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Ensnaring Lord Starsen

Page 11

by Jenn Langston

  “When I said that, I didn’t know you well,” she said in a small voice. “Things can change.”

  After closing his eyes for a few seconds, Marcus rounded the desk, took her hand, and led her to the sofa. They sat, then he angled his body to face her, their knees touching. She couldn’t keep the misery out of her expression as he tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  “They can’t.” His raspy voice sounded thick with emotion. “You know I’m not the one for you. Last night was a prime example. I can’t keep up. You need someone whole. Someone who dances you into submission. Someone who matches your steps in every aspect of your life.”

  She didn’t like this. Nothing was turning out as it should. “You think dancing is my priority? I don’t need that, and besides, there are plenty of other partners I can take at a ball.”

  “Yes, but you—”

  Unable to take his negativity any longer, she leaned forward, pressed her lips to his, and secured her hands behind his head to keep him there. His resistance only lasted a second before he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back.

  Thrilled with his reaction, she slid her tongue into his mouth, marveling at the new sensations. He let out a growl as he devoured her with his lips. Much too fast, she wanted more.

  Needing to feel him pressed up against her, to know how much he desired her, she pulled him to her. They fell backwards on the seat of the sofa. She gasped at the welcome feeling of his weight on top of her.

  Her movement didn’t deter Marcus, as he kissed along her face to nuzzle the sensitive skin on her neck. She moaned as he sucked and licked at her flesh. This was exactly what she wanted.

  The feeling of his hardness pressing into her thigh was enough to drive her mad. She wanted his pressure against the one part of her that throbbed for his attention. Squirming against him, she tried to maneuver him to get what she wanted.

  A strangled sound escaped his throat as he reclaimed her mouth. Her fingernails bit into his back, holding him to her. Pleasure speared through her body as Marcus thrust against her, touching her most private place. A whimper escaped her mouth.

  “Marcus,” she pleaded between his kisses.

  Immediately, he pulled back, his wild eyes surveying her with shock in their depths. When she tried to tug him back down, he pulled away further until he stood on the other side of the room from her. The large distance he had placed between them bothered her.

  She sat up, not trusting her legs to hold her. Training her attention on Marcus, she was disappointed to see him looking away from her. Dropping her gaze to his lower body, she had to suppress a smile. Regardless of the distance he put between them, he still desired her.

  “This is another reason why we can’t see each other.” His rough voice betrayed the difficulty of uttering those words.

  “Why? Because you want me?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, then he closed his eyes. “I can’t seem to control myself around you.”

  She loved the sound of his raspy voice as well as his loss of control. The man before her fascinated her, and she wanted him. Lady Burman’s words came back to her, and she bit down to hold herself from telling him to join her again.

  “I don’t mind.”

  He snorted. “Of course, you don’t. That doesn’t change the fact that we can’t be together.”

  “All because you think you are wrong for me?” She stood, reclaiming his attention.

  “And my promise.” His eyes watched her warily as she approached him, but his words stopped her.

  “I do believe I’ve said this before, but your promise isn’t official until you are betrothed. Until then, I see no harm in indulging in a few kisses.”

  “No good will come from that.”

  She placed a hand over her chest, feigning offense. “And, here I thought I received quite a bit of good from it. Perhaps I have no skill.”

  “I don’t think I shall dignify that with a response.” He cleared his throat. “Now, if I were to agree that my promise is not valid at present since nothing is official, we still have the issue of my suitability.”

  Sensing his will crumbling, she smiled. “Why don’t you let me determine who is and isn’t appropriate for me.”

  She reached out for him, and he didn’t move away. His shoulders slumped, and she knew she’d won. For now.

  “Isabella, I—”

  A knock at the door, followed by the sight of Lady Starsen’s shocked face, cut Marcus off. As the lady pushed the door further open, her eyes bulged. Isabella inwardly cringed. Thank goodness she hadn’t arrived any sooner. Although . . .

  “What do the two of you think you’re doing alone in a closed room with no chaperone? Honestly, Marcus, you know better.”

  “Don’t fret, my lady.” Isabella hurried to respond. “I was simply leaving.”

  Without waiting for another word to be spoken, Isabella walked out of the study. She would let Marcus handle his mother as he saw fit. Part of her would have loved to have been caught as Lady Burman had suggested, but the other side of her rebelled at the idea. If she were to marry, it would be because he wanted her, not that he was forced.

  As she made her way back to Midcliffe, she planned ways to see Marcus again. After all, she had no intention of allowing his promise to become something substantial without giving herself a fair chance to fight back.

  Chapter 9

  “My lord, I’d venture to say you haven’t heard one word I said.” Miss Ashford’s disappointment managed to pull Marcus from his thoughts.

  “I’m sorry. I must be more tired than I originally thought.” He offered her a smile, hoping she would accept his apology.

  “I understand. Although I enjoy the garden, I would not object to continuing our conversation in the drawing room at a later time.”

  Taking a deep breath of the cool air, Marcus tried to clear his thoughts of Isabella. Since yesterday, all he could think about was how good she felt in his arms, and how much he wanted her. Then, the uncomfortable reminder of how easily he had been carried away struck him.

  And, his mother had barged in on them. Had she arrived moments before, or even a few minutes later, she would have seen so much more than he would have liked. He cringed to think about the embarrassment that would have caused Isabella. Not to mention, the hurt to Miss Ashford. Thankfully, his mother was only too happy to pretend they hadn’t been caught alone together.

  “No. We can remain here. The day is lovely.”

  She nodded, her eyes bright with excitement. He was struck with how beautiful she was, particularly when animated by her love of the garden. He wondered if Isabella had seen him in a similar manner, dispassionate until recently when he allowed her to see his true self. Shaking his head, he refocused on the lady beside him.

  “Over the days I’ve been here, we’ve covered a varied number of topics. Today, I’d like to talk about love.”

  He faltered, nearly tripping. “Love? That is a strange topic choice.”

  “I don’t believe so. You have told me you think there should be more to my marriage selection than the comforts of a home and a titled gentleman. Were you speaking about love?”

  “Not exactly,” he admitted on a long sigh. “Although, I agree it would be nice to have, the emotion is too rare to be a requirement.”

  She nodded, then kept her thoughts to herself for a few steps. “Have you ever found it with any lady?”

  “No,” he answered easily. He cared over her well-being, but that was it. And with Isabella, he wanted her with a passion he had never felt before, but that wasn’t love either.

  “That’s good to know. I would hate to think you were marrying me while you held a tendre for another.”

  An unwelcome lump settled in his throat. Part of him had hoped she would change her mind about marrying him. Only then would he be free to pursue Isabella. That thought brought him up short. No. He couldn’t do that to her, not with his limitations. Besides, Miss Ashford’s calm mann
er would be more comfortable in the life he led.

  “What about you? Have you felt love for someone?”

  She laughed. “I don’t believe I’m capable of feeling it. My sister, Claire, gazes upon her husband in the same manner your sister does to my brother. It’s something I don’t understand.”

  Shifting to lean more on his cane, he shook off his discomfort. Likely it had been desire on the faces she’d noticed, not love. He’d seen love, felt it even, for his family. The feeling was sedate and comforting. Not passionate and wild.

  “I don’t believe we must understand it, just be happy for those who experience it.”

  A soft sigh escaped her lips. “Claire thinks my life will be unfulfilled if I don’t have it. Naturally, she’s wrong, but the development of the emotion fascinates me. It’s something I’d like to observe.”

  He let out a laugh. “Watching love develop? I daresay that would not be an easy feat. How would you even find a couple to observe?”

  “There are a number of balls and parties. I simply need to select a couple out of the crowd.”

  “What about their interactions that occur outside of the social settings?”

  She pressed her lips together and tapped her finger against them. “Perhaps this will be more difficult than I thought. It would be much simpler to choose people close to me and force them together.”

  Cocking his head to the side, he studied the girl. “You sure have an unusual understanding of the emotion. Simply being together does not make two people fall in love.”

  A small smile twisted her lips. As if she knew something he didn’t. The sight of it made him believe there was so much more to Miss Ashford than he originally thought. Perhaps it was past time for him to give her his full attention.

  “There she is,” Miss Ashford said, her eyes focusing on someone up the path. “The lady is so unpredictable, I never know when she will be able to join me.”

  Following her gaze, Marcus froze. Isabella walked toward them, her jet-black hair blowing in the breeze. His heart sped at the sight of her as his body too easily recalled the amazing sensations of her beneath him.

  “I wasn’t aware you were expecting a visitor.” Marcus had to force his voice to remain calm. “I can leave you to your friend.”

  “Nonsense. I hadn’t been sure if she would be able to join me, so I didn’t inform you. And, I’m sure she would have no issue with you remaining with us.”

  After they exchanged greetings, at Miss Ashford’s suggestion, they decided to sit on a pair of stone benches placed in an outcropping. As the ladies sat beside each other, Marcus let out a sigh of relief. Had they chosen separate benches, he wouldn’t have been able to decide who to join.

  “It is a lovely day to be outside,” Isabella remarked before turning her attention to Miss Ashford. “Now, what was your idea that you wanted to talk to me about?”

  He lifted his eyebrow as he looked at Miss Ashford, not knowing what was going on. Clearly the girl had a purpose for wanting both him and Isabella here.

  As if uncomfortable with the question, Miss Ashford tucked a stray lock of blond hair behind her ear. “Well, my sister, Claire, had mentioned to me how ideal a place the garden was for a late-night stroll. She mentioned Avange Manor hosting one in the past.”

  A smile lit Isabella’s face. “Yes. I do recall that night. Annalise arranged the entire evening. I believe there were near a dozen couples present.”

  “Would you like me to arrange one?” Marcus asked, still unsure of the purpose to having Isabella present.

  Miss Ashford’s gaze fell upon Isabella. “I had hoped Isabella would be able to help us make the arrangements as well. Between the three of us, I’m certain we could set an event to surpass that of the last one.”

  Shaking his head, Marcus could barely contain his amusement. He never would have guessed the girl enjoyed hosting events. Well, that would certainly please his mother.

  “I’d be delighted to, that is, if Lord Starsen concurs.” Isabella turned her eyes to him.

  “Absolutely,” he hastened to agree.

  At this point, he would do just about anything to spend more time in Isabella’s presence. She may not be destined for his future, but he’d be damned if he let anything keep her away from his present as well.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Tell me you followed the petals this time,” Isabella demanded as soon as Marcus arrived at the center of the maze.

  He chuckled, a sound she enjoyed. “You have such little faith in me.”

  “Well, I didn’t want you to be hurting this time. I much prefer you at your peak.”

  “Is that so? Then, what is it that you intend to do with me?”

  “Hmm. I hadn’t really thought about it. What can you do for me?” She sat on the bench, fluffing out her skirts, then looked at him expectantly. Flirting with him always made her feel warm deep in her stomach.

  “That is a good question.” He rubbed a finger along his chin. “How about I tell you what I can do to you?”

  Her breath caught as a wave of awareness stabbed through her. It was amazing how the one question could garner such a response from her. This was the unpredictable Marcus she’d come to adore.

  “Please.” The one word emerged so thick, she barely recognized her own voice.

  He crossed the space, then slid into the seat beside her, brushing her skirts out of the way. “For starters, I could kiss you. Although my skill is merely tolerable, I can make up for that with enthusiasm.”

  “Yes,” she breathed, leaning toward him. “Kissing sounds good.”

  His breath washed over her face as his hand lightly ran down her cheek in a feather light touch. “Or, I could caress your flawless skin. It’s a pleasure I’ve neglected up until this point, and one I’d like to correct.”

  “That sounds nice, too.” Her nerve endings were on fire, wanting him to give her more contact.

  “Then, there is your hair. I want to see those silky strands loose down on your back. To tangle in my hands as I claim your mouth.”

  His rough voice nearly made her blind with need. Still, she wanted him to continue. Never had she imagined how sensual it would be to hear him describe doing things to her. A pulsing ache centered between her legs, and she longed to feel the weight of him on top of her once again.

  “Go on,” she forced out.

  “Your neck. My lips long to caress the sensitive flesh there. To sample the taste of your skin and revel in your warmth.”

  She couldn’t take it any longer. “Then, what are you waiting for?”

  “Your permission.”

  “That is something you don’t need, because you already have it and always will.”

  A low moan escaped his lips before his mouth was on hers. Pleasure exploded under her skin as she rejoiced in the contact she had longed for. But, it wasn’t enough.

  As if sensing her thoughts, Marcus clasped her around the waist and lifted her to sit on his lap without breaking their kiss. Thrilled with the new position, she ran her hands through his hair, loving the smooth texture.

  His hand rubbed slow circles at her waist, ever so often inching higher. As the movement brought him closer to her breasts, her nipples hardened, demanding he close the distance.

  She whimpered, but still he didn’t answer her plea. The waiting was torture, and unable to take it any longer, she pulled her hand from his hair and placed it over his. She guided him up until his fingers reached that yearning part of her.

  Relief flooded her as he massaged her flesh. When he pinched her nipple through the fabric, she gasped, and thrust her chest further into his hand. The new sensations thrilled her and left her craving more.

  True to his word, he moved his mouth along her jaw to settle in at the base of her neck. He licked and sucked at her while his hand massaged her, and she thought she wouldn’t be able to survive the pleasure of it. Never before had she imagined anything feeling so wonderful.

  Much too soon, Marcus dropped his hand
and pulled back with a groan. “We have to stop. Now. I don’t know what you are doing to me. Control hasn’t been an issue for me since I was a youth.”

  Sliding from his lap, she let out a forced laugh. “And here I thought this was about what you were doing to me.”

  “It seems we have a certain effect on each other. Perhaps we should try talking?”

  Disappointment ran through her still overheated body, but she nodded regardless. Judging from the feel of him, she knew he desired her, and it helped to know he was in a similar state as she. Perhaps, if he remembered this moment when he was with Miss Ashford, he would change his promise. Unless he desired the girl as well. She pursed her lips as she thought about the possibility.

  “Talking would be nice.” She dropped her gaze to his lap. “After all, I can see the effect I’m having on you.”

  He grinned. “Say what you will. I’m not ashamed.”

  “That’s certainly different than the other day when we discussed this subject.”

  “Well, seeing as you already know how I feel, it seems silly to be concerned over something so natural.”

  Curious, she leaned forward to get a better look at the bulge. The fact that a part of him changed fascinated her. She knew if she took Lady Burman’s advice and seduced Marcus, she would have all the answers.

  “Does this happen often? In all my readings, they never mention what happens before.”

  As if losing his earlier comfort with the subject, he quickly stood, using his cane to get further away from her. “What readings are you talking about?”

  Resting back against the bench, she studied him. “Henry gave me a few scandalous books to read in order to further my education.”

  His eyes widened. “He did what? Dear God. A number of the things in those pages are not for an innocent young lady to see.”

  Dropping her mouth open in shock, she stared at him. “You’ve read them as well?”

  He cleared his throat. “In my youth, I was a bit wilder than I should have been. I suppose in that regard, we received our education the same way.”


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