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Niorstigningar Saga

Page 8

by Dario Bullitta

Ólafur Jónsson


  3 The Manuscript Filiation

  of Niðrstigningar saga

  This chapter looks into the manuscript filiation of Niðrstigningar saga. To fa-

  cilitate constant comparison and testing of their readings, reference to the five

  manuscripts of Niðrstigningar saga will hereafter, and in the apparatus, be

  made through the letters A, B, C, D, and E as follows: A = AM 645 4to; B =

  AM 623 4to; C = AM 233 a fol.; D = JS 405 8vo; and E = AM 238 V fol.

  Agreement of the Two Redactions

  The complicated relationships between the manuscripts of Niðrstigningar saga

  have already been surveyed in several studies. Gabriel Turville-Petre has ob-

  served that regardless of the high variance of the texts transmitted in A, B, C,

  and E, they should be considered as deriving from a single ancient translation.

  In order to support this argument, he makes reference to the presence of the

  two sections of text, previously considered as the “first” and “second” interpo-

  lations.1 As a matter of fact, the text of Niðrstigningar saga contains a total of

  four interpolations, surveyed in chapter 5 in order of appearance in the text.

  They all derive from foreign narrative material and are consequently absent

  from the entire Latin tradition of the Evangelium Nicodemi. They are found,

  however, in the Icelandic text masterfully interwoven throughout the original

  plot.2 As shown in the collations below, except for the lacunae due to loss of

  manuscript material, the four interpolations are shared by all other manuscripts

  in the tradition. Moreover, there is reasonable evidence to suppose that the

  material lost also contained the interpolated text.

  The Manuscript Filiation of Niðrstigningar saga 39

  The First Textual Interpolation

  A 52r/32–3 Þar var tvennt fyrer at þar var elldr brenna⟨n⟩di at banna manni

  hveriom at⟨gøngo paradisar⟩ enn englar at veria øllom dioflom oc øndom

  synðogra manna.3

  B lacuna

  C lacuna

  D 4r/24–6 Þar var tvennt vardhald ad veria fiandanum inn ad ganga i hlid

  paradísar oc syndugum mỏnnum.4

  E 1r/9–10 Eg sa elld brennanda sa er bannade hverium sem einum manne

  ingaungo ok einglar Guds vardveittu þessi hlid bædi firir dioflu⟨m⟩ ok

  syndugum monnum.5

  The Second Textual Interpolation

  A 52v/17–19 Satan iotunn helvitis hofðingi er stundom er meþ VII høfðom

  enn stundom meþ III enn stundom i drekalike þess er omorlegr er oc ogor-

  legr oc illilegr a allar lunder.6

  B 10r/19–21 Sat⸌h⸍an heims hofþingi er stundum er þar met VII hau⸌f⸍þom

  ęþa III i hreþiligo drekaliki oc omorligo á allar lundir.7

  C lacuna

  D 4v/22–4 Satan helvítis hỏfdinge sá er stundum er med III hỏfdum enn

  stundum i drekalíke þess sem ofurlegr er oc illr á allar lundir.8

  E 1r/23–5 Helvítis hofdígni leidtogi daudra i liking hrædilegs dreka ok miog

  auskurlegs sa er stundum syndiz þeim med VII hofdum enn stundum med

  III i manzliki.9

  The Third Textual Interpolation

  A 53r/20–7 Þat var mioc i þat mund døgra er himenenn opnaþisc. Þa com

  fram fyrst hestr hvitr enn hofðinge sa reiþ hesti þeim er morgom hlutom

  er gofgari enn gørvaster aller aþrer. Augo hans voro se⟨m⟩ elldz logi. Hann

  hafði corono a høfþi þa er morg sigrsmerki matte of syna. Hann hafði cleþi

  þat umb aunnor uta⟨n⟩ er bloþstocet var. A cleþi hans yfer mioþmenni voro

  orþ þessi riten. Rex regum et Dominus dominantium. Hann var solo biar-

  tare. Hann leidde eptir ser her mikinn oc aller þeir er honom fylgþo riþo

  hestom hvitom oc voro aller cleddir silki hvito oc voro liosir mioc.10

  B 11r/8–18 Þat var mioc i þat mund dęgra at himinn opnaþisc. Þa rann fram

  hestr hvitr er reíþ higgiligr maþr sa er hveriom var vegligri oc tigologri.

  Augo hans voro sem logi a ęldi corono þa bar hann á hǫfþi er mǫrg sig-

  rmerki matti syna. Hann ⸌h⸍afdi clęþi þat umb aunnor føtt utan er bloþs-

  tokit var. A cleþi hans yfir m⸌i⸍oþminni voro orþ þessi ritin Rex regum et

  40 Niðrstigningar saga

  Dominus dominancium. Hann var solu biartari oc fylgþi honom ovigr her

  riddara oc hofþu hvita hesta allir sniavi hv⸌i⸍tari.11

  C lacuna

  D 5v/21–6r/5 Þad var miỏg i þad mund dægra er himininn opnadist oc kom

  þar framm hestr hvítr. Enn kongr sá er reid hesti þeim var mỏrgum hlutum

  vænne enn aller adrer oc gỏfuglegre enn allt annad. Enn augu h⟨a⟩ns vóru

  so sem loge. Hann hafde koronu á hỏfde sier þá er ytarleg var á syndum

  oc mỏrg sigrmerke mátti hann sína á sier. Hann hafde særdann fót sinn

  utan þad er blódstokid var. Yfir enni hans midiu var ritad. Kongur konga

  og Drottin drottna. Hann var sólu biartare. Hann hafde hinn megtugasta

  einglaher. Allir þeir er hỏnum filgdu ridu hvítum hestum. Aller skríddir

  hvítu silke oc vóru lióser sem sól.12

  E 1v/16–22 Þar var ok i þat mund dægra ok þennan tíma at himenn opnadiz.

  Þa kom fram fyrst hestur hvitur enn sa kongur er reid hesti þeim er maur-

  gum hlutum er fridari ok fegri en allir adrir ok tilgolegri. Augu hans voru

  sem eldz loge hann hafdi koronu þa a hofdi er morg sigurmerke synde.

  Hann hafdi þat klædi um onnur utan er blodstocket var. A kledi hans yfir

  miodmenne voru þessi ord ritud. Kongur konga ok Drottín drottna. Hann

  leiddi med sier her hinn mesta. Þeir ⟨er⟩ honum fylgdu ridu hvitum hestum

  ok voru klæddir silke hvito liosir hardla.13

  The Fourth Textual Interpolation

  A 53v/12–19 Þa bra hann ser i drecalike oc gørdiz þa sva mikill at hann

  þottesc liggia mundo umb heimenn allan utan. Hann sa þau tiþende ⟨er

  gørdoz⟩ at Iorsolom at Iesus Christus var þa i andlati oc for ⟨hann⟩ þangat

  þegar oc ætlaþi at slita ondina þegar fra honom. Enn er hann com þar oc

  hugþez gløpa mundo hann oc hafa meþ ser þa beit øngullinn goddomens

  hann enn crossmarkit fell a hann ovann oc varþ hann þa sva veiddr se⟨m⟩

  fiscr a øngle eþa mus under treketti eþa sem melraki i gilldro eptir þvi sem

  fyrer var spat. Þa for til Dominus Noster oc batt hann.14

  B 11v/9–17 Oc bra ser í drekaliki oc gørdisc þa sva mikill at hann hugþisc

  liggia mondo umb allan heiminn utan. Hann sa þau tiþendi er þa gorþosc

  at Iorsaulom at Iesus Christus var þa í andlati oc flo hann þangat til þagar

  oc villdi slęgia aundina fra honom. Enn þa er hann villdi gleypa hann oc

  hafa meþ ser þa bęit hann aungul guþdoms hans enn crossmark fell á hann

  ofan oc varþ hann sva veiddr sem fiskr a aungli ęþa melracki í gilldro eptir

  þvi sem fyrir var spat. Þa for Drottinn oc batt hann.15

  C 28ra/9–16 Þa bra hann ser i drekaliki oc hugdiz at vera sva mikill at hann

  mundi liggia i hríng um helviti. Hann sa þau tidindi er gerduz at Iorsolum

  at Iesus Christr var i líflati ok for þangat þagar hann matti ok hugdiz slita

  The Manuscript Filiation of Niðrstigningar saga 41

  mundu aundina fra Iesu. Enn þa er hann kom ok hugdizst mundu gleypa

  Iesum ok hafa hann med ser þa beit aungull guddomsins hann en kross-

  markit fell ꜳ hann ofa
n ok vard hann sva veiddr sem fiskr ꜳ aungli edr mus

  undir treketti edr melracki i gilldru eptir þvi sem fyrir var spád. Þa for til

  Várr Drottinn ok batt hann.16

  D 6r/28–6v/12 Oc brást i drekalíke oc svo giỏrdist hann mikill ad hann þót-

  tist meiga liggia um allan heim utann. Þá sá hann þa atburde er giỏrdust

  ad Jórsỏlom ad Jesus var þá i andláte sínu á krossenum helga. Þá for Satan

  þangad oc þótte hỏnum nu allt vel á horfast oc ætlade ad slíta ỏndina frá

  hỏnom. Þá com svo fyrer hỏnum ad hann þóttist ⟨hafa⟩ gleipt hana i kvid

  illsku sinnar oc hafa med sier. Enn þá beit aungullin guddómsins Satan

  of fiell krossmarkid á hann ofan oc vard Satan so veiddr sem fiskr á augle

  edr mús undir fellu enn þad vard epter þvi sem fyrir var sagt ad þessu næst

  fór Drottinn til helvítis oc batt þar óvin alls mannkyns fiandan.17

  E 1v/34–6 Þa likti hann sik i mynd ogurligs dreka þeim er jafnat er at mikeleik

  vid Midgard⟨z⟩ orm sa er sagt ⟨er⟩ at ligi um allan heiminn. Hann sa þa

  takn þau er voru i Jorslalaborg ⟨at⟩ Drottinn Varn ⟨var⟩ i andlati ok jams-

  kott. explicit E.18

  Disagreement of Readings between the Two Redactions

  Gabriel Turville-Petre was the first scholar to note that, except for their agree-

  ment in terms of content, the readings of E were considerably closer to those

  of the Latin text and that this vicinity may have resulted from a secondary

  learned revision of the original translation. To exemplify the closeness of E to

  the Latin text, he called to attention the fact that although the character of

  Inferus is depersonified in the older redaction – described as a host of devils,

  monsters, and evil beings, as for instance in A 52v/19–20: “viþ iotna oc viþ

  diofla oc viþ rikistroll ⟨oc⟩ gørvoll þau er i helvite voro” (“with the giants, the

  devils, and the mighty trolls, and all of those who were in Hell”) – he is men-

  tioned in E as a single character named “Helvíti” (“Hell”).19

  The following instances exemplify the evident discrepancies between the

  older redaction of Niðrstigningar saga, which is represented by manuscripts A,

  B, C, and D, against the newer revised redaction represented by E. In the first

  six instances, the readings of E are more accurate and adherent to the Latin text

  throughout, and in the last three cases, they preserve important sections of the

  text absent in the older redaction. These readings should be considered as sec-

  ondary innovations and integrations typical of E, rather than relicts of the older

  translation subsequently lost in A, B, C and D. In fact, as suggested later, the

  42 Niðrstigningar saga

  high level of accuracy of E derives from a thorough revision of the text of the

  older redaction, whose readings were carefully corrected ex libro on the basis

  of another exemplar of the Latin Evangelium Nicodemi.

  Furthermore, there is evidence that rather than using a Latin text of type T

  – which, as argued in chapter 4, was consulted and (at least partially) employed

  for the compilation of the older redaction of Niðrstigningar saga – the scribe

  of E seems to have used a Latin codex transmitting the Majority Text, K.20

  Evidence of this is seen in the very example proposed by Turville-Petre to sup-

  port his theory of the two redactions. Interestingly, Inferus is personified in the

  Majority Text of the Latin tradition, but he is already depersonified in T.21

  Nevertheless, K and T agree in all instances highlighted by the collations

  below, and references will consequently be made exclusively to the folios and

  lines of T.

  Accuracy of the Younger Redaction Against the Older Redaction

  A 52r/21–2



  D 4r/8

  E 1r/3

  T 99r/25

  i heliar



  i heliar

  i myrk⟨r⟩ um ok i

  in tenebris et umbra



  skugga daudans24


  A 52v/2–3

  B 10r/1


  D 4v/3–5

  E 1r/12

  T 99v/3

  Ec em til þess

  Ec emc til þess


  Eg er settr til ad Eg er skipadur

  Ego enim

  setr at sia um

  setr at lita hvers

  siá um þad ad

  yfir mannlegum

  constitutus sum

  hvers mans

  manz hag27

  syndugr eingin


  super corpus


  fari i paradísu28


  A 52v/4–5

  B 10r/4


  D 4v/7

  E 1r/14

  T 99v/4–5

  þo at hann se

  þot hann se


  þó hann se

  at betriz likams sott pro dolore corporis






  A 52v/5–6

  B 10r/5


  D 4v/8

  E 1r/15

  T 99v/5–6

  fyrr enn liþner

  fyrr enn liþnir


  fyrr enn lidnir

  nema æfstum

  nisi in nouissimis

  verþa heþan36

  ero heþan37

  eru upp hedan38

  dogum okomins

  diebus temporum40


  A 53v/9–10

  B 11v/7

  C 28ra/6

  D 6r/24

  E 1v/31–2

  T 101r/1–2

  Þeir raco þa


  Þeir raku þa

  Oc ráku hann

  Ok eptir þat rak þad Et eiecit Inferus

  braut høfði⟨n⟩

  hofdingia sinn

  edr dróu í burt

  Satan hofdíngia

  Sathan de sedibus

  gia sinn or

  or helvíti43

  úr helvíti44

  sinn ut af sætum




  A 52v/4

  B 10r/3–4


  D 4v/6–7

  E 1r/13–14

  T 99v/4

  til handa føþur

  til handa fauþor lacuna

  til handa fỏ⟨d⟩

  at þu smyrir fodur

  ut perungas patrem



  ur þínum49

  þinn Adam50

  tuum Adam51

  The Manuscript Filiation of Niðrstigningar saga 43

  Accuracy of the Younger Redaction Against the Older Redaction

  A 52v/27

  B 10v/6


  D 5r/8

  E 1r/30–2

  T 99v/21–2





  þviat alla mattuga

  omnes enim

  jardar hofdingia

  potentes in terra

  hefi eg halldit undir mea potestate

  mino vallde þa er

  subiecti tenentur

  þu fluttir nu yndir

  quos tua potentia

  orpna med þinum

  uinctos a
d me



  A 52v/22

  B 10r/24


  D 5r/2

  E 1r/27

  T 99v/16–17





  Hrygg er aund min

  Tristis est anima

  allt til dauda54

  mea usque ad


  A 52v/28

  B 10v/7


  D 5r/8

  E 1r/32–33

  T 99v/23–24





  Enn ef þu ert

  Si ergo potens es tu

  mattugur hverr er

  qualis est homo ille


  Ihesus qui timens

  er ottaz dauda ok

  mortem potentiam

  stendur þo i moti

  tuam aduersatur57

  þier ok þinu valldi56

  Significant Errors within the Older Redaction

  The following section examines the textual transmission of Niðrstigningar

  saga on the basis of the classic genealogical method of textual criticism first

  conceived by Karl Lachman and subsequently elaborated by Paul Maas.58

  The errors below have already been identified in the thorough study on the

  stemmatics of Niðrstigningar saga undertaken by Odd Einar Haugen, who has

  highlighted all possible textual corruptions of the text in each single witness

  and has established a stemma codicum of the tradition on the basis of multivari-

  ate data analysis.59 Nevertheless, in this discussion reference will be made ex-

  clusively to what can unequivocally be considered as indicative or significant

  textual corruptions, defined by Paul Maas as “conjunctive” and “separative er-

  rors.” The first group includes errors shared by two or more witnesses, notably

  characterized by the improbability of being produced independently by two or

  more scribes during the time of transcription of the text, and therefore a mono-

  genetic origin has to be postulated. On the other hand, the second group in-

  cludes both monogenetic and polygenetic errors, which separate one or more

  witnesses from the rest of the tradition. By definition, they should conceivably

  be errors impossible to be emended conjecturally by their scribes during the

  time of their transcription.60

  44 Niðrstigningar saga

  Significant Errors in A, B, and D

  In contrast to C, there are two conjunctive and separative errors shared by

  manuscripts A, B, and D, indicating that they derive from a common ancestor.61

  Moreover, an important omission in A, B, and D, which might not have been

  conjectured during the time of composition of C, can be counted as a single,


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