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Kenobi's Blade

Page 9

by Rebecca Moesta

  had been hit by the assassin droid's blaster.

  "We'd better hurry," Tahiri said, hovering anxiously at Tionne's side.

  Anakin checked the controls of the repulsorsled and powered it on.

  Tahiri blinked as a new thought struck her.

  "Tionne won't be able to pilot the Lore Seeker out of here," she said,

  turning to Ikrit. "Can you take over?"

  "The Lore Seeker's controls will not adjust to a pilot as small as I,"

  Ikrit said. "Perhaps we could take the Sunrider."

  Uldir cleared his throat and looked sheepish. "Um... I'm afraid that

  Orloc's Ranats did some scavenging aboard your ship. I think it might take

  a while to get the Sunrider spaceworthy again. But if you don't mind, I

  could fly us all home in the Lore Seeker-with a little help from my

  friends, that is."

  "Can you fly with your shoulder wounded like that?" Tahiri asked.

  "Does it hurt very much?"

  "It hurts, but I can fly," Uldir said. He tried to shrug, and

  instantly grimaced with pain. "Anyway, I'm not really worried about me.

  We've got to get Tionne out of here and get her to some medical help."

  "Are you sure you can pilot 7lonne's ship?" Tahiri asked hopefully,

  tugging at a long strand of blonde hair on the side that had not been

  trimmed by the lightsaber.

  Uldir nodded. "I've watched Tionne fly it a few times."

  His voice was deep and sure as he gave them all a shy smile.

  "And I really am a good pilot, you know. I want to help. That is, if I

  can count on one of you to be my copilot and one to act as navigator."

  Ikrit sprang to the top of Artoo-Detoo's domed head.

  "Mmmm. It is a good plan," the Jedi Master said in his scratchy voice.

  Artoo-Detoo beeped and whistled excitedly.

  Tahiri grinned at Uldir. "I think that's a definite yes."

  Uldir had never been happier to see the bright green moon of Yavin 4

  appear in the front viewports. With the help of Ikrit and Artoo, he had

  done an excellent job of piloting the Lore Seeker. Anakin and Tahiri took

  shifts in the crew compartment, tending their injured teacher with supplies

  from the ship's emergency medikit. The silvery-haired instructor had been

  unconscious for most of the trip, but when she awakened and began to speak,

  Anakin came forward to the cockpit to share the good news.

  "Tionne says that she was using a Jedi healing trance that Uncle Luke

  taught her," Anakin explained.

  "Mmmm," Master Ikrit said, "I am glad she used the healing trance. She

  will recover quickly."

  "That's great news," Uldir agreed. He felt happier and more relaxed

  than he could remember being in years. "We'll have her back on Yavin 4 in

  less than an hour." Anakin looked at the older boy with surprise.

  "Uldir..." Anakin hesitated, as if unsure of what he wanted to say. "I

  thought you told me you hated to fly, but you seem to be enjoying yourself.


  Uldir turned and grinned at his friend.

  "I did. And I am. In the past week I've figured out that I don't mind

  flying. In fact, I enjoy it. Well, not the kind of flying that my parents

  do-you know, the same old shuttle flying the same old routes, carrying the

  same old supplies. But I've realized that that's not the only kind of

  flying there is."

  Anakin nodded. "As Tionne likes to say, there are always options."

  Uldir took the Lore Seeker down into the atmosphere of Yavin 4.

  "I've heard her say that," he said. "I guess it never sank in before,

  but now I finally know what she means."

  A week later, Anakin stood on the landing field in front of the Jedi

  academy with his best friend Tahiri, Ikrit, and Artoo-Detoo. Tionne, now

  fully healed, was talking quietly with Master Skywalker, who had returned

  from Coruscant the day before.

  Uldir, his bags packed and ready to go, stood near the Lightning Rod,

  old Peckhum's battered supply ship.

  "I'm sorry I messed up your ship, Master Ikrit," Uldir said.

  There was no trace of squeaking or cracking in his deep voice.

  "Mmmm. I may return to Exis for the Sunrider someday," Ikrit said.

  "But I came away with something equally important."

  The furry Jedi Master patted the lightsaber he now wore clipped at his


  "I have just built myself this new Jedi weapon. Because of you, I

  learned that there are still causes worth fighting for and students well

  worth teaching. For that, I thank you."

  "One thing I don't understand, though," Uldir said. "If I didn't

  really have any magic powers, how did I dodge the steam jets and the

  blaster bolts? How did I defeat the assassin droid? How did I throw the

  Holocron straight into Tahiri's hands? I mean, I thought I was trusting in

  the Force right then. Was I just lucky?"

  Luke Skywalker came over to place a hand on Uldir's shoulder.

  "No. Trusting in the Force is not just luck."

  Uldir had spent several hours last night in conversation with Master

  Skywalker, but Anakin had no idea what they had said.

  "I think you learned more than you knew while you were with us,"

  Tionne said

  with a warm smile. "So perhaps the Force guided you, after all."

  Old Peckhum now appeared from behind the Lightning Rod.

  "You about ready to go?" he called.

  "Just a minute," Uldir called back. Then he took Anakin and Tahiri

  aside. "I'll have to leave soon," he said.

  "We'll miss you," Anakin replied. Tahiri gave Uldir a fierce hug.

  "Remember that we'll always be your friends," she said.

  "I know that now," Uldir answered. "I also know that there are no

  shortcuts to real knowledge and power. Anyway, that's not what I want


  "Are you going to be a pilot?" Tahiri asked.

  Uldir grinned. "One of the best pilots ever. Master Skywalker says

  there's a group of emergency pilots on Coruscant. They help evacuate people

  during disasters, fly emergency medical supplies to colonies, pick up and

  deliver ships that are old or difficult to fly. Most importantly, they help

  people. So in my own way I'll be a bit like a Jedi." He smiled again. "A

  bit like my two best friends."

  With that, Uldir made his last goodbyes, and he and old Peckhum got

  into the Lightning Rod. The ship lifted off, and Anakin, Tahiri, Luke,

  Tionne, and Ikrit all waved farewell. Artoo-Detoo gave a hopeful warble. As

  the ship carrying their friend dwindled to a speck in the sky,

  Anakin and Tahiri both said, "May the Force be with you."




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