The Journal of an Army Surgeon
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The Journal of an
Army Surgeon
in the Peninsular War
Charles Boutflower (F.R.C.S.) was the fourth son of the Reverend John Boutflower, Vicar of Seamer, Yorkshire, his mother being Susanna, daughter of Samuel Peach, of Chalford, Gloucestershire. He was born at Enfield, Middlesex, 2 February, 1782, and received his training for the medical profession from his eldest brother, Mr. John Johnson Boutflower of Manchester, and at the University of Edinburgh. At the close of the year 1801, he joined the 40th Regiment, then at Malta, as an assistant Surgeon. He served with his Regiment in the West Indies and South America, and afterwards during the Peninsula War, obtaining promotion as Surgeon to the staff of Sir Rowland Hill's Brigade, 9 November, 1812.
In 1813 he married Charlotte, daughter of the Rev. John Douglas, D.D., sometime Fellow of Magdalene College, Oxford. Retiring from the service in 1815, he practised as a Surgeon in Colchester for a period of nineteen years, removing in 1834 to Liverpool, where be at once interested himself in his new surroundings and became in course of time a Town Councillor. He was chosen as a Member of a Committee to take in hand the drainage of Liverpool, in his attention to which duty, he contracted typhoid fever, and died 24 March, 1844 aged sixty two.
Mr. Boutflower was described by his sons and nephews, as a man of great activity, and a general favourite with all his acquaintances. He was keenly interested in his professional work, and in this and beyond it his ambition was to be accounted a faithful public servant.
The following pages contain the Journal kept by the late Charles Boutflower, Surgeon to the 40th (then the 2nd Somersetshire and now South Lancashire) Regiment, during the Peninsular War.
It has been considered better to print the Journal exactly as it was written, and any reader who might feel inclined to take offence at the views of the author will kindly bear in mind that it was written over a hundred years ago: and that any passages which might at the present date be deemed better expunged merely express the individual views of the writer at that remote date.
The reader will notice that the Journal opens up with an apology by the author which he will no doubt bear in mind.
The Journal has been printed by the author's relatives from the original by the permission of the Revd. Douglas S. Boutflower, of Christ Church, Sunderland, in whose possession the Journal now is.
Pub. 1912
Ulto - Contraction of ultimo (of last month).
League - The distance that a person can walk in one hour, commonly taken to be approximately three English miles (about five kilometers).
As this Journal is undertaken at the request of one or two very dear Friends, and as it will certainly never come under the inspection of many others, I trust they will deem this some Apology for the Egotisms that will naturally prevail in it.
On the 10th August, 1809, I embarked on Board the Thomas Transport in order to join the 40th Regiment with Sir Arthur Wellesly. It was intended we should sail the following Morning, but the wind getting round to the westward prevented us. In the course of the 11th was introduced to Capn. Rodney, of H.M.S. Fylla, under Orders for Lisbon with Money. Capn. R. very politely offered me a Passage. An offer so agreeable I immediately availed myself of, and lost no time in removing my Luggage from the Thomas to the Fylla. I had particular pleasure in bidding adieu to the former Vessel, as, besides the inconvenience naturally resulting from her smallness, the Officers on board her were from what I could ascertain in so very short a period generally exceptionable. Very strong westerly winds prevented our sailing till the 15th, on which day we received the particulars of the Memorable Battle of Talavera. It was a source of some regret to us that we could not convey to our friends in Spain & Portugal an account of the Capture of Flushing. On this day I recollected that my dear & revered Father completed his seventy-third Year, and, while I offered up a Prayer to the Almighty that his valuable Life might yet be spared to his Family and Friends, I had a sensation of severe pain originating in the idea that from his advanced age I should never see him more. Having been now three days on board the Fylla I had an opportunity of observing the several characters of those who were to form my Society for the next Week or ten Days. Prior to my introduction to Capn. Rodney, he had received into his Cabin as many as he could conveniently accommodate; it was therefore necessary that I should take my Passage in the Gun Room with the Officers of the Ship. The day subsequent to Capn. R.'s offer I had the good fortune to be particularly introduced to the Second Lieutenant,from whom in consequence I received the most marked attention.
Capn. R. is the son of the celebrated Lord Rodney. He is six and twenty years of age, and has been at Sea almost from his infancy; he appears very fond of his profession, and certainly is remarkably attentive to everything that relates to the safety of the Ship, arising less, I believe, from any personal fear of danger, than from a due Sense of the serious responsibility that attaches to the Situation of a Captain of a Man of War. His Education, from a reason above stated, has been much neglected, added to which his Talents are certainly not above Mediocrity. His disposition, however, is very good, and I should certainly form an unfavourable Opinion of an Officer who could not live pleasantly under his Command. Capn. R. had two Gentlemen with him in his Cabin, one of them Brigr. Genl. Madden going out to command a Brigade of Portuguese Troops. He was formerly Major of the 12th Dragns., and served with them in Egypt, but was subsequently dismissed the Service, by the Sentence of a General Court Martial; tho' the crimes were undoubtedly a breach of Military Discipline, it does not appear that his reputation either as an Officer or Gentleman suffered in consequence, having been since almost constantly employed in England as an Inspecting Field Officer, and in his present employment he is evidently thought worthy of a high command. He is a Man of superior Abilities, and possesses a general knowledge of Men and Manners. He has visited more than once almost every Court in Europe, &, having a perfect knowledge of nearly all the modern languages, he has been enabled to form more accurate conclusions of what came under his observation than the generality of those who travel. From his conversation, of which I very much availed myself during the Passage,! derived both information and amusement. The only other Passenger in the Cabin was a Mr. Vanzeleer, who may justly be styled a "vrai-Portugues," being possessed of all the prejudice which so eminently distinguishes that ,Nation. He had come to England for the purpose of investing a considerable sum of money in the English Funds, justly considering that every species of property is become very unsafe in Portugal. He had been six months in England, and, never having been out of his own Country before, anyone would have naturally supposed that he would have been both astonished and delighted with what he had seen, as, according to his own account, he had visited everything worth seeing in London and its environs, but on the contrary nothing appeared to have pleased him. Prejudiced, as he certainly is, I verily believe that Envy had no small share in the dissatisfaction he constantly expressed when speaking of England. A Portuguese who has never travelled thinks there is nothing in the world equal to Lisbon; disappointed, however, on arriving in other Countries to find that he has been all his Life mistaken, he has not ingenuousness sufficient to avow what it is impossible but he must be so well acquainted with.
Our Number in the Gun Room consisted of seven; namely, two Lieutenants, the Purser, Lieutenant of Marines, a Young Gentleman going out as a Volunteer to General Beresford, the Surgeon of the Ship, and myself. To the whole of the Officers I feel indebted for their attentions,
and particularly to the 2nd Lieutenant, to whom, as I before stated, I had the good fortune to be particularly introduced. This Officer possesses a highly cultivated Mind, and has so great a taste for reading, that during the whole Passage when not on duty I scarcely once observed him without a Book in his hand. His Library consisted of upwards of three hundred Volumes of the most approved Authors in the English, French, Spanish, & Italian Languages, of all of which he has attained considerable know-ledge. His disposition appears to be naturally of the sombre cast, tho' the recent death of his Father may probably have given it that turn. We passed many hours in conversation together, and he succeeded so completely in gaining my esteem and regard that it was with much reluctance I bade him adieu. Good fortune will, I trust, bring us together again, when I shall renew my intimacy with him with unfeigned pleasure.
On the 16th while beating down Channel saw H.M.S. Argo with Convoy from the West Indies. From a recollection of my own Sensations on former occasions I had an idea of the happiness they were enjoying on being so near their Native Shore.
17th. Fired two shots at a strange Sail to bring her to. She proved to be a Revenue Cutter from Guernsey on a Cruise. The Master of her came on board the Fylla, and, his manner being such as gave Capn. Rodney great offence, much altercation ensued. Capn. R. at length let him go, previously writing across his Warrant an account of his disrespectful Conduct for the information of any other Captain of a Man-[of-war] who might board him.
On the 18th, notwithstanding the continuous contrary winds, we found ourselves at 9 a.m. off the Lizard. In the afternoon were boarded by a Fishing Boat belonging to Mount's Bay, which not only supplied us with fresh Fish for Dinner, but was also the bearer of some Letters ashore. I availed myself of this opportunity to write to my inestimable friend Mrs. B. At dusk the same Evening I lost sight of the Land's End. How torpid the Bosom, and how unworthy the name of Britain must he be, who can quit his country without offering up a fervent Prayer for its welfare. In taking a last look of its fading shores a variety of Sensations occupied my Mind, some of them painful; but I think the contrary predominated. A thousand instances of its many blessings and general Superiority over other Nations rushed upon my recollection, and it was not without a feeling of conscious pride that I called myself an Englishman. The night proved stormy, and I suffered much from sea-sickness till the morning of the 21st. It is somewhat strange that my susceptibility for that Complaint appears to increase with each succeeding voyage I make. On the 20th we chased a ship under suspicious circumstances. Prize Money was the Order of the Day. On coming up with her, however, she proved to be a Merchant Man from London bound to Malta. She ran from us under the idea that we were a French Privateer.
The wind still continued contrary. On the 23rd we made Cape Finisterre, but were so far in the Bay that we found it impossible to weather it. We were consequently obliged to tack and stand out to Sea. In the Afternoon the wind fortunately shifted sufficiently to enable our getting round it.
On the 24th run down the coast of Spain, passing Vigo and the River Minho, which divides that country from Portugal. 25th, had the wind fair but little of it; in the Afternoon came in site of the Burlings, Rocks perfectly well known to all who have navigated this Coast. The wind freshening this Evening gave us every hope of being in Lisbon the following Morning about eleven. At night being in the Latitude of Lisbon we lay to till Daylight the following Morning, when we again got under weigh, and stood in shore; having to beat up the Tagus it was twelve o'clock before we came to an Anchor, having had a Passage of eleven Days, and, with the exception of the two or three Days' bad weather, to me as pleasant a one as anything could be in a Ship. During our voyage I read Mdme. De Stael Holstein's Corinna in the Original, and also Robertson's History of the Reign of Charles V. The former is doubtless a work of considerable ability; to the story the Authoress has very happily added an Acct. of the chief Paintings, Sculpture, & other Works of Art, at present remaining in Italy, which, at the same time it appears to say everything necessary on the Subject, never fatigues by saying more than is necessary. The characters of Lord Nelvil and Corinna are finely drawn and are perhaps faithful delineations of the difference existing in the two Nations. In writing this work however I think an Englishwoman would not have tarnished so many good Qualities (as Madame S. bestowed on Lord N.), by his unpardonable, and as appears to me his unjustifiable, inconstancy. The Character of Lucilia is in my opinion highly natural. Of the latter work, there has never been any difference of Sentiment as to the Ability with which it is written. Most People in reading it, however they may admire the Political ingenuity and the firmness with which he (Charles) carried into effect everything likely to conduce to the great objects of his Ambition, will I doubt not feel more interested for his less fortunate but certainly more principled Rival, Francis, the King of France; the subtle cunning & perfidy of Charles form a striking contrast to the open and unsuspicious disposition of Francis, and whatever the former may gain of our Admiration, the latter has the Superior Merit of commanding our Esteem. The Spanish Monarch to me never appeared so dignified and great, as when cultivating his garden at his retirement at Saint Just, and I closed his History, fully determined, if possible, to visit that celebrated spot during my sojourn in Spain.
From the entrance of the Tagus to Lisbon is a distance of about fifteen Miles; being obliged to beat up gave us an opportunity of more particularly observing both Shores. That on the right side furnishes little worthy of note. The left, or Lisbon side, presents a beautiful and diversified prospect, chiefly consisting of the Country Seats of the Queen, Prince Regent, and Nobility. The principal Forts in the Tagus are first a large Tower, intended as a State Prison, which stands in the centre of the River; higher up on the left is Fort St. Julian; and still higher on the same side is Belem Castle. At Belem Lisbon may be said to commence, notwithstanding the City is called three miles from it. Where Belem terminates, Buenos Ayres, (so called from its high & supposed healthy situation) begins, and again at the end of Buenos Ayres is the commencement of the City of Lisbon. The whole being built of white stone, and standing on the Side of a Hill, presents a pleasing coup d'oeil, and promises the newly arrived stranger more gratification from the expectation of visiting it than he afterwards realises. After being an hour or two at Anchor I went ashore for the purpose of delivering a Letter from my Friend Capn. B. to a Mr. Kennedy, the Agent Victualler. On arriving in Lisbon, opposite to which we had brought up, I found that Mr. K. resided at Belem. I had in consequence to walk (as I have before stated) a distance of three miles, and nearly the length of the whole Town. This walk gave me a disgust of the place I have never since been able to overcome; tho' in some degree prepared to expect a City not remarkable for its cleanliness, I had never formed an idea that a Metropolis could be so abominably filthy. I shall not enter into a description of it, but shall content myself by stating that the impression made upon one of my senses was such as I shall not easily forget.
From Mr. Kennedy I received a most polite and kind attention, and had the pleasure a day or two after to meet at his House at Dinner, a very old Friend, Capn. H. of the Navy, the principal agent for Transports in the Tagus. Having much the same idea of Lisbon as myself he had very wisely fitted up his Cabin most comfortably and constantly resided aboard. He gave me a most pressing invitation to remain with him during the few Days I should stay at Lisbon, an offer so concordant to my wishes that I most gladly availed myself of it. I had not yet quitted the Fylla, but, as she was ordered to be in readiness to proceed to England, I lost no time in removing my things from her.
The day after my arrival I waited on the Commandant, who informed me that it would be necessary for me to proceed to join my Regiment with as little delay as possible, adding that he believed I should find them at Elvas, a fortified Town on the Frontier. Great was my disappointment when I understood that the Victory at Talavera had not been followed by more happy Consequences. I had fully expected to have joined the Army at Madrid, elated with h
ope and flushed with victory. On the contrary I found that they were depressed by Famine and Sickness, and in full march to the Frontiers of Portugal. This reverse was owing to two Causes: the neglect of the Spanish Commissariat in not furnishing Provisions, and the inability not to say worse of Cuesta. Fortunately for his country this General solicited his resignation, a request which the Junta appears very readily to have complied with.
I remained in Lisbon, or rather in the Tagus, till the 3rd September. The oppressive state of the weather prevented me from paying that attention to its Curiosities I otherwise should. The Aqueduct, which is certainly the principal, I only saw from a distance; the theatres I never visited. The Convent of San Jeronymo I found worthy of attention; it is an immense building and is calculated to afford a high treat to the Lovers of Architecture; it contains some fine paintings by some of the most esteemed Masters, and a very good Library. On the 3rd in the evening I crossed the Tagus to Aldea Gallega, a small town nearly opposite to Lisbon, and about fifteen miles over. This place furnishes nothing worthy of remark, being a small and dirty Town. I had much difficulty in procuring a Billet; indeed I found the People generally more uncivil here than in any other place. Having procured a Couple of Mules I set forward on my Journey the Afternoon of the 5th, intending to sleep that Night at a Village called Pegoens. On my arrival there however I found it so extremely miserable and so entirely devoid of every species of accommodation, that I determined to proceed to another village, Vendas Novas, three Leagues further, eight Leagues or thirty two miles from Aldea Gallega, a Portuguese League being fully equal to four English miles. It was late when I reached Vendas Novas. The Inn however afforded some bad Chocolate and a miserable Bed in a more miserable Room. At an early hour the following morning I set off for Montemoro Novo three leagues further. On my way I met Col. Stibball of the Guards, who first informed me of the 40th being in Badajos. Just as I entered this Town it commenced a heavy Rain, which I feared would detain me all that Day, and prevent my reaching Elvas the following; fortunately however it cleared up in the afternoon, and enabled me to proceed to Arreiolis that evening. Montemoro Novo is a pretty Town of some extent. It stands very high, and is fortified. The accommodation however in the Inn was little better than at Vendas Novas. Arreiolis is a miserable place three Leagues distant from Montemoro. My Bed looked tolerably clean, but before the Morning I was nearly eat up in it; the irritation I suffered nearly threw me into a fever. Early the next Day, being the 7th of the Month, I set off for Estremos, six Leagues further on the Road. Half way is an Inn called Venda de Duque where I stopped to refresh my Mule and get myself Breakfast. While there, an Officer of the 40th entered on his way to Lisbon, from whom I collected all the news of the Regiment. I reached Estremos in the Afternoon, and found to my satisfaction a very good Inn, and where everything comfortable was to be procured. It is well fortified and stands upon a high Hill. There is a certain cleanliness in its appearance not to be met with in any other Town I saw in Portugal. Indeed were I compelled to live in that Country I think I should select Estremos as my place of residence.