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The New Alpha

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by K. S. Martin

  The New Alpha


  K.S. Martin

  The New Alpha ©2013 by K. S. Martin All rights reserved.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Chapter 1

  “Behind you sweetie.” Luca said as he passed by with a tray of baguettes. Kristina, Tina for short was a quiet girl who inherited her mother and father’s bakery. They worked from dark until dark again most of the days of her youth and Tina spent most of her days right here growing up in the efficient stainless steel kitchen. She learned this business early and could run the bakery by herself by the time she was twelve. Not only could she make any recipe from memory but she knew how to do the books, payroll, ordering, inventory, and small repairs. Since she’d dedicated most of her youth to learning this, her parents felt that it was only right to give it to her for graduation rather than the car or trip to Europe that she wanted. They caved and let her go to culinary school even though they felt that it was unnecessary and then turned around and made her go to business school which they decided she needed. She’d made some close friends in culinary school and some of them worked for her now, like Luca. Luca was in her very first class on the very first day. Luca was tall and lithe, blonde and tan and as funny as hell. He cracked Tina up. Luca was her best friend, boyfriend and his title in the bakery was assistant number one. He referred to himself as the number one ass just to make her giggle. Her right hand man. Her parents retired after her graduation from business school andTina took over the business. They would not entertain her proposed trip through France and Italy with Luca. Their excuse was that it would cost too much and she needed to get busy working so they could get busy not working. They encouraged her to make her life productive. By productive they meant for her to find a husband and have the grandchildren that her mother was constantly harping about. Tina now owned the building, the business, and even her childhood home became hers when they moved to Florida. They said she had all of the tools that she needed to start her ‘productive life.’ How cheesy was that? “You have a good income, a house, and a business so he doesn’t even have to have a job. Just find an attractive man and let nature take its course Kristy.” Her mother recited that little speech every time they spoke. She’d argued that Luca had a job and her mother always chuckled at her like she knew something that Tina did not. She wanted to please them, really, she did but you can’t make grandchildren without having sex and Luca did not seem interested in going there yet. ‘They had their whole lives and he wanted to wait for it to be special, for their wedding night.’ Her mother had even hinted at taking the house and business away if she didn’t begin her productive life soon. She was twenty two and her mother expected her to get married by twenty five, secretly, Tina wanted that too. After that, she would be an old maid. Seriously? In this day and age? She was going to marry Luca as soon as he asked her. So, she waited, worked, and built the business for their future. There were two apartments that she rented out over the bakery and they paid for most of her expenses. Her father had used them as storage. What a waste, one month of their rents could have financed that trip to Europe. Four more months’ worth could finance a huge dream wedding. She didn’t need a business school degree to do that math. Tina thought they would be put to better use if she converted them into apartments, each a two bedroom, two baths with living room, kitchen, and balcony. She and Luca did most of the work on the apartments in the evenings. Luca’s dad was a plumber by trade and put in the kitchens and bathrooms at cost. He said it was his way of repaying her for keeping Luca out of trouble and out of his hair. Her newest tenant would be moving in later today in fact. She’d trusted Luca to interview him, do a credit and reference check which all came back perfect according to Luca. “Did you get the mocha cups out yet T? There was a lady waiting.” Brett asked. He was another friend from college. Tina wasn’t as close to Brett as she was Luca but they got along well enough. He kept to himself, came to work every day, and never complained. What more could she ask for? Tina nodded and went back to dipping her fudge pieces into chocolate and nuts. They were just one of the many tasty treats that she’d created to fill the display case out front. The bakery end of the business with the breads, rolls, and pastries were still dominant on her shelves but Tina’s heart was really more into the chocolate temptations. Once the parents were gone, she added a coffee and tea bar, plus two large display cases full of chocolate nibbles and desserts. She offered two flavors of homemade ice cream that were changed daily and only available from noon until closing. Today it was mocha almond or white chocolate raspberry. Tina would have a small cup of the mocha before she left, to quality test of course. It was an easy way to get a few more people through the doors while they set up for the next morning. Her other assistant, number two, Darla closed up. Darla was part time and only worked six hours a day, during the ice cream hours. Luca called her two scoops, which drove her completely crazy and kept him laughing. Tina stayed out of it. They were adults and would work it out themselves. Darla said she could never be sure if he called her that because of her very small perky ‘two scoops’ breasts or because she dipped a lot of ice cream and to make it worse, he would not tell her one way or the other. “Behind you hon.” Luca said. Tina continued to dunk and roll the last of the fudge pieces. She held up the tray, carried them out to the display case, and put them in their usual spot.

  “Cool, I just sold the last one of those.” Cassie giggled and pushed her glasses up on her nose making her blue eyes appear bigger. “You always know what to bring out.” She giggled again. Cassie was fresh out of high school when Tina hired her and made the coffees and teas. Cassie was an excellent barista. She and Janet, the other barista split the tips. Tina’s rules. Only the barista’s get tipped. She couldn’t afford to pay them as much as her bakers and even though the bakers occasionally helped serving customers during rush times, they were not entitled to tips. No one seemed to mind and it gave the baristas incentive to serve the customers well. “Hey do you think you would have time to make my little brother a birthday cake? I’ll pay for it of course, I would do it myself, but he really loves your chocolate with peanut butter icing.”

  “Sure thing Cassie when do you need it?” Tina stuck the empty fudge pop pan under her arm that she’d just pulled out of the display case.

  “Um by Sunday? He won’t mind if it’s early, but his birthday is Sunday.” Cassie pushed her glasses up again.

  “Sure thing, what size?” Tina looked the display cases and shelves over making mental note of anything they may need to get out.

  “Oh, just the small round.” Cassie pushed her glasses up on her nose once more and blew her white blonde bangs out of her eyes. She seemed nervous and Tina wondered why for just a moment before Cassie turned abruptly sensing a customer behind her. “Would you like your usual Heidi or are you feeling adventurous today?” She smiled sweetly at the customer. Tina watched the exchange. Cassie could remember everyone she waited on, she knew what they liked and how they liked it. It baffled Tina, she wasn’t even sure how to order what she liked, but Cassie knew exactly how to make it. She smiled at the thought. ‘Heidi’ smiled and answered with the usual and plus a fudge pop. “Great choice, Tina just brought those out so they are super fresh.” Cassie started making the coffee drink and glanced at Tina. “Do you need a fix?” Tina grinned and nodded. “I’ll bring it right back.” Tina turned and hurried b
ack into the kitchen. She still had the payroll to do.

  Sinking into her father’s worn tilting rocking leather office chair, Tina slid her rubber clogs off her feet. God they were miracles. If it weren’t for them, she would probably be ready to collapse. Kicking her feet up onto her desk and pulling the laptop onto her lap, Tina logged in and started the payroll program. Cassie cracked the door open setting the coffee on the desk and Tina could hear a commotion behind Cassie who just shrugged and hurried away. She assumed that ‘Two Scoops’ and Luca were at it again. Tina quickly entered hours and started clicking for checks to print. She tried to get this done early so everyone could make it to the bank and have a good weekend, especially her. Tina did not like to spend her weekends on paperwork. She spent those watching movies, trying new recipes, and reading. The commotion was getting louder and Luca sounded angry. She hadn’t heard Luca sound that angry since college. Tina put the laptop on her desk and slipped her aching feet into her clogs. She tugged the hem of her white chef’s top down over her behind. With a sigh, she opened the office door. There was a huge man in her kitchen and Luca was waving a spoon at him. Tina watched. The man was taller than Luca. Luca was six feet of sexy he always said to anyone that would listen, which put this guy at six four or five. Tina felt tiny and slightly afraid. Standing at only five feet seven, she wondered how she was going extricate this person from her kitchen. She was behind him, and he looked mighty fine from where she stood. He had broad shoulders like a football player and was trim at the waist and narrow through the hips. The beautiful and long lusted after inverted ‘V’. Tina’s favorite shaped man. It was getting ridiculous at her age not to have had a lover. She and Luca simply had not gotten to it yet. Luca came straight to work here for her father out of culinary school, while Tina had continued onto business school. She and Luca did not live together yet but were planning on moving in together as soon as she worked up the nerve to tell her parents. Her father did not like Luca but kept him on at the bakery as a favor to Tina. He always said there was something off about ‘that kid.’ Tina’s father had been overly suspicious of everyone since she could remember. Luca was wonderful and why couldn’t they see that?

  Tina let out the breath that she’d been holding. The big guy in her kitchen had a nice back and back side. His long muscular legs were loosely wrapped in a faded pair of jeans that hung nicely from his hips yet still accentuated a perfect behind. This was a real life version of every fantasy that she’d ever had, he had a nicer body than Luca. “I told you that I would meet you up there.” Luca was saying. Oh, he was a friend of Luca’s. Tina started to turn to go back to her office to finish payroll, she was also ready to hit the buffet across the street and head home. Tony’s place, a long time fixture in town, had a salad bar and a steak buffet. Tina got her dinner from there a lot of nights, because after a long day in the kitchen the last thing that she wanted to do was go home to another kitchen. “Tina!” Luca snapped and she focused on him. “Can you show Mac here up to the apartment? He’s your new tenant.” Robert MacEwan turned to look at her. “She made your fudge pop, so if you want to complain, you can do it out of this kitchen.” Luca snapped again and everyone returned to work. “I left the keys in your top right drawer sweetie.” Luca winked.

  “Bobby? Bobby MacEwan?” Oh no. This was not her new tenant, it couldn’t be. Not Bobby the bully MacEwan. Not the boy who teased her relentlessly growing up, the one who made her life hell, the one who invited her to the prom then stood her up, this could not be happening.

  “Hi there sweetheart. It’s good to see you. It’ll be good to see you every day and I go by Mac unless my brothers are around then its Robert.” He grinned wickedly. Bobby MacEwan was captain of every team in every sport in high school. He was everyone’s favorite class clown, class president, and class jack ass. He was a teenage girl’s fantasy and even though he’d bullied her through elementary, middle and most of high school. Tina had stupidly let herself believe that he liked her when all the while it was a joke, she was a joke. He’d pulled up in front of her house in a convertible with his friends on prom night and blew the horn. Tina came out all smiles and joy then they began to laugh. Someone yelled fat ass, then threw something at her as they squealed the tires and drove away laughing. It took Tina several minutes to pull herself together enough to go back inside and face her parents. She’d spent several long moments crouched there on the front porch in the shivering in the unusually chilly evening. Her heart was trying to tear itself free of her chest right now remembering the night. She spent the rest of senior year avoiding him and his friends so they couldn’t laugh at her again. Mostly she’d managed to but there were a few occasions where it was unavoidable. They’d taken great pleasure in tormenting her. Bobby didn’t torment her but he didn’t defend her either. He hadn’t changed much physically except that he’d gotten broader and a little taller. Brown eyes that were like warm milk chocolate with golden toffee flecks, framed with thick black lashes looked her up and down. Tina inhaled sharply and hurried to her office for the keys. He had a longish nose that suited his face, high sharp cheekbones, and a dimple in his chin. Tina was still a sucker for his cleft chin. It was just so damned sexy. He had thick black hair that was a little shaggy for her tastes and a little bit longer than she would’ve liked. Keep telling yourself that T and maybe it won’t hurt as much when he doesn’t notice that you’re alone in a small room with him. Tina worried her bottom lip and grabbed the keys. She really should simply give his check back and send him on his way but she’d spent the money already.

  “Go ahead, I’ll be right up, you really shouldn’t be back here, insurance you know.” Tina made a circular motion with her finger and pointed to the swinging doors. In other words, turn around and get out. There was no way in hell that he was following her big butt up the stairs, no way, no how did he ever get another opportunity to call her fat ass. He did as instructed not saying anything. He dropped his fudge pop stick in a trash can and left her kitchen. Tina tugged on her shirt’s hem and pulled it down as far as it would go which in this case was not far enough to suit her. She closed her eyes and took a deep cleansing breath. Luca should do this not her, he promised to handle it. Tina looked across the kitchen to where Luca and Brett had the commercial mixer in pieces. Okay, so maybe he was too busy to do this, they would need the mixer later. Damn. Damn. Double damn. Bobby damn MacEwan. Oh, why was it him? Anyone but him. Tina took a deep swallow of her coffee and put it back on the desk. She couldn’t put it off any longer, time to let MacEwan into his new apartment. Luca rented it to him sight unseen, well not really, pictures of the apartment with room dimensions were posted online, and he’d rented it from there. Luca said that he came from Wyoming or Montana. She’d never asked for a name, the new tenant was from out of town and she didn’t know anyone that wasn’t from here. Note to self, next time ask for a name. Damn. Tina looked up the stairs to see him standing at the top and leaning casually against the wall looking down at her. His arms crossed over his massive chest and he had this look on his face that made Tina incredibly nervous. It was sort of a smirk and sort of a lusty glare. She averted her eyes to the floor and kept her hand on the rail because the last thing that she wanted to do was to fall or stumble in front of this beautiful male specimen and tormentor. If she did, he would have another reason for a private giggle at her expense every time they came across each other. He was probably reliving his little high school prank even now in his head. The bastard! Finally reaching the top step, she stuck out her hand which he just looked at. She was a professional business woman and this was business. It did not matter what happened in the past, this was business. “I expect the rent on by the fifth of the month.” He took her hand firmly and his thumb stroked her skin in circles sending an electric current up her arm. Tina pulled her hand back and he smirked again. Once she recovered, she went on. “I already got your check for first and last month’s rent so you’re good until the fifth.” Pulling the keys out of her pocket she opened
the door and let him in then handed him the keys. “This is the kitchen obviously,” she tried to smile but it felt more like a grimace. He had always made her so nervous and self conscious. The living room is just there. She pointed. The master bedroom is through here, with a bath of course.” Tina gestured and flipped the light switch to on to show him. He was very close behind her and it was making her extremely uncomfortable. “You have a view there of the front with a balcony.” Thankfully, he went to look out and she let out the breath that was trapped in her chest. Tina made her way out of the room and waited for him to turn around. When he did, she said, “This way to the second bathroom and bedroom.” Tina opened the door to the bathroom but did not go in afraid he would trap her again but she turned the light on then moved to the second bedroom. “This room has the same view, no balcony but there is access to the balcony there off the living room. Is this suitable? If not I can refund your check.” She noticed her voice seemed bitchy even to her but he still seemed incredibly arrogant and he still made her nervous, so she couldn’t help it, could she? He was one of those men that ignored Tina on the street and everywhere else for that matter. He was one of those men that strutted around with a tall lithe leggy blonde. Cassie would suit him she thought for moment, if she wasn’t so young.

  “It’s fine.” His voice was a deep smooth baritone that vibrated somewhere within her south of her navel and made her even more uncomfortable. You’re in love with Luca, she reminded herself. He inhaled deeply and cocked his head to one side. She watched the large pectorals under his tee shirt expand beautifully then he made the same motion with his finger that she had a few moments ago in the kitchen dismissing her. Tina was shocked and her mouth popped open. She harrumphed, turned on one heel, and closed the door loudly behind her. Tina hurried down the stairs and into her office where she slammed the door. Why am I surprised? She thought. He is still one of those men and he is still going to bully her. The kind that would only be interested in a bubble headed blonde, arm candy. He would never be interested in an educated business owner with a butt that was a little too big or a brain. Tina sat down in her desk chair, put her head down on her folded arms, and cried. Why did it have to be Bobby damned MacEwan? It been a long day already and with her hormones acting up and then him she was entitled to a few indulgent tears. A few moments later with a few long deep breaths and she was back to finishing payroll.


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