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Ensnaring Lord Starsen

Page 2

by Jenn Langston

  “I was doing nothing of the sort, as you well know.”

  Shock reverberated through her at his statement. During all these years as neighbors, he never tried to befriend her, or her half-brother. To acknowledge an association that didn’t exist was unsettling.

  “You know nothing about me, my lord. You may not assume I have any understanding to your words or the meanings behind them.”

  “You’re correct.” He kept his gaze trained at her feet. “I saw the garment tossed aside. When I picked it up, it was only from curiosity as I didn’t see anyone about.”

  “I see.”

  The breeze increased, whipping over her skin, and she didn’t repress her shudder, but lifted her chin ever-so-slightly. Let Lord Starsen see the damage his presence was causing her.

  To her chagrin, he bent over to collect her gown and approached her, drawing the material over her shoulders.

  Not many times in her life had she come so close to him. Considering her slight stature, most men towered over her, but not the earl. She only had to lift her face up slightly to meet his crystal-blue eyes. Something she couldn’t name shone in their depths.

  She couldn’t force herself to look away. The heat from his presence, and his hands that still remained on the material of her gown, seeped into her. Her lips parted as his eyes moved to her mouth. Being so close to him made her feel uncomfortable. She didn’t like it.

  “As a way to apologize,” he licked his lips, “I’d be honored if you would join me for dinner at Starsen.”

  Isabella swallowed. The invitation was far more shocking than any other part of this encounter. The man wholly disapproved of her, of that she had no doubt. Over the course of her friendship with his sister, Annalise, they realized both of their brothers were to be avoided.

  “We can tell you the latest news from my sister, and I can avoid making assumptions about you in the future.” His words were only a whisper over her skin. “What do you say? My mother would be overjoyed with the company.”

  Gripping the fabric of her gown, she pulled it from his grasp as she fought against the spell he was weaving around her. After taking a few steps back, she immediately began to feel better. Although she’d been in the presence of men before, nothing compared to the danger she felt at this very moment.

  The most frightening part was that the feeling came more from inside of her than from the man before her. As she took in a deep breath, she washed the strange sensations from her mind. This was calm, boring Lord Starsen. He posed no danger to anyone, least of all to her.

  “Thank you for the offer, my lord, but I must decline.” Her voice emerged weaker than she intended.

  Surprise flashed through his eyes, but so did determination.

  “What do we have here?” Raymond emerged from the trees, breathless. “I don’t think Lord Midcliffe will be happy to hear about this.”

  She cringed as did Lord Starsen. The very mention of her half-brother, Henry, brought that reaction to a number of people. Letting out a sigh, she retreated another step away from the earl. Raymond was right. Henry wouldn’t be too pleased to learn she’d been in such a state of undress with a man.

  “On the contrary.” Isabella moved closer to the man hired to follow her and report her actions. “He would be relieved, as am I. While I went for a swim, the wind blew my dress precariously close to the water. Had Lord Starsen not stumbled upon it at that very moment, my dress would have been ruined. I would have been forced to walk all the way to Midcliffe in my undergarments.”

  Raymond’s eyes moved from her to Lord Starsen. After a few agonizing seconds, he nodded. As she made her way to the forest’s edge, she shot the earl a triumphant grin.

  “I hope her story is correct.” She heard Raymond tell Lord Starsen as she dressed, obscured by the foliage. “The girl’s safety is my priority. Should anything happen to her while in your presence, you wouldn’t like the result.”

  “Are you threatening me?” His voice was conversational, bored even, and Isabella wondered after him. Surely, he should be angered. What was wrong with the man?

  “Merely stating a fact.”

  Once she was finished, she hurried through the bushes, hoping Lord Starsen could hold Raymond’s attention long enough for her to get away. Ever since she was sixteen, she’d been shadowed by him, and after four years, she’d discovered a few tricks. Unfortunately, so did Raymond.

  Before long, Raymond appeared at her side. “Thought to escape me again? You should know better than to question my hearing.”

  She shrugged. “You never know when age will take that from you.”

  To her surprise, he chuckled. “When will you learn that I am here to help you?”

  With a snort, she rolled her eyes to look at him. “No. You’re here to help my brother. My every movement is reported back to him.”

  Raymond nodded. “Exactly, and that threat helps to contain your wilder tendencies. Besides, you know your brother only wants what is best for you.”

  Biting her lip, she kept her reaction to herself. Henry did want what was best for her, but he went about it the wrong way. Honestly, he was part of the reason why she tended to be more adventurous than typical maidens her age. After all, nothing brought out the urge for flight like a locked cage.

  Even now, she planned her next escape from her room. After all, once Henry found out she’d been nearly naked and not alone, she’d never again be allowed a glimpse of the outside.

  ~ ~ ~

  Marcus Hera, Lord Starsen, stared unseeingly at the stack of papers on his desk. Knowing the urgent matters needed to be addressed didn’t persuade his mind to concentrate on his work. Instead, an image of perfect breasts with hardened nipples straining against wet fabric kept his thoughts and brought his body to attention.

  Squeezing his hands, he nearly snapped his pen in two, but he didn’t care. He’d always disapproved of Lady Isabella and hadn’t wasted many thoughts on her, until today. Why did it have to be her?

  He shook his head. It wasn’t her. It was simply the sight of a near naked woman he’d reacted to. Not Lady Isabella, specifically. A smile stretched his lips at the realization.

  His thoughts turned to how he had invited her to dine with him and his smile fell. He couldn’t fathom what had possessed him to do such a thing, or why she’d refused him. Honestly, he couldn’t decide which bothered him more.

  “My lord.” The butler intruded upon his disquieting thoughts. “Mr. Burch is here to see you.”

  “Please, send him in.”

  Happy with the diversion, Marcus set his pen down and pushed the papers to the side. They could wait. The Burch family had lived on Starsen land for five generations. As Marcus and the youngest of the Burch’s, Christopher, had been born the same year, the boys had developed a friendship.

  “Christopher, please have a seat,” Marcus welcomed as the man came in. “Would you like some brandy?”

  “Can’t. I’m on official business today. You wanted an update on the repairs needed over the estate.”

  “Yes. As I stated before, the roof is priority. How many other homes do we have left that need theirs repaired?”

  A grin spread across Christopher’s face. “Thanks to my efficiency and planning, there are only three left.”

  Marcus whistled. “Didn’t Mr. Jamison’s initial estimate include another month of repairs?”

  “I told you the old fool had no idea how to make the proper arrangements.”

  “Then, it’s a good thing I put you in charge, isn’t it?”

  After letting out a yawn, Christopher buffed his fingernails on his chest. “You’re lucky to have me.”

  Unable to help himself, Marcus laughed. “Give me an hour to finish up here. Then, we can help with those last houses and further improve your numbers.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Later that night, Marcus leaned heavily on his cane as he moved into the drawing room, having endured a dull conversation at dinner. Unfortunately, the majority of the time
, his mind had been drawn to the opposite end of the table. When he and his mother had arrived at Lord Tomasson’s gathering, he hadn’t expected to see Lady Isabella, nor had he anticipated his reaction to her.

  Although the lady had barely looked at him, he’d been acutely aware of her presence as well as every movement she had made. Her eyes shone brightly throughout dinner, as did her face. She exuded happiness and mischief in a way that pulled his attention. And, his irritation.

  “Marcus,” his mother chastised. “Don’t stand over in the corner brooding. How are you ever going to get married if you don’t apply yourself?”

  Letting out a sigh, he nodded his head. It was pointless to argue with her. Ever since Annalise married, she had turned the full force of her determination on him. He had never missed his sister more than he did at times like this.

  “Your wish is my command.”

  “Get on, then.”

  She swatted at his chest, bringing a smile to his lips as he surveyed the group. Most of the other occupants were deep in conversation or busy listening to the lady at the pianoforte. Forcing a discussion with any of them didn’t appeal to him, then his eyes landed on Lady Isabella.

  The lady sat perched on the edge of her seat, appearing to be too involved in listening to the music to provoke an interruption. However, as he watched her, he noticed the tight set of her mouth and the way her eyes would blink a little too long to be anything other than boredom.

  Not having to force a smile, he made his way over to her. “Do you mind if I join you?”

  Her eyebrows lifted in question, but the bored expression didn’t leave her face. “As you please, my lord.”

  Unperturbed by her less than welcoming response, he gratefully dropped into the chair beside her, relieved to take the pressure off his leg. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “As much as I always do when my brother insists I attend an event,” she replied without remorse.

  “With the overabundance of enthusiasm on your face, it’s a wonder why you turned down attending a dinner party at Starsen.”

  “Dinner party? Your invitation sounded more intimate than that.”

  Widening his eyes, he feigned offense, hoping to correct his rash invitation in the first place. “How could you ever entertain the notion I would do something so improper?”

  Her head quirked to the side as she studied him. “You’re right. You are definitely not the type of man who would consider anything remotely close to it.”

  All other thoughts fled his mind as he set his jaw. He felt as though their previous conversation was reversed. It was his turn to be insulted that she would assume to know him.

  “Then, please, tell me what type of man I am.”

  “I know what you are thinking, but there is a huge difference between the two of us. Where you know nothing about me, I have a great deal of knowledge about you.”

  “Is that so?” He leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowed. “Please, enlighten me.”

  Her spine straightened as she stared him down. “No, thank you, my lord. My mouth may get away from me from time to time, but I know when to reign it back in.”

  The mention of that part of her had his gaze falling to her lips. Plump and red with a hint of a smile teasing the corners. He swallowed the overwhelming urge to lean forward and touch his mouth to hers. What was wrong with him? He’d never been affected in this way before. However, all he could think about was his desire to kiss her.

  “Sometimes it’s appropriate to let certain parts of ourselves run wild.”

  Her mouth fell open, teasing him further. “What are you saying, Lord Starsen?”

  Confusion swirled through his mind. What was he saying? After years of suppressing his impulsive behavior, he had never lost control of his words. Now, here he was, flirting—actually flirting—with a lady. He shook his head and pulled his eyes away from her tempting mouth.

  “Nothing.” He stood. “Please excuse me, my lady.”

  With a bow, he moved away from her as swiftly as possible, the pain in his leg be damned. It had to be the pressure in his life right now making him act this way. Or, perhaps it was his tired, aching bones. Regardless, he couldn’t go on like this. From now on, talking to Lady Isabella Rossland was out of the question.

  ~ ~ ~

  “I don’t know what you are talking about,” Isabella lied, looking at anything but her half-brother.

  “Don’t pretend to be innocent. I saw the way the Earl of Starsen was looking at you. How many times have I told you not to encourage certain men?”

  The anger in her half-brother’s voice couldn’t be mistaken. Isabella resisted the urge to sigh. She never understood why he always believed she was the one who encouraged a man, not the other way around.

  “I find it hard to believe that our innocent conversation appeared to be anything other than that.”

  He let out a laugh, although nothing in his expression indicated mirth. “Dearest, nothing you do with a man like that can ever be innocent. When he looks at you with a directness in his gaze, there is only one thing on his mind.”

  Rising, she began to pace the room. She knew what her half-brother referred to. Henry had made a point to ensure she was well-informed. With both her mother and father dead, the task of her education had fallen to him.

  His methods were unorthodox, but after dutifully reading each and every sordid novel he presented to her, she had a very clear idea of what happened between a man and a woman. Although the act sounded like it would be rather pleasant, she hadn’t found anyone she would even consider doing such a thing with.

  “I’m fairly certain Lord Starsen had a number of things on his mind. Besides, as dreary as that man is, I’d venture to say he’s never even heard of such an act.”

  To her surprise, Henry laughed. “I daresay you are right. Regardless, you need to exercise more caution in the future. Now, help me with my leg before it seizes up.”

  Trying to keep the pity from her face, she moved to her half-brother and sank down to the floor in front of him. When he’d been a child, Henry had been in the carriage with his mother when a spooked horse ran them into a tree. The countess had died instantly while Henry’s legs had been trapped beneath the vehicle.

  As she put her hands on either side of his trouser-clad leg, she massaged the tight muscles exactly like he’d shown her. His eyes were closed and his brow furrowed. Pity for his condition struck her, but she waved it away. She was glad she could offer him some bit of relief from the daily pain he endured.

  When she neared his knee, he stiffened, and she lightened her touch. The majority of his discomfort came from the joint and was the reason why she’d been the only person he’d allowed to help him. Too many times she’d heard him yelling at maids for bringing him additional pain. After that, she’d been the only one he allowed to come near his injured leg.

  “That’s enough.” His tight voice indicated he still needed her assistance, but she did as he requested.

  His eyes were still closed, but his jaw clenched. Normally, he didn’t want her to massage his knee but the fact he seemed to need it now, made her hesitant to stop.

  When she reached for his knee again, he stood, knocking her on her bottom. He looked down at her, pain glistening in his eyes, then strode away from her. Cursing under his breath, he limped from the room. She must have made it worse for him.

  Pulling herself to her feet, her eyes widened as she took in the still open door. Henry must have been too preoccupied with his physical state to demand she stay home or lock her in her room for her own safety. Or, so he would claim.

  As she hurried from the house, she silently rejoiced to see Raymond hadn’t appeared from the shadows. In as little time as she could manage, she mounted her mare and set her to a run. As the surroundings became familiar, she realized she’d turned her horse in the direction of Avange Manor.

  Her mind centered on the earl. For once, she suspected Henry had been correct about the man’s thoughts
. When Lord Starsen had stared at her lips yesterday, the blue of his eyes darkened like the night sky. And, his words. She shivered. Perhaps something existed in the man that could be more interesting than the tedious, disapproving person she believed him to be.

  Deciding to use the excuse of visiting his mother, Isabella dismounted and allowed the stable boy to take the reins.

  “Lady Isabella?”

  She froze at the sound of the earl’s voice, then slowly turned to face him. He stood in the opening of the stable, dressed in easy riding clothes, minus his jacket. The sight made her speechless as her eyes traveled down his body.

  He quirked an eyebrow. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  Heat rushed up her cheeks as she averted her gaze from his well-maintained body. She cleared her throat as she straightened her back. “I’m here to see your mother, not you, so I wasn’t aware I needed to obtain prior approval for my visit.”

  He crossed his arms over his impossibly broad chest. “I don’t think you are capable of obtaining approval, from anyone, for any of your actions.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she mirrored his position. “Not that it is any of your concern, but I am capable of a lot more than you think.”

  He shrugged in a bored manner. Fuming, she resisted the urge to stomp her foot. The man was infuriating. Over the many years she’d been friends with his sister, he’d never spoken more than a handful of words to her. Times like this made her long for those days.

  “What happened to the man you were the other night?” she demanded. “The one who told me I needed to allow myself to be wild?”

  His throat moved as he swallowed, then after his eyes scanned their surroundings, he offered his arm. “Please, allow me to escort you to the countess.”

  Realizing he didn’t want an audience for his next words, her interest was piqued. Taking his arm, she allowed him to lead her toward the manor.


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