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Wind Warrior (Historical Romance)

Page 17

by Constance O'Banyon

  Looking into his expressive brown eyes, she felt a jolt go through her and pushed his hands away, struggling to stand on her own. He looked pained when she stepped away from him, as if he thought she did not want him to touch her. Rain Song could have told him the opposite was true—she was afraid she would press herself against his body and throw her arms about his shoulders as she longed to do.

  “How far to the campsite?” she asked to break the awkward silence. It had been a long day and she was very weary.

  “We are there,” he replied, sliding her pack off her shoulder and then dropping both his and hers to the ground. “Can you not see?”

  By now it was completely dark and Rain Song could see nothing. It amazed her that Wind Warrior had no trouble finding his way. “Where?”

  He took her hand, leading her forward. “We are in a cave, Rain Song. Actually, it is not deep enough to be called a real cave, it is more of an overhang.”

  She reached out until her hand came in contact with a solid rock wall. “It will be nice to sleep inside,” she remarked.

  Wind Warrior bent to light the campfire he had laid before going down into the village.

  When the flames ignited and grew, their glow danced against the walls of the cave. Rain Song turned around, taking in the sight. He was right; it was not a deep cavern, so she did not have to worry that wild animals might be living in the space. Fur robes had been placed on dried grass to make a comfortable bed. There was a supply of drinking water in jugs.

  She glanced up at Wind Warrior. “Is this your home in the mountains? Is this where we will be staying?”

  He added more wood to the fire. “This is but a stopover. I hope you will like it here.”

  “I do.” Rain Song bent down to her pack and begun taking out the supplies they would need.

  Wind Warrior went outside the cave and covered the entrance with branches until he was satisfied the light of their campfire could not be seen.

  Wearily, Rain Song sat down on the fur robe and her eyes widened when she felt its smoothness. “This was made of beaver skins,” she said delightedly, bending to bury her face against the softness.

  “I had White Wing’s mother make it for you. It is my gift to you.”

  She rose up, looking quizzical. “Then you must have—”

  “I must have known I would be bringing you here?” His eyes darkened. “I hoped I would. You are so much a part of me, I feel every breath you take and contemplate your every thought.” He came to her, dropping down in front of her, taking her hand. “You now know my secret; this place was finished for you only last winter. I dreamed of you here, and now my dream has come true.”

  “But I—”

  He placed his hand over her mouth. “Let me say what I must before I lose my nerve. I have known almost from the first time I saw you that you were the one who would walk through life with me.” His expressive eyes searched hers. “Did you not suspect how I felt about you?”

  Tears were building behind her eyes. She could not believe that he had loved her for so long. “No, I never dared consider you might care for me.”

  “Everyone else noticed. My friends teased me mercilessly for the way my gaze followed you when you were not looking.”

  Rain Song’s mind was whirling—all she remembered was how he ignored her. She was too stunned to speak.

  Wind Warrior raised her hand, touched his mouth to her fingers and closed his eyes. “How could you not know?”

  She swallowed hard, understanding what he was telling her. Her hand seemed to move of its own volition, touching his face, sliding into his thick black hair. “All those years I felt alone, you were watching over me?”

  His voice thickened. “You were hardly out of my sight. I made a bad mistake when I left you on the prairie where Spotted Flower set the fire.” His eyes softened. “I would never have forgiven myself if anything had happened to you.”

  “Why did you think I was your responsibility?”

  He paused as though deep in thought. He was silent so long she was sure he was not going to answer her. Then he gently pulled her into his arms. “Because you were mine. I knew it in my heart—you must have felt it too.” He raised his head, looking at the top of the cave. “You cannot know the torture I lived through because you were so young, and I had to wait to claim you.” He glanced down at her, his finger sliding across her lips. “You have not said how you feel about me.”

  She sighed, laying her cheek against his. His confession shook her world. “I…love you. I have for a very long time.”

  Wind Warrior’s eyes glowed as he pulled her into his arms, bringing her close to his body. She felt him tremble, or was it she who quaked with the pain of need?

  The hunger began slowly and built as his hands slid down her back, circling, soothing, then unsettling. Rain Song’s overburdened heart thudded against the wall of her chest and she wanted him as a woman wants the man she loves.

  Wind Warrior laid her down on the soft robe.

  “Make me your woman,” she pleaded.

  She watched his head dip, as if he was experiencing emotions too difficult to control. Afraid she had been too bold, she started to sit up, but he came down beside her, those beautiful eyes telling her what he was feeling. He desired her, yet he would not take what he wanted until she gave him permission.

  Taking his hand, Rain Song laid it against her breast. She felt him tense, and then she felt the dam break inside him.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  It was hard to believe a man of such power and strength could be so gentle. Wind Warrior’s hand stroked down her neck and he nuzzled the hollow there.

  Quivering, Rain Song turned her head, her mouth brushing against his. For a moment they both froze as unbridled passion ripped through them at the unexpected contact.

  Again she tested the move that had sent shivers through them both. Wind Warrior could not breathe as she brushed her mouth across his.

  He moaned, his body shook.

  She cried out passionately.

  His breath hissed through his teeth.

  She was taken by surprise when he gripped her shoulders, taking command of the kiss. Her mouth quivered beneath his as he explored this new territory. He had not known the mouth could be so sensual. Just the feel of her mouth, her breath teasing his lips, made him want more.

  Wind Warrior stilled, trying to catch his breath. His need for her was driving him out of his mind. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked, hoping she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  Breathlessly, she touched his face. “I belong to you.”

  He took a deep swallow. “Not yet.”

  He nudged her doeskin gown aside and buried his face in the cleavage of her breasts. Needing her was the worst pain he had ever experienced. She surprised him when her fingers tangled in his hair and she held him closer.

  “I want…to belong to you. I want you.”

  Wind Warrior did not need to be asked twice. Moving back, he pulled her to a sitting position and lifted her gown over her head. His gaze moved from her slender neck down over her firm young breasts. He groaned when he saw the pink nipples and bent forward, touching his mouth to one tempting bud.

  Rain Song jerked, her eyes widening.

  He raised his head, exhaling shakily. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No.” The cry was torn from her throat.

  He understood better than she did what she needed. “Come to me,” he said, holding his arms out. “You will receive me into your body and we will be one,” he said huskily.

  She was trembling so hard, she could not stop. Her gaze followed him as he stood, stripping down to his breechcloth. When he came down beside her, he took her in his arms and she melted against him. Her gaze sought his, and there were questions in her eyes.

  “What must I do?”

  The catch in her voice and Rain Song’s innocent question were almost Wind Warrior’s undoing. He had been born for this night. No matter what he accomplished in his li
fe, nothing would be more important than this moment.

  Realizing how innocent she was, he had to hold back his own passion and introduce her gently to the bond that would make her his woman in deed as well as word.

  Wind Warrior knelt before her, and his gaze moved down her breasts to her stomach. He placed his hand on her hips as his gaze moved lower, and what he saw sent tremors through his body; he had never imagined that the hair between her thighs would be the same color as the hair on her golden head.

  Rain Song’s silken body was the most beautiful sight he had ever beheld. So deep was his need for her, he fought the overwhelming urge to pull her beneath him and drive into the sweetness of her body.

  “I will teach you,” he said in a choked voice that he did not recognize as his own.

  Her simple nod went straight to his heart.

  Had any man ever loved a woman as much as he loved her?

  She filled his life and gave purpose and meaning to his world. She made him think of the future, of sons and daughters—of growing old beside her. He wanted to give her everything she wanted in life, and he wanted to take from her only what she would give him.

  Gently, Wind Warrior pulled her to him, absorbing the quakes that shook her virginal body. “You were created for me,” he whispered, his tongue darting to the lobe of her ear. “Even though your world was far from mine, we found a way to be together.”

  Rain Song’s arms slid around his shoulders and she pressed her breasts against his bare chest. The moan that escaped her lips stirred his blood even more.

  She reached for his hand and raised it to her lips. Her gesture made him pause to think, to harness his passion and look to her pleasure.

  Wind Warrior eased her onto her back, and lay beside her. His hand trailed over her breasts, down her stomach to her thighs. With gentle pressure he pushed her thighs apart, gently caressing her until she was mindless, desperately needing something to fill the emptiness inside her.

  As if he knew what she was feeling, he gently eased his finger inside her warmth. Circling, nudging, withdrawing, and plunging forward again. He touched the barrier that proclaimed no other man had touched her.

  She was whimpering, and moving restlessly, and he could wait no longer.

  As he pressed his mouth against hers, it seemed they both gasped for breath at the same time. His feelings were so strong he could not give them voice; he did not even try.

  He nuzzled her breasts, taking each into his hot mouth and suckling, all the while nudging her thighs apart.

  “Ohhh,” she murmured.

  He nuzzled her face, wanting all of her. He watched her eyes widen with uncertainty, then close in pure ecstasy when he blew against her mouth.

  Removing his breechcloth, he tossed it aside, watching her stare at his nakedness. He could read the confusion in her eyes, and then the understanding of how they would be joined together.

  Slowly, Wind Warrior eased himself inside her. She was hot, wet. “You are ready for me,” he whispered in a rugged voice.

  He was past ready for her.

  Rain Song watched his eyes, wondering what would happen next. Already he had made her body come alive as she had never expected, but she was sure there was more.

  She could hear him breathing hard, and when he eased farther inside her, she gasped. Then forcefully he drove deeper and she arched her back, trying to throw him off. She had not expected pain.

  “My soul, the pain is all but over,” Wind Warrior said in a deep voice that grew even deeper when he said, “Look at me. I want to see everything you feel.”

  She stared into tender brown eyes, and knew if she lived a hundred years, she would never be able to recapture this moment.

  And then the pleasure hit.

  As Wind Warrior thrust deeper, her hips bucked and she gasped. He slid out and then in again, finding the spot that made her go still. Then her hips came off the robe, twisting and turning as she tried to ease the ache inside her.

  Throwing her head back, she bit her lips while he set a rhythm that thrilled her to the core. She slammed her lower body upward against his and saw his passion-dark eyes widen. She was inexperienced, but instinct guided her in the way to give him the greatest pleasure.

  Wind Warrior attempted to go slow, to be gentle with Rain Song but never had a woman stirred his blood so. He knew he should carefully guide her through her first time, but the softness of her skin and the sweetness of her body broke his resolve. Although his woman was innocent, it seemed at times she was guiding him.

  Her body quaked and she dug her fingernails into his muscled back. Groaning, she buried her fingers into his black hair, holding his face to hers while she ran her tongue over his lips.

  That simple action set him on fire and his body quivered and shook in release. He fell forward, crushing her beneath his weight.

  For a long moment neither spoke.

  She was shy after what had passed between them.

  He could not catch his breath.

  Rain Song held him close, loving the feel of his naked body pressed against her.

  At last she said shyly, “I did not expect what happened.”

  He levered himself off her and turned to his side; unwilling to move away from her, he held her close. “It took me by surprise too.” His hand moved down her back to clasp her tighter. “My life—that is what you are to me.”

  “Do you look at love the same way I do?” Rain Song asked innocently, not knowing how to put a name to what had happened to her. Before, she had wanted him as a young girl wants the attentions of a handsome man; now she felt she was a part of him, and love for him burst through her mind.

  He rose on his elbow, smiling down at her. “What way is that?”

  She frowned. “I cannot imagine how I lived before this night. I always thought you were handsome.” She smiled at him. “You know all the maidens in our village looked at you with…yearning.”

  “Did they?”


  “I never saw them. My eyes were always on you.”

  She nestled her head against his shoulder and he drew her to him. He touched her intimately. “Are you sore?”

  She shook her head, hoping he was going to make love to her again. “No. I am not.”

  He took her hand and placed it on him, and her eyes widened. “Already I want you.”

  She turned to her back and pulled him toward her.

  Wind Warrior laughed delightedly. She filled him with joy, and he wanted to do the same for her.

  Although he knew he should take her carefully, her movements, her reaction to him, heated his blood.

  He was not gentle as he drove into her, and she was not gentle when she clawed his back. This time, she reached ecstasy along with him.

  In the aftermath, they both lay with hearts thundering, gasping for breath. Their fingers intertwined and she nestled close to him.

  Long after Rain Song had fallen asleep, Wind Warrior lay thinking. Their fingers were still entwined and he raised them toward the campfire, where the light fell on them—his hand was bronze, hers was white. He touched her golden hair and allowed it to sift through his fingers. Her hair was golden, his was black.

  And yet none of that mattered. The two of them had reached across the divide separating the Indian and the white world, finding something so rare he dared not speak of it for fear it was but a dream and he would awake to find it gone.

  “Sweet one,” he whispered, touching his mouth to her brow. “How you torture me.” He saw her eyes open.

  “I do not mean…I never expected—” She shook her head. “What did I do?”

  Wind Warrior smiled. “You made me want you more than anything I have ever wanted in my life.”

  “Oh,” she said. “I thought I had done something wrong.”

  Laughing softly, he shook his head. “You do everything right, sweet one. I hope I can survive the night.”

  Brushing his mouth against hers, he trembled and so did she.

  “I never dreamed I would be here with you like this,” she admitted.

  “I have.”

  She heard the quaver in his voice and touched his face. “I want to make you happy.”

  His eyes drifted shut. No one had ever said that to him before. His woman was a rare jewel, and he would treasure her all the days of their lives.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Wind Warrior felt something soft brush against his face. Becoming immediately alert, he opened his eyes and then, remembering the night before, smiled. A lock of Rain Song’s hair had fallen across his face, and she was curled up in his arms.

  Turning his head, he studied his sleeping woman. Long lashes rested against the pale cheeks of the most beautiful woman he had ever known, and she was his.

  He could not help himself; he had to gather her close. She had just given him a night he would never forget. In her sleep, she sighed and snuggled closer to him.

  Staring at the ceiling of the cave, he said a silent prayer of thanks to the Great One for giving him such a woman.

  He felt himself swell, and he wanted her. But she was not yet accustomed to his demands, and he must not give in to his deepest urges. Touching his mouth to her brow, he gently untangled her from his body. When he pulled the fur robe aside, the sight of her beautifully curved body almost caused him to change his mind.

  Taking a steadying breath, he covered her with the fur and rose. Quickly dressing, he shoved his knife in the sheath and walked out into the cool morning air. The sun had not made its appearance for the day, but the eastern sky was painted with a pink glow. It was quiet—as if the earth had taken a breath and was waiting for the sun’s appearance.

  The wind touched him, whispering against his skin. Raising his arms, he allowed the essence of the coming day to fill his whole being.

  Today he was completely happy.

  Hearing movement behind him, Wind Warrior looked over his shoulder at his woman. She came up behind him, sliding her arms around his waist, pressing her face against his back.

  “How do you feel this morning?” he asked.

  “Like I belong to you.”


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