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Niorstigningar Saga

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by Dario Bullitta

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  Index of Scriptural Quotations



  3:24, 71, 72

  9:2, 63

  6:14–15, 102n50

  25:8, 97n1

  26:19, 143, 162


  25:10, 102n50


  34:29, 116n28

  13:14, 97n1



  41:77, 78, 123n30

  7:18–19, 49, 149, 165

  41:1–9, 123n31



  3:13, 47, 149, 165

  24(23):7, 141, 143, 144, 157, 162, 163, 169

  24(23):8, 144, 163


  24(23):7–9, 44, 66, 74

  2:8, 116n27

  24(23):7–10, 74

  24(23):8–10, 144, 163


  30(29):2–5, 148, 165

  3:16–17, 135, 154, 159, 167

  48(47):15, 149, 165

  3:17, 64

  98(97):1–2, 165

  4:15–16, 133, 158

  101(100):21, 67

  10:8, 90, 127n19

  102(101):21–2, 144, 148, 163

  11:5, 90, 127n19

  107(106):15–16, 47, 58, 143, 162

  16:17, 135

  118(117):26–7, 44, 149, 162, 165

  16:27, 59

  150(149):9, 165

  17:5, 64

  188 Index

  26:38, 112nn54, 55, 155, 168


  27:51–2, 35

  1:13–14, 83

  27:52, 153, 166



  2:14, 83, 125n57

  15:33–6, 35

  2:14–15, 83


  1 Peter

  2:25, 105n79

  5:8, 124n45

  2:29, 134, 159

  23:39–46, 35


  23:42, 151, 166

  1–4:2, 126n9

  23:43, 151, 166

  10:10–16:16, 126n9

  23:46, 35

  11:7–8, 65

  12:3, 68, 73, 121n15


  12:9, 45, 79

  1:29, 135, 159

  19:11–16, 76, 139, 161

  2:1–11, 128n30

  19:11–17, 74, 122n27, 156, 169

  19:32–42, 3

  19:11–21, 122n23

  19:38–42, 35

  19:15, 76

  19:16, 76

  1 Corinthians

  15:54, 5, 80, 83, 87

  2 Corinthians

  3:13, 116n28

  Index of Manuscripts


  Cambridge, United States

  Archivo de la Corona de Aragón, Ripoll

  Harvard University, Houghton Library,

  106, 14

  Lat. 117, 103n55

  Biblioteca de la Universitat, 1029,



  BM, 61, 103n55


  SPK, Theol. lat. oct. 157, 10


  SPK, Theol. lat. fol. 688, 103n55

  Médiathèque l’Apostrophe (olim BM),

  SPK, Theol. lat. fol. 690, 103n55

  34 (olim 109), 12



  Biblioteca Civica Queriniana, s.n.

  AM 81 A fol. ( Skálholtsbók yngsta),

  ( Codex Brixianus), 118n58


  AM 233 a fol., 17, 18, 21, 28–31, 32,


  37, 38, 131

  Státní vědecká knihovna, Mk 99,

  AM 238 V fol., 17, 18, 21, 31, 32, 37,


  39, 54, 131, 154, 167<
br />
  AM 324 4to, 127n15

  Cambridge, United Kingdom

  AM 435 a 4to, 27

  CCC, 288, 101n43

  AM 544 4to ( Hauksbók), 121n1

  CCC, 500, 103n55

  AM 619 4to ( Old Norwegian Homily

  TC, 0.9.10, 103n55

  Book), 32

  UL, Ff. VI. 54, 102n45

  AM 623 4to 17, 18, 21, 25–7, 32, 37,

  UL, Ii. 2. 11, 99n27

  38, 131

  UL, Mm. VI. 15, 101n44

  AM 645 4to xv, 17, 18, 21–5, 26, 28, 31,

  UL, Nn. II 41 ( Codex Bezae), 118n58

  32, 37, 38, 54, 58, 68, 69, 85, 88, 89,

  190 Index

  94, 97, 104n66, 105n79, 106–7n3,


  107n16, 108n32, 115n9, 121n5,

  Museu de la Catedral, Núm. Inv. 7 (11)

  124n47, 126–7n15, 132, 133, 158

  ( Girona Beatus), 13, 102n47

  AM 655 XXVII 4to, 19, 105n77

  AM 655 XXVIII 4to, 25, 105n79


  DKB, GkS 1335 4to, 12

  University Library, SM19, ix, 84

  DKB, GkS 1336 4to, 105n81

  DKB, Thott. 130 2°, 105n81


  DKB, NkS 123 4to, 105n81

  Archiv der Franckeschen Stiftungen,

  P 7, 103n55


  Hessische Landes- und


  Hochschulbibliothek, 1848, 103n62

  Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek,

  I 246, 103n55


  BM, 525, 103n57


  BM Suzanne Martinet, 265, 9


  BM Suzanne Martinet, 444, 100n35

  TC, N. 4. 18 ( Codex Palatinus e),



  Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit,


  B. P. L. 6, 104n63

  StB, 169 (468), 12

  StB, 326 ( Codex Einsidlensis), 6, 12, 19,


  99n13, 118n58, 131,

  Bundesstaatliche Studienbibliothek, 194

  (olim 244), 104n63


  Cathedral Library, 3501 ( Exeter Book),



  Biblioteca Nacional, Alcobaça,

  CCLXXXV/419, 14


  Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, S. M.


  599, 101n42

  BL, Addit. 29630, 101n42

  Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Fondo

  BL, Addit. 32578, 123n60

  Nazionale II, II.453, 102n45

  BL, Addit. 40107 ( Codex Palatinus e),



  BL, Cotton Galba E.IX, 103n60

  Biblioteca Universitaria, A.III.2,

  BL, Cotton Vespasian A 1 ( Vespasian


  Psalter), 113n98

  Index 191

  BL, Cotton Vespasian D XIV,


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