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Dear Sexy Lexie

Page 7

by Ashlyn Chase

  “You’re kidding. You really think they’ll care?”

  “Absolutely. Remember Maude? And some of these papers are going to very conservative households.”

  “That doesn’t mean you have to suddenly become conservative.”

  “If I mention one word about you, someone will dig, hoping to find dirt. That’s just the way it is.”

  “Let them. I have nothing to hide.”


  Dear Sexy Lexie

  “But we do. People love to put their icons on pedestals almost as much as they like to knock them off.”

  “Now you’re being ridiculous.”

  “Am I? Well, I guess my reputation must be a ridiculous thing to worry about, then.” Her volume escalated. “Who cares if I say one thing and do another? That won’t destroy my credibility at all.”

  “Calm down, Lexie. We can’t talk about this rationally if you’re going to get sarcastic.”

  “What’s to talk about? Like you said, there’s not a damn thing you can do about your age.”

  “So what are you saying? That we’re through? Because if you expect me to hide or just walk away from the woman I love…” They glared at each other. At last he plopped onto the sofa again and sat with his head in his hands. “I don’t know, Lex. I don’t mean to rain on your parade but I never took you for someone who’d let society dictate your life.”

  She was silent and stayed that way for too long. When he glanced over at her, her eyes were shimmering. He gathered her in his arms and held her as she cried.

  * * * * *

  Lexie leaned back and put her feet on the ottoman while she talked to Erika on the phone. “I’m sorry to take you away from your gorgeous hunk but I have to ask you something.”

  Erika laughed. “He’s out at the wind ranch, so you have my undivided attention.”

  “I have to know if it’s just the shoes.”

  “If what’s just the shoes?”

  “Everything that’s happening.”


  Ashlyn Chase

  “Oh, I’ll bet you’re going through what I did. When everything I wanted came to me at once, I could hardly believe it.”

  “Exactly. But my situation is a bit more complicated…story of my life, right?”

  “What’s going on?”

  “It seemed as if I found my dream man and my dream job but now I’m afraid I have to choose between them.”

  “Oh, honey. I’m sorry. Are you sure you can’t figure out a way to have it all? So far the shoes haven’t let us down.”

  “Are you sure it’s the shoes? Or are we just more open to opportunities, expecting the shoes will bring them?”

  “What’s going on with Tyler?”

  “He says he loves me. Can you believe it?”

  “Of course he does. Who wouldn’t love you?”

  Lexie chuckled. “Lots of people. But is this real? It all happened so fast. Maybe it will disappear just as fast.”

  “You think it will all go poof when you take the shoes off?”

  “That’s why I called you. Is everything with Rodrigo still as good as it was last time we talked?”


  “Really? How can that be? You were ecstatic.”

  “Every day we seem to become more solid. We’re really perfect for each other. It’s hard to believe how perfect.”

  “Wow, that’s fantastic. I’m happy for you. Both of you.”

  “I know how you feel about the concept of soul mates but it’s true—at least for us. We’re so lucky to have discovered each other.”

  Lexie sighed. “I may have to rethink the soul mates thing. It seems like I’ve been wrong a lot lately.”


  Dear Sexy Lexie

  “Do you think Tyler is your soul mate?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. I love him like crazy. And for God knows what reason, he loves me too.”

  “Well, cripes, that’s huge! Lexie’s in love again. And it sounds like it is better the second time around.”

  “Yeah, if I haven’t screwed it up.”

  “Screwed it up? How?”

  “I said I wanted to keep our relationship a secret. He took it personally. Like I was ashamed of him and I’m not.”

  “Well, then why keep it a secret? When Rodrigo and I first realized we were in love I wanted to tell everyone.”

  “I wish I could but I’d really be opening myself up to ridicule. My boss would flip out if I did anything to compromise my integrity. Especially since I’m so snarky to everyone else.”

  “Ah…you just said a mouthful.”

  * * * * *

  “So Letters to Sexy Lexie is coming to Kansas City!”

  “Yes, sir.” Lexie tried hard not to be nervous but all these public appearances weren’t her favorite pastime. Give me a laptop to hide behind and I’ll be way more comfortable.

  That morning she had counted appearances. Three TV interviews, five radio spots and two meetings with newspaper execs—and she was only two weeks into her monthlong business trip. She had another one scheduled, this afternoon. Thank goodness she was going to meet Bella for dinner. She needed a real conversation.

  “Please call me Merrill. And can I call you Lexie?”

  “I’d prefer that over Sexy.”


  Ashlyn Chase

  The TV host laughed. “I’ve heard you have a rapier wit. Especially when someone needs a good slap upside the head. Is that true?”

  “I can’t see the point of doling out advice if you’re not going to be honest. I believe in getting right to the crux of the matter and telling it like it is. My advice isn’t something your mother would tell you. It’s what your true friends would say if they weren’t afraid of hurting your feelings.”

  “So what have been some of your favorite letters so far? What kind of unusual problems have people presented you with?”

  “Favorite unusual problems? Well, there was the woman whose husband kept losing the keys to the handcuffs.”

  The host and audience laughed.

  “That must have been inconvenient, especially if she had to cross her legs while she waited for him to remember where he put them.” He mimicked scratching his head in confusion. “Any more?”

  “I’ve got plenty more where that came from, as they say.” Lexie began to relax. Maybe this interview would be fun. Encouraged, she continued. “There was the letter from the woman whose parrot learned to imitate her sounds during hot and heavy lovemaking.”

  More laughter from the audience.

  “How nice to see you, Reverend. Sit here right next to my pet bird,” the host mocked. The audience rewarded him with more laughter.

  As soon as the chuckles died down a little, Lexie continued. “And I think my most unforgettable letter came from the guy who used an inflatable doll and developed a latex allergy.”

  The crowd roared in laughter.

  “And what did you tell him?”


  Dear Sexy Lexie

  “I told him that rubber was only one option. Real women might be more of a challenge in some ways but at least they wouldn’t make him swell up.”

  The laughter escalated until Lexie and the host couldn’t be heard over it and just grinned at each other.

  The host leaned forward. “So what makes you an authority on relationships?”

  Lexie smiled. Crap. He’s putting me on the spot, after all. “Well, Merrill, I don’t know if anyone is an absolute authority but I’ve studied people and their behavior for years. I have dual degrees in psychology and sociology and I’m told that my common sense is uncommonly good. So when this opportunity presented itself I said, ‘sure, why not’?”

  He shrugged. “Sounds like you just fell into it.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “I’d like to read a few of your questions and answers if you don’t mind.”

  “Sure. Go for it.”

  ‘“Dear Lexie, I’m single and I’ve been dating for y
ears. I’ve always used a condom but now there’s this woman I’m seriously involved with. She says she’s on the pill and wants me to have the full experience but how do I know if she is really taking birth control?’ and it’s signed, ‘Not sure’.”

  The host faced the camera. “Now here’s what she said, folks. ‘Dear Not Sure, By full experience I assume you mean having more responsive sex without the condom. Let’s pretend she’s telling the truth and is on some type of contraception. There are still STDs to worry about. By the way, STD stands for Stupidly Trusted a Dimwit. If you don’t trust her to tell you the truth about contraception, then you probably shouldn’t take chances with an STD, either. If you’re not enjoying the sheathed experience, something’s wrong and they have a pill for that’.”

  The host laughed. “Boy, you don’t pull any punches, do you Lexie? Or maybe I should say you punch but you do it with a Nerf glove and a sense of humor.”


  Ashlyn Chase

  She smiled, not sure what to say. She trusted Tyler, got herself on birth control and they’d recently agreed to dispense with condoms. She was a hypocrite and there was nothing she could do about it. Other than giving poor advice or following her own good advice, she was caught in her own web.

  “So what’s your love life like?”

  Lexie tried not to think about Tyler but it was impossible. Any time the word love was mentioned, her mind flew right to him. They hadn’t left things the way she would have liked. She had told herself it would bother her less as time passed but it niggled at her every single day. Had she only been gone for two weeks? It seemed like months.

  “My love life? Well, as you probably know, my husband passed away from cancer almost two years ago. We had a wonderful marriage.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  Whew. Maybe he’ll leave it at that and move on.

  “But two years is a long time. Surely you’re out of mourning and moving on. Do you date? I have a buddy I can fix you up with.”

  Lexie chuckled. “Thanks but long distance relationships are tough. I don’t think I’m up for that challenge right now.”

  “Who said anything about long distance? He’s right over there! Our producer, Tim.” The host pointed to someone offstage. The audience laughed and he seemed pleased with himself.

  She glanced over the host’s shoulder and saw Bella standing just off stage. She must have taken the day off from work. Lexie was strangely comforted that her friend had come to see her in action. But why did she have that distressed look on her face?

  “Sorry, Merrill and Tim. I actually live on the west coast. But I’ll be sure to look you up when I’m in town.”


  Dear Sexy Lexie

  The host sighed. “Well, I guess that will have to suffice. I’d like to read some more of your letters but we’ve got to go to a commercial break now. We’ll be right back, folks. Don’t go anywhere.”

  As soon as the camera’s red light went off, Bella rushed across the stage. Lexie jumped up to greet her with a heartfelt hug. Fortunately, the host strode off to talk to someone in the wings.

  “Boy is it good to see you,” Lexie whispered. She removed the microphone clipped to her collar. “I’m so nervous and just seeing your face—”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, Lexie, but I have something important to tell you. You’d better sit back down.”

  “Oh no.” From the look on Bella’s face and the urgency in her voice, it couldn’t be good. “What is it? Give it to me straight, Bella.”

  Bella inhaled deeply and spit it out. “Tyler’s been shot.”

  Lexie gasped and stumbled. Her voice wavered. “Is he all right? I mean, is he…”

  She couldn’t say the word, dead. He couldn’t die on her. She’d never forgive herself for leaving him—especially the way she had. By just stomping off in a huff.

  “He was in surgery when Jolie called me. I don’t know any more than that but she thought you’d want to know right away.”

  “God, this is awful! When did it happen?”

  “This morning.”

  “I’ve got to get to him.” Lexie had wondered about her priorities before but they suddenly became crystal clear. She glanced wildly around for Merrill and spotted him in the wings talking to the producer. “Let’s go,” she said and grabbed Bella’s hand.

  “But your show…”

  “Fuck the show,” she said and ran toward the host.

  “Merrill, I’m terribly sorry but there’s been an accident. I’ve got to get home.”

  “What? Can’t you wait until after the show?”


  Ashlyn Chase

  “No, I’d be no good sitting there, wringing my hands and trying not to cry. I have to go. It’s a matter of life and death.”

  “Wait a minute. Let’s talk about this…”

  “Please give the audience my apologies.” She practically dragged Bella behind her as she bolted toward the back door where she’d left her rental car. Under her breath she muttered, “Self-centered prick.”

  Bella sounded like she was trying to stifle a chuckle.

  * * * * *

  Lexie called the airlines from her cell phone. She had just enough time to make the next flight to San Francisco if she left immediately. Since Bella insisted on driving and promised to return Lexie’s rental car later, Lexie jumped into the passenger side of Bella’s car. Her hands were shaking so badly, having her friend drive was probably a wise move.

  “Here’s my hotel key. Would you mind packing my clothes and checking out for me?”

  “I’d be happy to. I’ll send your bags to you tomorrow if that’s all right.”

  “Whatever. I just have to make that flight. I don’t care if I never see my clothes or toiletries again.”

  “Wow. I knew you’d want to know what was happening but I had no idea you’d…” Bella looked over at her, deep concern in her eyes.

  “I’d what? Spaz? I’m glad you told me. I need to be at his side as soon as humanly possible.”

  Bella reached over and patted her knee. “I know,” she said softly. “I’d be the same way. It’s just that you’re so strong. I thought…well, never mind.”

  “Bella, I’m barely holding it together. I can’t imagine life without—” She tried to hold back the tears but it was no use. She hugged herself, doubled over and sobbed. 76

  Dear Sexy Lexie

  Chapter Eight

  Lexie charged into the busy city hospital. She received directions to Tyler’s room and spotted his partner Gabe, sitting in an uncomfortable-looking chair in the hallway, reading a newspaper.

  “Gabe,” she called and jogged over to him.

  He stood and smiled, holding out an arm like he was ready to envelop her in a hug. Fuck that. When she reached him, she punched him in the arm as hard as she could.

  “How could you let him get shot?” she roared.

  He dropped the newspaper and held his arm where she’d hit him. “Ow. Dammit, Lexie, that hurt. And I didn’t let him get shot. Nobody could have seen it coming.”

  She dropped her head and mumbled, “Sorry. I’m so sorry, Gabe. I just got here from Kansas City and I’ve been a wreck. I called the nurse’s station and they wouldn’t tell me anything. How is he?”

  “There were no complications during surgery. He’s young and strong, so he should pull through okay. Would you like me to call Jolie and ask her to come down and wait with you?”

  “No. I’m sure she’s at work and I don’t want to bother her.”

  “You realize I’m still on duty. I could get called away and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”

  Lexie shook her head. “No, I’ll be all right. Pay no attention to the crazy lady behind the curtain.”

  “I didn’t think you’d be this upset. Last I heard, you two had an argument. He wasn’t even sure if he’d see you again.”


  Ashlyn Chase

  Shocked, she gaped at him. “What?
One little disagreement doesn’t mean the whole thing is over. Is that what he thought?”

  Gabe shrugged. “I don’t think he knew what to make of it. He was going to give you some space and see how you felt when you got back.”

  “Well, I can tell you now and I’ll be sure to tell him later, that I feel like an idiot. A complete and total moron. I could kick myself from here to Timbuktu and back.”

  Gabe offered a weak smile. “We all do stupid things, Lexie. What matters most is what we do afterward.”

  She nodded. “I—I know. I wanted this job really badly. But I didn’t realize how much more I wanted him. Now that I do, I’ll quit my job. I don’t want anything else interfering with us.”

  Gabe stepped back a pace. “You’d do that for him?”

  “Absolutely. I thought I was going to die if I didn’t get to him and tell him… When I thought I might never see him again, I—” She teared up and couldn’t finish her sentence.

  Gabe wrapped an arm around her and squeezed her in a side hug. “I understand. I’ve been replaying the whole thing in my mind over and over.”

  “Did you get the guy?”

  Gabe sighed. “No. An officer down is the priority. I imagine the asshole knew that and used the seconds I had to assess Tyler’s situation to get away.”

  “What happened, exactly?”

  “We were responding to a convenience store’s silent alarm. Tyler was behind me. Apparently the perp saw us coming and hid around the corner of the first row of shelves. When I stepped forward to talk to the guy behind the counter, the perp fired. If I hadn’t taken that step, I probably would have caught it in the spine. As it was, he missed both of us but the bullet ricocheted and got Tyler in the groin.”

  “The— What the heck does that mean? Are you saying he got hit in the junk?”


  Dear Sexy Lexie

  Gabe started to chuckle, then coughed. “No, Lex. It was a little higher. Probably like where a hernia happens.”

  “Oh.” She thought about that for a moment. “So it might not be that serious, then?

  There aren’t any major organs or anything there, right?”

  “I don’t really know. It all depends.”


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