  “Okay, thanks.” The nurse walked away while Zara finished typing her notes on her tablet. The meds had evened Mariah out for the most part but the girl still needed intensive therapy.

  “Zara. I wasn’t sure if it was really you, I had to see for myself.”

  She looked up at the sound of her English lit professor and smiled. “Dr. Macklin…I didn’t make the connection. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not an uncommon name, but thank you. She seems to be doing better.”

  Zara nodded. “She will need therapy but I think we can talk about discharging her next week.”

  Dr. Macklin nodded. “Good. I’m going to spend some time with her before visiting hours are over. I’ve brought a picnic.”

  She laughed. “I hope you brought brie, we bonded over our shared love of it.” They exchanged goodbyes and Zara decided to stop in and see Caine. He’d spent six nights at their house, eating dinner and helping Cassia with her homework. Zara tried, really hard, not to spin fairytales in her head. They were not a real family, just two individuals who shared a child. And explosive chemistry. When he hadn’t shown up or called last night, Cassia had gotten worried that he changed his mind about her. So she was going to tear him apart.

  Dottie practically ran into her the moment she stepped from the elevator. “Oh, I’m sorry child, I’m just ten shades of distracted.”

  “No problem, Dottie. Have you seen Caine, um, Dr. Faulkner?”

  Dottie gave her an assessing look. “I knew those green eyes were too familiar. He’s not here, sweetie. He had a rough night so you’ll probably find him at home.”

  That sound ominous. “Thanks, Dottie. Take it easy.”

  She grunted. “I long for the day the little ones stop getting sick and hurt. See you later, Ms. Brown.”

  “Bye, and it’s Zara.”

  Dottie nodded and rushed off.

  Fifteen minutes later she was knocking on Caine’s door. “I know you’re in there so open up.”

  She heard footsteps and grumbling seconds before the door was practically pulled off its hinges. “It’s open, now what?”

  Zara pushed past him, ignoring his surly mood. “I’m doing well, Caine, thanks for asking. How are you?”

  “Just peachy,” he deadpanned.

  “And pale,” she blurted out because she was so focused on his wide back that tapered down to a slim waist with muscles rippling all the way down to the top of his jeans.

  “No sun.” He raised his eyebrow, challenging her.

  “What’s wrong, Caine?”

  “Why are you here, Zee?”

  Crossing her arms and jutting out her chin, she replied, “I asked you first.” His face was drenched in misery and pain, and possibly exhaustion. He didn’t want to talk about it, but he would learn that Zara extracted information from people for a living. This was her jam. “Okay, we’ll circle back to that later. I’m here because Cassia—our daughter—was worried when you didn’t show up or call. She wanted to know if you decided you didn’t want her after all.” It was a low blow and they both knew it but Zara knew he needed to hear it.

  Those green eyes held so much pain and she put a hand to his chest when he tried to explain.

  “I know. You’ll tell me all about your
hard night when I’m done. I promise I’m not trying to guilt trip you, but you need to know that as a parent you are always accountable to that little girl. If you can’t show up, let her know. Especially since your relationship is so new.” She would do all she could to make their relationship work, but Caine needed to do the heavy lifting.

  “I’m so damn sorry. Is she upset?”

  “Last night she was. This morning she was worried that you’re not used to driving in bad weather.” Just a few inches had fallen overnight but Cassia had insisted. “So she sent this, in case you weren’t running away from her.”

  Surprise and gratitude shone in his green eyes. “Really?”

  She nodded, holding up the basket and handing it to him. It was filled with muffins and cookies, photos of Cassia over the years, drawings and a small notebook. He looked so reverently at the photos that Zara felt her ovaries swoon, the way he so gently traced a finger over her Halloween photo collage.

  “She’s amazing.” His eyes were watery, putting her on alert. “Thank you, both.”

  Zara was really worried now and slid closer to Caine, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Now you. Tell me what’s wrong.”


  Caine didn’t want to talk about it but he knew he had to because it had been eating him up since 2:37 this morning. Jason was just eight years old and he’d died with no one at his side other than Caine. His parents were too busy climbing a mountain on the other side of the world and Jason had died without seeing their faces. “It was just me and him. He was a good kid with a great attitude. He deserved more.” His shoulders shook but he wouldn’t let himself cry.

  Not in front of Zara.

  “Oh, Caine.” She wrapped her strong but delicate arms around him. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  “Not me, him, Zara. He was just a kid.” And I couldn’t save him.

  “He was also your friend. You saw and spoke to him every day for three months. Can you say that about anyone else in this state?”

  Caine couldn’t answer because he’d focused all of his attention on the heat from her hand because it was soothing him, slowing down his racing heart. She was close enough that each time she spoke, her words vibrated his body. The combination was enough that he felt his body relaxing, calming. “No.”

  “It’s okay to mourn his death. You are a human, even though you sometimes try not to be.” He could hear amusement in her voice. “Have a good cry if you’d like. I won’t tell.”

  “Nothing to tell,” he growled, pulling laugh from her.

  “If you say so.” Her hand continued to make wide slow circles over his back. “I still won’t tell,” she assured him, and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

  Caine felt his temperature spike as his body responded to her nearness. She smelled so damn sweet, like roses and vanilla, and he knew he needed another taste. Soft breasts pressed against his side and he wanted her hand in other places. “Zara,” he groaned, and pulled back, his eyes boring into her.

  “Yes,” she answered breathlessly, and Caine knew she was as gone as he was. Judging by the heave of her chest, she might be even further gone.

  “This.” He moved in quickly and fit his mouth to hers, spearing her long braids and holding her head so he could taste all of her. His body hardened—all over—at the way Zara relaxed under him and gripped his back, eagerly trying to get her hands all over his overheated flesh. The kiss was searing, forcing Caine to pull back and suck in oxygen. “Zee,” he moaned.

  Dark eyes hazy with lust, she smiled and tugged him back for another kiss that nearly had him going off like a rocket in his pants. She moaned deep in her throat when his hands gripped her thighs and spread them, fitting his big body between them. “Caine,” she cried out when he pulled away from her mouth and kissed his way around down her throat and to her breasts.

  Her moans and mewls drove him out of his mind and he shoved her blouse up and over her head, tossing it behind him and making even quicker work of the black lace bra. Then those delicious milk chocolate breasts were free for his gaze, his mouth. “Are you as sweet as I remember? I wonder…” His voice was deep and gravelly, his pants grew tighter when her eyes flared with desire.

  Zara grabbed her breast and held it out for him. “You tell me.”

  She cried out as soon as he pulled that dark chocolate nipple into his mouth and sucked until she squirmed. He worked her over, back and forth, licking and nibbling, sucking and biting over every inch of her delectable tits. “Better,” he growled, and made his way down, removing her slacks and sexy lace boy shorts. “Hot,” he growled, and buried his face between her legs.

  “Oh, Caine!” Her husky cries spurred him on but he was taken off guard when she yanked on his hair. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

  With a smile he stood and stripped. Her gaze was so heavy he felt it across his chest, down his abs. “Like what you see?”

  “You have no idea,” she told him, and spread her legs, dipping her finger inside her body and pulling out a glistening finger.

  The rest of his clothes disappeared and he was back between her legs, sliding his erection through her moisture, making them both scream out their pleasure. His mouth was on hers in a flash, licking and sucking at her mouth and taking control. Caine held her wrists above her head, grinding against her core while he made love to her mouth. “Zara.” He moaned her name over and over like it was the chorus of his favorite song.

  “Caine, please.”

  That moan sent a dart of need straight to his dick and Caine lost all semblance of control. Her name was a whisper on his mouth, and a question.

  “Now, Caine.” Those were the words he needed and in one long, deep thrust he was buried deep inside Zara again. A place he never thought he would be again, and here he was. An impatient heel dug into his ass, spurring him into action.

  And then he was lost. Lost in her, in the moment and in her body. Caine’s whole world narrowed to the beautiful brown skinned woman beneath him. Skin peppered with perspiration, eyes closed and lush mouth opened in ecstasy, she was all of his dreams come to life. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

  A smile curled her mouth and her hands tightened on his ass. “And you are like a Greek statue. And I. Am. Close.”

  Her words hit him hard and his body moved for maximum pleasure, tossing her legs over his forearms and sinking deeper inside her sweet body. “So tight and wet for me.”

  “I always am.”

  Faster and faster he plunged, his body falling deeper into her body as she cried out and screamed in ecstasy. Ten manicured nails dug into his ass as his hips pistoned and then, “Oh Caine, yes. Yes!” Her body shook and quivered, milking him and bringing on his own orgasm. “Caine.”

  His body continued to shudder against hers, both of them breathing heavy.

  Then Zara laughed. And laughed.

  Caine was too spent so he moved his hips, hitting deep until she cried out again. And continued to laugh. “Something funny?”

  “No, but, damn, I haven’t felt that good in a really long time.” More giggles erupted from her. “Seriously.”

  That brought a smile to his face and he smacked a kiss against her neck. And thrust again. “Thanks, babe, but you had a lot to do with my performance.”

  A final chuckle escaped on a sigh. “We just had sex on a couch. In the middle of the day. I’m finally a bad girl.”

  That brought a full laugh from him. “I turned you bad.”

  He groaned when her inner muscles clenched him again. “How soon until you turn me bad again?”

  Caine groaned loudly, and then he kissed her.


  “I’m taking Cassia until tomorrow afternoon.”

  Zara frowned at her mother, dressed like the school teacher she’d been for forty years. “Why? Not that I have a problem with it, but she hasn’t said anything.”

  Brenda smiled. “She gave me this,” she pulled a coupon from her purse and slid it across the kitch
en table, “and told me to make sure her dad got it.”

  Zara looked at the paper and smiled. “A coupon for twenty-four hours of babysitting.” It was all typed out and professional, even with the dotted lines around the edges. “Cute. And sneaky.”

  Brenda laughed and put a hand on her chest. “My goodness, but that girl is something special. Took everything I had not to laugh like a fool.”

  Zara laughed too. “Sounds like somebody is matchmaking.” She was happy Cassia felt comfortable enough with Caine that she wanted him around all the time. He’d rebounded from his sadness over Jason’s death and spent most of his free time with his daughter.

  “Well, the man took her to the museum to see all those space exhibits and he even got her to eat broccoli without complaining. It must be love.”

  Zara frowned. “How?”

  “Beef and broccoli with soba noodles.”

  “Damn,” she groaned. Of course. “Has she manufactured a reason for Caine to drop by tonight?”

  “Invited him to dinner. Promised his favorite, which is…” she pulled out her phone, “…she put it in one of these apps, there it is. Lamb chops, new potatoes with butter and chives, asparagus with garlic butter and a chocolate cake for desert.” Brenda blew out a breath and smiled at her daughter. “I’ve made the cake and frosted it for you and the chops are marinating.”

  Zara smiled. “Thanks, Mom. I love you. What would I ever do without you?”

  “I’m sticking around for a long time just so you won’t have to find out.”

  She stood and gave her mom a teary hug. “You really are the best person in my life.”

  “Aw, come on, girl, I’m not that special. Cassia, now she’s special.”

  “And she’s got your blood in her veins.” As well as her demon other grandmother.

  “Wear something sexy, show the man you’re interested.”

  Zara laughed because she had been doing a mental perusal of her closet. “Who says I’m interested?”

  “Anyone with eyes, child. You’re as moon-eyed now as you were back then, and he is too. Plus, he’s started all the tests to save our girl.”


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