CONTROLLING HER: 7 BOOKS COMPLETED BOX SET - (Adult Short Reads Romance Novel Stories Series): Contemporary Love Thriller, Suspense, Control & Erotic Menage ... Male Domination Novellas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
Page 8
If I felt any better I would have levitated to the roof. He had gotten up and walked over to the curtain. He took the curtain binder and bound my hands behind my back. Kinky, it finally began and then he took a kerchief and blindfolded me. Slowly he pulled me up by both arms.
“Kneel”, his voice was softer than I expected, I knelt. “Find it” he said, what? Shaking my head from side to side, he grabbed my hair and pulled me closer; I didn’t have to guess how close his dick was to my face, I could feel the fire it radiated. Slowly seeking him out with my mouth closed it bumped into my face. The tip had been wet, precum... he took his hand and rubbed the precum on my lips, and with his thumb tugged my bottom lip open; I obeyed and took it into my mouth. Slowly, I suckled. Unable to see, I felt like my sense of taste heighten, my hearing, as well as my ability to feel. It was nothing like the first time sucking his dick. My mouth knew him, not very well but knew him all the same. The walls of my jaws studied every vein as I pumped him in and out of the corner of my mouth. His moans were my encouragement. He sat on the side of the bed, pulling his dick out and pushing my head down to lick his balls. This was something new for me. I squinted my already blinded eyes closed and bared the feeling of prickly hairs and loose skin. After playing with his balls in my mouth for almost a minute and listening to the delicate moans coming from the back of his throat I began to enjoy it. They were too fun to play with. In out in out, in out both in and out and tickling them with my tongue.
Suddenly I’ feel myself being dragged up and thrown to the bed. I hear him rustling through things, then the ripping of the condom wrapper. Before I knew it his hands held me by the neck, not choking me and he slams forcefully and deeply inside my walls. He begins to rock, as if breaking in his new pussy. I adjusted to the feel of him there and he adjusted his pace. Slowly easing out of me, and driving back in. His breathing raspy and his dick firmly nested he began to apply pressure to his thrusts. I wanted to scream but couldn’t. I felt another orgasm building and my walls holding on to his hardness for dear life, as if my body had somehow warned him, he’d pulled his dick out and eased the rest of my body onto the bed and put me on my chin and knees. In a somewhat squatting position he entered me slowly. He didn’t hesitate in picking up the pace, again I was on the verge of another orgasm, moaning muffled “I’m comings” He rammed harder and harder, covering my mouth and then holding me in place by my mouth. Unable to talk unable to move unable to see my body was completely his to do as he pleased. And as I begged him “Sir, please may I come?” Over and over again, until his voice was directly in my head, “Yes you may”, and my body let go as he pumped deeper and harder, giving way to my orgasm; I knew I belonged to him, beyond these walls today.
No sooner than I had come, I felt myself being yanked up, and forced to my knees, and I knew what was to come. “Open” is all he said. I did as I was told. It was taking longer than I thought. But, with a “Stick your tongue out” he came all over my mouth out stretched tongue and open cleavage. When did he lose the condom I don’t know? I could not get myself to swallow. His cum was bitter.
Him panting, me disgusted, I made my way to the bathroom. I saw another door, was curios what was behind it. I didn’t bother. I went directly to the bathroom and relieved myself of the horrid contents of my mouth, a very light shade of grey is my best description, with a taste that was mixed with either cement and aloe vera . Did I know what cement taste like? I’m almost sure I didn’t. I spat in the face basin, brushed the hair from my face and rinsed with the mouth wash. I heard about a mouth wash trick when sucking dick, but I’d already tried something new today. Thinking back to the first time I swallowed, I remember Jonathan on the brink of screaming like a woman as I sucked the cum from his dick. The stomach ache I had after was in fact not a mental condition. It couldn’t be good for me no matter what “scientist say”. I made my way back to the bedroom to find Bill, arms folded and behind his head, on the right side of the bed, looking at the ceiling. Since I took the priority of washing my mouth out I kissed him on his up raised chin, and laid on his left side.
This is as an experience I’m sure I will never forget purely because it was everything I had hoped it would be, and then some. I had a feeling he had been nice to me since this was the first time. Now I was a part of a different world, a world where my face would lie in expressing what I’m feeling while my body told nothing but the truth and the whole truth so help me god. A world where I knew I was a sinner from the very beginning, a world where success had a taste, one I could not bear to swallow. I laid still and waited for the guilt to swallow me instead.
Veronica lay beside me, pensive. It had been short; I had to force myself to orgasm before I hurt her. With a kiss to her frontal lobe I pulled her into my arms and held her, she was now mine. We agreed in silence, there was no turning back now. Her pussy was too sweet. I held her for mere minutes that had passed so sluggishly it seemed like I was holding her for hours. Even after sex her messy hair smelled great. Her skin, looked beautiful in the late afternoon light, I appraised the fine pimples that ran along her arms. She was beautiful. I watched the flare of her nostrils as she breathed and the rise of her chest. Wow my cock didn’t know when to quit. I released her from my grasp turning up the air conditioner and laying back down. I didn’t reach for her that time. I wasn’t allowed to do this. I should probably leave and go watch TV or something. Instead I stayed there in comfortable silence as we both went to a place in our minds that we didn’t express on our faces. A part of me wondered if she had been reliving the moment. I fought the urge to ask how it was like most men did. Those men are insecure, I was sure of myself; I paid enough attention to her body to her facial expressions to her breathing to tell. Men needed to know these things. There are some signs you just can’t miss. Like the way she rode my tongue, how she angled her pussy, I now knew what part she liked having liked most, the way her moans grew soft from behind, doggie style or as Timothy would call it ‘back shot’ wasn’t her favourite position. I’d have to break that news to T softly, that no, it wasn’t all women’s favourite. She could not be a missionary girl, correction, a grandma and grandpa girl, I was learning. With those legs I bet she liked having them over my shoulders. I wasn’t too fond of that position, it was too intimate. The eye contact the closeness, the sharing of expressions, I prefer to see and not be seen. I think back shot was really men’s favourite. You get to grip her ass cheeks and not only be pleased physically butt mentally as you watch yourself disappear into pink hot flesh over and over again. Me, I liked doggystyle. Face down and ass up all the way, but I had to hand it to Veronica, her expressions were priceless. I could smell the sex thick in the air, maybe I should crack a window or the door or something, Veronica didn’t complain and I didn’t mind. I’ll find out her favourite position soon enough, hopefully it was one I could handle, she looked flexible.
I thought of Zoey, and her favourite position, speed bump, she’d lift her hips up and put two pillows beneath herself and say to me “two is better than one” and she’d be set just right for me to enter her from behind, my chest to her back me nibbling on her neck as she leaned in to me, I vaguely remember her smell and the sound of her soft voice. Avoiding this I get out of bed, cover Veronica, she looks at me and for a moment I know she knows my mind had not been here or on what she had just given to me, I’m not sure we shared anything but a memory.
“Where you going?” her voice drew me from my reverie, I smile at her but not with my eyes.
“Just to take a leak”
I went, emptied my bladder, all the time taming the storm in my head, nothing happened in my heart, it was dead, been dead. I didn’t go back to bed, instead I went to the fridge, rehydrated, turned the radio on, the silence wasn’t my very good friend, I let John Mayer fill the halls, I bet Veronica knew this song; she hummed to almost all of them. I heard her coming after a while when she didn’t see me return, I’d been flipping through a catalogu
e I could recite that had been sitting on a side table, Britain’s top ten historic motorcycles of all time. She smiles, goes to the refrigerator as well, looks at me questioningly, I nod, she takes out oj, looks back at me, I nod again. I’m sure she couldn’t finish the entire 2 litres, she could have a few of the small glasses, she only had one, came and sat on the sofa opposite to mine. Was the silence no longer comfortable? I was grateful she understood that we were now in two separate worlds and didn’t come sit on my lap or something, I had too much on my mind, I thought she’d break it all. She did a good job actually, gave willingly didn’t have to be prepped. I’ll see if she can handle more than this, sooner rather than later. She turned got comfortable and put her feet up, bad habits die hard? I don’t think it was a habit she’d been trying to curve.
I watched as she tilted her head back, deep in thoughts, this was getting to me.
“What is it?” I asked, not being able to stand her silence any longer. “Nothing, at all” she smiled. But her eyes were sarcastic, or was that what she looked like lying? I didn’t pry, I didn’t care. I had my own issues to worry about, my own demons to battle and my own skeletons to bury.
What had I gotten myself into, chasing Veronica like a dog on a leash, pathetic? I was a dom, a controller, I controlled all things including myself, and she sat there so beautiful and goddess like, like a weakness, my kryptonite. I would not have it. After I’ve had my way, Veronica had to go, after I got what I wanted. I glared at her, I felt myself getting upset. No woman, none. Not me. I needed to calm down, before I ended up taking my anger out on her.
Self control is key. I calmed down. I tossed her the remote and she smiled, I got the day’s paper. As long as she doesn’t turn the station to some stupid soap or something even more ridiculous like cartoons or lifetime she could stay. Through the corner of my eyes I watched her skipping channel after channel, obviously not looking and not paying any attention, she looked at me, I looked away, and she looked away. She looked at me again. “What is it Veronica?” “Nothing she replied.” I adjusted myself in my chair and continued reading. She was annoying me. I looked her dead in the face the next time she looked at me. “That’s it, exactly it.” She said under her breathe. “Speak up. What did you say?” she didn’t stutter now, looking at me she said. “I said, that’s it!” What was “it”?
“I don’t follow.”
“Of course you wouldn’t follow, I’m not sure you know or even recognise.”
“Elaborate.” Arching a brow I warded off my temper and frustration, I was easily agitated.
Looking at me with the eye’s she did the very first time, and in the voice she’d recite her poem she said. “Your eyes go from brown to gone in an instant. I saw them disappear twice. When you went you went to the bathroom, and just now.”
“I suppose I understand the metaphor, I plea the fifth”
“No need to answer, I didn’t ask you a question.
I do however have one for you. A question”
I said nothing, giving her the go ahead to ask her question. One I probably won’t be answering, Veronica was deep, she made me feel like I was maskless, but everybody knows you can’t trust a pretty boy with good skin, lies pinned to his smile dimple in his chin.
“Who broke you?”
The question was simple, a direct question. One that went directly to purgatory. One I was certain I would not be answering. Maskless, most women, some men, men who didn’t know me, figured I had it together, not a care in the world. Not a worry not a stress, nothing to bother me, Veronica saw me limp dicked and already she’d known subconsciously that I was in fact, broken.
“Why would you even ask such a question?” I scuffed, shifted, changed my mind, I didn’t want to even hear her explanation, I know I won’t like it.
“Never mind that, no one broke me, we are not having this conversation, and it’s a mute topic, a dead topic at that.” I smiled at her. My eyes had a way to reassure women, especially when I knew I was lying.
“Whatever you say sir.” Veronica didn’t sound like she bought it. Matter of fact she asked so convincingly I was questioning myself, my walls and all my defences, was Veronica invincible? I sat with a fixed expression that said “I’ve got this, you’re wrong” as the evening carried on and she watched series after series of two scientists who were roommates. It was humorous, Veronica giggled, knew some lines word for word like she’d watch it a million times and eased into the afternoon, before she finally left.
Controlling Her 4
Older Man Younger Girl Short Reads Series
Dominated Unprotected Bare & Fertile Taking
Kilie Sams
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Copyright 2015 Hardcore Erotica Stories
Published by Hardcore Erotica Stories
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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure inventions of fiction.
The Fast Life
Bill Hilton
Is it possible that I’m getting soft? Have I, Bill Hilton, broken?
Never. The only thing that broke had stayed broken years ago, and I had built something new on those ashes, a new me on those ashes. That was the pass and it would stay there. I refuse to change and lose myself because some sub feels the need to act out or be different or decides that she can’t handle this anymore.
Should I have seen it coming?
Apparently I don’t see much coming ever. I needed a ride and badly. I needed to be cruising down a high way bursting through the speed limit and flying into freedom. I needed release. A release Veronica couldn’t give to me, let alone Claire. Sunday morning Australian streets were “Easy like a Sunday morning” clear. I knew exactly where I would ride to. Why was I so angry? Why did I feel like my walls had collapsed and my mask thrown to the floor? I needed a self check, a run through of my priorities lately I had seem to been mixing things up. Mixing. That was a good idea. Something struck me, the greatest idea. Veronica had to see me tonight, and so would Claire. I called Veronica first, scheduled her arrival for 6:30 and Claire’s for 7:15. Riding could wait. I needed to feed my obsession and soon, before I did something even worst. I was on a trail of self-destruction before sex became my outlet, before I learnt the power of control and how it could attract a woman like a bee to fresh sunflowers and like a moth to a flame. I’d watch powerful women bend and curve to my every desire, watched them take it slowly up the ass just to amuse me. I wasn’t an ass man; sometimes I’d feel the need to have that very thigh muscle squeeze my shaft, but I wouldn’t want to end my games too quickly. I knew some men couldn’t go without it. That wasn’t me. That’s another thing that attracted women. They loved a man who was sure of himself, sure of what he wanted. A little cockiness never hut nobody, confidence is over rated, that nice guy finished last thing, was under rated, nice guys just start the race when the trophy was already polished and on a pedestal in some asshole’s basement. Me I was that asshole. If it was the last thing I would be.
Tonight my women will be here.
It was a known fact. I was in love with Bill. So madly in love that I would have done anything he asked of me. When I had been
promoted from his secretary to assistant HR manager, I had not wanted to take it, but I had to, I needed the money. Adam and I had been saving for our dream wedding. I knew I would never in a million years be able to be with Bill, but a tiny part of me had always hoped he could’ve been mine. Hoped that one day he’d realise he was madly in love with me all along and didn’t know it. But, this wasn’t the movies, and in life you had to make do with what you had, make limeade if you couldn’t get the lemon. I knew it, I was a hopeless romantic I still hoped.
That part of me died when I met Veronica.
I wasn’t allowed to call him and beg for sex, I was only allowed what he wanted to give to me. In the beginning that was ok, he’d wanted me with every open window he got from working. Then I got pregnant with Alexander my now one year old son and he’d only called me once since the baby; I had missed him. As soon as my six month healing period had been over, I had been ready to be harnessed again, but he hadn’t called. At first I thought he’d been done with me for sure, but bumping into him in the streets of New Kingston one day he’s assured me he didn’t hate me and was only busy, yeah right I thought to myself. He probably thought I was just short and fat now, he always did have a problem with my height. Lucky for me I had little to no baby fat after Alex, and what I did have I worked of running two miles on early Saturday mornings at E-park. I’d looked good the day he saw me, thank god. I was wearing a fitted, faded, sky blue aero jeans pant, a figure hugging grey turtle neck old navy sweater and my nine west pull up boots. I didn’t wear a lot of makeup but the cherry Mac lip gloss tasted delightful. I topped it off with my hair pilled high on my head in a cinnabun and little dropped silver earrings and a brown cotton scarf that matched the boots. He’d stared at my lips long enough and I knew he missed me, I wished he’d miss me, show some affection. Instead he’d smiled cordially like we were never intimate, like he never saw me naked, like he’d never touch me inappropriately, like he’d never fucked me over his desk late one night in his office, like he’d never known me sexually. The day he called and demanded I be at his loft by six o’ clock I’d told Adam I had a book club meeting and left, he never questioned me. It reminded me of Rihanna’s R&B hit Unfaithful. I couldn’t help the situation. I loved Adam, lord knows I did, I do he was my lime, but I had to get what he wasn’t giving me. I’d rushed to Bill’s and gotten there in the nick of time to be spanked, throat fucked and sated the right way, the way Adam didn’t know how sadly.